Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Caves | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] today pepper and her family are visiting the caves golly mole is visiting the caves to the caves sound exciting don't they yes I'm looking forward to the ride of doom ah right of doom what's that I don't know but it sounds good hello here is mr. rabbit I'm your tour guide please put on these safety hard hats for the keys be dangerous not at all follow me for a completely safe - ah good all that talk of the ride of doom had me worried for a moment your tour guide oh here is Grampy rabbit let's go on a wild mad adventure Oh should we put on these safety ads why not does anyone have a problem we're going deep underground I'm not too keen on small dark spaces like a cave you mean and I'm not so good with Heights I see anything else I should know George and I like exciting places brilliant these caves are ridiculously exciting please follow me these steps take us down into the caves yes it actually is quite fun it's good not to know exactly how deep we are meters down now imagine if you will the tons and tons of rock just sitting above our heads great it's so pretty and sparkling you know what because this cave is so huge and beautiful I feel fine about being down here we go through this I can't say I enjoyed that don't worry we won't go through any more tunnels good we just have to cross this chasm that looks like quite a drop yes it's wonderfully deep I'll show you see how long it takes this rock to hit the bottom so how do we get across did you hear anything about your ride of doom no emotes that the right of doom was the best bit what exactly is this ride of doom nothing to be alarmed by it's as if my ride over this chasm and down to the deepest part of the caves Oh fun and of course completely safe [Music] I'm not very good with Heights is there another way to the crazy spot in the world I don't know what is yes yeah at the deepest point of the caves our tour comes to an end any questions how do we get out oh good question we change the lift come the surface again daylight welcome to the gift shop you look funny that will help you remember the ride of doom forever thank you very much Peppa George and Suzy are playing in the garden with their favorite toys George has mr. dinosaur Susie has Peppa has slipped and fallen on Teddy sorry on you Teddy are you all having fun Oh Teddy you look a bit under the weather what do you mean teddy is a bit muddy oh I took penguin to the doll hospital and now he's as good as new what's a doll hospital it's where does ghosts get better they get washed filled up with stuffing and even get me voices you are my best friend Susie I love you a lot Susie mommy can we take Teddy to the doll hospital please what a good idea this is the doll hello miss rabbit hello Peppa welcome to the doll hospital where we tend dolls like kids into those like this whoo have you got a stick dolly yes what is it a mouse or a dog it's a bow-wow we have got our work cut out Adam way and a dinosaur are you booking them both in yes please okay so tell me little bear what have you been doing to get so poorly CAHSEE has been rolling down hills jumping in muddy puddles and being sat on it's no wonder you're not looking your best there'll be no more rolling down hills jumping in muddy puddles or being sat on once I finished with you but Teddy likes doing those things you do seem a bit floppy nothing some extra stuffing won't fix well II mean look this elephant is a bit sad but he just needs more stuffing Teddy likes being sloppy thank you Miss rabbit what mr. dinosaur like some extra stirrer okay which head you like a new outfit here we have a smart sailor's uniform teddy if a girl girls can be sailors to pepper yes but Teddy doesn't want to be a sailor how about a pilot no deep-sea diver no what about a princess I think Teddy's happy not to have any clothes thank you Miss rabbit what about mr. dinosaur fair enough what's head you like new eyes know what they say the eyes are the windows to the soul what's the soul oh it's a bit complicated these eyes you've got green eyes blue eyes or even these googly eyes the star thingy might look a bit wrong but those eyes on Teddy's I don't need changing thank you Miss rabbit what about mr. dinosaur does he want some new Oh fine one thing I can offer you teddy is a male voice the voice has come in little plastic boxes which go inside the doll isn't Teddy pork's that's not Teddy you are my friend the best penguins voice you are my friend mr. dinosaur he wants a new voice Oh silly question really there is one last thing I can do to you teddy that's give you a watch no Teddy doesn't need okay I'm finished and it's good news there's nothing wrong with Teddy or mr. dinosaur that's wonderful would you like to pay by cash or credit card Oh teddy I love you just