Peppa Pig Tales 🐷 Peppa And Daddy Pig Make Pancakes For Mummy Pig 🐷 Peppa Pig Episodes

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[Music] Peppa pig tails hey today is Valentine's Day Daddy Pig loves Valentine's Day Splendid we need lots of decorations for Mummy Pig's big surprise what big surprise we're going to make a special Valentine's Day surprise for when Mommy Pig comes home Valentine better get cracking hooray Peppa and George are having fun making Valentine's Day decorations and Daddy Pig is having fun hanging the decorations but daddy pig is not being careful and Tada perfect now what's next h H perhaps we should tidy up ooh let's make Valentine's pancakes first Peppa George and daddy pig are making yummy heartshaped pancakes now for the fun bit whisking this is fun Peppa loves whiskey Peppa really loves whiskey oh my careful if you make too much mess we won't have enough mix to make Valentine's pancakes [Music] aha wonderful now we'd better get tidying it but what about a Valentine's card daddy oh yes daddy pig isn't sure whether to make the card or tidy up the mess quickly Now Peppa and George are helping daddy pig make a Valentine's card but mommy pig is almost home and done now just enough time to tidy up before what's going on in here happy valentine day we made you a card and pancakes what a lovely surprise thank you everyone things got a bit messy as we worked but as a last Valentine surprise we'll get tidying up won't we Mommy Pig loves her Valentine surprise and Peppa George and daddy pig loved making it and cleaning up after it [Music] Peppa pig tails handful that againat the rules Oops why are you blowing a whistle Miss rabbit and what do those cards mean I'm the referee I blow the whistle to get attention if someone makes a mistake I give them a yellow card and if someone's being a bit silly I give them a red card ooh can I be the referee of course Now Peppa is the [Music] referee h [Music] H what's wrong Peppa you kicked the ball too fast Mandy missed it but that's not against the rules I'm the referee now daddy so I say it is oh dear Peppa likes being the referee and she really likes blowing the whistle your shoelace is undone you're not smiling oh you nearly kicked that lovely flower Peppa is finding all sorts of reasons to blow the whistle oh you're running too [Music] [Applause] fast you're swinging too high oh your ice cream is too melty watch out o can we have a go now I want to kick Daddy Pig and Miss Rabbit are not following the rules referee this St is too sweet referee Peppa Peppa is having so much fun she's forgotten all about the football match oops Oh Daddy that's not how you play footable you're being a bit silly I'm going to have to give you a red card sorry Peppa I suppose we got a bit carried away that's okay okay Daddy but I think it's your turn to referee [Music] Now Peppa pig tails stop today Peppa and her family are walking to the duck pond but there's a big metal barrier in the way sorry folks the path is closed but we're almost at the pond I'm afraid it's much too slippy [Music] who just follow the diversion signs with the bright red arrows won't take you long a diversion is when you have to go a different way come on everyone it'll be an adventure see you soon Ducks here it is Peppa has found the first bright red arrow and another h a and another oh but the next sign has fallen down wakey wakey Mr sign nobody knows which way to go H do we go left or right the right way sounds right hoay m h are we lost we're not lost we just don't know where we are when you don't know where you are you are probably lost um look a duck Hello Duck excuse me Mrs duck do you know where the duck pond is what a spot of luck lead the way duck [Music] H this is a duck Trail daddy we must all waddle like ducks we're going to the duck pond big wig whack we're going to see the docks go quack quack quack we're going to the duck pond Wile wiggle whack we're going to see the ducks go quack qu qu Peppa and her family have made it to the duck pond we did it yay you took your time I bet you're glad you took the diversion yes it was much more fun and much less slippery quack quack quack quack Peppa pig tails Peppa and Emily Elephant are having lots of fun at the beach today they love the water look Emily I'm a fish plop plop [Music] plop ah I have an idea there's so many fish Peppa how did you do that Emily did you hold your breath no I can use my trunk to breathe because it's so long oh [Music] what's the matter Peppa I wish I had a trunk like Emily so I could breathe underwater and look at the fish I know come with me [Music] Peppa tada this long tube goes in your mouth and means you can breathe underwater like Emily's trunk exactly like Emily's trunk why does your voice sound funny Peppa it's my stle it means I can re under water like you look no [Music] Peppa yuck oh Peppa you must be careful the snorkel didn't work and the water tasted horrible that's because it's saltwater Peppa you need to keep your lips shut tight around the snorkel so you can breathe through your mouth without letting water in you have to take long deep breaths like [Music] this Peppa practices taking big deep breaths do you want to try again um [Music] okay I did it I saw lots of colorful fish yes well done and thank you for helping her Emily and to get rid of the taste of the salty water George and I thought you might like some ice cream yay Peppa pig tails Baby Alexander and his family have come to say happy Christmas but Baby Alexander isn't happy at all why is Baby Alexander crying Christmas is fun well this is baby Alexander's first Christmas he doesn't know how fun it can be yet then it's got to be extra special I'll show him all my favorite christmy things I love Christmas dinner it has Carrot potato sprouts [Music] no you're supposed to eat it not throw it let's try something else wrapping present is really fun you can put the bow on [Music] top no we need to wrap them up so other people can open them [Music] [Music] Baby Alexander thinks unwrapping presents is much more fun than wrapping [Music] them I don't don't think Alexander likes Christmas at all really he's been having fun with you all day but I wanted it to be extra special for him spending Christmas with his cousin is extra special Peppa but he's doing it all wrong Alexander is just a baby maybe you need to find some simple things he can do right Christmas for baby babies Oh I have some [Music] ideas Baby Alexander enjoys passing out the Christmas presents thank you Alexander this one's for Mommy and he really likes Christmas crafts well done Alexander and music jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride on a one open sleigh [Applause] hooray but he enjoys spending Christmas with Peppa most