Peppa Pig Full Episodes | George's New Clothes | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] it is a lovely sunny day pepper and George are playing in the garden [Music] George loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] George goodness what a muddy little piggie you'll need a bath and we'll need to wash your clothes George is walked in the bath George's clothes are washed in a washing machine we must have washed these clothes of thousand times when you wash clothes a thousand times they get holes in them maybe it's time we got George some new clothes mummy pig is taking pepper and George to the clothes shop hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit how can I help you we need some new clothes for George please well you're in luck this is a clothes shop first we need to measure you now hold your arms out George thinks you're going to tickle him I promise I won't tickle you George very good what a big strong boy you are George miss rabbit even tickle you did she no but I will George loves being tickled right let's find George some new clothes how about this it will keep you very warm if George would kindly go into the changing booth please George is wearing a big thick woolly jumper you look cuddly ja hmm I don't think white is the best color for puddle jumping hmm this isn't white it's every other color but white George does not want to look like a clown hmm too much color what about this then yes it's still not really George hmm what about this then basically it's what you had before oh yes what do you think George George likes his new clothes Oh so George didn't get any new clothes then these are his new clothes daddy pig the same as before but no holes oh I see yes let's all play in the garden [Applause] [Music] you'll want to talk pepper look at your clothes and you seem to be a little muddy too daddy pig and you mummy pig oh well it's only mud it'll come off in the wash if we're going to get washed anyway let's get even more muddy pepper and George are at Danny dog's house captain dog is telling stories of when he was a sailor I sailed all around the world and then I came home again but now I'm back for good I will never get on a boat again dad a dear mr. sea well sometimes it is granddad dog grandpa pig and Grampy rabbit hello I can captain dog come out to play what we are going on a fishing trip on a boat okay let's go you said you'd never get to love boats again oh yes so I did well there they go off on a boat without me what are you going to do now daddy oh I don't know maybe I'll clean the sea eat off the house you don't get seaweeds on houses no of course not we'll take my boat are you sure your boots safe Grampy rabbit it's safe I love going fishing nitu and what do you need for a fishing trip fishing rods basket it's very good of you to steer the boat scrappy rabbits but I'm not steering the boat I thought somebody else Walt oh dear no one is steering the boat well lost at sea look grandpa rabbits boat is sinking this is the worst just a sea of the sky for company and we haven't got any food I've got a chocolate bar good we should save the chocolate in case we get hungry later oh dear Grampy rabbit has eaten all the food what a terrible place to be stuck is anyone else missing cheese we've only been here five minutes Grampy rabbits I'm gonna put a mark in the sand for every time I think about cheese we need to call for help call for help what an excellent idea [Music] rabbit is very good at shouting that was the call of the sea someone is in trouble we will rescue them we can use granddad dogs boats wait a minute I said I'd never get on a boat again daddy they need rescuing you're right just this once I shall sail again nice jackets on [Applause] all our food is gone there's nothing left to eat there must be something to eat captain dog has rescued the granddad's me I was just thinking of sailing around the world again but daddy you're not a sailor anymore no of course not leave the sailing to us captain dog yes when they get again you can [Music] you [Music] mummy pig is measuring pepper there pepper that's how tall you are I'm taller than I was before that's because you're growing up pepper now George is turn teeny there George that's how tall you are oh don't worry George as you get older you'll get taller yes but I will always be taller than you George because I will always be older it is time for playgroup children today a new friend is joining our playgroup say hello to Gerald wow you're really tall so you must be really old no general is the same age as you why is he so tall then I'm cool because I'm a giraffe I'm taller no you're not yes I am you measure to the top of the ears Oh two ears count Gerald giraffe is the tallest oh I wish I was as tall as Gerald it is playtime Wow timber counts to ten everyone must find a hiding place it's not much fun being told I have to bend down to talk to everyone I have to bend down to play later Gerald giraffe doesn't want to play because he is sad the ball is stuck in the tree I can't let me know it's too high what can we do chop the tree down no I can get it with my trunk no I can't if family can't reach it with her trunk then we'll never get our ball back what can we do chop the tree down I can try Gerald giraffe has rescued the