the way you are and always will it is the start of another day at play morning children where is Madame gazelle I was wearing a mask you were in disguise yes and today you will all be making masks we have cardboard coloured paper crayons it pits cleaners buttons tell me is greater no glitter please Madame gazelle no I have only just managed to clean up from the last glitter event now begin you masks children is using buttons is using feathers I'm a baby we like George made a dinosaur mask very good so we all finished no glitter gets everywhere there is no getting rid of it once it comes out it is a menace but it's so special and magic please can we have some glitter P oh alright but only if you all promise to be very very careful with it we okay I will unlock the glitter cabinet Mademoiselle keeps the Glitter safely locked away now children you did promise to use this glitter very carefully it is home time and the parents have come to collect the children glitter don't panic please remain calm there was a glitter leak as we have it under control now but I can't see them anywhere excuse me mrs. butterfly I'm looking for two little piggies do you know where I can find them what a surprise but where is George George it's you I thought you were a dinosaur took these two carrots home instead come on Petro time to go home I am super pony oh does super pony want to come home or does super pony want to stay here for the night come home of you please mummy heaven if you all had fun making wonderful masks [Music] everyone loves masks mummy pig is working on the computer mummy play happy mrs. chicken on the computer not at the moment pepper I need to finish the important book I'm writing daddy pig is in the kitchen making lunch when mummy has finished writing her book oh that's it after lots and lots of hard work I've finally finished writing my book well done mummy pig you did save your work didn't you there it is quick save close send you is your work all right mummy yes Peppa I've just sent it off to be made into a real storybook Oh a story but not just one book lots and lots of books going to book shops everywhere yes I'm going to read it to you and your friends at playgroup tomorrow mummy pig has arrived at the playgroup with lots of copies of her new book Thank You mummy pig for coming to read your new book to us today it's very exciting these books are so new I haven't even opened one yet children mommy pig has worked hard to write this book so we must listen politely even if it is not very good thank you it's about an onion hmm once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion for seven six eight five nine three Oh the rest of the book is one big long number I don't understand this is not what I wrote what is four seven six eight five nine George's happy mrs. chicken high school Wow that is a high score but where's my funny onions story it's gone I'm sorry children but I can't read funny onion to you today can you remember the story I me Peter yes then just tell us the rest all right once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion he all he wanted was to make people laugh but he made people cry instead because he was an onion what a beautiful sad ending no wait Madame gazelle it's not finished oh I see carry on funny onions said I will search the world to learn how to be funny he met a tomato the tomato said wear a funny hat but people still cried he met a banana who said where's funny shoes but people still cried funny onion was ready to give up when a pineapple whispered in his ear what do you think the pineapples said we're we're funny red knives wear a purple wig very good but what the pineapple really said was do something funny funny onion did something funny laughs the end marvelous I think it speaks to all of us the parents have come to collect the children I've just been to the bookshop mummy pig it's full of your books what do you mean by four five three nine six seven well actually it's probably post narrative very more than mummy pig thank you everyone so much to see I just can't decide where to go first my friend the Queen lives in London maybe she can help this is the palace with Queen Zeus [Music] please can I speak to the Queen I am The Queen it's Miss Roberts you said if I was ever in London I should drop in to see you we were hoping you could tell us the best places to say I can talk better than that after all London is my city I'll give you a guided tour myself the best way to see laughs there's on a double-decker bus mr. driver please may we borrow your bus for my bus you must be joking no I am your queen in a case your majesty take it if the Queen asks you to do something you must do it double-decker bus spin me Big Ben is the Bell the tower you know a lot for a little elephant catches the sound of bit been telling us at the time it ran three times yeah he's three o