of all now we'll always remember Alexander's first [Music] Christmas Peppa pig tails today is sports day at Peppa's playgroup there is a pink team and a blue team they're trying to win gold medals I'm going to win whoops Rebecca rabbit is finding the sack race quite difficult yay hoay Emily Elephant on the pink team has won the sack race hooray you're so fast squeak oh no I lost you did your best and we can still win now it is time for the egg and Spoon race faster Peppa but Peppa is finding it difficult to run fast and balance her egg Peppa don't drop the egg [Music] okay slow down Danny but don't go too slow slower faster slower no faster squeak [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no did it we won the race it's a draw between the two teams the next game is ring toss whichever team hooks the most rings onto the wooden stick will win sports day that's one point for each [Music] team another point for each team it's still a draw Rebecca and Freddy it's your turn but if I miss we'll lose oh don't worry about winning just do your best and have lots of [Music] fun yay we lost squeak but we had a lot of fun anyway you're right Peppa well done pink team you get gold medals wow and the blue team did really well too so they get silver medals wow the pink team and The Blue Team love sports day everyone loves sports day [Music] Peppa pig tails splash splash dinosaur today Peppa and George are helping to make Christmas lunch they are giving the vegetables a bath quack quack yes they need bath toys There You Go [Music] vegetables that's not quite what I meant when I said wash the vegetables I finished cooking the potatoes why don't you and George mash them yes yes potatoes not with your hands with these okay Daddy [Music] now what's next Mummy Pig done that was quick ho ho you've made an igloo out of potato what fun you can help me ice the cake now yes please with a few bits of green icing and some splodges of white icing it looks like mistletoe Mist toe hooray AR turn AR turn here you go Peppa you do the leaves and George you do the oo like this well not quite but this is much more fun than mistletoe it looks like a [Music] snowman snowman Granny and Grandpa Pig are arriving for Christmas lunch happy Christmas oh oh my Peppa and George's Christmas lunch looks messier than grandma pig expected Peppa and George have been helping us make the Christmas lunch it's not how we'd normally do it no but it's much more fun Peppa and her family enjoy a lovely Christmas lunch [Music] together [Music] it's filled with lots of [Music] laughter and some fun New Traditions too happy Christmas everyone happy Christmas Christmas Peppa pig tails ooh that feels so squishy Peppa and her playg group are playing lots of games [Music] [Laughter] today it feels like jelly correct H aha feels like a banana correct again oh M tastes like banana too you're go Pedro but I don't want to touch something smoy it'll be okay our smooy thing were delicious oh it's cold and made of metal is it okay it Is Well Done Pedro it's a key to a special Mystery Box you need to find two more to unlock the prize oo how do we find more Madame Gazelle in our next Gest of course these are pinatas you have to find the exciting surprises inside how do we do that you break them open with these soft foam bats hooray it's full of [Music] snow mine too oh oh I did it the second key only one more to go I love Passa Passa me May Oh Oh I thought what I [Music] won this is a very long song what is it oh the music stopped hooray Now Peppa and her friends have found all three keys it's time to find out their prize wow Christmas biscuits yum you did it Peppa you all did it together Pedro [Applause] [Music] hooray Peppa pig tails snap oh Peppa is playing games with her friends I love playing snap I keep winning I don't like Snap Peppa would quite like to win a game snap I know let's play Snakes and Ladders instead woohoo Snakes and Ladders but I was winning 1 2 3 four I'm going to win two places now I get to go up a ladder I'm right near the finish line now it's your turn [Music] Rebecca oh dear Rebecca isn't going to win if she goes down the snake I know let's play marble run I love marble run marble run but I was going to [Music] win yay yay my pink marble is winning I know let's play pack the parrot ooh I love pack the parrot but my marble is [Music] winning it's going to pop up I can't look I know let's play snap [Music] again snap Snakes and Ladders Peppa and her friends like swapping games in fact they like swapping games so much they've forgotten who is [Music] [Music] winning [Music] but who won Peppa I think we all won oh my word I think it might be time for a new game called tidying [Music] up [Music] Peppa pig tails it is Christmas Eve and daddy pig is putting the Christmas tree on the car so it can be decorated at home Peppa is helping F Peppa oh we've got all the new decorations bu perfect now let's head home everyone is very excited to decorate the tree jingle bells jingle bells jingle what fun it is to ride in hey why have we stopped Daddy I'm not sure we're going to fit in the tunnel with this tree let's try going slowly snowing oh no bits of the tree are falling off oh we'll have to go the long way round your we wish you Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year why is the car so [Music] bumpy the trees on the road are brushing against the tree on our car oh no maybe this road with no trees will be [Music] better this road has no trees so the wind is blowing the Christmas [Music] tree oh dear all the Pines must have fallen off on the way but we need a tree for Christmas bir George has given Peppa an idea we can still decorate the tree and make it really fun and Christmasy that's a wonderful idea Peppa Peppa and her family get to work decorating their new special kind of Christmas [Music] tree hooray it looks lovely this bird thinks the Christmas tree looks lovely too bu wonderful Peppa now the birds can have Christmas too the birds love their new Christmas tree everybody loves the new Christmas tree ho ho [Music] ho Peppa pig tails Peppa is having lots of fun playing in the snow with her friends that's cold but every game they play seems to cover them in cold snow Hello daddy Peppa you're covered in snow I think it's time to come inside and warm up up or you'll turn into a snow monster snow monsters don't exist Daddy can we play for five more minutes please oh all right then five more M [Music] yay oh dear Peppa and her friends play lots of games in the snow they aren't worried about turning into snow monsters at all let's play snowballs [Music] yay you'll never get me [Music] Peppa what was that noise it sounded like [Music] has anybody seen my glasses a s snow monster quick let's hide oh dear let's