ball there's an animal stuck in the tree it is titters The Tortoise dolls hey dolls here is dr. hamster the vet you naughty tart eyes who do I have to thank for rescuing my tittles gerald Thank You gerald my goodness you are a tall I'm as you are oh but you're taller than Gerald hamster yes that's because I'm a hamster our homes there's always taller than giraffes I will be turning dr. hamster when I'm older yes grown-up giraffes tend to be taller than grown-up hamsters hello mummy and daddy giraffe have come to collect gerald from playgroup that's because we're drafts and my mommy and daddy are very very oh [Music] it is raining and the school roof is leaking again madam yourself yes mr. bull but Elliot goes drippity drip drip is probably a broken roof tile oh no baby these are the broken tiles you've got yeah he's gonna cost a lot of money to fix oh yeah well shall we get the money to mend the school over this time my dad needed a fashion junk for charity he floated down and made lots of money good idea Penhall hands are poor things their mummy or daddy would like to do a parachute jump just one pepper and Jordan have arrived back home godly school roof is leaking again visit darling yes madam d'azyr says it needs a lot of money to mend yes yes I'm sure it does she asked if somebody's mummy or daddy would jump out of an aeroplane oh I hope you didn't say daddy would do it pepper you know he doesn't like Heights but you don't mind heights do you mummy I'm fine with Heights good oh thank you mummy pig for agreeing to jump mama never plain what but I've never done it before you'll be fine remember it is but the children Oh in that case of course I'll do it it is the day of mummy pig's parachute jump I'm still not sure I really want to do this it's all in a good cause mummy pig but I don't know how to jump out of an aeroplane don't worry you'll get lots of planing first hello mummy pig mr. rabbit is the parachute trainer this is a parachute it will help you float through the air after you jump should I practice that practice what jumping why not there you're a natural is that it yes you are now fully trained all aboard I'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump daddy pig it's okay buddy big I'll come with you don't worry mummy pig remember you could have parachute yes daddy pig Oh war away from the ground oh dear daddy pig has fallen out of the plane wait for me daddy pig commie bigot jumps she is going to ask you daddy well she's got him thank you for saving me mummy pig Oh daddy pig you're starting to sleep mr. bull has just finished mending the school roof lovely job he'll last for years is daddy pig all right oh I'm fine good because you'll need to do that parachute jump again what's to raise the money to fix this new over the school roof it is morning peppa and her family are having breakfast there's a letter here for George it's an invitation to Richard rabbits party sounds fun I'll take George to the party as long as it's not a that awful soft play center it says soft play daddy doesn't like this soft play Center last time he got stuck and was rescued by a helicopter and a fire engine and a crane it wasn't exactly like that pepper it was only a helicopter I think soft play sounds lovely I will go with you George it is time for Richard rabbits party you're very welcome to stay if you want it's soft play isn't it no thanks hello you're very welcome to stay if you want see you later hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig I quite understand if you don't want to stay no I'll stay us grown-ups can have a nice quiet chat while the children play oh okay where everything is soft great the children are having so much fun yes we can get them out of your anus the little children have been playing all day home time children that was a lovely party wasn't it fun yeah are you ready to go home now my goodness we're never going to get the band ready one thing forward I'll have to go in [Music] don't worry I'm coming in oh no I'm stuck too mr. elephant has come to collect Edmund elephant no problem ladies I'll get you out daddy pig peppa and Suzy have come to collect George what good little children you are where are your parents that usually happens to me that is going to happen to me isn't it I'm going to go in there and get stuck where smaller that's kind of you both but it is my job as a grown-up I must do this don't worry Peppa if I get stuck I will ring for the rescue services ah yes I'm stuck lucky I've got my phone hello oh you're in here too yes I'm a bit tied up at the moment so there's no one to rescue us [Music] Thank You pepper and Susie for rescuing us now we can all go home the little ones have gone back inside pepper can you bring the little ones out now pepper ensues II love the soft place enter everyone loves the Sun play center going on a trip to the museum hello pony is not here [Music] Pedro is asleep in his little bed Pedro likes sleeping bed row wake up you'll be late for the school trip okay we don't want to miss the bus the bus is still waiting for Pedro pony we can't wait any longer the museum will be closed okay let's go oh there's no one here maybe we're early no Pedro we've missed the bus oh come on let's catch them up Pedro is always late there's a car chasing us sorry Madame