clock if it ran six times what that make it sex o'clock yes it would and if we rang a hundred times it would be broken on with the tour net stop tower bridge we need to cross the bridge to continue the tour it's going to bang into the brain tower bridge lifts to let tall ships sail through oh no the ship has passed we can be on our way please lower the bridge I'm sorry Your Majesty but there's another ship coming this is really too much we can't wait around all day how tight everyone [Applause] the bus is balancing on the bridge I've got a great idea to the front of the bus it is very important to take an umbrella when you visit London and one is wearing ones boots pepper and her family are driving home that was a great day out now all I want to do is get home put my feet up and have a lovely cupboard mr. dinosaur oh dear George could have lost mr. dinosaur anywhere we've been to so many places today we went to the shops to the playground to the park George cannot remember where he left mr. dinosaur oh well mr. dinosaur is lost forever then don't worry George somebody will have found mr. dinosaur yes and when people find lost things they take them to the police station so that's where mr. dinosaur will be this is the police station here a police officer squirrel and police officer panda they are doing important police work very good doughnuts these yes doughnuts really are the best Leeson like doughnuts hello ello ello ello ello ello that is how the police say hello and how may we help you today George has lost mr. dinosaur don't worry George I'm sure you'll find your dinosaur all you've got to do is keep your ears and eyes open actually we were hoping some kind person might have found George's toy dinosaur and brought it here I see we'll need to question George it's just routine please describe your dinosaur in your own words take your time use as many words as you like dine-saw excellent description hmm we do have some lost dinosaurs in the back yes it's amazing the things people lose handbags pirate treasure yes pirates are always forgetting where they buried their treasure people dig the treasure up and when they can't find the pirate who legally owns it they bring the treasure here funny thing is not one single pirate has ever walked into our police station to claim their treasure this cement mixer was found in a train the passenger must have forgotten it ooh and this banana was found in a shoe shop how in the world it got there we'll never know I'm sorry young lad what were we looking for again eyes yes here we are a box full of plastic dinosaurs is this your Stegosaurus no how about this Triceratops no this brontosaurus hmm I'm afraid that's all the toy dinosaurs we've got oh don't worry George I'm sure you'll find your dinosaur all you've got to do is keep your ears and eyes open who put that lamp post there yes it's not a safe place to put a lamp post dangerous lamp post on public highway aha so this is your car is it uh yes the very same car you used for your day out when the dinosaur was lost yes why bear with us please madam did you look for George's dinosaur in the car well no we are three step away from the car item nothing in here completely clean mind if we open the boot madam ah go ahead hello hello hello look what we found here ah yes why didn't we think of looking in the boot thank you so much just doing our job madam George mr. dinosaur dinosaur grandpa pig is taking pepper and George out for the day on his sailing boat hello hey old bean just called you an old bean yes Peppa it's another way of saying old friend are they your friends grandpa oh not really we're just members of the same sailing club now where did I leave my boat what does your boat look like grandpa it has a little red flag on top of the mast little ah yes oh dear grandpa pig's sailing boat has sunk I'm afraid we can't go sailing today children here is Grampy rabbit on his hovercraft that much stay for sailing pepper you look sad what's the matter we can't go sailing because all about to Sun oh dear why don't you hop onto my hovercraft I really don't think this is Grampy rabbits hovercraft can go on land and water I built it myself you'd never guess would you you can't drive this thing around here you're not a member of the same Inc lab but for the member armed Jules yes but honest old Roy sir nothing like a peaceful gaze I saw no shirt back there telling Jews that's not a no that's the sealing crap that a it's for members only let's go and get some true for because of Jules please I'm afraid you cannot be served here sir unless you're a club member I'm not but years hello four juices please oh yes sir this is the life eh the sea and the sky of the boat sailing boy but the boats are not sailing by Grampy rabbit there's no wind without wind sailing boats sail [Applause] good idea pepper Oh toss me a line and I'll tow you