Peppa Pig Official Channel | Peppa and the Brick House!

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[Music] and I put the brake on top that all sounds very exciting now close your eyes and go to sleep [Music] George cannot wait it is in a new house [Music] almost finished it just needs to be inspected mr. rabbit is the building inspector hmm very good but wait it's not finished what you forgot the swing [Music] now it's all ready for our new neighbors to move in neighbours yes Peppa we've got new neighbors mr. wolf and his family are moving into their new hope look little piggies I'm Peppa Pig thank you for building our house mr. pig what's it made of straw sticks it's made of bricks let's see how strong it is I'll huff and I'll puff and out hmm that is strong what's your own house made of mr. pig bricks so don't even think about it can you push me no aha and puffy instead [Music] mummy pig has come to pick up pepper and George that's nice what's that it's my old computer I can't mend that it's not broken I've got a new computer I thought you might like my old one I'm not sure you can do letters with it by pressing the wrong button don't worry you can't break it [Music] [Music] perhaps we should keep the computer granny pig shall we do some work on the computer granny pig yes let's do some numbers and letters peppa and her family are having lunch I've given my old computer to granny and Grandpa that's nice I wonder how they're getting on with it hello Peppa Pig speaking ah Peppa I need to ask a question about the computer it's grandpa he's broken the computer what's the problem with the computer grandpa turn the computer off now turn it back on again doesn't sound good [Music] - how does father Christmas around what toys everybody one she makes a list his sleigh must be very fast to go around the whole world in one night it's a super sleigh father Christmas is really old he's hundreds of years old even older my daddy oh no everyone have you all been good have you all kept your bedrooms tidied oh of course now come and tell me what you'd like for Christmas I'll see what I can do is that everyone we haven't seen you yet I am sorry what is your name oh yes nice to see you again Peppa what would you like for Christmas [Music] please very good you do know where I live don't you oh yes I'm hundreds of years old I told you don't forget to leave me a mince pie [Music] [Music] nice teapot mr. bill yes papa it's made of delicate China mr. bull likes delicate china you have to be very very careful with China because China could break very easily that's why I always oh dear mr. bull has smashed the teapot took pieces too hard straight maybe we can fix it boss oh I've got cement I've got our rivet gun it's not gonna work lads I know miss rabbit has a china shop she could mend it good idea mummy pig we'll go right now [Music] mr. bull is going to the china shop this is miss rabbit's china shop hello can I help you I have broken by China teapot oh dear can you fix it let's have a look hmm that's very broken oh yes but I think I can fix it Oh help of course papa these two pieces fit together fixing the teapot is a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle well done Peppa I flew those bits together George has also found two pieces that fit well done George nearly finished that's the lid there's just this funny shaped bit left where does that go that's handle miss rabbit oh so it is I don't know much about China teapots it's just gorgeous be careful not to smash it again this is the building where daddy pig works my office is on the top floor we have to go up in the lift I think it's George's turn press the top button George the lift is taking pepper George and Daddy Pete up to the very top floor top floor doors opening this is daddy pig's office hello everyone hello daddy pig hello daddy pig mr. rabbit and mrs. cat work with Daddy pig I've brought two very special visitors with me today Oh peppa and George what an honor let's begin the tour mr. rabbit can we start at your desk we certainly can mm-hmm my job is all about numbers I take very important pieces of paper I take a rubber stamp and I stamp the paper wow what a great job mr. rabbit has can I do some stamping of course I'll just find you some paper maybe we should use some blank next up is mrs. cat's desk yeah hello peppa and George my job is all about drawing shapes on the computer oh then I print the shapes out Wow and here's another copy thank you would you like me to make you a mystery daddy pig is going to make a mystery now what's on the table the little fish Teddy a jack-in-the-box and mr. dinosaur oh that's right now look very hard and try to remember them all the little fish Teddy a jack-in-the-box and mr. dinosaur have you remembered them okay you just have to go outside for a moment you can come back inside one thing is missing from the table do you know what mr. dinosaurs little fish jack-in-the-box so who's missing teddy that's right Teddy's gone well done pepper and George it was quite easy for us we are famous detectives ah but that's only half the mystery where's Teddy gone what are those little things on the floor the magnifying glass makes the cake crumbs easy to see oh I wonder if Teddy has been eating cake the crumbs lead into peppa and George's bedroom how can we find Teddy ask me some questions but I will only answer yes or no okay [Music] George yes mystery is solved do you still want to be a detective when you grow up the instructions look very complicated it's no good it's nonsense leave it to me daddy pig I quite enjoy putting these things together really can we help in any way you can put the kettle on I'll have a nice cup of tea with six sugars please everyone is preparing tea and biscuits for mr. zebra mr. zebra has built the toy cupboard my goodness that was quick yes and I've put all your toys in there too but there's no room for these last two Oh poor teddy mr. dinosaur where are they going to live why not simply order another easy to make cupboard no I've got a better idea teddy and mr. dinosaur can live on your beds mummy that's where they lived before yes I know that's why it's such a good idea [Laughter] [Music] this is mr. Fox's shop can I help you it's granny and Grandpa pig's wedding anniversary I need a present my shop has everything I'm sure you find something you like [Music] pepper the present is not for you it's for granny and Grandpa yes funny teeth they're wound up joke teeth very popular I think granny and Grandpa have all the teeth they need pepper do your granny and Grandpa like gardening and digging yes then why not