Peppa Pig Official Channel | Is it Baby Alexander or Baby Peppa Pig?

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[Music] who do you think that is it's baby alexander baby alexander is peppa's cousin no that's you as a baby pepper baby peppa somebody sounds like they're having fun look daddy that's a picture of me as a baby i remember it well it was taken on our first day in this house what do you mean when you were little we moved into this house we brought all our things on top of our car [Music] mummy pig put some pictures up daddy pig put up a shelf [Music] and grandpa pig made us a lovely flower garden where's grandpa's lovely flower garden now daddy pig looked after it uh we had the wrong kind of soil for flowers oh and anyway you needed somewhere to play you and susie love to play in the garden was susie my friend in the olden days yes you and susie have always been best friends [Music] in the olden days did susie and me jump up and down in muddy puddles no peppa you were babies you couldn't even walk oh what did we do you cried [Applause] you burped and you laughed we were babies baby susie baby soon after that you were toddlers and where was george he was a baby in my tummy yes you were in my tummy george [Music] if you're very careful you can hold alexander alexander that's his name baby alexander what a big name for such a small piggy it's quite nice even though it's a boy oh what's that smell maybe alexander's nappy needs changing disgusting peppa when you were a baby you wore nappies i did not mummy can i play with pepper and george in the garden yes [Music] chloe is it nice having a little baby brother yes alexander is very sweet i wish george was a sweet little baby piggy i know george can pretend to be a baby buggy he can go in my doll's plan that's a good idea no george does not want to be a baby george if you pretend to be a baby i promise to be nice to you forever and ever george is thinking and you can play with all my toys george is thinking more and when we get home you can play with all my toys george has decided what a sweet baby piggy here a candy cat suzy sheep rebecca rabbit and zoe zebra why is george in that doll's pram it's not george it's a baby pig but it is george george is a pretend baby piggy ah is this a girl or a boy it's a girl no george does not want to be a girl baby okay it's a boy i've got some cookies would the baby piggy like one oh no it can't eat cookies george likes cookies maybe it can have one cookie [Music] what's that noise it's the vacuum cleaner um why are you vacuuming at night we're not disturbing you are we what oh no we found noise is the best way to get baby alexander back to sleep he likes noise we're a noisy family everyone is back in their beds asleep baby alexander is awake [Music] the more noise the better is there another way that doesn't use noise we do find noise is the best way when george was a baby we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house and that always sent him to sleep how strange no loud noises that's right how many times around the house was it mummy pig three times 50 times daddy pig is pushing baby alexander around the house 50 times good baby alexander is asleep can you let me back in i'll just switch the alarm off switch the alarm back on peppa what are you doing up i can't sleep daddy it's a noisy night okay peppa let's get you back to bed now which bedroom are you staying in stop daddy that's baby alexander's room ah the light has woken baby alexander it's all right i've got the vacuum cleaner i've got the trumpet stop stop [Music] scary dinosaur [Music] lunch time everyone coming after lunch we'll do a puppet show [Music] auntie pig has made spaghetti for lunch [Music] this spaghetti is delicious best spaghetti ever you can tell you do a brothers a like in every way what do you mean we are completely different [Laughter] peppa george and i are going to do a puppet show fantastic call us when you're ready see you later a puppet show that sounds fun have i got time for some more spaghetti could i have some more too the puppet show is about to begin [Music] hello my name is [Music] hello my good pig hello peppa ho ho-ho it looks just like you i think they've made my tummy a bit big oh whoa i did enjoy my lunch [Music] uncle pig are you going to fall asleep and snore like you always do what do you mean daddy says you always fall asleep and snore loudly like this [Music] [Applause] your daddy's right i do smell like this [Music] daddy pig you shouldn't accept those things about uncle pig i don't think daddy pig or uncle pig can hear you daddy pig and uncle pig have fallen asleep you can tell they are brothers okay what happened huh is the puppet show started yet [Laughter] [Music] don't worry there is something we can do with daisies we can make a daisy chain what's a daisy chain i'll show you first you take a daisy and make a little hole in the stem take another daisy and thread it through that hole then make a hole in that daisy stem and thread another daisy through that hole look a daisy chain wow let me try make a hole in the stem threaded daisy through this is fun we can join them together to make one big daisy chain necklace there now you are