Peppa Pig Official Channel | Birthday Cake | Cartoons For Kids | Peppa Pig Toys

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[Music] Peppa and daddy pig are baking a cake for mommy pig's birthday Daddy this doesn't look like a chocolate cake to me m you're right Peppa oh I [Music] know well done Peppa how could we forget the chocolate now we just have to mix it oh uhoh Peppa and daddy pig are trying again to make a yummy chocolate cake for mummy pak's birthday this looks perfect Peppa now all we have to do is get the mixture in the tin one 2 3 M that would have been a very yummy cake oh dear it seems making a cake can be tricky finally our cake is ready for the oven Peppa [Music] ho now we just have to [Music] wait hooray our cake is [Music] done cake cake happy Birthday to happy birthday to you w happy birthday dear Mommy happy birthday to you [Music] well done Peppa this really is the perfect chocolate cake well almost [Music] [Laughter] [Music] perfect Papa do do Papa do papa pig doo doo doo doo doo doo papa pig momy pig doo doo doo doo do doo doo mommy P doo doo doo doo doo doo mommy P doo doo doo doo doo doo mommy P daddy P doo doo doo doo doo doo daddy pig doo doo doo doo doo doo daddy pig doo doo doo doo doo doo daddy pig doo do doo doo doo doo George doo doo doo do doo doo George doo doo doo do doo doo [Music] George sheep doo doo doo doo doo doozie sheep doo doo doo doo doo doo Suzie Sheep doo doo doo doo doo doo doo Su sheep Dy dog doo doo doo doo doo doo dny dog doo doo doo doo doo doo dny dog do D [Music] dog yay M py puddles do do do do doy puddles do do do do doy pudles having fun doo doo doo doo doo doo having fun doo doo doo doo do doo having fun doo doo doo doo do doo having fun [Music] wooho it's the end it's the end doo doo doo doo doo doo It's The End doo doo doo doo do doo it's the end it's the end do do doo doo doo do it's the end do doo doo doo doo It's The End doo doo doo doo doo doo It's The End [Music] yay oh uhoh oh dear [Music] yay oh oh [Music] [Music] wow ha [Music] uh-oh ooh ooh yay the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town Miss Rabbit on the bus says All Aboard All Aboard all aboard Bo Miss Rabbit on the bus says All Aboard all through the town the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish the wiers on the bus go swish swish swish all through the town the children on the bus they giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle the children on the bus they giggle giggle giggle all through the town the signals on the bus go blink blinkink blinkink blinkink blink blink the signals on the bus go blink blink blink all through the town the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep all through the town Peppa on the bus [Music] goes Peppa on the bus goes all through the town the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town hello and welcome to the Garden games it's finally the moment we have all been waiting for the Team Challenge Peppa and her family are having a sports day in the garden it looks like our athletes are ready to begin first up the egg and Spoon r y Ready Steady go both teams are off to a strong start woo yeah oh no how unlucky for The Blue Team try again [Music] Danny the red team has the lead and is starting the Second Challenge the bean bag toss [Music] there there oh dear the red team are having some problems here come Peppa and daddy pig wow that was a great shot by Peppa uh-oh But Mommy Pig and George are back in the race it's going to all come down to the last event the muddy puddle bucket challenge the first team to fill their bucket with mud wins oh it looks like the blue team is off to a strong start but don't count the Red Team out yet oh now the red team is in the lead no it's the blue no no red again no blue who is it going to be that's it it it's a draw everyone wins ho [Music] yay oh [Music] hooray wo wo wo [Music] wo hooray [Music] wo [Music] wo [Music] wo Wooh [Music] oh [Music] oo y yay [Music] [Music] in Peppa's home Daddy Pig is very excited he's got a surprise for the family and he can't wait to tell them Peppa is watching super potato on the TV Mummy Pig is playing happy Miss Chicken on the computer and George is in his room playing with Mr Dinosaur daddy pig calls the family and they come to meet him in the kitchen daddy pig tells the family that they are going on holiday it looks like everyone is excited the family rush to pack their suitcases Peppa puts her favorite dresses in the suitcase George thinks Mr Dinosaur would like to ride in the era playing with him Mommy Pig thinks she'll take her sun hat daddy pig is going to take his camera daddy pig brings the cases downstairs and loads them into the car come on Pepper and George we don't want to miss our plane calls mommy pig family jump into the car and ride to the airport [Music] [Music] [Music] the luggage is loaded into the plane as pepper and her family climb aboard the door is closed and the plane prepares to take off with a rumble and a whoosh the plane soars up into the air and with a the plane lands on the runway Daddy Pig has another surprise for the family TDA he cries out a camper van the family are going on a camping holiday they climb inside and off they go on the road and off to Adventure Daddy thinks spots a nice clearing that will be perfect for a campsite he pulls the camper van over into the clearing and begins to set up camp mommy pig starts the barbecue Daddy Pig pulls out the benches and Pepper and George get on their bicycles and go for a ride in the [Music] forest mommy pig calls everyone for dinner and the family settled down to eat as the day turns into night Daddy Pig suggests that it's time for bed but where are Pepper and George they're bouncing up and down on the bed but daddy pig tells him that's not where they're sleeping he tells Pepper and George to follow [Music] him a tent daddy pig put up a tent for pepper and Josh to sleep in how exciting the two r into their tent and snuggle down into their sleeping bags for a well-deserved sleep ready for another day's Adventures it's an exciting day for pepper and her friends after weeks of practicing and rehearsing their play is ready for Their audience to see candy cat sells tickets whilst Danny Dog Shows people to their seats the audience chatter and murmur excitedly the lights Ste down the Cur Rises and the play begins it's Peppa's home a set of the kitchen is on the stage daddy pig is sat at The Breakfast Table a basket of laundries on the stage as well as Polly Parrot on her perch Polly Parrot is staying with them whilst Granny and Grandpa Pig are on holiday that was a yummy breakfast time to get ready for work says daddy pig now where are my keys he says but as he looks around he knocks over Polly Parrot oh no Polly's got loose come back here Daddy Big cries off to the side of the stage Susie Sheep uses a megaphone to