Peppa Pig English Episodes | Peppa Pig Visits The Mystery Fountain | Peppa Pig Official

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[Music] if you want to go to the fish pond you need to go up that path well I'm taking the shortcut all right who wants to go through a blackberry bush and who wants to go on the path I'll get there first I hope the fish pond is still here yes everything seems a bit different to what Daddy remembers it's the fish pond let's see the little fish daddy said that the fish would tiny but it's been a long time since daddy was here the fish have got a lot bigger daddy oh he might be lost I better ring him hang on we'll pull you out ah the fish pond let's see the little fish whoa that's a big fish there coins when I was little we used to throw a coin in the pond and make a wish coins then of course I wish the fish pond stay forever oh that's what I wished for when I was a little piggy [Music] Lambie rabbit has a very loud voice what have I got here a rock yes but not any old rock I found it on the moon my dad sells rocks impacts are following yes Thank You Freddy you don't need to go to the moon to get them you do if you want moon rock Grampy rabbit how did you go to the moon I flew in a rocket it's a bit small this is just a model the rocket I went in was ginormous do you all know how to count to five excellent but when you go into space you count backwards 5 4 3 2 1 and then you have to shout blast-off as loudly as possible I can't then I was flying through space and then I landed it was so beautiful up there I was lost for words that sounds nice did you know you could jump really high Oh as high as a house why can you jump so high on the moon is smaller on the moon oh yes that's it they're quite the clever clocks aren't we Edmund elephant is a clever clogs oh [Music] yeah Pedro pony is not here Pedro is asleep in his little bed Pedro likes sleeping bed row wake up you'll be late for the school trip hmm okay mummy come on we don't want to miss the bus the bus is still waiting for Pedro pony we can't wait any longer the museum will be closed okay let's go oh there's no one here maybe we're early no Pedro we've missed the bus oh come on let's catch them up Pedro is always late there's a car chasing us oh sorry Madame gazelle I overslept Oh pedo you do like sleeping oh yes Madame gazelle to the museum this is granddad dogs garage what would it be petrol or diesel are you sure you wouldn't like any petrol no we haven't got anywhere yet right next stop the museum oh where is petrol [Music] what's up we're digging up the roads will it take long it will take as long as it takes Blanche let's smash up this old bike mr. bull is good at smashing things oh dear now we'll have to wait even longer why don't you join us mummy pig bloody FG go around that sounds lovely thank you mr. bull yes Peppa it's made of delicate china mr. bull likes delicate china you have to be very very careful with China because China could break very easily that's why I always oh dear mr. bull has smashed the teapot to pieces too hard maybe we can fix it boss oh I've got cement I've got a rivet gun it's not gonna work lads I know miss rabbit has a china shop she could mend it good idea mummy pig will go right now [Music] mr. bull is going to the china shop this is miss rabbit's china shop hello can I help you why have you got a big stripe lieutenant then this is for granny pigs garden party oh what's a garden party it's where grown-ups stand around talking what's a waste of a good thing the circus would be more exciting why don't you make your own circus we can call it a circus have you finished putting up the tent grandpa the guests will be here soon granny we're doing the circus for your garden party what a splendid idea tell me your shop of course I'll get the dressing up Fox and jugglers my daddy was in the circus Wow what did he do he sold tickets yeah you can all find something to wear in the dressing up box Peppa has found a top hat long Danny dog has found some spotty trunks and a stick on the stache Pedro has found a clown outfit what does everyone want to be I want to be the clown but Papa where is your clown costume okay you be the clown I want to be the strongman okay Danny you be the strongman I want to be the juggler but I wanted to do that okay you be the juggler grandpa I don't have a job to do you can be the ringmaster Peppa you've got the hat for it what's a ringmaster the ringmaster is the boss [Music] you smell nice granny Thank You Peppa it's my perfume the lavender it smells like your garden that's because perfume is made of flowers yes first I need some water here's your water right now I'm going to put flowers in it and make perfume that's nice dear but only pick flowers from the grass not from the flowerbed okay okay who wants to be in my perfume I'm going to put you in my water it's going to be the prettiest smelliest perfume ever here is George George I'm making perfume do you want to watch first I smell a flower very flowery then I put it in my beaker no George you can't put grass in my perfume it needs the smell of flowers yep George does not like smelly flowers grandpa pig is in his herb garden pooey it smells like pond water it's my special perfume I made it with flowers from the garden oh yes it's the most beautiful perfume in the world yes [Music] hello mr. pig here the wolf family what are you doing here we're having a picnic join us oh good where's daddy pig I left you with the stools I'm getting a bit hungry don't worry we've got the picnic oh stop mr. wolf there's not enough room for you oh dear I've got an idea you wait here Grampy rabbit and we'll go over all right I could do with the rest mr. wolf and mr. pig are