the daisy queen peppa yes i am the daisy queen look at me look at me hello george i am the daisy queen you need to be something else oh george you can be a lion and these dandelions can be your mane george is a dandelion george likes being a lion children come and get your food look everyone i am the daisy queen and this is george the lion oh and i know a trick to see if you like butter daddy really yes you do like butter oh i do that's very clever pepper can i try hmm yes daddy also likes eggs and tomato cheese and cake wow how do you know all that mummy because he's got bits of egg tomato cheese and cake all down his front oh daddy pig loves picnics everybody loves picnics [Music] i'm peppa we'll call you pear oh and this is george we'll call you oh you didn't tell us you had baby cousins chloe i'm not a baby but you're both little i'm a big girl george is little uh why don't we all play a game yes let's play hide and seek we don't play baby games anymore we're almost grown up what about the yes no game what's the yes no game i ask things a new answer what makes that a game you mustn't say yes or no too easy do you want to play then yes ah you said yeah that's not fair i wasn't ready b are you ready yes i win again peppa is very good at playing the yes no game can i ask the questions of course you don't mind me asking you the questions i don't mind am i ever going to make you say yes or no i don't think so oh i give up how do you always win easy i just don't say yes or no ah i win you said yes and no that was fun let's play another game have you ever played sardines what's that someone hides and we all try to find them that sounds like hide and seek but when you find them you keep quiet and hide in the same space until everyone is hiding there like sardines in a tin all right let's try it george you hide first [Music] george is looking for somewhere to hide [Music] george i can see your wiggly tail [Music] mata george shall i teach you how to scoot her okay you hold on to the handlebars like this with both hands now stand on the scooter oh no george stand on the scooter with one foot good [Music] now push off with the other foot like this [Music] that's enough scootering for now it's time to go to playgroup oh we've only just started scootering can we ride our scooters to play group daddy good idea we could do with the exercise hooray ready steady go wait for me see you later mummy pig see you later peppa and george are riding their scooters to playgroup pepper george have arrived at playgroup bye bye daddy bye bye bye oh now i'm going to have to walk back home what i need are some wheels hang on i've got wheels [Music] this is fun daddy pig likes scootering [Music] daddy pig you're riding peppa's scooter yes scootering is such fun [Music] always look where you're going then dr brown bear is rolling down the hill he rolls through a prickly bush [Music] oh my goodness call an ambulance the ambulance is here oh yes everyone into the ambulance don't worry dr brown bear we are here to make you better thank you but i don't think i need your help i am the doctor remember yes but we must do all the checks i really don't think this is not another word children what do we do first check he's awake well done peppa are you awake doctor yes good he is awake this is all very nice of you but who knows what to do next we ask him his name yes but in this case what is your name dr brown bear now we ask him what happened you saw what happened i tripped over that ball and fell down the hill that was a bit silly now wasn't it which is hurting every bit is hurting where is it hurting most in my arm and my leg and here on my head we just need to bandage him up because you have been such a brave doctor you get a sticker children say thank you to dr brown bear for giving us such a wonderful demonstration of how the ambulance works thank you dr brown it was my pleasure dr brown bear loves ambulances everybody loves ambulances [Music] hello it is mr bull's brother hello sorry about the noise but we're building a road and need to knock this building down dr hamster's home for sick pets is in the way of the new road hello everyone mr rabbit is the road building inspector hmm things are looking a bit slack mr bull why have you stopped working this building is in the way i said they should build a tunnel oh yes a tunnel would do yes but that would be very hard to do are your machines not strong enough to make a tunnel what our machines are the strongest machines in the world we can build a tunnel i'll dig from this side i'll dig from the other side and we'll meet in the middle mr bull and his brother are digging a tunnel through the hill the tunnel has been dug [Music] and the new road is finished congratulations mr wool you did a fine job yes now all those busy people can get to where they're going more quickly the new road is so nice and straight that lots and lots of cars have come to use it they're not going that quickly hmm there are more cars using this ward than we had planned for we'll need a bigger road so what are you going to do only one thing we can do peppa we'll dig off the road pepper and george love it when mr bull and his brother dig up the road everyone loves it