Peppa and Friends are Superheroes 🦸 😮 Peppa Pig Tales Full Episodes

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[Music] oh another Apple by the power of vegetables I am here one moment woo now I am here wow it is I the superest superhero ever and I've come here to teach you all how to be superheroes too ho Peppa and her play group are all dressed as superheroes your first lesson of superhero school is to use your superhero powers to do something kind for the world Susie is being kind to the Worm by helping to dig its home Freddy is being kind to the plant by watering it and Peppa is being kind to the whole world by making sure all the rubbish is recycled and not on the floor you all did so well in your first lesson the next lesson in superhero school is to finish this obstacle course and save Madame Gazelle from the super villains on your marks get set go but everyone is too tired to run [Music] we're all puffed out why can't we run fast and be super strong aren't we superheroes H I've got it has anyone had any fruits or vegetables today I didn't want to eat my carrots today and I left my Apple in My Lunchbox aha fruits and vegetabl help us stay healthy and give us super energy superheroes must have lots of energy to run and jump Madame Gazelle has set up a table with plates of delicious fruits and vegetables to [Music] eat Peppa and her friends have eaten their fruits and vegetables now they have lots of super energy and are ready to try again [Music] we're here to save you my heroes my superheroes congratulations you have all been super today and every superhero gets a hero's reward what would you like are there any more carrots by the power of fruits and vegetables Peppa and her play group have saved the day a super strike for a super bowler today Susie Sheep is having a bowling party I want to get a super strike too I know how to do it I've been bowling lots of times then you can show everyone what to do Peppa okay we should take our pictures for the school board just step in front of the camera and say cheese [Music] cheese perfect this is your bowling lane now you choose the bowling ball then you throw it straight ahead like this y I'm going to try I like like this one the pink ball is very heavy try this one instead it's lighter wo Cy anyone lost a ball oh no I'll try next oh Pedro Pony's ball has gone into the gutter at the side of the lake whoops my turn Susie Sheep Pedro pony and Gerald giraffe haven't quite got the hang of bowling yet don't worry we need to find a better way to play H why don't you try with the barriers up this time it's another fun way to play woohoo [Music] yay now you try Pedro okay but I don't want my bowling ball to bounce no problem you can use a ramp to help the ball roll in a straight [Music] line oh this is fun yay Peppa and her friends are having lots of fun bowling in their own ways but Suzie Sheep still wants to get a super strike all right everyone it's your last bowl good luck watch this suszie sheep is bowling backwards a super strike for a super bowler Su sheep has got a super stri Suzie Sheep loves bowling everyone loves [Music] bowling today Peppa and her friends have come to a special Adventure Park come on edman you can do it it's really fun well done Edmund yay this room has a balance beam you have to walk across it without falling into the ball pit if you all keep working as a team you'll get all the way through without falling into the ball pits I'm good at balancing follow me now George Peppa and Edmund elephant must cross the balance beam but Edmund is finding the balance beam a bit difficult try going sideways Edmund we can do it together hooray everyone has made it across the balance beam now they must swing across this room this looks tricky it's just like the swing in the park Emily watch this wee Peppa is very good at swinging hooray Hold On Tight [Music] George here you go Edmund but Edmund elephant is feeling a little nervous about it why don't we go together Edmund as a team good [Music] idea hooray we did it thank you Emily everyone has made it across the big swing good teamwork everyone one room to go this is the final room but there is no way across the ball pit we can't jump that far and there's nothing to swing on this room is a bit of a puzzle nobody knows how to solve the puzzle and get across oh I've got it but Edmund elephant is very good at puzzles I'm a clever clogs you know everyone has made it through the Adventure Park that was very clever Edmund Edmund and Edmund elephant can't wait to do it all over [Music] again today Peppa and George are at a fun fair hi Peppa have you been in the fun housee yet what's a fun house it's a special fun fair house that has lots of silly rooms and funny hallways can me and George go into the fun house please please hello Miss Rabbit two for the fun housee to enter the fun house Mummy Pig must buy tokens from Miss Rabbit but the tokens cost more coins than Mummy Pig thought oh thank you Mummy Pig right this way ooh this is the rickety rackety Bridge pass through to see the rest of the fun house Peppa is moving very slowly and carefully across the bridge but George thinks it's fun to go very fast your way is much better George Wee [Music] congratulations now you need to follow the arrows this way George these mirrors are so wobbly the funh housee mirrors make Peppa and George look very silly indeed this mirror makes me look so tall and you look like you have