Peppa Pig Official Channel | Peppa Pig's Shopping Time at the Market

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[Music] it is a lovely sunny day and the market has come to town get your apples here smelly cheese fish no it's fresh fish each market store sells one thing Oh chase fish mr. Fox's store sells everything oil is casted to the market to do their shopping fresh opposed what kind would you like big or small red or green why don't you try one hmm a bag of the lovely apples please Josh loves cheese I've got a very smelly cheese here maybe daddy pig girl should give it a sniff the smell of the cheese has not daddy pig off his feet wow that's what I call a strong cheese good isn't it George likes smelly cheese may we buy that one please of course fish nice fresh fish can we buy some fish please okay I've got trap addict mackerel or squid what would you like they all look good our bet I'll give you some of each then you can make a lovely fish pie thank you very much fish Oh Jays here is mr. Fox's store burn orders to handbags I'm sending anything really what do you want nothing thank you we've bought everything we need cheese and fish Oh what didn't you come to me first I've got all of that do you sell apples you never say apples like these they're made of wood Oh brilliant all day they'll last forever who else did you buy cheese Oh cheese I've got all kinds of cheese here they don't smell of much it's because they are plastic made of plastic yes guaranteed to last you a lifetime buy one get four free No thank you mr. box you bought a fish too didn't you I could have sold you a better fish no plastic fish thank you this isn't plastic well actually it is but this is an amazing toy fish look it sings and it only needs 24 batteries no minutes could sing to us all day I'm sorry pepper but our house doesn't need a singing fish okay thanks mr. Fox but we really do have everything we came for there must be something else you need how about an antique china Vaz that will never break because it's a motor plastic it's really lovely but we just don't need anything no worries I've got just the thing we'll take yes more umbrellas please mr. Fox's store sells everything you see it's lucky you came to my store yes Thank You mr. Fox and the listing is just for today bye four umbrellas and you get a singing fish free today mr. potato has come to Emma's playgroup mr. potato is here to talk to you today about eating fruit and vegetables ah I am going to show you a movie called super potato [Music] Oh super potato remember kids always eat your five day special guests can you guess who it is it's not my daddy is it no it's not my daddy is it no it is nobody's daddy is it my mommy's and no it is no relation or anyone here the special guests coming to see you today is super potato is coming but before he does we must call him hmm super potato very good I'll just go and see if his outside and keep shouting by the power of vegetables I am here now who has a question they would like to ask super potato ask me anything you like about fruit and vegetables anything what is the tallest building you've ever jumped what's that why do I like carrots so much I'll tell you why because they are so tasty can you run faster than the Train which vegetable makes you run fast that's a good question I would have to say a Brussels sprout have you ever eaten a potato fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to eat your five recommend you eat seven a day always remember to eat your bird let's all give super potato a nice big clap for coming to see us today thank you thank you and remember kids eat fruits and vegetables super potato has the building oh dear did I miss him yes he was brilliant well it was lovely to see you all but I'd better be going too bye mr. potato goodbye oh dear mr. potato's car won't start not to get out mr. potato is stuck I think he might be busy I do not think that will work this time no Madame gazelle you just need to shout out with us okay hey there it didn't work now I think super potato has come to the rescue using my super vegetable vision I can see that my friend here is in trouble you have to get him out I will use my fruity strength to lift this roof off tato has rescued mr. potato and remember kids fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to eat your five always remember to eat your seven [Music] Grampa's truly play pepper and George hurt granny and Grandpa pig's house look I've got something to show you both this is the dolly I had when I was little she looks very pretty can I hold her yes but remember dolly is very old and delicate so do be gentle with her well granny anyway enough of that how would you both like to see something good yes please we need to go to my shed grandpa is always making little things in his shed I suppose it keeps him happy look at this I call it Mark one it's my first homemade