hide here F the snow monster won't find us here the snow monster has found them pap it's me oh that's not a snow [Music] monster it's Daddy Pig I told you there's no such thing as snow monsters come on Daddy we'll make you warm again and melt all this snow and look for my glasses on the way oh your glasses hooray thank you suie Daddy Pig is very glad to be back home in the war he's not a snow monster anymore everyone is warming up inside with hot chocolate even snow monsters like hot chocolate [Music] Peppa pig [Music] tails Peppa's family are having a New Year's Eve party and all the guests are arriving hello Peppa are you excited to stay up until midnight I'm going to have a nap so I'm really awake for the fireworks looks like George needs a nap too would you like a nap pepper no Mommy we're big so we're going to stay up until midnight let's go and play in my room h huh what's that sound wake up Peppa you fell asleep no I didn't I'm big so I don't need a nap how are we going to stay awake oh let's make each other jump then we'll be really awake let's try [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it I know what will keep us awake hide and seek I'll be it 1 2 3 here I come oh found [Music] you ouch huh found you I'm not [Music] sleeping huh found you Peppa what I wasn't sleeping Peppa and her friends are trying to think of another way to stay awake let's have something to eat these are yummy now I'm so full I'm not tired anymore Emily wake up wake up it's almost midnight we almost missed it maybe you should have taken a nap like us it's time for the fireworks fireworks Peppa loves staying up late on New Year's Eve 2 1 happy New Year everyone loves staying up late on New Year's Eve [Music] Peppa pig tails today at playgroup Madame Gazelle has a special surprise [Music] yeah is it Halloween again I'm going to be a wizard I'm going to be a tree squeak I'm going to be a wizard tree no children pumpkins aren't only used to celebrate Halloween they're also used to celebrate a special holiday in America called Thanksgiving can I still be a wizard tree for Thanksgiving I don't see why not something else people do on Thanksgiving is make a coruc copia COR copia what that sounds silly Cornucopia it's a horn shaped basket that holds fruits and vegetables that grow in the Autumn we're going to make one of our own thank you fresh fruits and vegetables are certainly things I'm grateful for one story even says kopas can magically refill themselves ooh can this refill itself sadly not the play group is making their own Thanksgiving Cornucopia by collecting things that they're thankful for I'm thankful for acorns and Pumpkins I'm going to add this chocolate bar from my lunchbox I love chocolate bars oh maybe just one [Music] [Applause] [Music] bite ooh the rapper is the best part anyway [Laughter] [Music] that was close you've all made a beautiful cor copia it's home time and Peppa is showing mommy pig and daddy pig what she learned today this is a corn on copia it's part of Thanksgiving and help remind us to be thankful for all the yummy food we get to eat lovely indeed oh but your Cornucopia is reminding my tummy how hungry it [Music] is Peppa pig tails that car went really fast don't worry this is why it's very important to stop look listen and always wait for the green man before crossing the road the Green Man remember what we learned children stop look and listen all clear no car let's go it's safe to cross Now Peppa and her play group are learning about Road Safety today hello Daddy hello Peppa Peppa's play group hello Daddy P oh green light well see you later Peppa thank you for helping us police officer Panda all in a day's work Peppa is helping police officer panda make sure everyone follows road safety rules no no no Emily you need to stay on your side of the road sorry Peppa my wheel is stuck we'll come help you we we wee [Music] we're keeping the road safe for cars and people Pedro hasn't noticed that green man has turned to Red Pedro the Red Man means don't walk thanks Peppa all in a day's [Music] work wait a minute Freddy is dress as a robber we have to catch the robber we we oh the red light means stop there he goes now we've got him Freddy are you dressed as a robber because you are a robber no I just like Stripes oh so you're not a robber nope oh well you can go then but not so fast okay bye Peppa great work officer Peppa everyone is remembering to stop look and listen and only walk when they see the green man that means we can go all in a day's work officer Panda Peppa loves keeping everyone safe and everyone loves feeling [Music] safe Peppa pig tails found one that's a big one granny Pig has asked Pepper and George to find some fruit and vegetables for lunch first on the list is a fruit that can be red or green what do you think that can be [Laughter] H George we don't have time to eat we have to find fruit for lunch an apple they can be red or green next we have to find a long vegetable that is orange and crunchy I know Rebecca Rabbit always brings carrots to playgroup they are long and orange and crunchy Grandpa where are the carrot trees not everything grows on trees some vegetables grow in the ground I'll help you [Music] George next up is a vegetable that looks like small trees I can only see Big Trees Grandpa not small ones these STS look like little trees their [Music] broccoli very good [Music] Peppa last on the list is oranges that's odd I don't think I grow any oranges if there are oranges here George and I will find them Grandpa Pepper and George are searching everywhere for an orange orange that is the right color but not what we are looking for oranges are round but they can't seem to find one anywhere we found the orange that is the right color and it is round but that is a pumpkin oh orang where did you find those oranges granny we looked everywhere from the Super Market of [Laughter] course Peppa pig tails it's Valentine's Day Peppa and George are making a special dinner for Mommy and Daddy Pig Grandpa Pig is [Music] helping my goodness we're making special Valentine's Day pizzas granny Pig because Valentine's Day is all about showing others that you love them I know we can make the pizza's heart shake [Music] now we toss the dough up into the air just like they do in Roma that's a place in Italy you know aha whoops just like in r uh-oh oh we can cover the lumpy bits with some vegetables from the garden hooray mommy and daddy pig are not sure what's going on Peppa and George are collecting vegetables the pizzas are going to have lots of [Music] toppings let's take the vegetables inside Peppa and George add vegetables to their Pizza I know how to make the pizzas even more special we can add Mommy and Daddy Pig's favorite foods good idea Peppa