Peppa Pig English Episodes | Peppa Pig's Fun and Games Compilation

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[Music] it is george's turn to hide he must quickly find somewhere to hide before peppa finishes counting one two three four five six seven eight george has found somewhere to hide just in time ted ready or not here i come peppa has to find where george is hiding peppa has found george george i could see you too easily now it is peppa's turn to hide one um three i'll help george to count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay george open your eyes george has to find where peppa is hiding oh peppa isn't hiding under the table george have you thought of looking upstairs [Music] peppa isn't under the bed what was that strange noise peppa isn't behind the curtain there is that strange noise again what can it be george has found where peppa was hiding [Music] george you're doing it all wrong this is how to catch a ball not like this [Music] that's what you do what a cheeky little one peppa is [Music] george come back [Music] maybe peppa is teasing george just a bit too much peppa have you been teasing george not really mommy i was teaching him how to catch really oh well i know a game that will teach george how to catch it's called piggy in the middle [Music] peppa you take the ball and stand over there and george you stand over there good you have to throw the ball to each other and i have to try and catch it i'm the piggy in the middle mommy is the piggy in the middle catch george oh missed it george has caught the ball well done george now you throw the ball to pepper oh try again [Music] oh try again [Music] george cannot throw the ball past mummy pig come on george give the ball to me [Laughter] [Music] i want to be a butterfly pepper is playing at being a butterfly i'm a little butterfly george wants to play too george i'm the butterfly you have to be something else [Music] i know you can be a wrigley worm look look i'm a butterfly [Music] oh dear george does not want to be a worm he wants to be a butterfly george when i was a little piggy i used to like playing at being a worm it's very easy to be a worm i'll show you how first you have to lie down on the ground then you wriggle around [Music] george and grandpa pig are having such fun being wrigley worms i'm a little butterfly i'm a little butterfly [Music] [Laughter] look look i'm a butterfly yes peppa you're a beautiful butterfly oh grandpa george what are you doing we are wrigley worms i want to be a regular one too i'm a wrigley one oh how do you do i love you i'm a regular that was fun [Music] peppa has found a box of old clothes wow this is daddy's hat and this is mommy's dress george let's dress up and pretend to be mommy and daddy here's daddy's hat and who is daddy's cousins hello daddy pig [Music] now it's my turn this is mommy's dress this is mommy's hat daddy pig where are your shoes i need some shoes too [Music] [Laughter] now i need to look beautiful just like mommy peppa has found mommy's makeup box uh-huh for some powder [Music] lovely now for some lipstick what a pretty mummy pig [Music] come along daddy pig it's time to go to work mummy pig is working on her computer hello peppa hello george i beg your pardon peppa i was just saying hello i'm not peppa pig i'm mommy pig oh yes of course hello mummy pig hello and this is daddy pig george hello to you too daddy pig [Laughter] [Music] hello everyone hello hello i love the score fate me too what do you like best the face painting i like the balloons i like the bouncy castle the best i like everything oh a very good choice peppa well see you later peppa see you later george what do you like best dinosaur girl oh dear there aren't any dinosaurs at the fate george maybe we can get you a dinosaur balloon are you sure they have dinosaur balloons daddy pig i'm certain of it can george did i get our faces painted first of course miss rabbit has painted peppa's friends as tigers there you are suzie now you look like a tiger thank you miss rabbit wow i like your face susie are you a pussycat no i'm a tiger peppa would you like your face painted yes please can i be an elephant oh dear i don't know how to do elephants i can do tigers yes a tiger please there you are peppa now you're a tiger i'm a tiger george what would you like to be dinosaur girl a dinosaur uh how about a tiger instead i'm good at tigers i'm a tiger so am i meow tigers don't say woof woof how do you know because tigers are big cats meow and i'm a cat cat d please can you teach us how to be tigers okay tigers creep very very slowly and then they jump [Music] hello peppa george look what i made for you a a tree house for george and me [Music] and the little curtains are for your tree house [Music] pepper and george love their tree house thank you granny pig thank you grandpa pig who wants to go inside first