perform the parrot's voice AR get back here get back here AR call suie sheep pretending to be the parrot come on Polly come back Daddy Pig Sav AR get back here ar oh no not outside oh dear I'm going to have to find Polly the set has changed to the outside of Peppa's house where has Polly Parrot got to says daddy pig it's behind you cried the audience laughing behind me daddy pig looks behind him no isn't there it's behind you laugh the audience are you sure daddy pig ask the audience yes cry the audience Mar it's behind you it's behind you Mar squarks Polly Polly come back here Daddy Pig calls I have an idea how to follow her I'll follow her in my car [Music] I'll rescue you [Music] Polly the audience clap and cheer I wonder what will happen in part two the audience take their seats for part two of the show the lights dim down and the curtain Rises it's Peppa's playgroup Madame Gazelle is on stage and Peppa George and some of Peppa's friends are pretending to be in school schol now children today we'll be looking at the alphabet says Madam gazelle now does anybody know where I put my chalk behind me no my chalk isn't behind me says Madame Gazelle who said that was that you George asked Peppa says George AR come back here come back here AR there's something very strange going on here says Peppa daddy Peppa and George call hello you too I don't suppose you've seen Polly Parrot recently have parrot asked Madame Gazelle Polly Parrot flew out of the window says daddy pig oh dear says Peppa it's behind you called the audience there's poly parrot daddyy calls Peppa we have to follow poly says daddy pig There She Goes calls Peppa she's going back to the house says daddy pig mommy pig is putting bird seed into Polly's Bowl so that's why Polly flew home Polly knew it was time for tea laughs daddy pig [Music] that sounds like rain says Peppa and you know what that [Music] means muddy puddles come on [Music] George pepper and her friends take a bow and the audience applauds I think they like the show don't you [Music] mommy pig and daddy pig have a treating store today for Pepper and George they're taking the family out for a trip to the cinema Pepper and George are excited but what film to watch daddy pig checks the newspaper to see what films are showing ooh the new super potato movie what about this as Daddy Pig Pepper and George loves super potato the family jump into the car and drive to the cinema Peppa recognizes the building it's the theater where her and George perform their play the family gets some popcorn and drinks head to the screen and take their seats a lot of Peppa's friends are here for the movie too [Laughter] the lights go down and the film begins super potato to the Rescue by the power of vegetables I am here fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five the family agree this was a lovely surprise [Music] your Mummy Pig and Peppa are out on a shopping trip it's George's birthday and has a lot to organize wow this place is ginormous says Peppa we need to get a present a birthday cake party streamers and balloons the party is this afternoon at the pizzeria says Mommy Pig ooh ooh toys remember we're looking for something to George says Mommy Pig ooh mommy how about this I think George would like [Music] that now we'll need to get some party food says Mummy Pig Miss rabbit is behind the counter hello Mummy Pig what can I get you today oh hello Miss Rabbit we're here for party food it's George's birthday says Peppa party food hm well we have drinks down the aisle there and oh how about some veg for a nice salad and with lots of jam and things for nice sandwiches M says pepper mommy pig spots the Cookie Shop how about some cookies Everyone likes cookies suggests mommy pig oh yes please says Peppa oh Miss Rabbit you work here too Say Peppa yes well who could resist the smell of these cookies now what can I get you we'll take a large bag of chocolate chip cookies please says Mummy Pig party food cookies present ah we need to get a cake says Mummy Pig mommy pig spots the Cake Shop ah birthday cake we can get it here behind the counter is Miss Rabbit oh hello Mummy Pig what can I get you hello again we're after a nice big birthday cake says Mummy Pig here you go thank you replies Mummy Pig H I just know I'm forgetting something says Mummy Pig balloons and streamers mommy says Peppa you're right we can't have a party without balloons ah here we go Miss Rabbit do you work at all the shops here asked mmy Pig well I like balloons who doesn't like balloons replies Miss Rabbit I Love Balloons come on now we've got everything we need to start preparing for the party says Mummy Pig daddy pig arrives at the shopping center with [Music] George attention everyone George is here for his party announces pepper George's friends and his family get ready to surprise him surprise happy birthday George everyone cheers what not a surprise George opens his present and loves his new toy everyone enjoys a piece of cake and lots of party food even miss rabbit brings around some ice cream for everyone I think George liked his surprise don't you Rebecca Rabbit Susie Sheep and Zoe Zebra are looking for Peppa Peppa told them to meet them near the big yellow box but she isn't there the Box suddenly starts to wobble in sh suie spots that the box is moving Zoe knocks on the box and wonders if someone's inside Rebecca looks a bit nervous surprise blast Peppa Susie asks Peppa what the big yellow box is it's Peppa's Secret Surprise following Peppa she leads them to some enormous presents Rebecca Zoe and Susie are very excited Peppa suggests they open the [Music] [Music] boxes Zoe's found a surprise bag Rebecca's found one too zoy zebra's found a party hat Rebecca's found some fairy wings Peppa wonders what else is in the [Music] boxes Peppa finds a glittery sparkly dress Rebecca has her own sparkly dress too [Music] Zoe zebra's found the Glitchy cloak and she thinks it will look great with Peppa's [Music] dress suie sheep pulls a long roll of stickers out of a drawer Peppa's friends decide to decorate their party hats Peppa throws a small box down she wonders if there's a present inside Susie Rebecca and zly quickly go back to searching the drawers and three more boxes are found a present for everyone Rebecca suggests they decorate the presents with stickers and gems carefully Peppa and her friends play stickers and gems on their gifts to each other after exchanging their gifts pepper and her friends open their presents Zoe has a rubber duck Rebecca has a hairbrush Susie has got a bag but Pepper's present has gone missing poor pepper just then Daddy Pig arrives to collect pepper daddy pig finds a present on the floor and wonders who it's for [Music] well that was a very surprising [Music] day Pepper and George are doing what they love to do most of all jumping in muddy puddles but gray clouds begin to [Music] form