what are their favorite foods spaghetti and chocolate [Music] cake yay we should make the pizzas look like mommy and daddy Peppa and George make faces with the pizza [Music] topping now they're really special oh [Music] George hereo are your extra special Valentine's Day pizzas chocolate cake my favorite dinos show a spaghetti dinosur thank you Pepper and George they look too good to eat mommy and daddy pig think their Valentine pizzas are very special indeed Peppa pig tails that car went really fast don't worry this is why it's very important to stop look listen and always wait for the green man before crossing the road man remember what we learned children stop look and listen all no Cara let's go it's safe to cross Now Peppa and her play group are learning about Road Safety today hello Daddy hello Peppa Peppa's play group hello Daddy Pig oh green light well see you later Peppa thank you for helping us police officer Panda all in a day's work Peppa is helping police officer panda make sure everyone follows road safety rules no no no Emily you need to stay on your side of the road sorry Peppa my wheel is stuck we'll come help you [Music] we we're keeping the road safe for cars and people Pedro hasn't noticed that green man has turned to Red Pedro the Red Man means don't walk thanks Peppa all in a day's [Music] work wait a minute Freddy is dressed as a robber we have to catch the robber we we we oh the red light means stop there he goes now we've got him Freddy are you dressed as a robber because you are a robber no I just like Stripes oh so you're not a robber nope oh well you can go then but not so fast okay bye Peppa oo great work officer Peppa everyone is remembering to stop look and listen and only walk when they see the Green Man that means we can go all in a day's work officer Panda Peppa loves keeping everyone safe and everyone loves feeling [Music] safe Peppa pig tails wo snow day let's Let's Go Peppa is very excited to play in the snow today yay let's go but candy doesn't look very happy it's so cold snow is always cold that's part of the fun I didn't think it would be this cold can we play inside in the warm oh but I want to play in the snow no Peppa and Candy don't know what to do I know why don't we do one snow game and one inside game and we see which is best okay that sounds like a good idea Peppa and candy are making a snowman it's very tall that was fun just need a nice wooly [Music] hat meow I think we should go inside and get warm Now Peppa and candy have made a pillow fort it is very cozy and warm there all finished it's perfect this was a fun idea pH it's very warm in here why don't we try something in the snow to cool down Peppa and Candy spend the day playing lots of different games they go sledding outside they drink delicious hot chocolate and make lovely snow angel they even around [Music] indoors and Outdoors but they can't agree what is best we've tried everything hello Peppa hello candy why are the sad faces we can't find something to do that is fun in the warm and in the cold that is difficult oh how about some delicious fruity snow cones they're made of nice cold snow and perfect to be enjoyed in the warm inside M thank you Miss Rabbit wow thank you Peppa and Candy both agree that this is best [Music] Peppa pig tails Peppa and Rebecca Rabbit are making a pillow fort today careful don't fall on the fort almost got it wo squeak we did it now we need to decorate the inside right H something else is missing oh something to eat [Music] mommy what a beautiful pillow fort can we have something to eat please of course I'll be right back don't go anywhere let's pretend the pillow fort is really big inside wow catch [Music] Peppa Let's Pretend the floor is really bouncy like a trampoline it's so [Music] bouncy oh no the ball bounced over there let's bounce after [Music] it this floor is green so let's pretend it's squelchy but the ball isn't here maybe over there this room is blue so let's pretend it's it's [Music] cold there's the ball hooray let's get out of here um which way did we come in Peppa where are you we're lost in the pillow fort I'll come get you no mommy the fort is isn't built for grown nuts oh I can fit through anything Mummy Pig is stuck oh Mommy your wiggles are breaking the for sorry you all that pretending has made me even more hungry good thing I brought you some food now we just need to find it under these [Laughter] [Music] pillows Peppa pig tails whoops Peppa and her friends are going to watch the football match today oh dear the cake is squashed oh no my trophy cake I'm very sorry Mommy Pig it's okay we'll just have to make a new one but there's only 10 minutes until the match starts well we better get a rigle on then to the Supermarket all right who wants to play football yes y yay we've not got much time so we're going to have to split up Peppa you and I will find the sponge cakes hooray granny Pig you and Mandy Mouse find the icing and daddy pig you and George are in charge of sprinkles sprinkles let's go let's go aim for the top [Music] corner there in the top Corner put it in the back of the [Music] net well done pop it in the basket hooray I can save three shots at once we'll need three sponge cakes Peppa wo well done team we've got all the ingredients now let's get back home and make this cake everyone is very busy making the new [Music] [Music] cake how many goals is that 100 or 101 we made a new cake [Applause] [Music] hooray and just in time the game's about to [Music] start Peppa pig [Music] tails Peppa and Susie Sheep have decided to wear their clothes backwards today oh goodbye Suzy goodbye Peppa oh Peppa Susie why are you wearing your clothes backwards and why are you walking backwards because today is backwards day you say and do everything backwards no we [Music] [Laughter] don't well have fun we won't Peppa and Susie Sheep are chasing each other around the garden backwards you're it try to catch me it's very difficult to play games backwards where did you go Susie coming I know let's play Backwards in the [Music] Park Mr Bull is very confused to see Peppa and Suzie Sheep skipping backwards good morning why are you going backwards it's backwards day we have to do everything backwards is it backwards day already I'd better get my backwards drills ready wao whoops sorry Peppa and Suzie Sheep spend Backwards Day playing in the park backward swinging feels the same as forward but not all the games are as fun backwards this is backwards no this is backwards let's play Backwards frisbee [Music] catch who would like an ice cream yay oops we mean no oh I see you're having a fun backwards day I'm going to eat my ice cream backwards oops upside down isn't quite the same as backwards it's all very confusing I think