toy aeroplane love Sarah planes can't fly grandpa of course watch this landing is the tricky bit is the base little plane ever grandpa but it could be better if it were bigger so I made this one mark - then plea does it yes like I said landing is the tricky bit lovely grandpa it's good to get these things out of your system and now that you've made a big toy plane there's no need to make another is there no granny Pig and you know what I fancy a glass of orange juice good idea grandpa pig is anyone else thirsty yes please then I'll go to the house and get some juice for all of us see you later Peppa remember to take care of Donny I will granny bye granny right now I can show you what I've been working on this is free yes it's bigger and better it even has a place for a pilot to sit we can put George II know I think that might be a bit dangerous Oh maybe dolly would like to be the pilot but granny said I should look after dolly dolly will be fine okay let's see what it can do no need to panic let's try something even more exciting where is that you see I know what I'm doing now I just need to learn it gently does it Oh juice for everyone ah granny pig perfect timing what is that it's a toy aeroplane a big toy aeroplane yes I can see that grandpa did some fancy flying and dotty did you enjoy your playtime with pepper and George grandpa Dulli Jesus we've all had a lovely time yes grandpa George loved to airplanes everybody loves toy airplanes mummy and daddy pig are taking Peppa George and Suzy sheep to visit tiny land it's a world just like the real world pepper but very tiny it will be fun and educational it's real with real tiny people meaning units no it's just pretended if everything there is tiny and small then we will be giant what's the problem mr. bull there's no problem mummy pig we're just digging up the road take long they will take us long as it takes today oh I love tiny lands everything so tiny and educational that's important [Music] crew they are going to Tania land that's important welcome to tiny land where everything is really tiny I'm educational feast your eyes on the world of famous places these are exact copies of real famous buildings but a bit smaller here's Big Ben and next to it the Eiffel Tower just like it is in the real world and the pyramids Sydney Opera House Statue of Liberty and the Kremlin but these famous buildings aren't all on the same street in real life oh man well you learn something new every day oh this is the land of water yes that is just one of my many jobs this looks just like Pirate Island I'm sure this is the land of dinosaurs this is how the world looked a long time ago before houses and cars and stuff here is a Tyrannosaurus Rex I know that there is a triceratops is a carnivore amazing this is exactly as it would have been all those millions of years ago except for the Train oh there you are again miss rabbit driving the Train it's a busy world 24-hour non-stop oh it's broken no it's not look there Chinese land is just like the real world down to every tiny detail [Laughter] [Music] pepper and her family are having breakfast Oh what's the matter daddy pig I need to go on a long journey for work its work pepper and it's a long long way by train it won't be fun I'm testing concrete I need to know the relative density to mass to calculate for voids in the aggregate what does mummy pig think I think it sounds lovely but it's hundreds of miles away in another country daddy pig all right we can all go this is the train station miss rabbit is the train driver it's a long journey so you'll just have to be patient why not sing a song to pass the time okay oh oh there's still a long way to go Peppa we won't get there until tomorrow morning what about that time where will we sleep right here this isn't a bedroom daddy watch this here's where we brush our teeth and that's not all [Music] I wonder what this button is for hello passports please of course ah you are mr. peek mr. pig you must play coming to test our concrete yes do you know me oh you're working concrete is famous in our country oh but I have disturbed you good night good night it is bedtime night night peppa and George night night my little piggies peppa and George aren't tucked up in their little beds on the train it is morning and time for breakfast on the train good morning miss rabbit aren't you meant to be driving the train it's bowling train runs on Rails they can't get lost would you like coffee or orange juice I'd like both please no coffee all orange juice you can't have both I don't think we have to be so strict with the famous mr. pig coffee and orange juice thank you excuse me I am King Alfonso could I have a coffee and orange juice too no that is impossible leprechaun family have arrived at the end of their Lone Ranger we are honored to have your visit mr. pig thank you here is the concrete for you to test daddy pig is