crossing river together I'm really hungry now here who Grampy rabbit is waiting with the picnic I forgot the big nig you can't have a picnic without a picnic oh you're right there ah what about me Grampy rabbit no room daddy pig I'll come back for you it is mrs. duck and her friends hello mrs. duck if you've come for the picnic you'll have to wait for the little boat like me or you could just swim across like you're doing three and blueberry and Blackberry and gooseberry smoothies but everyone [Music] what do you want in your smoothie George a smoothie must have lots of fruit in it how about strawberries and pineapple George yeah maybe George would like some dinosaur juice dinosaur juice oh yes all dinosaurs like dinosaur juice hee-haw let's see a bit of this one of those a few of these some of that one dinosaur juice just for dinosaurs I'm looking friends I sure can I have some dinosaur juice please miss rabbit me okay dinosaur juice for everyone Oh bother What's Wrong miss rabbits I've forgotten what I put in the darkness or juice I can tell you what was in it really how by smelling it's Freddy Fox has a very good sense of smell hmm there's one banana one banana free no full strawberries five cherries strawberries cherries plumpie half a pineapple slice of melon and something else what is it a carrot yes a carrot [Music] [Applause] that is so geez for everyone are you all enjoying fruit days yes we love fruit and carrots everyone loves fruit carrots we are about to land in Italy oh it's me that sounds nice [Applause] the airplane has landed oh dear pepper has left teddy on the airplane now we need a car to drive to our holiday house here is the place to borrow cars hello Bonjour nor commit boss are you tired in a cozy Bella signora in Italy people speak Italian oh we need a car non capisco let me handle this I'm an expert at talking we need a car lover no eggs a car no well done George this bag is heavy are you sure we need everything in here mummy pig yes it's all very important like we always do no pepper the sat-nav will tell us the way in Italy the sat-nav talks in Italian but I think we maybe we don't need this sat-nav let's go this way remember daddy pig this is another country they may drive differently here Oh driving is driving mummy pig it can't be that different stand-up or driving in Italy is very different to driving at home yes we're on a holiday I've got a chocolate bar good we should save the chocolate in case we get hungry later oh dear Grampy rabbit has eaten all the food what a terrible place to be stuck is anyone else missing cheese we've only been here five minutes Grampy rabbits I'm gonna put a mark in the sand for every time I think about cheese we need to call for help call for help what an excellent idea is very good at shooting what was that that was the call of the sea someone is in trouble we will rescue them we can use granddad dogs boats wait a minute I said I'd never get on the boat again daddy they need rescuing you're right just this once I shall sail again nice jackets on all our food is gone there's nothing left to eat there must be something to eat captain dog has rescued the granddad's me I was just thinking of sailing around the world again but daddy you're not a sailor anymore no of course not captain dog hello mummy pig can we have our ball back please yes but please play more carefully in future yes mummy pig sorry mummy pig here is Danny dog Wow can i play button ball too maybe it's time for a different garden game I'll show you I know it's much too high to jump over we go under the limbo Pole and we need music to do it [Music] daddy pig is very good at window ah but now we'll put the pole a bit lower [Music] my tummy is not too big I just can't bend like I used to well done everyone now likes playing garden games everyone likes playing garden games [Music] let's creep up on Pedro yes Danny pepper Susie and Freddie are creeping up on Pedro yes sorry you're lucky we're friendly pirates we've got treasure that's nice treasure chest now we can bury it yes and I'll stay here and guard the pirate ship okay pirate Pedro but don't fall asleep this time I won't the Pirates are off to bury the treasure chest over a hill round the little boot that's the spot x marks the spot Pedro has fallen asleep again hello mummy pony has come to collect Pedro who goes there I'm your mummy Pedro Pedro cannot see very well without his glasses where are your glasses um I don't know mommy when did you last have them when we put the treasure into the treasure chest what treasure chest the one we buried in the garden Pedro's glasses are buried in the garden oh dear how are we going to find them now we've got a treasure map mummy pony is using peppers map to find the buried treasure when I ring this bell it's time to bring the boat back enjoy your trip it's not no how do we start the engine you're the engine daddy pig you have to pedal oh I see off we go then on the sunny way daddy and I hope he doesn't break here our Emily elephant and her family hello miss rabbit we'd like a canoe please certainly the elephant family like canoeing paddles ready let's go oh hi there miss rabbit it is Danny dog and his dad captain dog we'd like a boat please certainly I have canoes sailing boats or pedalos I didn't sail the world and make my fortune to splash around in a peddle ooh we'll take the sailing boat do you know how to work it do I know how to work it I'm captain dog come on Danny we could do that for our picnic [Applause] [Music] the island is a bit small to have the picnic on we can have our picnic in the boots who'd like a sandwich mrs. duck loves picnics everyone loves picnics I hope we can find gold your friends I'm sure we will pepper the