Backwards Day might be over now Peppa and Suzie Sheep enjoyed backwards day but they're very glad that things aren't backwards anymore [Music] Peppa pig [Music] tails today Peppa and her family have been shopping at the supermarket goodbye Supermarket Supermarket is that a robot no Peppa it's a vending machine you put money in to buy the food and drinks inside can we buy something from the robot please okay we can each choose one thing as a special treat yay Peppa is very excited to buy something from the robot vending machine here you go Peppa goodbye coin now press the button that matches the thing you would like I would like an orange [Music] juice there it is hooray delicious dinosaur George has found a biscuit shaped like a dinosaur here you go George now press the button with the dinosaur D Sho I think I will have H that drink oh dear it's stuck Daddy Pig's drink is stuck on a sandwich the sandwich is in the way naughty sandwich we'll need to buy the sandwich as well well so the drink will fall down with [Music] it oh it's stuck again naughty pineapple oh let's buy that [Music] too it's stuck again [Music] again [Music] the drink has finally Fallen all the way down to the bottom goody I can finally have my drink oh no my drink has turned into Fizz po daddy why don't you choose something else from the vending machine good idea oh the vending machine is empty empty that's because we bought everything Peppa pig tails bo bo bo Emily Elephant is bouncing on a spacehopper why why are you bouncing in the sand pit Emily it's my New Year's resolution what is that it's a challenge you have to do for the whole year mind's bouncing by by I want a New Year resolution too Peppa and her friends are going to make their own New Year's resolutions I'm going to score a g brailon goals one two I'm going to talk in gobbley go bingly bang bibly bobbly wibbly wobbly I'm going to be a tiger ra ra ra ra I think my New Year's resolution will be to jump in muddy puddles I just have to find some first six um 1 nine four Danny dog is muddling his numbers and getting very tired bo bo bo bo candy cats Roars have given Emily Elephant of fright Emily Elephant has lost her spacehopper where are are you muddy puddles Peppa can't find any muddy puddles um oh H can you see any muddy puddles Suzie no I can't um I mean mud Mily pdy py everyone is finding their New Year's resolutions quite hard what are you doing we're doing our New Year's reservations 11 to 12 mine is jumping in muddy puddles but I can't find any ho New Year's resolutions aren't about doing these sorts of challenges aren't they no they're about choosing nice things to do in the next year things like help helping with the washing up or tidying your room pH that sounds much easier than scoring a gazillion goals speak for yourself [Music] 101 [Music] Peppa pig tails it's time to get ready for playgroup Peppa ho ho ho oh hello Santa back already today is Peppa's first day back at playgroup after the Christmas holidays no Mommy it's me but Peppa is not ready for Christmas to be over oh Peppa that's a wonderful outfit but I don't think it's right for play group but I like dressing up at Canta I don't want Christmas to be over it's so much fun I know but play group can be lots of fun too you'd better go and pack your [Music] backpack good morning Peppa that's a very full backpack you've got there and quite heavy too phw what have you got in there just some tinsil to make the play group sparkly I see a toy I got from Santa oh my some candy cane delicious oh and some Brussel routs H maybe you should take some things that are a bit more useful for playgroup like what maybe some crayons for coloring in some yummy fruit and a book to read oh Santa brought me that book that's a good idea Time to Go Peppa oh can we ride the sled to play group I love going [Music] fast I don't think so Peppa there isn't any snow even the Snowman is almost gone I think we'll have to take the car today Peppa oh okay I know you're sad Christmas is over but I promise play group can be just as fun everyone at playgroup is very happy to see Peppa this morning welcome back Peppa did you have a fun Christmas break I hi Peppa do you want to play dress up with me oh yes I love dressing up or we could read a book I got a new book from Santa Let's Race each other on our scooters oh yes please please playgroup is just as fun as Christmas Peppa really loves Christmas but she also loves going back to playgroup everyone loves going back to [Music] playgroup Peppa pig [Music] tails Peppa and her family are taking Baby Alexander on the ferris wheel but he isn't very [Music] happy what's that smell yeah it's Baby Alexander he needs a nappy change but we're at the front of the queue for the feris [Music] wheel o hold you no noes everyone Boo this Ferris wheel smells terrible sorry Peppa but it's our job to look after Baby Alexander if we help now we can play later yes Baby Alexander needs our help that's the spirit now let's go and look for a nappy changing station oh that's better not [Music] here not [Music] here definitely not here [Music] ooh here well done Peppa we found the nappy changing [Music] station first we have to take off the dirty nappy and put it in the bin um where is the bin h ooh here it is Daddy [Music] oh now we must wash our [Music] hands add a dab of cream wo whoops sorry Peppa now finally a clean nappy can I do this bit daddy of course [Music] Peppa there all better that was so fun I've never changed a nappy before you did very well Peppa but do you know what's even more fun than changing a nappy wheel [Music] Peppa pig [Music] tails Pedro pony candy cat Mandy Mouse Gerald giraffe and Danny Dog are playing football look Mommy my friends are playing football hello Peppa do you want to play with us yes please whoever scores the best goal wins the trophy ooh Peppa loves shiny trophies do you want to join our team Peppa no thank you I will play on my own I don't think you should play on your own Peppa but then I can win the trophy all for my myself Peppa is going to play all on her own against everyone [Music] else oh dear good dry Peppa have another go H maybe I need to kick it [Music] harder um almost here you go Peppa maybe if I use my other foot wo you have to score with the ball not your shoe squeak H this is too hard why don't you have a go goal good idea mommy I'll be a great [Music] goalie wo W go Mommy why can they score a goal but I can't because Peppa football is all about teamwork and you can't work as a team if you don't have a team in the first place um can I join your team please of course you can we've got a spare shirt just for you hooray but who will playing goal I will just you try and get past [Music] me you you scored the goal Pedro so you get the trophy