when mr paul and his brother dig up the road [Music] you can't pack everything but we need to take all our toys daddy just take the important ones okay i'll take teddy and george can take diesel money pig is packing a big bag for the holiday wow that's a lot of stuff mummy pig are you sure we need it all yes it's all very important okay it is susie sheep hello peppa do you want to play i can't play today susie i'm going on holiday oh where are you going i don't know somewhere where there's holidays that sounds nice granny and grandpa why are you here we're here for goldie the fish we're looking after her while you're on holiday here's goldie don't feed her too much granny okay peppa it is mr bull in his taxi he is taking peppa and her family to the airport hello daddy pig let me take that bag for you [Music] that's heavy are you sure you need everything in here yes it's all very important bye bye bye [Music] this is the airport [Music] goodbye have a lovely holiday tickets please here they are any bags yes i'm afraid this one's a bit heavy don't worry just pop it on the scales anything valuable in it no any more yes you can take those little bags on the plane with you just join the queue over there this is the x-ray machine what's this daddy it's a machine that looks inside things put your bags on here please look it's my bag with teddy inside diesel that's magic [Music] don't you pop it polly george loves his balloon george has let go of his balloon again don't worry george it won't fly away because the roof is in the way [Music] oh it's gone through the door it's going up the stairs it's going into the attic don't worry there's only one way out of the attic and that is through the roof window which is always kept closed oh dear the roof window is not closed catchy grandpa i can't peppa it's in the sky george your balloon is going to the moon you'll never see it again daddy pig has come to take peppa and george home hello have you had a lovely time um we bought george a dinosaur balloon but george let it go and it's flying to the moon there must be some way we can get it back look polly parrot is flying after the balloon polly parrot to the rescue go polly go polly parrot has rescued george's balloon who's a clever polly who's a clever polly george don't let go of your balloon again i know we'll tie the string to your wrist george what a good idea [Music] george loves his dinosaur balloon everyone loves george's dinosaur balloon [Music] your shadow always stays with you why when something gets in the way of the sun it makes a shadow like this oh i have the biggest shadow because i'm the biggest and george and i have the smallest shadows because we are the smallest very clever edmund i'm a clever clogs [Music] whose shadow is that that's the biggest shadow ever it must be a giant it's not a giant the shadow is being made by a cloud wow what sort of cloud is it um it's a big cloud it's called a stratocumulus yes edmund elephant is a clever clogs look our shadows are getting longer oh that's because the sun is getting lower in the sky it's nearly nighttime my shadow has gone yes emily when the sun sets the shadows go away peppa george bedtime okay daddy bye everyone bye bye [Music] it is bedtime i'm a bit sad that my shadow's gone away don't be sad peppa the electric light can make shadows and we can make shadow puppets mummy pig is using her hands to make a shadow puppet it's a birdie listen to it sing tweet tweet i'm a little birdie my turn peppa's made a spider my name is mr skinny legs oh scary george is making a shadow puppet what's that george dinosaur george has made a dinosaur that's really scary very good george [Music] wow it's a big dinosaur yes it's my whopping ginormous dinosaur slide that is some dinosaur he's a brontosaurus actually the correct name is apatosaurus you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you yes right my little explorers are you ready for the next bit of the adventure yes we have to find an egg an egg but eggs are little it could be anywhere leave it to me foxes love hunting for eggs freddy fox has a very good sense of smell wow what an egg it's huge why is the egg so big it's a dinosaur egg is it real no it's better than real it's pretend watch this the dinosaur egg has a birthday cake inside it it's not a pretend cake is it grumpy rabbit no the cake is very real and very tasty who won some birthday boy first here you go freddy happy birthday time for a bit of song and dance everyone copy me to the storm through the dinosaurs [Music] to the dinosaur door stop stop stop [Music] [Laughter] this is my best birthday ever [Music] room has a tank full of little fish fishy wow there are millions of teeny fish [Music] could any of these be goldie's friend hmm no they are too small let's see what fish are in the next room okay here is candy cat and her family hello candy hello what are you doing here we come here all the time it's better than watching tv we like fish we've come to find a friend for goldie the fish oh what's in this tank i can't see anything oh daddy pig there's a fish right in front of you where [Music] it is a very big fish wow do you think this fish could be a friend for goldie