an expert at concrete hmm very good Hey the trying journey wasn't too long and tiring no it was lovely my job is done so we can take the train back home train journeys everyone loves it is the last morning of peppers holiday in Italy I'm just going for one last walk going for one last swim mr. pig yes one last swim before I go home holidays are nice but they don't last forever pepper think of all your friends waiting for you back home yes I miss my friends and I miss Goldie the fish can I telephone Baldy okay pepper granny and Grandpa pig looking after Goldie the fish while pepper is on holiday hello she's eating well I sent postcards does she like kids the postcard hasn't arrived yet pepper but I'm sure it will be here soon we're coming home today see you later Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa hello Suzy hello granny pig holiday not yet Suzy but she's coming back today Susy is missing pepper this suitcase is heavy are you sure we need all this stuff mummy pig these are important souvenirs from our holiday okay is everybody ready yes then let's go oh dear Peppa has forgotten teddy yes I have never felt so relaxed oh hello officer whatever I was doing I won't do it again mr. pig here is your teddy please take a better care of him Suzy sheep cannot wait for pepper to get back home Suzy yes no Suzy but she's flying home I hope it's sunny when we get home she has filled out a bit hasn't she no tea grandpa in fetch a tree much he was always hungry we've brought you some presents from Italy look grandpa a beautiful garden gnome oh you really shouldn't have granny has my postcard arrived no pepper not yet that's my postcard [Music] it's only Suzi I really missed you and Suzy are best friends here is mr. zebra the postman all the way from Italy we got it quicker than the holiday did you have a nice time on holiday yes did you have a nice time it rained every day [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] and George are playing in their bedroom Oh George you must stay on your side of the bedroom that's your side and this is my side do not cross invisible line hello mr. zebra hello daddy pig I've got some letters for you hmm I'm afraid not they're all for mummy and me there's a parcel as well probably that box of reinforced concrete I ordered this on it that's because it's from a long way away by now oh the label says it is for pepper and George there's a letter to dear pepper and George here is a present for you to share love from your lives far away in another country it's not it's it's a table handle as well what can it be remember children aunt dotty sent the present for both of you you'll have to share sharing can be fun can i play with Twinkle Toes first let George have the first turn he's the youngest George likes playing with horsey if she's called Twinkle Toes not horsey now it's peppers turn Oh princess pepper with my magic horse twinkle cheese pepper likes playing with Twinkle Toes perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside hmm it's a bit steep here maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill and the quickest way down the hill is to ride down I know what I'm doing pepper I'm a grown-up what was that big splash what big splash Oh daddy pig did you know you've got a duck on your head oh yes well I did fall in the pond George wants to ride on the toy horse George cannot make the horse go if only there was someone big and strong to push George along I began so I can push George what's a good idea pepper because present is for both of us well call her twinkle toes and George loved playing together with tossing twinkle toes [Music] daddy pig is sitting in his favorite sunny spot ah what a perfect day for doing nothing daddy pig loves doing nothing how could this be better I know that cup of tea [Music] grandpa pig has come to see pepper and George hello peppa and George you're going to have your very own flower garden I got a packet of flower seeds for each of you now we need a nice sunny spot to plant your seeds here we are grandpa pig is digging pepper and George is going Oh tea for the workers thank you daddy pig what's going on do we need a flower garden yes but that's where I sit in my chair there are more important things than chairs daddy pig but I always read my newspaper here yes like flowers lots of flower seeds George only has one flower seed but it is quite a big seed could you fetch us some water daddy pig hmm okay seeds need water to grow they get very thirsty some little birds have come to watch don't let the birds eat the seeds pepper here's the water daddy scares the birds away Oh daddy pig looks like a scarecrow George first time don't worry Peppa I'll make sure the birds don't eat the seeds thank you good luck daddy pig see you tomorrow bye this is nice what Oh shoo shoo naughty birds ok Peppa all the birdies have gone to bed daddy pig can go inside now