gazelle I overslept Oh Pedro you do like sleeping yes Madame gazelle to the museum this is granddad dogs garage diesel are you sure you wouldn't like any petrol no we haven't got anywhere yet right next stop the museum oh where is petrol pumps interesting here is the museum mr. rabbit is locking up for the day hello mr. rabbit we would like to see the museum please hmm we were just closing but I can give you a quick tour this is the click on Queen's room full of old stuff interesting here the giant dinosaurs all very nice space rockets stand all that I'm through this dog is the most amazing place of all it's the fantastic world you live in Thank You mr. rabbit my pleasure good bye right time to go children where is Pedro Oh Peto a mollusk very interesting come on peg halt or you'll miss the bus where is everybody has gone don't worry miss rabbit will realize she's left us behind [Music] nobody has noticed Madame gazelle and Pedro are missing Oh have you missed the bus mr. Habib's I am a teacher I need your car gazelle and Pedro have arrived back at the playgroup where is the bus yes Pedro for once you are early Wow Pedro we learn yes and you're late you slug coaches Pedro likes being really everybody likes being [Music] you [Music] [Music] pepper and her friends are a complaint today we have a special treat Grampy rabbit is here to talk about space rockets George loves space rockets has a very loud voice what have I got here a rock yes but not any old rock I found it on the moon my dad says rocks impacts our following yes Thank You Freddy you don't need to go to the moon to get them you do if you want moon rock Grampy rabbit how did you go to the moon I flew in a rocket it's a bit small this is just a model the rocket I went in was ginormous do you all know how to count to five excellent but when you go into space you count backwards five four three two one and then you have to shout blast-off as loudly as possible then I was flying through space and then I landed it was so beautiful up there I was lost for words that sounds nice did you know you can jump really high Oh as high as a house why can you jump so high on the moon is smaller on the moon oh yes that's it they're quite the clever clocks aren't we Edmund elephant is a clever clogs I was a little bit lonely up there but just the moon of the stars what's the most exciting bit grumpy rabbit I can't hear you why has he stopped talking oh dear Kampai rabbit has lost his voice I had better aim doctor brown bear [Music] dr. brown bear speaking hello dr. brown bear can't be rabbit has lost his voice is that such a bad thing yes he's giving an important talk about space rockets to the children Oh in that case I'll be straight there [Music] hello crampy rabbits I hear you've lost your voice say ah please I see yes a very serious case of losing a voice too much shouting I imagine let's see if a little bit of medicine helps open wide try saying are now no where was I you were just about to tell us the most exciting bit yes the most exciting be was I wrote a song would you like to hear it no thank you yes I got up this morning and all I could see what's the moon and the stars the moon destroys the moon the Stars the moon the Stars the bundestag [Music] you [Music] [Music] pepper and George are having a sleepover at granny and Grandpa pig's house don't worry Peppa I'm just going into the garden to collect slugs and snails why grandpa doesn't like slugs and snails because they eat his vegetables and the best time to find them is at night with this torch can Jimmy come too okay just this once put your coats and boots on peppa and George are wearing their coats and boots over their pajamas you carry the bucket and I'll hold will put all the slugs and snails in the package little snail here grandpa pigs chickens Sarah Jemima Vanessa aunt Neville I need to put the chickens to bed night-night chicken night-night chicken night why aren't the slugs and snails in bed grandpa because they're up all night eating my vegetables some animals eat in the daytime like my chickens and some animals eat at night like Oh mr. Fox hello grandpa pig put in your chicken stupid oh yeah oh yes nice and cozy in the henhouse surely good well I'll be on my way good night now as I was saying some animals eat at night it's a hedgehog they like to eat slugs and snails yes Peppa he's very shy come on mr. Chuck don't be scared I like hedgehogs they are very good at keeping slugs and snails off my lovely letters yes there are moths butterflies that come out at night they like the torchlight when it goes off they leave when the light goes on they come back [Music] and if we leave the torch off we can see another very tiny night animal look up at the sky is it a shooting star no that is a Firefly oh no Peppa it has a tummy that glows [Music] big night animals in your garden grandpa no it's granny Pig lovely but now it's time to say good night to them good night night animals and it's well past bedtime for you little piggies yes granny pig good night good night granny good night grandpa night-night [Music] you [Music] [Music] it is a lovely sunny day pepper and her friends are visiting granny and Grandpa pig what's that grandpa pig is putting up a big stripy tent in his garden [Music] [Applause] [Music] circus pepper