back in Randy rabbits other graph is telling sailing boats back to shore we're trained the Buster's always betrayed the I brought everyone back to the car park that way they don't have so far to walk to their cars but sailing boats don't go on land like other crafts oh yes grandpa pig who is this friend of yours so sorry about that sorry we want to thank him for rescuing us oh I see he's called Grampy rabbit till night it took me to album go buddy welcome old bean three cheers for Grampy rabbit what a wonderful picture you have painted it is me I'm George and my mummy and daddy at our house but where are you all I can only see a house we are all inside the house of course it is a wonderful picture here is a play coop star Wow thank you Madame gazelle it is home time and the parents have come to collect the children that's fantastic pepper I remember Madame gazelle gave me a playgroup star when I was a little piggy a long time ago when mummy and daddy pig were little Madame gazelle was their teacher Oh play cook star I was so happy did you get lots of playgroup stars mummy oh yes daddy did you get lots of playgroup stars - ah it was such a long time ago I really can't remember no I'm pretty sure you didn't get one you [Music] No I never did get a playgroup star no anyway like daddy pig said it was a long time ago pepper and they're really not that important yes pepper are you sad that you never got to play group star daddy well I have done other things in my life to be proud of you now we'll give you one now play group stars are for children pepper not for grown-ups yeah the roof is all fixed Thank You mr. ball that really is wonderful work have a play coop star thank you very much yeah daddy mr. balls go to star and he's a grown-up it is evening time pepper and George are going to bed because you never got to play group star daddy you know what pepper the more I think about it the more I think I should have got a playgroup star why because I love to make things and I was always drawing in class would you like to see it I think I've still got it somewhere I'm sure I put it in the loft here's my old school bag and here is my picture yes I was quite pleased with it but it didn't get to star no hmm that's sad it is the next day pepper and George are going to play it's not fair pepper you're too good at drawing it's not my drawing it's my daddy's oh not so good for grown up he drew it a long time ago when he was little ah pepper have you done another wonderful drawing no Madame gazelle this is my daddy's drawing ah yes I remember your daddy did like to draw but she never gave him a playgroup star I must have given him one for this no you didn't tell DP you deserve a playgroup star I've never been so proud daddy pig is a playgroup star ready [Music] Paris is in France we go on a ferry to get there what is a ferry uh-huh you'll see this is the ferry yes mummy pig doesn't like it when the boat rocks about all this sea air is making me hungry who wants to eat thank you the waves are getting bigger here I brought you a fried egg sandwich the ferry has arrived in France they might try differently here Oh driving is driving mummy pig you see it's just like driving at home pepper and her family have arrived in Paris Delphine donkey and her family are here to meet them Oh Bonjour means hello in French what would you like to see in Paris I want to see everything oh boy it is impossible to see everything in that case I would like to see the real hidden Paris the Paris that the tourists don't see ha mr. pig Demi which part of the real hidden the police would you like to see first be Eiffel Tower okay this is the Eiffel Tower wow this is busy imagine what the tallest places must be like I didn't know you had a job here miss rabbit excuse my I am NOT this miss Cabot I am Mademoiselle lapa oh I'm sorry souvenirs get your little apple tower they are the real Eiffel Tower is really big can we climb up capes it looks a bit high daddy pig does not like Heights do not worry mr. pig we take the believe it all going I'm glad that's over oh no that is just the first stage now we must climb the steps if you feel dizzy daddy pig just close your eyes okay this is as high as we can go as visitors let's look at the view these steps are going on forever oh dear daddy pig is not looking where he is going he is climbing up and up and up what a wonderful view of Paris yes what do you think mr. pig i'ma stop to eat where is everybody pig is at the very top of the Eiffel Tower hang on daddy ah I must call for your high school services [Music] [Music] pepper George helping grandpa pig in his garden today we are making a pond we start by digging a big hole here is mr. Fox hello mr. Fox hello granny pig what can I sell you this morning I don't need anything thank you Oh where's grandpa pig does he want anything I'm afraid grandpa's busy digging a