and oh no it begins to rain Pepper and George rush into the house to stay dry daddy pig tells them that they came in at the right time it's almost dinner time Pepper and George come into the kitchen and sit down but oh dear muddy footprints on the floor Mummy Pig isn't pleased Pepper and George is to have a bath after dinner the family settled down for their dinner pepper and charge are watching TV Mummy Pig asks if they've had their bath yet Pepper and George look at each other we will replies pepper sometime later pepper is playing with me in the playroom and George is in the bedroom playing with m the dinosaur Mummy Pig asked Pepper and George if they've had their bath yet not yet mommy pepper says meanwhile Daddy Pig has been running the bath and getting it warm and bubbly for Pepper and George pepper George bath time he calls daddy pig says if they get themselves cleaning in their pajamas he has a super special surprise for them both before they go to sleep Pepper and George put on their pajamas brush their teeth and meet Mommy and Daddy Pig in the Attic study Daddy Pig has put up his old telescope he asked Peppa to look through but Peppa says it's been raining all they'll see is clouds he laughs and tells Peppa and George that it's St raining whilst they were in the bath Peppa looks through the telescope and see something whoosh across the sky a shooting star daddy pig was right this is a super special [Music] surprise the two begin to yawn it's time for bed Pepper and George climb into bed dreaming of the Stars good night Pepper and George today pepper is helping out Dr Brown Bear in the Mobile Medical Center pepper is giving Teddy an x-ray oh no there's an emergency someone has hurt themselves at the park pepper and Dr Brown Bear quickly jump into the ambulance and drive off to the park [Music] the children see the ambulance arrive and rush over to Pepper and Dr Brown Bear everyone had been playing at the park George had been playing in the sand pit candy cat had been enjoying the slide suie sheep had been feeding the Ducks Emily Elephant and Danny dog had been swinging on the swings when Danny fell off and hurt himself or dear says Dr brownbear we'd best give you an x-ray in a moment the ambulance folds out into the medical Center nurse Peppa helps Dr Brown Bear take Danny to the X-ray machine Danny lies on a bed and Dr Brown Bear starts the machine Danny looks worried but Peppa calms him down the children wait to see if Danny is okay Rebecca Rabbit measures Gerald he's very tall Dr brownbear checks Danny's x-ray good news you're going to be just fine what that sound it's police officer panda in his police car coming to see if everyone's okay everything is under control Dr Brown Bear tells him perhaps an ice cream will make everyone feel better the children rush to miss rabbit in the ice cream van come on Pepper and George time to go home calls Mummy Pig [Music] Peppa arrives home and she and George give Daddy Pig a big hug after a bath it's time to get into pajamas and climb into bed what an exciting day [Music] [Music] today mommy and daddy pig are taking Peppa and George on an adventure in their brand new motor home wow this is the biggest bestest car I have ever seen well Peppa it's not actually a car it's a motor home I wonder where we should go first I'm not sure I suppose we could go anywhere we like what do you think George Moon Moon 1 George the motor home isn't a rocket ship we have to pick somewhere we can drive to I know how about we go on a mountain Adventure that's sort of close to the Moon that sounds amazing I'm going to climb all the way to the top that's a wonderful idea let's [Music] go puddle George [Music] no oh dear will we can't go on a road trip with all this mud on the motor home we won't be able to see where we're going Daddy and I will get this mess cleaned up and we'll be on our way in no [Music] time this is a lot bigger than our regular car I think we might need some extra help from Peppa and George good idea Peppa George hm H I wonder where they could be I think they must be playing hide and seek let's try and find them mommy pig and daddy pig are looking for Pepper and George they must be around here somewhere that sounded like Peppa I think it came from over there by the swimming pool [Music] that's strange I was sure that I heard Peppa's oink over here that was definitely George's oink I think it came from the [Laughter] [Music] kitchen they're not here either they must be very good at hiding that was definitely Peppa and George they must be in the upstairs bedroom where could they be no oh there you are we fooled you you certainly did we thought we were never going to find you clearing the mud off the motor home was a lot more work than we thought yes all that work has made me hungry I know maybe George and I could make you a snack before we go on a Mountain Adventure that's a wonderful idea thank you okay first we need to stir the cookie mixture I can do that perfect now we need to make one cookie for each of us how many is that George one 2 three four that's right one for you one for Peppa one for me and one for Daddy Pig yum they look delicious can we eat them now please not yet Peppa first we have to bake them yummy they smell scrumptuous why don't you take them to Daddy Pig I'm sure he's hungry after cleaning all the mud off the motor [Music] home look daddy we made cookies one for each of us oh just what I needed P No [Applause] [Music] George oh dear now I'm all messy you look like a giant cookie [Music] Daddy and then the T-Rex came scaring everyone ra yeah dinosaur did you hear that George that must be Daddy surprise wow a house with wheels that's right it's called a motor home and we are going to use it to go on a camping Adventure yeah yeah this looks like a very fun camping site shall we set up our motor home yeah yeah is that a hammock on the roof yes Peppa daddy pig or I can sleep up there where will George and I sleep let's do a tour of our motor home follow [Music] me this is your bedroom okay so there's one hammock and two beds that makes three but there are four of us there's not enough space for everybody well spotted Peppa but we haven't finished our tour [Music] yet these benches can be turned into a bed so there's enough space for everyone to sleep I love our motor home it's magical it is how about you and George go and play outside while mommy and I finish setting up [Laughter] wee woo [Laughter] wee Daddy can you please tell us a scary story now that it's night time it will be doubly scary well I've heard that this camping site is home to a very creepy spot Ider they say he who seems I'm not very brave when it comes to telling scary stories okay George how about you tell us a scary story dinosaur G [Music] I've changed my mind that's too scary George I think that's enough scary stories for tonight I know what we could do