but we all scored the goal together Peppa as a team that's right you all win the trophy [Music] hooray Peppa pig tails Pedro pony candy cat Mandy Mouse Gerald giraffe and Danny Dog are playing football look Mommy my friends are playing football hello Peppa do you want to play with us yes please whoever scores the best goal wins the trophy ooh Peppa loves shiny trophies do you want to join our team Peppa no thank you I will play on my own I don't think you should play on your own Peppa but then I can win the trophy all for myself Peppa is going to play all on her own against everyone [Music] else oh dear good dry Peppa have another go H H maybe I need to kick it harder um almost here you go Peppa maybe if I use my other foot wo you have to score with the ball oh not your shoe squeak H this is too hard why don't you have a go goal good idea mommy I'll be a great [Music] goalie wo W go Mommy why can they score a goal but I can't because Peppa football is all about teamwork and you can't work as a team if you don't have a team in the first place um can I join your team please of course you can we've got a spare shirt just for you hooray but who will playing goal I will just you try and get past [Music] me you scored the goal Pedro so you get the trophy but we all scored the goal together Peppa as a team that's right you all win the trophy [Music] hooray what a nice day for doing nothing Daddy Pig loves doing nothing daddy aren't you going to work today no Peppa it's Saturday daddy pig doesn't work on Saturdays daddy pig you'll be late for work but it's Saturday mommy pig isn't it no it's Thursday daddy pig works on Thursdays see you later bye bye poor daddy having to work lucky mommy you can play at home all day I'm not playing I'm working on my computer George wants to play the Happy Mrs Chicken game George we can play the Happy Mrs Chicken game after I finished my work oh Mommy sheep and Susie have come to pick up Peppa for playgroup hello Peppa hello suy have a good day at playgroup bye-bye mommy work hard Mrs sheep do you work or do you play I'm going to be working very hard today I'm off to the gym what do you do at the gym running jumping and skipping Mommy that's not work that's play Peppa and Susie have arrived at the play grp hello everyone hello Peppa hello children today we will play shops who wants to be shopkeeper me me Peppa and Susie can be shopkeepers everyone else can be customers Peppa and Susie are going to run a prend shop what do we have to do I will take the money Susie and you can stack the shelves okay Danny dog is the first customer hello shopkeeper hello Mr dog can I have some biscuits please Susie have we got any biscuits no but we've got a Toy Telephone how much will that be that will be £100 please thank you next please nay hello shopkeeper can I have a life of bread please no but you can have a toy house would you like it in a bag sir yes please that will be one penny please oh I haven't got enough money you can pay us next time you come in gosh this is hard work yes sque hello shopkeeper what can I buy for a million th000 please Susie what have we got for a million th000 hm h a carrot yes please Rebecca Rabbit likes carrots it is home time daddy pig has come to collect Peppa and Susie daddy have you had a busy day yes I've been working very hard we've been working very hard too we've been shopkeepers blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the end and print Mummy Pig has finished her work okay George perhaps we could just play one game of Happy Mrs Chicken we've earned [Music] it na te Mommy you're playing Happy Mrs Chicken oh that's because George and I have finished our work haven't we George we've all finished our work so let's all play yet not yet Peppa let's play a game we each have to spot a car of our favorite color yes my favorite color is green mine is orange mine is red George what's your favorite color blue George's favorite color is blue let's see which color car comes along first okay here is candy cat in her green car green that's my favorite color I win hello candy meow hello Peppa here is Danny dog in Granddad dog's breakdown Truck orange so I in hello Danny hello Peppa here's another car it's Susy hello hello peppa boo yes George it's a blue car so you win this is a silly game there isn't a red car anywhere there is one red car pepper where what is our car H it's red I win I win the family have arrived at the mountains we'll have a fantastic view when we get to the top we're here hooray look at the lovely sunny view oh dear it has started to rain where's the lovely view uh there's a lovely view it is Miss Rabbit's ice cream store hello Miss Rabbit hello Daddy Pig four ice creams please what flavors would you like mint orange strawberry and blueberry please [Music] okay look what I've got ice cream they're our favorite colors that's right green for me orange for me strawberry Red for me and George's [Music] is yummy yummy yummy look the sun has come out and look what else has come out a rainbow Peppa and George love rainbows a rainbow only comes out when it's rainy and sunny at the same time oo it's got all our favorite colors in it yes red and orange and green and blue and do you know what you find at the end of a rainbow no you find treasure oh can we go find the treasure now okay the end of the rainbow looks like it's just on the next Hill let's [Music] go it's a rainy sunny day the rainbow's here to play rainbow rainbow red and orange and yellow and green and purple and blue rainbow rainbow it's a rainy sunny day here we are oh where's our rainbow gone it's move to the next Hill you TIY rainbow quick let's catch it rainbow rainbow it's a rainy sunny day it stopped raining and the rainbow is gone don't worry George maybe the rainbow has left some treasure behind there's something over here have you found the rainbow's treasure yes I have a big mudy puddle this is the best rainbow treasure ever Peppa and her friends are having a music lesson Miss Polly had a Doling sorry Madame Gazelle oh dear Pedro has a cough not to worry I'll ring Dr Brown Bear Dr Brown Bear speaking hello doctor this is Madame Gazelle a child is ill Don't Panic I'll come straight [Music] away what seems to be the problem I've got a cough I see is it a tickly cough or a chesty cough um I don't know but it goes like this h H and when did you get this cough when Madame Gazelle started singing it's nothing serious but Pedro's cough may be catching what do you mean catching when one person has a cough sometimes other people get that cough too do I need medicine just a little Spoonful I'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice it tastes like an old shoe full of jarm thank you Dr Brown Bear goodbye bye as I thought Pedro's cough is