pond wouldn't you say why I've got just the thing it's a no fishing lovely antique one-of-a-kind I'll take it pepper Georgia grandpa pig hard at work digging pepper has found a little cup oh that looks like a very old teacup George has found an enormous bone it might very well be a dinosaur bone George ha what's this grandpa pig has found a gold coin how is the pot coming along very well we've dug up a cup a dinosaur bone and a coin it's buried treasure how exciting I have a little treasure - that is not treasure that is a gnome grandpa pig does not like gnomes mr. Fox says it's an antique very rare one-of-a-kind of course he did grandpa do you think we really have found buried treasure I'm not sure but the museum would know this is the museum ha can I help you hello mr. rabbit we've dug up some treasure let's take a look at what you've got hmm fine china cup interesting what else have you brought to show me a coin made of gold plastic girls whoa it's metal gold Oh anything else why goodness this bone is the best of a lot rope it fits my dinosaur perfectly thank you so much for bringing these valuable objects in valuable say they are worth something oh yes they are worth lots of money and you can visit the museum anytime you like to see them Hey children are free and you sir get in half price because you are old can I just ask where you dug up such treasures or digging must stop until an expert has been to investigate why there may be other rare objects buried in the ground to stay in the museum and we can't dig here any more until the expert digger comes we're too big mr. rabbit mystery oh thank you for all your hard work anyway no problem I'm sorry we didn't find anything else not to worry the good thing is you finished digging our pond for us a lovely natural pond and finish it off a gnome do you like it mr. rabbit I never thought I would see one in my lifetime oh they're everywhere this is an antique one of a kind I'm very valuable then it belongs in the museum so it does don't worry you can see it at the Museum any time you want because pepper and her family have come to watch the carnival Susie sheep and Molly mole yes I can't wait it's going to be amazing with fire-breathing dragons and magic people flying let's hope it really is that great what's that is it starting no that's just someone sweeping the road before the carnival goblins oh it actually sounds quite good using she's just been to make music the carnot won't has be done here is mr. bull and his fancy jazz band it is mr. pony the optician [Music] [Applause] it is captain dog and Danny dog mr. Connelly she's not doing much to see well that makes a change from all the jobs miss rabbit normally does she's probably quite happy to put her feet up here is mr. potato [Music] [Applause] right to the back of his car [Music] mr. potato is coming down oh no the string has come loose it's okay I've bad way to mow I can't go rescue with all this on who wants to be Carnival Queen well I do some rescuing [Music] why don't you all take it in turns to be queen is going to rescue mr. potato oh sorry mr. potato hang on I'll go above mr. Agee - what is your plan I never have a plan I just make it up as I go along autopilot on have a nice day water pilots fly helicopters on their own balloon pop it no don't pop the balloon okay come on side oh no miss rabbit is going to let the air out of the balloon miss rabbit has rescued mr. potato thank you now I can get back to being the Carnival Queen oh I think we've got three Carnival Queens now everybody loves carnivals pepper is on holiday in Australia at Kylie kangaroos house I love it here at your house Kylie yes I could stay here forever it's great having you all stay but I will have to go to work today what is your job mrs. kangaroo I'm a marine biologist what's that I study sea creatures like these little fish here oh this time but the fish I study don't live in a tank they live in the sea do the fishes in the sea have little porches to swim through and treasure supplies no pepper that's just the sort of stuff people put in fish tanks but you all like to come and see where I work yes please I've been where my daddy works there was a telephone lots of paper and coloring pens it was a very nice office I think you'll find my office is pretty fun too [Music] this is my office Wow they're pepper the see I've got the best office in the world but how can you work in the sea with this submarine do you want to ride [Music] [Music] that's coral coral is made of lots and lots of tiny creatures oh and the coral stretches for miles and miles we call it the Great Barrier Reef it's my job to keep the coral safe sorry pepper we can look but we mustn't touch if every visitor took a little bit of coral home soon all the coral would be gone we must never never take anything away from here despite the green one you see how lucky I