give them a bucket and spade each boy one get one free they've already got Spade some buckets and box and everything oh dear I know grandpa likes sailing is a boat say no more I have thing I say local ever wish for do you have pirate's treasure everything except poor it's treasure Oh to granny and Grandpa like antiques what does antiquing antique means old and rare usually yes but my antiques are brand new that chair comes in a set of twelve nice isn't it is it made of oak yes it's made of plastic oak is it comfortable these mustn't sit on it antique chairs are not for sitting on look at them that's not much fun even for a grown-up buying a present for granny and Grandpa is hard work or don't understand my shop sells everything there must be something you like I like this Teddy and I think granny and Grandpa would like it Oh let's buy their teddy they're a very good choice who's going to play one penny and two buttons here's your change one button this is the hospital pepper and her friends have come to visit Petra pony remember children stay close to me I don't want you getting lost [Music] excuse me mr. bull which way is the children's world dance steps double dose right left right along the corridor up the stairs third on your left uh-huh oh you could just tighten the left Pedro will be asleep sick people do a lot of sleeping why aren't you asleep you don't look sick I broke my leg and they put it in this plaster cast the plaster cast helps Pedro's leg get better I graze my knee and I've got to plaster - Wow do you watch at all on my plaster cast yes please the children are all doing drawings on Pedro's plaster cast Wow thanks everyone you can draw on my plaster - okay I'll draw a little flower Thank You Pedro Pedro what's it like being in hospital it's great what if a nurse is like I give me stickers and they come whenever I press this button who's that wonder head row what you want Pedro we are very busy I've got a bit of an itch even if your leg is itching we can't take the cast off until your leg is better it's not my leg that's it chin it's my ear is that better yes thank you [Music] George the dentist will see you now this is doctor elephant the dentist hello Peppa have you been brushing your teeth yes good now who's first I'm fast because I'm a big girl watch me George sit in the chair please open wide please now let's take a look doctor elephant uses a little mirror to look at peppers teeth I hope you haven't been eating too many sweeties pepper it is quite difficult to speak when your mouth is wide open Oh done what lovely clean teeth she takes after me yes but don't drink it pepper spit it out George does not want it to be his turn maybe you can hold mr. dinosaur while the dentist looks at your teeth dine-saw very pleased to meet you mr. dinosaur it's not a real dinosaur it's made of plastic hold tight you're doing very well George now can you show me your teeth George does not want to show the dentist his teeth George Oh all done you have very strong clean teeth George yes George is very proud to have clean teeth [Music] it's a place full of interesting things that are very old yes even older than me there's one room full of things that belong to kings and queens from long ago and there's another room with a real dinosaur hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit how many tickets please two adults and two children dine-saw and the dinosaur Peppa wants to see the room full of things that belong to kings and queens from long ago during school but George wants to see the real dinosaur don't worry George we will see the dinosaur next pepper these are all the things that the Queen had a long time ago this is the Queen's special chair it's called a this is the Queen's dress look pepper this is the Queen's golden crown mommy where is the Queen's television they didn't have television then no television but they did have computers no they didn't have computers either what did they do all day mummy if I was the CLE I would eat as much cake as I wanted pepper imagines being a queen is there anything else you would care for queen pepper yes no cake please of course it is morning peppa and her family have come to the library Peppa you must be quiet in the library because people come here to read and to be quiet next please miss rabbit is the librarian hello mummy pig are you returning these books yes miss rabbit right you are it's checking to see that you haven't been naughty and borrowed the book for too long um I may have borrowed this book for a bit too long don't worry daddy pig it can't be that bad this book out for 10 years naughty daddy sorry miss rabbit that's all right now you can borrow another book can I borrow a book please yes the children's section is over here I'm in a book about football I've got a book about masses George has chosen a book about dinosaurs all right sure look what I've found further adventures in the world of concrete here's a red monkey book it's boring but this is a different story it might be more fun I bet it's not once upon a time there was a red monkey [Music] no he jumped in a space rocket and went to the moon he had a picnic with a dinosaur swam onto the sea and climbed the highest mountain that was a busy day Wow the family have brought go to the fish to the aquarium I hope we can find gold your friends I'm sure we will pepper the aquarium has every type of fish hello miss rabbit hello how many tickets please two grown-ups and two children please the fish goes free does the aquarium have every type of fish oh yes probably good we're looking for a friend a Goldie well I hope he finds one enjoy the aquarium thank you the first room has a tank full of little fish could any of these big oldest friend hmm let's see what fish are in the next room okay here is candy cat and her family what are you doing here we come here all the time it's better than watching TV we like fish oh what's in this tank I can't see anything Oh Oh daddy pig there's a fish right in front of you wow it is a very big fish do you think this fish could be a friend for Goldy no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room what's in this tank I sure George thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur George it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes I like fish can the seahorse be gold his friend no it's dinosaur [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 49,980,182
Rating: 3.7411129 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Id: MU2vmnNzIMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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