instead some [Music] stargazing well spotted George that's a shooting star make a wish some of the Stars make shapes like those ones they look like well they look like [Music] me you're right Peppa a group of stars that make a shape is called a constellation who would like to see the constellations in the sky more clearly yes so you set it up as so and peek through this part at the sky [Music] oh my what is it silly Daddy it's only a tiny little [Laughter] spider mommy what do you think George wished for earlier when the shooting star passed by [Music] [Music] what was that H I think I know what George wish for [Music] now die [Music] wo my goodness these balloons are sweeping me off my feet I just know all of the children are going to love these let's tie them up here ready for the morning [Music] right class who's ready for our very exciting adventure to the balloon Park yay yay excellent follow me [Music] dinosaur wee oh hello there hello Madame Gazelle hello children Mrs pig look at [Music] me very cool Gerald could I speak to you about [Music] something the balloons have gone where oh no what's wrong Madame Gazelle oh um well mommy pig and I had brought a bunch of balloons here for you to play with but they seem to have flown away oh no but wait look over there there there's a balloon I bet there are balloons loose all around here why don't we try to find them all Madame Gazelle oh you children always impress me what a wonderful idea let's call it project balloon bananza ho [Music] look up there it's a balloon good spot Rebecca children do you think you have what it takes to reach it yay hoay just need to untie it yay woohoo yay [Music] woohoo got it h i can't see a balloon [Music] anywhere balloon George maybe if you swung on the swing it would free the balloon wee oh [Music] no blue yay yay [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woo woo W yay woo woo children you all did such a fantastic job finding the balloons you should all be very proud but it was so much fun we got to see all the attractions in the balloon Park ooh what's this attraction this is the balloon ride now that we found all the balloons it's time for the real balloon Bonanza to start [Laughter] oh my goodness mommy are we nearly at the petting farm I can't wait to meet the guinea pigs yes Peppa Grandpa Pig should be waiting for us outside but remember we are going to help Grandpa Pig get the farm ready for the animals first that's right Peppa Let's help carry this bag of seeds for the animals breakfast yes let's [Music] go this sure is a heavy breakfast oh thank you for your help bringing the animals food here everybody however the truth is the heavy rain last night has made the petting farm very muddy a little too [Music] muddy where are all of the animals they cannot come out until the farm has been clean Rebecca otherwise they will get too muddy for petting oh no how can we can we help Grandpa well I'll show you but it'll be very [Music] messy woo [Music] yippe amazing work everyone thanks thank you but Grandpa there's still that big pile of mud we still have time to clean it up don't we Mr Pig H we should do as long as the animal as long as the animals don't come back just yet a [Music] oh no the guinea pig will get too muddy for petting at this rate wait Mr guinea pig please slow [Laughter] [Music] down Peppa George Rebecca are you okay yes we're okay that cheek little guinea pig is so cute he sure [Music] is oh my silly Mommy it's only chickens I suppose they are cute aren't they Peppa okay everybody the animals have safely been taken somewhere else whilst we finish cleaning this mud but how will we do that Grandpa it's everywhere we can use [Music] this great work everyone thank you for your help the animals are very happy with our work now who would like to feed Mr guinea pig and Mrs Chicken me me let's put the seeds over here in this trough mommy pig then we can feed the [Music] animals oh you're all very friendly I love the patting Farm [Music] today mommy pig is doing a big spring clean of the kitchen one sponge one Brew I'm ready for the big clean iosaur I can't play with you right now George sorry we'll play with George mommy it just rained and there are muddy puddles to jump in outside okay Peppa but don't forget to wear your boots boots and please take off your muddy boots when you come back [Music] [Laughter] [Music] inside uh-oh maybe we should go inside before it starts to rain too much good idea let's play hide and seek around the house but not in the kitchen to let Mommy clean who wants to [Music] count okay George count to 10 [Music] that was quick George uh-oh wait a minute those over there aren't my [Music] footprints you're so good George oh no mommy isn't going to be very happy what are we going to do mommy is using the broom and sponge in the kitchen and we need to clean this mess quickly before she notices maybe we can find other things to clean with around the house good idea Susie let's look in mommy and daddy's [Music] bedroom it looks like they're going to need a little bit of help [Music] all right George you wait for us here while we clean the muddy footprints around the house [Music] now we just need to clean the bedroom and we will be all [Music] done oh [Music] no what's going on in here oh we're sorry Mommy we forgot to take our shoes off like you said and try to clean all the footprints but George decided Ed to clean in his own way it's okay Peppa this is a good opportunity to learn some cleaning techniques let's do this together [Music] [Applause] [Music] woohoo well done team there's a little surprise waiting for you in the [Music] kitchen you did a really good job cleaning in the kitchen mommy cleaning is easy with the right tools wait a minute you were cleaning with the sponge and the broom earlier but we found them in the living room and in mine and George's bedroom you hid them mommy you're not the only one who likes to play hide and [Music] [Laughter] seek I'm so excited for playgroup today I'm going to make the prettiest mask ever I can't wait to see it Peppa [Music] oh no where is Madame Gazelle I hope she gets in soon so we can make our glittery masks today she must be running late maybe she's trying to find art supplies for our lesson today Peppa don't worry everyone we can make our masks ourselves we have a lot of Art supp already we'll wait here with you all until Madame Gazelle arrives yes and I think it's a lovely idea to get started and show Madame Gazelle the lovely masks you [Music] make I have an idea we just need to pretend that Madame Gazelle is here with us [Applause] [Music] great idea [Music] Mandy right everybody who's ready to make some glittery masks I didn't expect it to come to life don't worry Mandy it's it's only me let's make Madame Gazelle [Applause] [Music] [Music] proud wa okay okay class let's see what lovely Creations you've all come