am to work in such an amazing place pepper you're right pepper it is quite like the fish tank here except there's no treasure chest of course what have you seen George it looks like a chest full of gold coins Wow George has found a treasure chest you see daddy everything is the same as the fish tank yes that gold must be worth a fortune I think I can you said we must never take anything away I meant natural things that belong here that's right these gold coins don't belong so we need to remove them it will all go to a good cause yes it'll pay for lots more marine research this was a good day at the office this is a great holiday I don't want it to ever end but you are going to leave sometime right oh not that you aren't welcome to stay as long as you like of course thank you mrs. kangaroo pepper and her friends are at play it is almost Halloween children and we are going to have a pumpkin competition Oh have you all brought in your pumpkins yes I agree my pumpkin from a seed my mummy bought my pumpkin from the supermarket I've got a pumpkin that's made out of plastic I haven't got my pumpkin here because Grampa is still growing it fine just remember to decorate your pumpkins and bring them back here for the competition tonight there will be prizes everyone granny and Grandpa pig have come to collect Peppa have you got my pumpkin for the competition tonight don't worry pepper your pumpkin is safe and sound in my greenhouse is my pumpkin big grandpa oh yes this is grandpa pigs greenhouse may I present your pumpkin it is the biggest pumpkin in the world quite possibly but how are we going to get such a huge pumpkin to the playgroup one step at a time granny Pig we need to make this pumpkin into a lantern first I will scoop out all the inside and we put a candle inside to make it glow now we put the pumpkin into the car the pumpkin is very very heavy there step one complete we're out of the greenhouse now for step two we lift it into the car the pumpkin is impossible to lift I told you it was too big it's not too big we just need a bit of help hello Miss Roberts helicopter rescue service miss rabbit please come to our rescue all the children have brought their hunky Blanton's to play welcome to the pumpkin competition if everyone is here we will get started / 4 isn't here oh where is she miss rabbit rescue helicopter has arrived at grandpa's green house we have to get it to the playgroup in time for the competition I think we will have to start without pepper it won't be fun without pepper the prize for the best pumpkin grown from seed goes to Suzy sheep that's me this is fine the prize for the best pumpkin bought from a supermarket goes to the thighs for the best [Music] [Music] [Music] her friends are at Franklin today you will use your imaginations to move to music what does this music make you think of it makes me think of piano ok it makes me sad music right use your imaginations what pictures did the music make you think of it makes me think of a cherry tree swing in the wind on top of a beautiful mountain wonderful Rebecca so now I would like you all to imagine you are that tree rooted to the rocky mountain top bending in the wind you are a tree leaves you are a tree very good children I saw some lovely trees on mountaintops there now listen to this piece of music what that music make you think of remember to use your imaginations I know pedal is the answer a cherry tree swaying on the top of a beautiful mountain hmm but this music was quicker wasn't it a cherry tree swaying quickly Danny it reminded me of a marching band very good Danny these music has a very strong beat for stepping in time everyone find something to bang from the music Tolly imagine you are in July beats in your pants marching children next piece of music is a little bit different remember I want you to listen to it carefully and think about how it makes you feel now tell me how does this make you feel it makes me feel a bit bored it makes me feel tired no this is music it reminds me of a lovely garden on a hot summer day a young man he broke him Hobbs please can we have the spice music again but that was not music it was the Machine gone home do you not like this music no Madame gazelle can you make the Machine go again no oh I suppose we cannot all like the same things in life I like the space music and me okay okay what does this music make you think of I know I know this music makes me think of jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] [Music] ik everyone loves moving to music [Music] [Music]
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Views: 13,220,740
Rating: 3.6626992 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toy
Id: d9qKU95pXFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 8sec (3848 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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