no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room what's in this tank dinosaur george thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur george it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes i like fish can the seahorse be goldie's friend uh no it's too dinosaury one more room to go oh what's in this tank nothing it's just green slime look that green slime is algae there must be some sort of fish in here whoa there's a fish with big long ears it's a rabbit fish it is miss rabbit wearing a diving costume she is cleaning the fish tank [Music] what a lovely holiday yes i have never felt so relaxed [Music] ah hello officer whatever i was doing i won't do it again mr pig here is your teddy please take a better care of him teddy we're going home today susie sheep cannot wait for peppa to get back home hello susie is no susie but she's flying home now flying high in the sky flying high and high and high i hope it's sunny when we get home peppa's family have arrived home granny pig grandpa pig goldie what has grandpa done to you um she has filled out a bit hasn't she naughty grandpa you've fed her too much she was always hungry we've brought you some presents from italy look grandpa a beautiful garden gnome oh you really shouldn't have granny has my postcard arrived no peppa not yet oh [Music] that's my postcard hello oh it's only susie i've really missed you peppa i've missed you too susie peppa and susie are best friends here is mr zebra the postman a postcard all the way from italy oh oh we got here quicker than the postcard look goldie i sent you this postcard from my holiday did you have a nice time on holiday peppa yes did you have a nice time it rained every day oh goody that means there'll be muddy puddles [Music] the island is a bit small to have a picnic on we can have our picnic in the boots who'd like a sandwich maybe please here's some bread mrs duck [Music] mrs duck loves picnics loves picnics one two and three your time is up one two and three that's us let's see who can get back first we'll have a race yes exactly i'm not sure i can pedal much faster oh daddy pig i'll do the pedaling this is quite a hard work isn't it aha we'll be carried back by the wind danny oh what is it the wind has stopped without any wind the sailing boat cannot go we'll just have to wait for the wind to pick up again how long will that take i don't know it could be weeks can't we use the engine no you don't have engines on sailing boats danny oh the sailing boat does have an engine [Music] emily and her family are in the lead [Music] that was exhausting next time we'll take a sailing boat yes sailing boats have engines on them see you later danny i've decided to sail around the world again but you said you were going to stay home oh yes i'm not a sailor anymore but i do love boating on the lake [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't wait to play in suzie's new room oh peppa suzy is moving to the other side of the world you won't be able to play with her every day but i'll see you every day at school won't i suzie yes i'll still go to school won't i mummy you're going to a new school susie oh will i ever see you again oh i'm sure you'll see susie again peppa yes oh look at the time we have to go but mummy we need to play some more you can play some more tomorrow right now we have to go and pack oh bye bye peppa see you susie [Music] are you okay peppa i'm sad it's a bit of a shock susie moving away isn't it yes why don't you make susie a going away card okay i'm drawing me and suzy and flowers that's a lovely card peppa would you like to talk to susie on the phone yes please mummy hello hello susie i'm a bit sad me too are you still coming to play tomorrow yes please okay see you tomorrow [Music] it is morning and susie sheep has come to play with peppa race you to the next hill [Laughter] i will really miss you susie and i'll miss you peppa i will even miss you bossing me about what do you mean you are the bossy one no i am not yes you are we are both a bit bossy [Music] [Music] is it meant to be like that no the house is just old everything here is a little bit wonky donkey everything is leaning now but it wasn't always this way when did your house start leaning madame gazelle oh i don't know it's been so long and now i have cracks everywhere too i think your house might need fixing can't i just paper over the cracks and paint it that is what my builder told me to do what does the outside wall look like ah what's this oh that is my little christmas tree that's not little that's big [Music] it was from christmas a long time ago it was a little baby tree with a fairy on top after christmas i could not bear to throw it away so i planted it in the garden your baby tree has grown so much it's pushing your house over that's why your house is all wonky donkey oh dear what can we do about it i'll call mr bull hello mr bull we have a big tree that needs looking at i'll be right there [Music] so where's this tree then here it is that's a mighty fine tree you have there madame gazelle strong roots yes but it's pushing the house over oh yes let's chop it down oh dear my poor tree stop i saw something moving the tree it was a little animal [Music] it's