up with in today's Arts of crafts [Music] lesson with my come partyy pepp party with my friends me great job everyone wouldn't it be nice to make Madame Gazelle mask too oh oh yes Mommy but what sort of mask would Madame Gazelle like I have an idea I think I know what kind of mask Madame Gazelle would like because it's mommy pig's favorite [Music] kind I'm so sorry I'm late everyone I was my goodness you've all made your masks and they're lovely I'm so proud of you all thank you Madame Gazelle we remembered everything you taught us besides I Madame Gazelle have been here the whole time Madame Gazelle we thought about what sort of mask you might like that's right could you please close your eyes my goodness yes okay [Music] Susie ooh Heaven you can relax Madame Gazelle you have been rushing around all morning besides we have you here all the time now hooray yay [Applause] [Music] y do we really need to wear all this sun cream mommy yes Peppa the sun is shining very brightly today right who's ready to go to the bit have you put on your cream daddy pig [Music] um well now I have it's time for our adventure at the [Music] beach here it comes [Music] George oh welcome to to your very own castle Prince George and Princess Peppa [Music] wow don't worry George sand castles aren't supposed to last forever let's make our own [Music] this smells yummy Mommy Pig thank you it's so hot today it feels like we've all been on the barbecue too Daddy Pig oh don't worry I have just the thing to help cool us down [Music] [Music] who Fancy's cooling down in the paddling pool [Music] me this is so yummy ho it certainly is hot dad pig look at you you're bright [Music] red Mommy why do crabs bury themselves under the sand I imagine it's to keep out of the hot sun [Music] pepper that's [Music] it ooh ooh uh be careful oh my it is rather cool down here there you go daddy that will keep you cool until we go [Music] home good work Pepper and George I'm very proud of you what an adventure today has been I'm stuck here it comes wee today is an extra special day because Mommy and Daddy Pig are taking Peppa and George on a summer holiday Adventure those bags look very heavy Peppa are you sure you don't need some help I'm fine thank you my bag has wheels on it oopss [Music] have you packed everything you need for our summer holiday Adventure H I think so let's check the list have you got your swimming costume yep have you got your Sun hat y I've got it what about your sunglasses yep yep and yep summer holiday Adventure here we come what's the matter why aren't we moving anywhere H I can't seem to find my keys to start the motor home oh dear maybe you packed them by mistake I suppose I might have done maybe I left them in the house somewhere don't worry Daddy detective Peppa and detective George can help you find your missing Keys really really oh good that is a relief now where did you see them last H I think I saw them in the living room when I got up this morning excellent a clue follow me detective George detective Peppa and detective George are searching for the Lost keys in the living room any luck H well they're not on top of the TV maybe they fell behind the sofa oh nope where else did you go this morning Daddy H let me think oh I know maybe I left them in the kitchen when I was having my breakfast aha another clue follow me detective Peppa and detective George search the kitchen for the Lost keys were the keys under the table George no maybe they're in the fruit ball oops oh dear I can't see the keys anywhere H maybe we could pretend it's the morning again and see where you went that's a great idea Peppa now let me think first I sat at the table and ate my breakfast after that I went over to the sink and did the washing up maybe mommy found them in the luggage we should go and check did you find anything no I'm afraid not did you no not yet but I think we're getting close with Detective Peppa and detective George's help we checked every room in the house but we couldn't find Daddy's keys anywhere so suddenly detective Peppa notices something shiny poking out of one of Daddy Pig's Pockets daddy what's that in your pocket my keys they were in my pocket the whole time well done detectives we would never have found them without your help hooray does this mean we can go on our summer holiday adventure for real this time absolutely let's go oh Peppa and George are very excited because tonight they are putting on a special music concert for their family tonight's the be big night I can't wait to see you and George play your instruments for everyone how many people are going to be watching well there's Mommy Grandma and Grandpa and your teacher Madame Gazelle daddy that sounds like a lot of people what if I make a mistake and everyone laughs at me no one's going to laugh at you Peppa and besides you've been practicing really hard I know but I don't think I'm ready well why don't we have a dress rehearsal what's a dress rehearsal we can pretend we're doing the concert for real so that when tonight comes it won't feel so scary that might [Music] work everybody ready drum drum drum drum drum ready okay let's go 3 2 [Music] 1 hooray we did it very good I'm sure you'll get a big round of applause at the end now we can make the room look like a real Concert Hall first we'll need somewhere for people to sit so they can see you playing H how about the sofa yes that'll do nicely let's move it in front of the [Music] stage bouncy jum bouncy drum bouncy jum bouncy come on George I can't move the sofa with you bouncing on it goodness it's very heavy a little to the left a little to the right a little more there perfect pH now we'll need some light so people can see you properly H maybe we can use some lamps that will look very [Music] nice can you see me yes Peppa you look brilliant I'm going to go and get dressed the audience will be here [Music] soon this is all very exciting yes the stage looks wonderful everybody put your hands together and welcome to the stage Peppa and [Applause] George ready Peppa ready okay one 2 3 hey what happened to the lights I think they must have been a power cut how are we going to play if we can't see don't sorry Pepper and George it was a dark walk over here so we all brought torches wow this feels just like a real concert now ready everybody one 2 3 [Music] [Music] we did it and I didn't even make one mistake that was excellent Pepper and George now we have to take a [Applause] bow good morning children I hope you're all ready for sports day we're super ready I've been practicing running and jumping and I've been practicing throwing and catching excellent well let's all get warmed up oh dear it's raining looks like we won't be able to have our sports day after all hurry children let's head inside before we all get soaked oh I'm was really looking forward to sports day not to worry children perhaps we