catching Danny dog and suie sheep have caught Pedro's cuff open wide it tastes of carpet flavored yogurt it tastes of flowers well done for taking your medicine so well do you ever get ill Dr Brown Bear no Peppa I'm never ill I eat an apple a day goodbye bye it is home time and the children's parents are here to pick them up mommy daddy I've got a cuff Dr Brown Bear came and looked after us he gave us horrible medicine Madame Gazelle can you sing your song now of course [Music] Peppa Miss pohe headed Dolly who was oh dear all the grown-ups have caught Pedro's cough Dr Brown Bear speaking this is Peppa Pig all the grownups are ill not to sorry Peppa I'm on my [Music] way hello everyone caught Pedro's cough have we very well stand in line and open wide it tastes like custard and old socks thank you for looking after after us Dr Brown Bear who looks after you when you're ill no one looks after me I'm never ill oh dear Dr Brown Bear has caught Pedro's cough not to worry goodbye goodbye poor Dr Brown Bear he's ill and there's no one to look after him H who can that be hello we've come to look after you here's some fruit and some cushions and here is your medicine yeah it tastes like Jammy yogurt flavored custard socks and here's a song to make you feel better good night George watch can I have a story please okay I'll read you the red monkey book but we always have that one the red monkey has a bath cleans his teeth and goes to sleep uh yes that is what happens can we choose another story the blue tiger the green spider the orange penguin oh what's this one the wonderful world of of concrete I've been looking for that is it your book Daddy it's a book I borrowed from the library what's say library it's a place you borrow books from and when you finished reading them you take them back but Daddy Pig has forgotten to take this book back I have had it for rather a long time never mind you can take it back tomorrow but now it's bedtime after daddy reads this story it's not much of a story Peppa please read it Daddy okay The Wonderful World of Concrete concrete is a construction material composed of sand water and chemical ad mixtures chapter one sand Peppa George and Mummy Pig have fallen asleep it is morning Peppa and her family have come to the library wow what a lot of books sh Peppa you must be quiet in the library why because people come here to read and to be quiet next please Miss Rabbit is the librarian hello mommy pig are you returning these books yes Miss Rabbit right you are why is the computer beeping it's checking to see that you haven't been naughty and borrowed the book for too long um I may have borrowed this book for a bit too long don't worry Daddy Pig it can't be that bad gosh daddy pig you've had this book out for 10 years naughty daddy Sorry Miss Rabbit that's all right now you can borrow another book Miss Rabbit can George and I borrow a book please yes the children's section is over here oh look faires flowers pretty dresses hello Peppa oh hello Danny I'm borrowing a book about football hello Peppa hello suy I've got a book about nurses George has chosen a book about dinosaurs dinosaur look what I found Further Adventures in the World of Concrete here's a red monkey book not the red monkey book it's boring but this is a different story it might be more fun I bet it's not once upon a time there was a red monkey he had a bath cleaned his teeth and went to bed no he jumped in a space rocket and went to the moon he had a picnic with a dinosaur swam under the sea and climbed the highest mountain that was a busy day the end wow read it again we can borrow it and read it at home Peppa but I was going to choose this book or this one you can take three books home if you want Peppa yippe but you must remember to bring them back on time yes Miss Rabbit and you must remember to bring your book back too Daddy Pig I'll make sure daddy remembers yes Peppa I'm sure you will they are going on the holiday oh where's Daddy he's bringing a secret surprise what's that it's a camper van we've borrowed it for our holiday this camper van has everything this button works the sink wow and this button works the TV what does this button do I'm not sure maybe don't press it until we know is everybody ready to go on holiday yes Mommy then let's go we're going on holiday in a h this map is a bit tricky daddy we don't want to get lost don't worry Peppa I'm an expert at map Reading oh that's strange are we lost uh yes it's Granddad dog with Danny Dog hello Peppa hello Danny we're lost lost is your satnav broken satnav you're driving a camper van t3200 satnav comes as standard welcome to the car of the future ah so that's what that button does where are we going to today the camper van is talking clever isn't it the computer voice helps you find your way but how does it know where we want to go you tell it uh hello Mrs Camp van hello we're going on holiday can you tell us the way proceed on the current road in a straight line thanks for your help Granddad dog you're welcome I'm a lovely holiday we're going holid in [Music] a danger danger oil is low what's oil oil helps engines to run smoothly will the oil run out no These Warnings always give you plenty of time oil is gone oh dear luckily I've got a spare can of oil well done Daddy Pig we simply pour the oil into the engine and oh what's wrong there's nothing in here the engine's gone it's Mommy sheep with Suzie Sheep hello Suzy hello Peppa we've lost our engine lost your engine yes it's completely disappeared I'd like to help but I don't know a thing about engines I'm probably just being silly but this looks a bit like an engine ah yes well spotted mummy sheep the camper van has its engine at the back there that should be enough oil thank you mummy sheep you're welcome have a lovely [Music] holiday oh we nearly there yet just up the next Hill you have reached your destination hooray time for bed where will we sleep mommy pig and I will sleep on this bed oo and you two will sleep upstairs but there isn't an upstairs ho ho watch this the camper Van's roof is lifting up the camper van is just like our little house while we're on holiday it is our little house good night my little piggies good night Campa band good morning my little piggies morning Daddy Pig I love camping since we're in the countryside I thought we could spend the day looking at nature good idea Mummy Pig let's watch a nature program one of the wonders of nature Birds how lovely shush shush little birdie we can't hear our TV Oh Daddy Pig there's no point being on a camping holiday and just watching TV we can do that at home uh good thinking mommy pig there are lot of fun places we can visit there's Tree World what's Tree World Tree World is a big Forest full of trees it sounds