like the path in little red riding hood i wouldn't be surprised if we bumped into the big bad wolf oh hello there it is mr wolf hello mr wolf how are you very well thank you just a little bit hungry i'm trying to decide where to go for lunch i'm going to my granny's house for lunch are you really yes is it far not far this is the shortcut we'll be there soon very good oh well catch you later goodbye bye bye that was just like little red riding hood meeting mr wolf in the middle of the woods when i'm going to granny's house which way now daddy pig uh i'm not sure there's a little house over there let's ask them the way hello is there anybody home i wonder who lives here in the middle of the woods there are three chairs and three bowls of porridge hello peppa here are belinda bear and mummy and daddy bear hello hello mr and mrs bear sorry to trouble you the door was open so we came inside it's quite all right it's lovely to see you are you going to stay for lunch peppa it's porridge it's not too hot or too cold but just right [Music] we're actually on our way to have lunch at granny and grandpa pig's house could you point us in the right direction please that path there will take you to granny pig's house thank you goodbye bye-bye wow that was just like goldie looks in the three bears yes with a little house and three chairs and three bowls of porridge we are in a fairy tale peppa has arrived at granny and grandpa pig's house granny pig we're here hello here is mr wolf mr wolf why are you here i'm just round for something to eat your granny has made a lovely lunch [Music] this is the soft play center where everything is soft so children can bounce swing squash play this is great the children are having so much fun yes i just hope we can get them out at the end the little children have been playing all day home time children that was a lovely party wasn't it yes have you all had fun yes are you ready to go home now now oh my goodness we're never going to get them out there's only one thing for it i'll have to go in good luck [Music] ah i'm stuck oh don't worry i'm coming in i'm nearly there oh no i'm stuck too help hello mr elephant has come to collect edmund elephant mr elephant help we're stuck no problem ladies i'll get you out no don't you'll get stuck it's a trap [Music] i'm stuck daddy pig peppa and susie have come to collect george ah what good little children you are uh where are your parents oh we're stuck oh that usually happens to me that is going to happen to me isn't it i'm going to go in there and get stuck me and susie can go in we're smaller that's kind of you both but it is my job as a grown-up i must do this but daddy don't worry peppa if i get stuck i will ring for the rescue services ah yes i'm stuck [Music] i'm sure okay george let's get a dinosaur [Applause] [Applause] oh the dinosaur toy is too heavy for the grabber oh try again oh no we got to mr potato doll mr potato doll is just the right weight for the grabber aren't you lucky and he's yours to keep but the best news is you have earned your digger veggies you are fully qualified digger drivers thank you for visiting the digger world where all your digger dreams come true bye bye what's the matter mr bull we're building a wall across the road can we drive your digger oh i'm afraid children can't drive diggers but we've been to digger world we've got badges oh that's okay then hop aboard i'll drive the digger and you can have the important job of pushing the buttons okay now push the button what this red one now the green one the digger has knocked over the new wall sorry mr bull building things up then knocking them down it's all part of the fun with diggers peppa and george love diggers everyone loves tiggers [Music] oh dear the wind has blown george's hat off george george's hat is caught in a tree george you are all muddy oh but your hat is still clean thank goodness for that i'll get it down for you uh perhaps i had better help no grandpa i can do it [Music] oh dear peppa is covered in mud i see two little piggies who need a bath george's hat is on top of some reeds in the pond lucky for us your hat is still clean george but how do we get it this is a job for a grown-up hmm i will need a stick don't fall in grandpa i know what i'm doing peppa i can reach it [Music] i see a big piggy who needs a bath grandpa pig what on earth are you doing i'm having a cup of tea no you're not of course i'm not that was a joke it is perfectly clear to see that i have fallen into the pond that was a silly thing to do peppa george you're both covered in mud too we were trying to get george's hat back granny where is george's hat anyway it's flying in the sky [Music] i will get george's hat back and then you can all get cleaned up be careful granny i would use a stick thank you everyone but it's perfectly fine i've got boots on if you walk on that manure you will sink hush grumpa i have no intention of sinking i can reach it got it oh dear granny pig is covered in manure oh smelly granny pig [Music] somebody's hiding an egg it must be the easter bunny i wish we could see the real easter bunny maybe we can see it through the window yes oh i can't see anything we're never going to see the easter