there's no circus here this is for granny pigs garden party it's where grown-ups stand around talking what's a waste of a good taint the circus would be more exciting why don't you make your own circus we can call it have you finished putting up the tent grandpa the guests will be here soon granny we're doing the circus for your garden party what a splendid idea tell me your son of course I'll get the dressing up Fox [Music] my daddy was in the circus Wow what did he do he sold tickets yeah you can all find something to wear in the dressing up box Peppa has found a top hat on Danny dog has found some spotty trunks and a stick on the stache Pedro has found a clown outfit does everyone want to be I want to be the clown but Papa where is your clown costume okay you be the clown I want to be the strongman okay Danny you be the strongman I want to be the juggler but I wanted to do that okay you be the juggler grandpa I don't have a job to do you can be the ringmaster Pepa you've got the hat for it what's a ringmaster the ringmaster is the boss what do I do you say welcome to my circus see the impossible the amazing the incredible feats of derring-do [Music] welcome to my circus it's got amazing feet granny pigs garden party guests are here hello everyone you're in for a treat the circus has come to town [Music] please me very scared of the amazing candy I was a strong man once or yet ah that was a funny bit that's what I call [Applause] [Music] circus I have ever seen [Music] you [Music] [Music] it is a lovely snowy day Hepper and her friends have come to the mountains to go skiing see you all at the top the car cannot drive up the mountain the snow is too slippery you have to take lift is carrying everyone to the top of snowy mountain it looks a bit high daddy pig does not like Heights oh yes really fun [Music] the ski lift has reached the top of snowy mountain miss rabbit skis for two grown-ups and two children please will we ski all the way down the mountain oh not today Danny I think for now we will stick to the baby slope the children are learning to ski on a little slope to start slowly with your sticks walking up slopes on skis is not easy to go up the slope you have to walk sideways like a cub everyone is walking sideways like a crab can we see you ski now oh I don't know very well [Music] that was amazing yes I was the world champion at skiing and won this Cup now which mummy or daddy would like a go why not are you sure mummy pig you haven't skied for years it's just like riding a bike daddy pig you never forget here is the baby slope mummy pig I think I'm a bit grown up for the baby slope which way does this go all the way down the mountain my mummy is skiing down the mountain stop mummy pig is skiing along the road everyone isn't the coach chasing after mummy pig skiing mummy pig is skiing past the shops [Music] my goodness a walking talking snowman no it's just my mummy I have never seen such amazing skiing this cup belongs to you thank you my mummy is the best at skiing down the mountain [Music] you [Music] [Music] it is fruit day at the supermarket look it's mr. potato missus carrots and [Music] welcome to fruit day where are the magic fruit never ends we are choosing our favorite fruit what's your favorite I like apples I like oranges I like bananas I like carrots carrots are not a fruit Oh carrots are a vegetable Edmund is a bit of a clever clogs what's your favorite fruit George bananas oranges George likes strawberries the best way George loves strawberries sleepeth get your fruit smoothies here what's a fruit it's a drink made from fruit would you like one yes please can I have a smoothie with apples okay but smoothies can have lots of different fruits in them okay apples bananas apples what fruit would you like in your smoothies uh I don't know it can be anything petrol okay cheese please Pedro cheese isn't a fruit it has to be fruit or vegetables okay watch please and blueberries and blackberries and nurseries that's more like it raspberry and blueberry and Blackberry and bluesberry smoothies but everyone [Music] what do you want in your smoothie George George a smoothie must have lots of fruit in it how about strawberries and pineapple George yeah maybe George would like some dinosaur juice dinosaur juice oh yes all dinosaurs like dinosaur juice oh let's see a bit of this one of those a few of these some of that one dinosaur juice just for dinosaur friends uh-huh can I have some dinosaur juice please miss rabbit okay dinosaur juice for everyone Oh bother What's Wrong miss rabbits I've forgotten what I put in the darkness or juice I can tell you what was in it really how by smelling its Freddy Fox has a very good sense of smell hmm there's one banana one banana three no four strawberries 5 cherries strawberries cherries one P half a pineapple slice of melon and something else what is it a carrot yes a carrot [Music] [Applause] now - oh geez for everyone are you all enjoying fruit days yes we love fruit and carrots everyone loves fruit carrot [Music] you [Music] the castle today pepper and George are going to visit a castle what will we do at the castle mummy let me see what the guidebook says well the castle will be good or will it be boring it will be good will we see knights in armor King George likes