a bit boring or there's Potato City what's Potato City there's a tour of the potato Fields ending with a potato tasting sounds interesting or there's duckland what's duckland it's a wide river full of ducks duckland let's go to duckland Peppa and George love Ducks how do we get to duckland the camper van can guide us hello where are we going today duckland please follow the road ahead in a straight line we going to duckland in a welcome to duckland how many tickets Please two adults and two children enjoy the Ducks where are the Ducks maybe they're on holiday let's have our picnic lunch the Ducks always turn up when we have picnics Peppa and George love picnics look it's a Ducks stop daddy we need bread for the Ducks all right hello Mrs duck here come more Ducks all their brothers and sisters are here and here come more Ducks it's the granny and Grandpa ducks and here are all the aunties and uncles that's the last of our picnic gone du say thank you to Daddy Pig you're most welcome I love duck land it is time to go home I wonder what's the shortest way home drive straight ahead into the river oh are you sure yes drive into the river but we can't drive in the river yes it's talk talking nonsense please press the blue [Music] button the camper van is driving into the river our camper van has turned into a boat I wasn't quite expecting that welcome to the car of the future look it's Grandad dog and daddy dog Oho there daddy pig uh oh hi there [Music] River Drive up the next Hill you have reached your destination we're home thank you for a lovely holiday Mrs camper van ho ho you're most welcome it's nice going on holiday but it's nicer to be back in our own little house good night my little piggies good night soup for lunch Daddy can I help thank you Peppa can you clear away all these vegetable peelings okay stop Peppa vegetable peelings don't go in the normal bin they go in this brown bin o Nana that's right George it's a banana skin and there are onions and carrots and all sorts of fruit and vegetable leftovers in here Granny and Grandpa will like these do Granny and Grandpa pig eat potato peelings no Peppa they're for grandpa's garden they help his plants grow we can take these round there after lunch oh goodie money Pig Pepper and George are taking the vegetable PE LS over to Granny and Grandpa Pig's house we're here [Music] hooray Grandpa Pig papa IG we've got a special present for you ah vegetable peelings fantastic my garden will like these does your garden eat vegetables no Peppa these peelings are for my compost heap what what's that I'll show you here it is it's a wooden box yes Peppa but it's a very clever wooden box I put these peelings in the top and then out of the bottom comes lovely Rich earth called compost how does it do that is it a magic box no Peppa I've got some little friends that give it some help where in here look ah Wily worm wiggle wiggle the worms turn all the fruit and vegetables into compost Granda can we find some more wriggly wor for your compost tape what a good idea come on George let's find some more Wiggly ones a wiggly worm wiggle wiggle you're a wiggly worm you're a wiggly worm how do you do I love you you're a wiggly worm well done be a good wiggly worm and turn it all into [Music] compost then I can use the compost to I know I know you put a seed in the ground cover it in compost and it grows into a tree yes Peppa and talking of trees we better go and help granny Pig She's collecting fruit in the orchard what the orchard it's where you find fruit trees we've had this Orchard since I was a little piggy hello Granny Pig Cy EG are you going to help me collect some apples yes granny oh the apples are too high up don't worry Peppa Granny and Grandpa have a little trick to collect the apples everybody hold on to the tree on the count of three shake the tree as much as you can 1 2 3 it's raining Apple granny can we have a Apple please of course Peppa M delicious and can you guess what we do with the Apple Cora uh wiggle wiggle that's right the apple cores go into the compost for the worms clever George and clever Wiggly Worms too of playing in their bed this will be the best house ever George Richard Rabbit is here Georgie wiard din Dina bye-bye Richard I'll be back to pick you up later George and Richard are best friends oh Richard you've knocked my house down please play something not bouncy George has made the toy basket into a volcano Richard is using toy trees to make a Jungle George has used the building blocks to make a river dinosaur dinosaur George and Richard have turned the bedroom into dinosaurs land I'm leaving it's too noisy I say potato and I say potato potato potato the good thing about rainy days is we get to watch important TV program potato potato potato potato mommy George and Richard have made the bedroom into Dinosaur Land and dinosaur land is very noisy George has his best friend here but I've got no one to play with you could ask suie sheep to come over Susie Sheep is Peppa's best friend can Susie really come over now let's ring her hello Susie Sheep speaking Susie it's me can you come to my house now yes Peppa can I wear my nurse's costume yes but come [Music] [Laughter] quickly bye-bye Susie I'll be back to Quick Susie pick you up later George Richard nurse Suzy is here and nurse suie says this is not Dinosaur Land it's the hospital and a hospital must be clean and tidy the bedroom is not Dinosaur Land anymore it is a hospital I'm the important doctor M this dinosaur looks sick I agree doctor he's a very greeny ill color he must go to bed and this dinosaur looks a very purple yellow color Yes do he must go into bed too din shush quiet in the hospital choo choo the bedroom is not a hospital anymore now it is a railway station no no there aren't any trains in fairy land oh now the bedroom is Fairy Land only pretty things are allowed in fairy land [Music] what's all this crying about George and Richard want to play dinosaurs and trains and we want to play hospitals and fairies m i see the rain has stopped outside so so maybe you could all play outside but they like little boys games and we like grown up girls games but after it's been raining in the garden what do you normally find mudy puddles and what are muddy puddles for jumping up and down everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy
Channel: Peppa Pig Tales
Views: 943,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pappa pig, pep pig, pepa, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, peppa pig tales, peppa tales, pig peppa, pig peppa pig, pippa, preschool, video for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 36sec (7356 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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