a very big head [Music] George that one makes you look really round round and this mirror makes me look like Miss Rabbit that's because I am Miss Rabbit follow me to the twisty turny tunnel the fun house tunnel spins round and round ooh and it's very windy look after the tunnel we get to go down the slide slide I'll help you George I wonder what's taking so long I hope they're not lost how was it the fun house was really fun how fitting everyone loves the fun house because the fun house is very today Peppa and her friends are at a go-kart track hello everybody who's ready to race go-karts Peppa and her friends put on their race suits red is my favorite color ooh and don't forget your safety helmets now let's pick your go-karts yay Danny dog has put his helmet on [Music] backwards now the pedals make the go-kart go and the brakes make it stop and the steering wheel helps the go-kart turn it's just like riding a bike why don't you all give it a try and start pedaling slowly I drive a big car all the time a go-kart should be easy whoa who oh dear I think I went a little bit too fast now how do I turn around the go-kart race has begun this is fun but suszie sheep is pedling backwards try pedaling forward suszie forward oh woohoo Danny dog is pedling very quickly remember to use the break Danny Mommy Pig is having trouble making her go-kart go let's see this makes it go backwards do you need help mommy pig oh no thank you Miss Rabbit I'm sure I can do it my goat cut is too Wiggly Peppa is driving all over the racetrack turn the steering wheel more gently Peppa oh much better PE her friends like driving around the racetrack in their Googs there we go and Hy Pig has finally got her go-kart moving woohoo time's up well done everybody but the go-kart race has finished oh Peppa and her friends love racing go-karts today Peppa and her playgroup are at a juice factory they're learning how juice is made and this is the fruit squeezer it squeezes all the juice out of the oranges can I try squeezing oranges Miss Rabbit of course you can all try hoay everyone is having lots of fun squeezing the oranges but it is very hard work my hands are tired that's okay because next up we have the juice stomper oh the stomper has big boots to stomp out all the juice from the strawberries o can I try stomping this rabbit yes everyone can try hooray pop these boots on and stomp away it's just like jump iny puddle well done everyone now follow me this is where the juice is put into cartons we have to match the flavor with the picture on the cartons what flavor is this one it's red is it strawberry well done Mandy press the red button to fill it up and how about this one it's green so Apple spot on Susy and this one it's lots of colors well done Peppa you've created a brand new type of juice it's rainbow [Music] juice everyone thinks the rainbow juice looks very delicious indeed this is The Tasting Room it's where we make sure all the juice tastes scrum diddly ous o but to make it fun you have to guess what flavor each Ju juices Peppa and her play group love tasting juice yum this is orange juice M this is apple juice this tastes like all the juices at once that's because it's your special rainbow juice yum yum yum Peppa loves learning about juice and Peppa really loves her delicious rainbow juice today Peppa and her class are going on a school trip hello everyone who's ready for a school trip in my lovely new yellow bus oh what happened to your old blue bus Miss Rabbit it broke down at the weekend whilst I was taking a nice relaxing Drive oh dear Miss Rabbit's bus is unable to race so it's in the garage for some small repairs that bus is going to need some big repairs Peppa and her friends have never been on a big yellow bus before say about check check then off we go whoops let's try again Miss Rabbit isn't used to driving the yellow [Music] [Music] [Applause] bus the yellow bus is a bit fast from Madame Gazelle Miss Rabbit can the yellow bus play mus s the yellow bus can do lots of things it can do this this this and of course this the yellow bus can play music very loudly could we te the music down a little bit of course Madame Gazelle a why don't we sing a song instead the yellow bus wheels go round and round round and round and the yellow bus wheels go round and all day long let's play I Spy good idea I spy with my little eye something beginning with ah Ro nope rabbit nope it's a really big lorry wo hello Mr hello Peppa's playgroup have arrived for their school trip so it's time to get off the bus oh I wish we could stay on the yellow bus all day okay don't worry I'll be back in the bus to take you all home later Everyone likes riding in the big yellow bus everyone except Madame Gazelle today Peppa and her playgroup are doing a fun run to raise money for a new school bell is everybody ready to run ready okay on your marks get set go wo [Music] oh oh dear it has started to rain and nobody wants to run in the rain should we do the race another day when it's not so cloudy and rainy except for Peppa but the rain will make the fun run even more fun there'll be so many muddy puddles all right that means on your marks again get set again and go again the rain has made a small puddle on the running track but Rebecca rabbit is very good at jumping I did it oops sorry Rebecca that's okay Peppa come along you too lots of Race To Go the wind is making it hard for Suzie and mummy sheep to climb the hill the wind