me me in you go then before i go in my tree house i must take off my muddy boots [Music] i'm in my tree house i'm in my tree house george would you like to go in the tree house too yes who is it a young pig named george would like to pay a visit can he come in as long as he takes off his muddy boots george take your boots off then you can visit pepper in the treehouse who is it george [Laughter] yes who is it it's mummy pig have you room for any more visitors hmm you have to say the secret words then you can come into our house i see and what are the secret words i have to whisper it up to you the secret words are daddy's big tummy i see [Laughter] say the secret words daddy's big tummy that's right daddy's big tubby i think those are silly secret words [Music] you can tell you do a brothers a like in every way what do you mean we are completely different george and i are going to do a puppet show fantastic call us when you're ready see you later a puppet show that sounds fun have i got time for some more spaghetti could i have some more too [Laughter] the puppet show is about to begin [Music] hello my name is [Music] it looks just like you i think they've made my tummy a bit big oh oh i did enjoy my lunch [Music] uncle pig are you going to fall asleep and snore like you always do what do you mean daddy says you always fall asleep and snore loudly like this [Music] [Applause] ho ho your daddy's right i do smell like this [Music] daddy pig you shouldn't accept those things about uncle pig i don't think daddy pig or uncle pig can hear you daddy pig and uncle pig have fallen asleep you can tell they are brothers okay what happened huh has the puppet show started yet [Laughter] [Music] oh dear the bubble mixture is all used up there's no more bubble mixture don't worry peppa i have an idea mummy pig bring me a bucket please yes daddy pig bring me some soap yes daddy pig george bring me my old tennis racket a bucket some soap a tennis racket what is daddy pig doing first i need some water then the soap and now the tennis racket please thank you now watch this [Music] wow daddy pig has made his own bubble mixture come on everyone [Music] be careful daddy pig don't slip and fall i'll be fine [Music] are you okay daddy pig yes i'm fine wow daddy pig has made the biggest bubble ever [Music] oh dear i've spilled all my bubble mixture now we can't make any more bubbles but we can play jumping in muddy puddles look daddy pig's bubble mixture has made a big muddy puddle peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles look the bubble mixture has made the puddle all bubbly pepper loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles [Music] leo can't catch the ball he can he just doesn't like playing catch what does leo like doing he likes to roar is he going to raw now um yes more than that you no that was leo ah hello leo peppa pretends that she can see leo lion leo will you be my friend too what did he say he's nodding his head that means yes peppa susie would you like to come inside and have some fruit cake mummy pig has two slices of fruit cake for susie and pepper mummy susie's got a pretend friend he's called leo lyon i see and does he like fruitcake too leo loves fruitcake don't be silly peppa that wasn't leo that was you leo prefers chocolate cake i haven't got chocolate cake will leo have some fruit cake he will try a little slice mummy pig gives some cake to susie's pretend friend george is playing with mr dinosaur dinosaur george you're sitting on leo george does not know that susie has a pretend friend um leo lion says he can't finish his cake so george can have it can we play upstairs now yes let's play dressing up i was asking leo oh [Music] leo says he likes playing dressing up good [Music] daddy why are you wearing that funny hat this is my belly it puts me in the mood for painting pictures now what shall i paint well chosen george i'll paint the old cherry tree what's that it's an easel pepper it holds my canvas what's a canvas it's a bit like paper for very special paintings is that toothpaste oh no peppa these are special paints for grown-up artists [Music] there what color shall we begin with right please why red pepper red is my favorite color but first we need to paint the sky look what color is it blue of course very good let's start with blue now for the cherry tree we need green for the leaves but there isn't any green never mind if we mix blue paint with yellow paint we can make green mixing blue and yellow makes green [Music] what about the branches we haven't got brown paint we can make brown we'll mix the green and the red mixing green and red makes brown daddy pig paints the tree trunk and the branches wow daddy can i paint the cherries yes peppa put your finger in the paint and dab it onto the tree one two three well done now it's george's turn [Music] what a great painter you are