your plants have started to grow soon they'll have flowers on them little snail has come to take a look oh dear snails like eating plants grandpa can you chase Barbara to your garden um okay I'll take care of Barbara it is one week later Peppa George look and look at George's plant it's a beanstalk candido's all the way up to Giant's Castle no pepper but it does go quite high flower is taller than our house Oh George has grown a sunflower well done George flower garden now let's make you a vegetable garden but that's where I sit in my chair like tomatoes and carrots and potatoes I do like a nice potato daddy pig loves potatoes everyone loves potatoes it is night time daddy pig is reading pepper and George a bedtime story and so the prince the princess the budgie and the Frog all lived happily ever after the end the bedtime story has sent pepper and George to sleep good night my little piggies make Nick George is awake oh you naughty piggy go back to sleep ah George is not sleepy nighttime is for sleeping not playing I can tell you a bedtime story once upon a time there was a little pig his name was Georgie [Music] his fortune soon he came to a rest do you like the story George inside the forest there's a little house and inside the house was a bowl of porridge Georgie pink was very hungry so he ate it all up yum yum yum he just as he finished baby bear walked in and said oh did you weigh my magic porridge Georgie said yes baby bear said that was magic porridge it will make you go very big and then Georgie pit the can to grow Hebrew Hebrew honey blue until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest the end are you sleepy George no not even a little bit no hmm okay I'll do a bit more story baby Bassett there is a box of golden treasure at the end of the world but it's too far for me to go cuz I'm too little Georgie said I will carry you so Georgie Pig are you sleepy yet none he walked through forest to cross mountains across seas to the end of the world a big dragon yes a big green dragon with little wings breathing fire it was a very friendly dragon and she said you can have the treasure but then Georgie Pig I can't assure you he's right and he shrieked and he's from until he was the same little dirty Pig as he was before how will we get back home now said baby bear I can fly you home said the dragon say Georgie pate and baby bad hon the Dragons back and flew all the way back little house in the forest and then George is asleep pepper is asleep pepper what are you doing out of bed nighttime is for sleeping not playing night night my little piggies sweet dreams pepper and George are in their little beds fast asleep daddy pig is hard at work in the study daddy pig this study is a complete mess it's not that bad I love cobwebs they give the room character cobwebs mean spiders and I don't like spiders I do spiders catch flies and flies a horrid well as long as I don't have to see a spider hello mr. skinnylegs where have you gone find it I don't want it in the house everyone is looking for mr. skinnylegs mr. skinnylegs is not in the filing cabinet mr. skinnylegs is not under the chair mr. skinnylegs is not on the table I wonder where mr. sounds like okay we'll take mr. skinnylegs into the garden now mr. skinnylegs bye-bye mr. skinnylegs it is starting to rain mr. skinnylegs is running back to the house I don't want mr. skinnylegs in the house daddy pig let's take mr. skinnylegs a bit further into the garden a nice tree for you to live in he's making a web pepper spiders live in webs and use them to catch fries yes it's hard web that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again bye bye mr. skinnylegs it is bedtime I liked watching mr. skinnylegs baker's web today and tomorrow he'll make another web really yes mr. skinnylegs makes a new web every day where all the new web be daddy I don't know we'll find out tomorrow good night night night it is morning daddy pig is getting ready to go to work I don't want to be late I have an important meeting of the office yes I do but not as hard as mr. skinnylegs why not mr. skinnylegs has built a web joining the car to the house yes if you move the car you will break the web but how am I going to get to work don't worry daddy you can borrow my little bicycle Thank You Peppa daddy pig is riding peppers a little bicycle I will pepper daddy pig works very hard but mr. skinnylegs works even harder [Music] it is Christmas time and pepper and her playgroup are going to the theater to see mr. potato's Christmas show [Music] cranberry and little sprouts here are your tickets find the seats with your number on it 10 quickly now children the show is about to begin Madame gazelle I need the toilets sorry thank you quickly now Pedro I've never been to the theatre before it's exciting isn't it so thank you Shh chew then if we want quiet now it is not the start of the show it is Madame