knights in armor you never know George we might even see a dragon a pretend dragon daddy pig yes daddy dragons are in storybooks they're not really real family have arrived at the castle cause apart two owners risk what does that mean oh nothing pepper they always say that in car parks please make your way to the castle where you will be met by a knight in armor hello it is mr. rabbit dressed as a knight in armor we start the castle to hear the pattern in the olden days this cannon fired these heavy cannonballs high up into the sky crazy right let's fire the cannon five four three two one fire [Music] they're almost hit our car well we do say cars are parked at owners risk one with the twoth you are going to see the wonders of the castle each yell medieval banquet Wow a real medieval technology delicious hadn't beat hot rock on this is the wild volume with a king city who would like to have a goal I'll be a bossy cream do not Your Majesty may I please carry on with the tour we have to go through a secret passage but first we have to find the secret message these secret passages usually have some sort of top secret but I don't think it's that big red button George that would be too obvious oh yes we try to keep it simple this passage has led us to the dining hall wow this must be the medieval banquet yes it looks really tasty yes it's to show what a real banquet would have looked like oh but of course as part of the tour you'll get to have your very own real medieval banquet fantastic here it is your banquet in a box Yoda cheese sandwich just as pickle and a king's jelly to picnic in a box yes it's not quite the medieval banquet I was expecting Oh No it's time to meet that Oregon [Music] dragon dragons are just pretend yes don't be sad if it's just miss rabbit holding a little glove puppet Oh miss rabbit is driving a huge red dragon [Music] another reason we say cars are parked at owners risk hope you had a lovely time I think that was George's best day out George loves castles everyone loves castles spaceship pepper and her family are driving home that was a great day out now all I want to do is get home put my feet up and have a lovely couple dinosaur oh dear George could have lost mr. dinosaur anywhere we've been to so many places today we went to the shops to the playground to the park George cannot remember where he left mr. dinosaur mr. dinosaur is lost forever then don't worry George somebody will have found mr. dinosaur yes and when people find lost things they take them to the police station so that's where mr. dinosaur will be this is the police station here a police officer squirrel and police officer panda they are doing important police work very good doughnuts these yes donuts really are the best policemen like doughnuts hello hello that is how the police say hello and how may we help you today Oh George has lost mr. dinosaur don't worry George I'm sure you'll find your dinosaur all you've got to do is keep your ears and eyes open actually we were hoping some kind person might have found George's toy dinosaur and brought it here I see we'll need to question George it's just routine please describe your dinosaur in your own words take your time use as many words as you like dine-saw excellent description hmm we do have some lost dinosaurs in the back follow me wow what a lot yes yes it's amazing that things people lose umbrellas handbags pirate treasure Wow yes pirates are always forgetting where they buried their treasure people dig the treasure up and when they can't find the pirate who legally owns it they bring the treasure here funny thing is not one single pirate has ever walked into our police station to claim their treasure this cement mixer was found in a train the passenger must have forgotten it ooh and this banana was found in a shoe shop how in the world it got there we'll never know I'm sorry young lad what were we looking for again time oh yes here we are a box full of plastic dinosaurs is this your Stegosaurus no how about this Triceratops no this brontosaurus no hmm I'm afraid that's all the toy dinosaurs we've got Oh don't worry George I'm sure you'll find your dinosaur all you've got to do is keep your ears and eyes open that lamppost there yes it's not a safe place to put a lamp post dangerous lamp post on public highway aha so this is your car is it oh yes the very same car you used for your day out when the dinosaur was lost yes why bear with us please madam did you look for George's dinosaur in the car well no we a sleaze step away from the car madam nothing in here completely clean mind if we open the boot madam ah go ahead hello hello hello look what we found here yes why didn't we think of looking in the boot thank you so much just doing our job madam dinosaur and mr. dinosaur [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 2,172,261
Rating: 3.7787523 out of 5
Keywords: peppa, peppa pig, peppa pig full episode, peppa full episodes, peppa pig compilations, peppa pig clips, pig cartoon episodes, Peppa's, peppas, cartoon, cartoons, compilation, fun, funny, adventure, clip, clips, familyÊ, Mandy Mouse
Id: at2jGz5Bu58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 26sec (3866 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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