bunny remember no peeking sorry mommy hello everyone oh hello mr rabbit how are your carrots what carrots the carrots you went out to check oh they're fine daddy did you see the easter bunny no but i'm sure the easter bunny will have been by now do you think the children can start looking for the eggs yet oh yes i would say so [Laughter] right are you ready to find the eggs the easter bunny is hidden when yes found all the eggs we shared them out equally daddy there should be one egg for every child don't worry if it takes you a long time to find them danny dog has found an egg under a plant bottle sushi sheep has found peppa has found an egg in a tree george has found one in a bucket finished wow that was quick and with one egg each great wait what's that over there it's the easter bunny shhh let's creep up quietly yes now we'll see what the easter bunny looks like that is not the easter bunny that is rebecca rabbit oh we thought you were the easter bunny no i'm me and i found an egg we've all found eggs i'm a little bunny and i like to play i hop skip and jump and i play all day [Music] carefully into the water i can't see anything there's nothing in there wait i think i see something crocodile hello i'm mrs crocodile i'm the keeper in charge of the penguins adorable aren't they and now it's their feeding time penguins eat fish penguins are very good at catching if you look through the glass wall you can see the penguins swimming underwater wow they're really good at swimming yes that's why we have this fancy pool for them very interesting thank you mrs crocodile and mr lion it's our pleasure mrs wildebeest gazelle of course yes gazelle what animal are we meeting next i can see it it's very tall it's a giraffe yes that's my dad he's a keeper at the zoo hello i'm mr giraffe hello mr giraffe what sort of animal are you looking after see if you can guess look up there there's a net it must be a flying wild animal it must be hiding watching us waiting to pounce butterflies mr giraffe looks after the butterflies is it the butterflies feeding time yes and the butterflies get all the food they need from these flowers it is amazing they can live on just the food from flowers i wish i could get by just eating flowers yes all this talk of eating has made me quite hungry me too well it's our feeding time now what's for lunch today mr lion oh lunch boxes for everyone sandwiches fruit juice and an apple little picnics in boxes tuck in everyone [Music] but how can you work in the sea with this submarine wow do you want a ride yes please okay [Music] [Music] wow it's all the colors of the rainbow that's coral coral is made of lots and lots of tiny creatures and the coral stretches for miles and miles we call it the great barrier reef it's my job to keep the coral safe can we take some coral home with us sorry peppa we can look but we mustn't touch if every visitor took a little bit of coral home soon all the coral would be gone we must never never take anything away from here ah look little fish they're clown fish clown fish they do look quite funny look over there a big blue starfish there's a tiny red one and a spiky green one what's that that's a turtle [Music] hello mrs turtle how are you today you see how lucky i am to work in such an amazing place peppa look a little bridge just like in your fish tank oh you're right peppa it is quite like the fish tank here except there's no treasure chest of course what have you seen george it looks like a chest full of gold coins wow george has found a treasure chest you see daddy everything is the same as the fish town [Music] mary had a little lamb oh yes mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamb mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow and everywhere that mary went mary went mary went and everywhere that mary [Music] i like that one it had a sheep in it that was lovely pepper thank you who else has a favorite nursery rhyme i like little bo peep and can you sing little boo peep yes and it goes like this little boy peep has just has sheep and doesn't know where to find them i don't like that one it's about sheep getting lost it's too sad yes does anyone know a nursery rhyme that isn't about sheep me me yes pedro bubble black sheep oh sorry i know one about a cat oh splendid candy can you share it with us the cow jumped over the moon the little dog loved to see such fun and the dish ran away with the spoons dishes running away with spoons and cows jumping over moons crazy stuff who's next i know a rhyme about a mouse very good freddy hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock the clock struck one the mouse ran down hickory dickory dock oh that one makes a lot more sense i do like to run around madame gazelle i know a rhyme that has numbers in it excellent wendy please share it with the class one two three four five once i caught a fish alive six seven eight nine ten then i let it go again why did you let it go because it bit [Music] this little finger on my right [Music]
Channel: Peppa and Friends
Views: 1,475,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: BsvaOt3y-HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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