can have our sports day inside instead inside yes there are lots of fun things we can do inside when it's raining hooray our first event shall be the egg and Spoon race yay I love an egg and Spoon race the egg and Spoon race is about more than just speed you have to have lots of balance and care as well is everybody ready ready okay then on your marks get set go wo this is harder than it looks you'll never catch [Music] me we'll see about that careful children remember both you and your eggs need to cross the line oh [Music] no congratulations George you are the winner oops never mind on to the next event let's see what our next event shall be oo ooh art that's one of my favorite subjects let's see who can paint the best picture of themselves what colors shall we choose I wonder can I have a pink please but Susie I need to use the Pink as well maybe we can share okay [Music] [Music] wow these are also wonderful children and who's this George dinosaur ra can we put them on the wall so everyone can see them of course we can what a wonderful idea Peppa [Music] okay last one let's theme this activity around music how about we play musical statues I'll play the music on my guitar and you will dance along when the Music Stops you all need to stop dancing and stand still this is going to be [Music] fun time for school climb the hill all my friends and me time for silly George you were supposed to stop dancing when the music stopped never mind George how about you come up here and help me play some music for Peppa and Suzie Dr [Music] okay time for round two [Music] ISB slow down George I'm not sure I can play that fastb busy is so busy always helping me I [Music] pH I'm exhausted this was the best indoor sports day [Music] ever look at me wow Susie 3 2 one Splash did you see the big splash that was an impressive jump suszie wow suszie that was great thanks Peppa H what's wrong Peppa I thought you liked coming to the swimming pool I do but I want to dive like Suzy and make big splashes but you can the diving board it's too high and scary H I think I know something that might help you [Music] Mommy what's that story book oh Peppa this is not just any story book this is a magical story ooh magical that's right what's it about well it's a book about a very very magical Piggy and a very magical pool please will you read it to me Mommy of course this is a story about the magical pool once upon a time there was a very magical pool the magical pool was watched over by a princess Pig who would sing to the water to keep its magic glowing la la la la um mommy could the princess Pig be giant I yes Peppa of course why [Music] not the giant princess Pig kept singing her magical songs to the [Music] water but then something happened the water disappeared oh no that's not a nice story don't worry Peppa it's not finished yet the princess tried to bring the water back with her singing but her magic powers didn't work in this [Music] way the princess had to find water from somewhere but where will she find water from Mommy I don't know Peppa there's lots of water here if only we could give the princess some but how could we do that Mommy it would be difficult but if someone could make a big splash that might be enough to reach the princess oh I can do it I can make a big splash are you sure Peppa yes I'll make the biggest splash ever and help the princess ooh it's very high you can do it Peppa yay Peppa 3 2 one woo it worked the magic pool was full again and the princess was happy she could sing to it the end did you enjoy that Peppa Peppa Peppa up here Mommy [Music] who's excited about seeing all the animals at the petting farm oh me me I am me too me too uh-oh it looks like it's going to rain good thing we brought our raincoats Daddy but the animals in the petting f don't have rain coats will they mind the rain H I'm not sure Peppa hopefully we can keep them happy with all of the food we brought for [Music] them it's a shame there aren't any fish at this Petting Farm they'd be very happy oh look the chickens like the rain [Music] oh they're getting very [Music] muddy oh no he doesn't like the rain H it looks like you're right Peppa yeah oh my it was lucky I was wearing my raincoat wasn't it ho I have an idea come on Peppa I need your help getting things from the car what are we doing Daddy well [Music] Peppa oh that's a great idea [Music] daddy oh dear I think the rain is getting heavier the animals won't be happy don't don't worry little animals you will all be dry in no [Music] [Music] time that's better I think oh yes what do you think Mr guinea pig and how about you little [Music] chicks it looks like all that jumping in puddles made George and the chickens very [Laughter] sleepy so who enjoyed the petting farm then I did I did even though it was a bit wet oh yes and would you look at that just in time oh dear we should have made a raincoat for the car [Music] [Laughter] too ice [Music] cream it's tasty isn't it I wonder if pepper and daddy pig will end up eating it all in their special ice cream [Laughter] [Music] truck ice cream ice cream come and get your yummy ice cream here not so fast Peppa we need to set up [Music] first M all of these different flavors of ice cream look so yummy oh they sure do Peppa which one would you like to try before we open up the shop to customers strawy please coming right [Music] up oh my looks like we have some customers [Music] Peppa hi Peppa hi suszie hi Mandy hi Peppa could we please have some ice cream of course you can you're our customers Mandy why don't you both choose which flavor you like the look [Music] of ice cream ice cream yes George there is lots more you just need to wait for the ferris wheel to finish spinning M thank you Peppa [Music] uh-oh wo it's raining ice cream oh my goodness I'm so sorry Pedro don't worry Mrs Pig I love chocolate ice cream M it's okay I'm all clean now good why don't you come with me and George to our ice cream truck a whole truck filled with ice cream yes [Music] please Peppa I didn't know you had an ice cream truck yes Pedro and the ice cream is delicious ho George would you like to serve our next customer yay H can I have strawberry please George [Music] yeah and now you can give the cone to the customer George ice cream ice cream a oh Pedro I'm sorry George loves ice cream too much to be an ice cream seller hey I have an idea Pedro [Music] oh my goodness what an excellent idea Peppa this will test all of our ice cream making skills Pedro hold on one moment please okay [Music] Peppa one 2 3 4 5 wow that's the biggest ice cream I've ever seen it's going to get as tall as the ferris wheel 17 18 19 20 I can't believe it a 20 scoop ice [Music] cream I don't think I'm ever going to be able to finish this ice cream ice cream don't worry Pedro I know somebody who would be very happy to [Laughter] [Music] help Papa doo doo doo doo papa pig