gazelles phone ringing [Music] welcome tolling mr. potato's Christmas soul where the magic of vegetable never ends hello children I am mr. potato this is mrs. carrot [Applause] cranberry here is everyone's favorite Christmas vegetable little sprout where are you can you help us find him boys and girls boys and girls shout out little sprouts that's it when you see him shout like that I can't see him there you are you cheeky little sprout [Music] come on now we can sing our Christmas song would you like to hear it boys and girls a very important person has come to see you all Oh hold on you guess who it is hello children have you all been good have you all been cleaning your teeth have you kept your bedrooms tidy jolly good Oh Merry Christmas now let's all sing our Christmas song it is Houghton time at peppers play tonight children next week there won't be any playgroup I am going away goodbye no more playgroup Madame gazelle is going away I suppose she has been teaching a long time Madame gazelle taught all the mummies and daddies when they were children Madame gazelle taught me everything I know who can count to three one two three thinking about it Madame gazelle must be very old which is probably why she's decided to stop teaching I know we should give Madame gazelle a leaving party fun it is the date of Madame gazelles leaving party everyone has come to help and tell us if Madame gazelles coming along why we don't want Madame gazelle catching us getting her party ready surprise I hope we've invited everyone what about Madame gazelles old friends wasn't she wants in a pop group that's right she played guitar with the gazelles hello Madame gazelle is leaving the playgroup auntie what fun we'd be there good everyone's coming now let's make the party food this is the playgroup kitchen everyone is helping with the particular Emily elephant and Wendy wolf bug decorating cupcakes pepper and George are making jelly Pedro pony is outside keeping guard here comes Madame gazelle we're not ready stop her petrol okay hello pedal you're early for playgroup yes don't go inside why not it's a nice bouncy isn't it yes pedal can I go inside now ah no it's against the law what are you talking about peddler we're ready you can go in now [Music] he is a present for you and I'll take pluck it's made of solid plastic thank you that why is there a party for me everyone wanted to thank you but being the best teacher in the world so we've made you a leaving party because you're going away forever I'm not going away forever there was no oh pepper all I said was no play coop next week I'm going on holiday I will be preaching for many years to come who else could be the teacher yes and I can't think of a better reason for a party oh hello Gigi have you still got your guitar Oh let's go kitty hawk [Music] petrichor friends are expected today you will use your imaginations to move to music what does this music make you think of it makes me think of piano okay it makes me sick right use your imaginations bought pictures did the music make you think of it makes me think of a cherry tree swing in the wind on top of a beautiful mountain wonderful Rebecca so now I would like you all to imagine you are that tree rooted to the rocky mountain top bending in the wind you are a tree very good children I saw some lovely trees on mountaintops there now listen to this piece of music what that music make you think of remember to use your imaginations I know pedal is the answer a cherry tree swaying on the top of a beautiful mountain hmm but this music was quicker wasn't it a cherry tree swaying quickly Danny it reminded me of a marching band very good Danny these music has a very strong beat for stepping in time everyone finds something to bang from the music Tolly imagine you are in that pan after love beats in your pants marching children the next piece of music is a little bit different remember I want you to listen to it carefully and think about how it makes you feel tell me how does this make you feel it makes me feel bit bored it makes me feel tired no this is music it reminds me of a lovely garden on a hot summer day a young man he broke him Hobbs please come here after spiced music again that that was not music it was the Machine gone home do you not like this music no Madame gazelle can you make the Machine go again no oh I suppose we cannot all like the same things in life I like the space music and me okay okay what does this music make you think of I know I know this music makes me think of jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] [Music] ik everyone loves moving to music [Music] [Music]
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Views: 7,241,140
Rating: 3.6106479 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toy
Id: s-07fGWbCJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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