aquarium has every type of fish hello miss rabbit hello how many tickets please two grown-ups and two children please the fish goes free does the aquarium have every type of fish oh yes probably good we're looking for a friend for Goldy well I hate you finds one enjoy the aquarium thank you the first room has a tank full of little fish [Music] [Music] could any of these be goldish friend they are let's see what fish are in the next room okay here is candy cat and her family what are you doing here we come here all the time it's better than watching TV we like fish oh what's in this tank I can't see anything Oh Oh daddy pig that's a fish right in front of you Wow it is a very big fish do you think this fish could be a friend for Goldy no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room I'm just going for one last walk one going for one last swim mr. pig yes one last swim before I go home holidays are nice but they don't last forever pepper think of all your friends waiting for you back home yes I miss my friends and I miss Goldie the fish can i telephone ballsy okay pepper granny and Grandpa pig looking after Goldie the fish while pepper is on holiday hello umm she's eating well I think Goldie postcards does she like tips the postcard hasn't arrived yet pepper but I'm sure it will be here soon we're coming home today see you later Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa I know Suzy granny pig just back from holiday not yet Susie but she's coming back today Susie is missing Peppa this suitcase is heavy are you sure we need all this stuff mummy pig these are important souvenirs from our holiday okay is everybody ready yes then let's go oh oh oh dear Peppa has forgotten teddy [Music] what a lovely holiday yes I have never felt so relaxed ah hello officer whatever I was doing I won't do it again mr. pig here is your teddy please take a better care of him let's like the postcard to your goldfish yes I miss her very much - Goldie wish you were here you can pause the card here goodbye postcards fly home quickly Pizza Pizza Pizza yummy Peppa loves pizza everybody loves pizza [Music] magnifico uncle goat there will always be a special place for your pizza in my tummy oh dear Peppa has left teddy behind the cafe what a lovely relaxing holiday we're having oh it's the police leave the talking to me hello officer I don't know what I did but I won't do it again mr. pig your teddy thank you just doing my job Senora pepper and her family have arrived back at their holiday house time for bed okay granny and Grandpa pig are looking after Goldie the fish while pepper is on holiday I do hope we're feeding Goldie enough hello Goldie is fine I think you're a postcard today has it arrived oh not yet but I'm sure it will get here soon peppa and George are fast asleep in their holiday house it is miss rabbit's ice cream stall let's stop fries why not I think we deserve it hello hello miss rabbit for ice creams please coming right up what flavors would you like strawberry for me please chocolate for me please banana for me please sure oh I don't think they have dinosaur ice cream I think George wants a dinosaur balloon do you not want an ice cream George I sure Oh how much is the little balloon ten pounds 10 pounds it's all for a good cause there you go George hold it tight don't let go George has let go of the balloon maybe I'll hold this very valuable balloon for the journey George loves his dinosaur balloon George and this time George I [Music] [Music] want to race too where's your racing car pepper I don't have a racing car don't worry Peppa you can be the chief mechanic you fix George's car if it goes wrong oh I hope it goes wrong let's start the race three times round a garden [Music] that's the end of luck one and George is in the lead what's all this noise out here I'm trying to watch television Oh a wheel has come off George's car where's the chief mechanic what do we do oh dear George is now at the race and you've got the best chief mechanic in the whole world - yes [Music] [Music] pepper is in charge of the lucky dip mr. bull has won a dolly can I miss is cat as one mr. pool like Freddy Fox is in charge of the mummies and daddies it's a new school roof I'm quite good at running [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but really we must thank the children for all their hard work and we have raised enough money to buy a new school roof again can we see you ski now oh I don't know very well that was amazing yes I was the world champion at skiing and won this Cup now which mommy or daddy would like a go why not are you sure mummy pig you haven't skied for years it's just like riding a bike daddy pig you never forget here is the baby slope mummy pig I think I'm a bit grown up for the baby slope which way does this go all the way down the mountain my mummy is skiing down the mountain where are the brakes oh she can't stop we have to catch up with her mummy pig is skiing along the road everyone is the coach chasing after mummy pig was testing skiing mummy pig is skiing past the shops my goodness a walking talking snowman it's just my mummy I have never seen such amazing skiing this cup belongs to you thank you my mummy is the best at skiing down the mountain [Music] mommy hello pepper no I'm not she said olden days I was a baby well you were pepper look here are some photos on the computer who do you think that is it's baby Alexander baby Alexander is Peppa's cousin no that's you as a baby pepper baby sounds like they're having fun baby I remember it well it was taken on our first day in this house what do you mean when you were little we moved into this house we brought all our things on top of our car mummy pig put some pictures up daddy