doo doo doo doo doo doo papa pig doo doo doo do doo doo Papa Pig momy p doo doo do do do doo mommy P doo doo do do do doo mommy P doo doo doo doo doo doo me P daddy P doo doo doo doo do doo daddy P doo doo doo doo doo doo daddy P doo doo doo doo do doo Daddy Pig George P do do do do doo doo George doo doo do do do do George P do do doo doo doo doo George pig sheep doo doo doo doo doo doo sheep doo doo doo doo doo doozy sheep doo doo doo doo doo dooo sheep D dog doo doo doo doo doo doo D dog doo doo doo doo doo doo D dog doo doo doo doo do doo D [Music] dog yay mudy puddles do doo do doo dooy puddles do do doo doo dooy puddles do doo doo doo doy having fun do do doo doo doo doo having fun do do do do do doo having fun do do do do do do having fun [Music] wooho it's the end do do do do Doo It's The End do doo doo do do Doo It's The End do doo do do do do it's the end it's the do doo do doo doo doo It's The End doo doo do doo do doo It's The End doo doo doo doo doo doo it's the [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] hooray w wo woah [Music] wo [Music] hooray woo [Music] wow h [Music] [Music] wa [Music] wo oh oo [Music] yay [Music] [Music] [Music] yay [Music] yay oh oh uhoh oh [Music] dear [Music] yay oh oh [Music] ha [Music] wow [Music] uhoh O Yay hello and welcome to the Garden games it's finally the moment we have all been waiting for the Team Challenge Peppa and her family are having a sports day in the garden it looks like our athletes are ready to begin first up the egg and Spoon race Ready Steady go both teams are off to a strong start woo yeah oh no how unlucky for the blue team try again [Music] Danny the red team has the lead and is starting the Second Challenge the bean bag [Music] toss there there oh dear the red team are having some problems here come Peppa and daddy pig wow that was a great shot by Peppa [Music] But Mommy Pig and George are back in the race it's going to all come down to the last event the muddy puddle bucket challenge the first team to fill their bucket with mud wins oh it looks like the blue team is up to a strong start but don't count the Red Team out yet oh oh now the red team is in the lead no it's the blue no no red again no blue who is it going to be that's it it's a draw everyone [Music] wins yay Peppa and daddy pig are baking a cake cake for mommy pig's birthday Daddy this doesn't look like a chocolate cake to me H you're right Peppa oh I [Music] know well done Peppa how could we forget the chocolate now we just have to mix it oh uhoh Peppa and daddy pig are trying again to make a yummy chocolate cake for mommy pig's birthday this looks perfect Peppa now all we have to do is get the mixture in the tin 1 2 3 m that would have been a very yummy cake oh dear it seems making a cake can be tricky finally our cake is ready for the oven Peppa [Music] hoay now we just have to [Music] wait hooray our cake is [Music] done cake cake Happy Birthday to happy birthday to you w w happy birthday dear Mommy happy Birthday to You Well Done Peppa this really is the perfect chocolate cake well almost [Music] [Laughter] [Music] perfect the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town Miss Rabbit on the bus says All Aboard all AB board all All Aboard Miss Rabbit on the bus says All Aboard all through the town the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish the wiers on the bus go swish swish swish all through the town the children on the bus they giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle giggle G giggle the children on the bus they giggle giggle giggle all through the town the signals on the bus go blink blink blinkink blink blinkink blink blink the signals on the bus go blink blink blink all through the town the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep all through the town Peppa on the bus [Music] goes Peppa on the bus goes all through the town the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town it's an exciting day for pepper and her friends after weeks of practicing and rehearsing their play is ready for Their audience to see candy cat sells tickets whilst Danny Dog Shows people to their seats the audience chatter and murmur excitedly the lights Ste down the curtain Rises and the play begins it's Peppa's home a set of the kitchen is on the stage daddy pig is sat at The Breakfast Table a basket of laundry on the stage as well as Polly Parrot on her perch Polly Parrot is staying with them whilst Granny and Grandpa Pig are on holiday that was a yummy breakfast time to get ready for work says daddy pig now where are my keys he [Music] says but as he looks around he knocks over Polly Parrot oh no Polly's got loose come back here Daddy Big cries off to the side of the stage Susie Sheep uses a megaphone to perform the parrot's voice get back here get back here AR calls Susie Sheep pretending to be the parrot come on Polly come back Daddy Pig says AR get back here AR oh no not outside oh dear I'm going to have to find Polly the set has changed to the outside of Peppa's house where has Polly Parrot got to says daddy pig it's behind you cried the audience laughing behind me daddy pig looks behind him no Polly isn't there it's behind you laugh the audience are you sure daddy pig ask the audience yes cry the audience Mark it's you it's behind you Mar squa Polly Polly come back here Daddy Pig calls I have an idea how to follow her I'll follow her in my car I'll rescue you [Music] [Applause] Polly the audience clap and cheer I wonder what will happen in part two the audience take their seats for part two of the show the lights dim down and the curtain Rises it's Peppa's play group Madame Gazelle is on stage and Peppa George and some of Peppa's friends are pretending to be in school now children today we'll be looking at the alphabet says Madam gazelle now does anybody know where I put my chalk behind me no my chalk isn't behind me says mam gazelle who said that was that you George asked Peppa says George AR come back here come back here F there's something very strange going on here says Peppa daddy Pepper and George call hello you too I don't suppose you've seen Polly Parrot recently have parrot asked Madame Gazelle Polly Parrot flew out of the window says daddy pig oh dear says Peppa it's behind you called the audience there's Polly Parrot Daddy calls Peppa we have to follow Polly says daddy pig There She Goes calls Peppa she's going back to the house says daddy pig mommy pig is putting bird seed into Polly's Bowl so that's why Polly flew home Polly knew it was time for tea laughs daddy [Music] pig that sounds like rain says Peppa and you know what that [Music] means muddy puddles come on [Music] George pepper and her friends take a bow and the audience applauds I think they like the show don't you [Music] mommy pig and daddy pig have a treating store today for Pepper and George they're taking the family out