george [Music] we george throws the ball as high as he can and catches it i can do that too peppa has missed the ball this is a silly game here is peppa's best friend susie sheep susie has two tennis racquets hello susie let's play tennis yes that sounds fun to you susie oh susie has missed the ball oh peppa has missed the ball [Music] peppa and susie like playing tennis but george feels a bit left out [Music] oh sorry george you can't play tennis we only have two rackets i know george can be the ball boy yes it's a very important job george is going to be the ball boy he has to collect the ball when it is hit too far to you susie oh missed it oh boy [Laughter] thank you boy boy oh boy thank you bull boy [Music] peppa and susie are going to run a pretend shop what do we have to do i will take the money susie and you can stack the shelves okay danny dog is the first customer hello shopkeeper hello mr dog can i have some big sticks please susie have we got any biscuits no but we've got a toy telephone how much will that be that will be a hundred pounds please thank you next please nay hello shopkeeper can i have a life of bread please no but you can have a toy house would you like it in a bag sir yes please that will be one of penny please oh i haven't got enough money you can pay us next time you come in gosh this is hard work yes hello shopkeeper what can i buy for a million thousand pounds please susie what have we got for a million thousand pounds hmm a carrot yes please rebecca rabbit likes carrots it is home time daddy pig has come to collect peppa and susie daddy have you had a busy day yes i've been working very hard we've been working very hard too we've been shopkeepers [Music] blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the end and print mummy pig has finished her work [Music] it is home time at peppa's playgroup daddy teddy play creep is coming to stay oh teddy playgroup is our school mascot it's peppa's turn to take him home he has pajamas a photo album and a toothbrush it's all in his suitcase i see [Music] peppa daddy pig and teddy play group have arrived home mommy pig we have a special guest staying with us tonight really who's that teddy playgroup he has pajamas a photo album and a toothbrush what's the photo album for we take photos of him doing exciting things oh my friends have teddy play group all over the world london paris egypt oh i say teddy playgroup does have an exciting life um i hope he has an exciting time with us it is peppa and george's bedtime everybody this is teddy playgroup hello he is our special guest you all have to make room girl oh and that is mr dinosaur he's not very good at talking let's take a photo for teddy play group's album say cheese daddy teddy playgroup needs to have an exciting time tomorrow can we go to the north pole uh how about the supermarket yes i don't think teddy play group has ever been shopping before [Music] it is morning peppa is taking teddy play group to the supermarket this shop says everything oranges apples bananas very interesting [Music] you're right you've got no chance what it's impossible waste of money if you ask me we'll see about that mummy pig has won hooray that's amazing here's your giant teddy wouldn't you like a little teddy instead peppa no way jose look mommy a giant teddy it's a bit big no it's not george and daddy pig are cueing for the helter skelter it's a bit high george are you sure you want to have a go one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause oh dear it is a bit too high for george don't worry george i'll come up with you that's one pound please oh [Music] george isn't afraid of heights anymore oh it is a bit high isn't it i'll just go down the stairs the stairs are full of children that's the way down daddy pig oh okay [Music] [Laughter] roll up roll up hit the target and win a giant teddy you can do that easy mummy we don't want to win another giant teddy pepper damn worry you won't win women are useless at this i'm sorry what did you say it's a game of skill how much for one go one pound mummy pig has one unbelievable here's your giant teddy hooray i want a teddy like that one mummy they're too big no they're not [Music] what's that noise grandpa's making something hello pepper and george that's perfect timing i've just finished making it and may we ask what it is i'll show you wow a little toy train it's not a toy this is gertrude she's a miniature locomotive but doesn't it need railway tracks to run on oh no i fitted gertrude with car wheels so she can go anywhere she likes grandpa can we ride in gartrude hop aboard [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 963,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peppa pig, peppa, kids, cartoon for babies
Id: DZRyB5j4nKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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