pig put up a shelf and grandpa pig made us a lovely flower garden daddy pig looked after it we had the wrong kind of soil for flowers Oh anyway you needed somewhere to play you and Suzy loved to play in the garden my friend in the olden days yes you and Suzy have always been best friends [Music] jump up and down in muddy puddles no pepper you were babies you couldn't even walk Oh what did we do you cried you burped and you laughed babies hello petrol we've got a desert island with houses and roads sharp trees and a lake but we need water for the lake have you got some please I don't know what you're talking about it's just pretend we're playing a game oh I see you want pretend water yeah pretend snow we can mount it to get pretend water on the mountaintop that's a slide it's a pretend Mountain Oh what's the matter petrol because it is a hot day the snow has melted can't we pretend it hasn't melted no it's melted good and Papa real water daddy pig is bringing from the water fountain daddy can we have some water in our bucket please we're making a lake of Kools it is Freddy Fox hello everyone what's this it's a desert island we are going to live here forever if only it had a flag I've got a flag in my van if you'd like it mr. Fox has got everything in his van need a pretend one mr. Fox okay Thank You mr. Fox we will live here forever again just take the important ones okay and George contains I sure mummy pig is packing a big bag for the holiday wow that's a lot of stuff mummy pig are you sure we need it all yes it's all very important okay it is Suzy sheep holiday oh where are you going I don't know somewhere where there's holidays meh that sounds nice [Music] why are you here we're here for Goldy the fish we're looking after her while you're on holiday here's Goldy don't feed her too much granny okay pepper it is mr. bull in his taxi he is taking Heather and her family to the airport daddy pig let me take that back for you [Music] are you sure you need everything in here yes it's all very important this is the airport goodbye have a lovely holiday tickets please here they are any bags yes I'm afraid this one's a bit a heavy don't worry just pop it on the scales [Music] the hardest-working person in the country is miss rabbit miss rabbit runs the ice-cream stall the recycling center the library she drives the Train the fire engine flies a rescue helicopter and works the supermarket checkout whew what a long day ah what are you not doing here miss rabbit I have a very special letter for you miss rabbit please come to my palace to get a medal for all your hard work bring friends all the best the Queen miss rabbit has fainted I don't visit the Queen I've got too much word to do relax new where we'll be working that day the Queen has made it a holiday it is the day miss rabbit visits the Queen pepper and friends are going to [Music] this is the queen's palace hello is anybody there look at all that fancy stuff don't touch anything oops what a big house lots of room for a queen to kick a ball about where is the Queen have you seen the Queen today she's an old lady with a crown on her head I am The Queen miss rabbit has fainted again don't worry Peppa I'm just going into the garden to collect slugs and snails why grandpa doesn't like slugs and snails because they eat his vegetables and the best time to find them is at night with this torch can George in me come to please okay just this once put your coats and boots on peppa and George are wearing their coats and boots over their pajamas you carry the bucket pepper and I'll hold the torch don't stay up too late from poppy granny pig will put all the slugs and snails in the package one little snail here a grand car pigs chickens Sarah Jemima Vanessa aunt Neville I need to put the chickens to bed night-night chicken night-night chicken night why aren't the slugs and snails in bed grandpa because they're up all night eating my vegetables some animals eat in the daytime like my chickens and some animals eat at night like Oh mr. Fox hello grandpa pig put in your chicken stupid oh yeah oh yes nice and cozy in the henhouse surely good well I'll be on my way good night good night I know where there are some big funny mirrors really wobbly mirrors in a tents where are these wobbly mirrors at the fair the parents have brought that your relative affair roller roller see my amazing wobbly mirrors full big lovely mirrors [Music] daddy it's very simple illusions of optical differentials by convex and concave services generate patterns magic yes it's magic this mirror looks normal to me daddy where's your big tummy gone what tummy it is mummy rabbit with her baby twins Rosie and Robbie hello sister how are you today very good sister mustn't chat for long though I've got customers inside the tent on the mirror is amazing daddy pig Wow I can see two of you what do you mean I can see you in the mirror but there's no mirror is it magic I suppose we do look a bit the same well we are [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Surprise
Views: 173,467
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Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa pig full episodes, peppa, pepa pig, #peppapig, peppa pig english, #peppa, peppa pig peppa pig, pig, pig peppa pig, pepper pig, papa pig, #peppapigenglish, peppa pig new episodes 2018, peppa pig in english, peppapig, peppa pig song, peppa pig live, peppa pig videos, peppa pig en ingles, peppa pig live stream, official peppa pig, Peppa pig 4K, Mandy mouse, Peppa pig 2019, peppa 2019
Id: ycWSpemU-nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 11sec (3311 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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