for a trip to the cinema Pepper and George are excited but what film to watch daddy pig checks the newspaper to see what films are showing ooh the new super potato movie what about this as Daddy Pig Pepper and George love super potato the family jump into the car and drive to the cinema Peppa recognizes the building it's the theater where her and George perform their play the family gets some popcorn and drinks head to the screen and take their seats a lot of Peppa's friends are here for the movie too the lights go down down and the film begins super potato to the Rescue by the power of vegetables I am here fruit and vegetables Us Alive to eat your the family agreed this was a lovely surprise in Peppa's home Daddy Pig is very excited he's got a surprise for the family and he can't wait to tell them using my Peppa is watching super potato on the TV Mummy Pig is playing happy Miss Chicken on the computer and George is in his room playing with Mr Dinosaur daddy pig calls the family and they come to meet him in the kitchen daddy pig tells the family that they are going on holiday it looks like everyone is excited the family rush to pack their suitcases Peppa puts her favorite dresses in the suitcase George thinks Mr Dinosaur would like to ride in the AA playing with him Mommy Pig thinks she'll take her sun hat daddy pig is going to take his camera daddy pig brings the case's downstairs and loads them into the car come on Pepper and George we don't want to miss our plane calls Mommy pig family jump into the car and ride to the airport [Music] [Music] the luggage is loaded into the plane as pepper and her family climb aboard the door is closed and the plane prepares to take off with a rumble and a whoosh the plane soes up into the air and with a the plane lands on the runway Daddy Pig has another surprise for the family TDA he cries out a camper van the family are going on a camping holiday they climb inside and off they go on the road and off to ad Venture daddy think spots a nice clearing that will be perfect for a campsite he pulls the camper van over into the clearing and begins to set up camp mommy pig starts the barbecue Daddy Pig pulls out the benches and Pepper and George get on their bicycles and go for a ride in the [Music] forest mommy pig calls everyone for dinner and the family settle down to [Music] eat as the day turns into night Daddy pigs a it's time for bed but where are Pepper and George they're bouncing up and down on the bed but daddy pig tells him that's not where they're sleeping he tells Pepper and George to follow [Music] him a tent daddy pig put up a tent for Pepper and George to sleeping how exciting the two Riggle into their tent and snuggle down into their sleeping bags for a well-deserved sleep ready for another day's Adventures Rebecca Rabbit Susie Sheep and Zoe Zebra are looking for Peppa Peppa told them to meet them near the big yellow box but she isn't there the Box suddenly starts to wobble and Shake Susie spots that the box is moving Zoe knocks on the box and wonders if someone's inside Rebecca looks a bit nervous surprise laughs Peppa Susie asks Peppa what the big yellow box is it's Peppa's Secret Surprise following Peppa she leads them to some enormous presents Rebecca Zoe and Susie are very excited Peppa suggests they open the boxes [Music] [Music] Zoe's found a surprise bag Rebecca's found one too Zoe zebra's found a party hat Rebecca's found some fairy wings Peppa one what else is in the [Music] boxes Peppa finds a glittery sparkly dress Rebecca has our own sparkly dress [Music] too zo zebra found the Glitchy cloak and she thinks it will look great with Peppa's dress [Music] Susie Sheep pulls a long roll of stickers out of a drawer Peppa's friends decide to decorate their party hats Peppa throws a small box down she wonders if there's a present inside Susie Rebecca and zly quickly go back to searching the drawers and three more boxes are found a present for everyone Rebecca said suest that they decorate the presents with stickers and gems carefully Peppa and her friends play stickers and gems on their gifts to each other after exchanging their gifts Peppa and her friends open their presents Zoe has a rubber duck Rebecca has a hairbrush Susie has got a bag but Peppa's present has gone missing poor pepper just then Daddy Pig arrives to collect pepper [Music] daddy pig finds a present on the floor and wonders who it's [Music] for well that was a very surprising day [Music] [Music] Pepper and George are doing what they love to do most of all jumping in muddy puddles but gray clouds begin to [Music] form and oh no it begins to rain Pepper and George rush into the house to stay dry daddy pig tells them that they came in at the right time it's almost dinner time Pepper and George come into the kitchen and sit down but oh dear muddy footprints on the floor Mummy Pig isn't pleased Pepper and George is to have a bath after dinner the family settled down for their dinner pepper and Geor are watching TV Mummy Pig asks if they've had their bath yet Pepper and George look at each other we will replies pepper sometime later pepper is playing with the in the playroom and George is in the bedroom playing with Mr Dinosaur Mummy Pig asked Pepper and George if they've had their bath yet not yet Mommy Peppa says meanwhile while Daddy Pig has been running the bath and getting it warm and bubbly for Pepper and George pepper George bath time he calls daddy pig says if they get themselves cleaning in their pajamas he has a super special surprise for them both before they go to sleep Pepper and George put on their pajamas brush their teeth and meet Mommy and Daddy Pig in the Attic study Daddy Pig has put up his old telescope he asked Peppa to look through but Peppa says it's been raining all they'll see is clouds he laughs and tells Pepper and George that it stopped raining whilst they were in the bath Peppa looks through the telescope [Music] and see something whoosh across the sky a shooting star daddy pig was right this is a super special [Music] surprise the two begin to yawn it's time for bed Pepper and George climb into bed dreaming of the Stars good night Pepper and George
Channel: Peppa Toys
Views: 13,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peppa Pig Official Channel | Birthday Cake | Cartoons For Kids | Peppa Pig Toys, baby alexander, peppa pig, peppa pig camper van, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig english episodes, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig lunch, peppa pig play-doh, peppa pig toy, peppa pig toys, peppa pig toys episodes, peppa pig toys house, peppa pig toys house play doh, peppa toys, play doh, toy peppa pig, toys peppa pig
Id: wfiiHm36ucI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 49sec (7189 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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