is too strong and the hill is too slippery aha H I know [Music] Emily Elephant is very good at pulling things with her trunk the way down looks very muddy yep so it's fun to slide down and Peppa is very good at sliding in the [Music] mud Peppa and daddy pig have arrived at Big Trees everyone must crawl under the low branches to finish the race that does look fun everyone has made it to the Finish Line we have raised enough money to fix the school bell oh Mr Bull will fix it tomorrow did you have fun daddy daddy everyone loves running in the rain come on Peppa we're going again but daddy pig really loves running in the [Music] rain ooh and that's how you play shuffle board my Puck landed at the bottom so I get one point today on the Cru Peppa and her family are learning to play shuffle board now grandpa pig can either knock my Puck away or slide his into the triangle and get points let's give it a go Grandpa Pig has knocked granny pig's Puck into George's sand that's two points for me can I try next yes use this cute stick and push the puck into the triangle oh it didn't move very much why don't you try giving yourself a running start good idea Peppa is taking a big run up but the sand is very slippery I didn't get any points not to worry it's about having having fun not scoring points besides no one is an expert their first [Applause] time well done George I'll just have to keep [Music] trying Peppa is trying lots of different ways of sliding the puck [Music] wo oh my ice cream [Music] aha but nothing seems to be working ah ah a at least you missed my ice cream con this time oh dear my turn Peppa here you go [Music] granny Granny's Puck has pushed Peppa's Puck into the triangle I got three points hooray Peppa is very excited to keep practicing but there are no pucks left to play with oh George has used them to complete his sand castle everyone loves playing shovelboard but George loves making sand castles even more it is bedtime but George isn't sleeping so neither are Peppa or daddy pig what now we've already read every bedtime story there is one book we haven't read I've been saving it for an emergency the very very long and very boring story to help sleepy pigs fall asleep the very long and very boring story to help sleepy pigs fall asleep yes the very long and very boring story to help sleepy pigs fall asleep oh what once upon a time there was a hero named super [Music] Peppa um yes super Peppa she spent all her days helping the people in her neighborhood uhoh until one day she heard about a jumping giant who wouldn't stop shaking the town the giant won't stop jumping I'll help you super pepper found the jump giant dinosur oh yes George the jumping dinosaur super Peppa tried everything she could to stop the jumping dinosaur from jumping like asking him very politely yes uh excuse me Mr Dinosaur sir excuse me they tried some bedtime music this will put him to sleep so relaxing but the music only gave the dinosaur more energy super Pepper tried giving the jumping dinosaur a warm bath oh oh wo she tried giving him cozy pajamas she even tried counting stars 1 2 3 4 5 that's everything we did there's nothing left to try the bedtime story has helped George fall asleep hooray thank you for your help Peppa sweet dreams thank you Daddy BT now I'm not tired can you finish the [Music] story hey hi whoops sorry everyone today Peppa and Mummy Pig have come to Miss Rabbit's yoga class Namaste everyone [Music] Namaste is how you say hello in a yoga class please take off your shoes and find a mat does anyone know what yoga is is it where you balance on one leg or when you bend into funny shapes almost yoga is a fun kind of exercise that helps you feel Zen which means relax oh we'd like to be Zen please let's start with some breathing everyone close your eyes and breathe in slowly through your nose one 2 3 and out through your mouths 1 2 3 everyone is finding breathing very relaxing but Emily and her mommy's trunks are making whistle sounds now let's do some stretching reach up high into the [Music] sky and bend down and touch your [Music] toes Peppa Danny and Emily are all very good at stretching but the grown-ups are finding it a little trickier you're very good at yoga Mr Bull I've had lots of practice and relax everyone lay down on your front then lift your chest up this is called Cobra pose is this right that's perfect oh but you don't need to do the sounds now place your hands F feet on the ground and your hips up as high as you can like this this is called downward dog that's perfect Danny you're a natural finally everyone stand up straight put your hands together and lift one leg to the other leg this is called tree POS Peppa loves all the poses H but balancing is quite hard Sorry Miss Rabbit my tree was a bit wobbly no need to apologize Peppa yoga is to help feel relaxed and Zen and nothing is more relaxing than a good giggle Peppa loves yoga class and Peppa really loves [Music] laughing watch out today Peppa and her friends are at the water park hello everyone hello Miss Rabbit before you all go swimming I have some important rules to teach you miss rabbit is telling everyone how to be safe in the swimming pool the first rule is no splashing no splashing Mr Bull whoops sorry sorry Peppa Sorry Miss Rabbit that's okay Mr Bull the second rule is no running silly Mr Bull no running sorry again Mr Bull doesn't know any of the rules and the last rule is everyone must have a simply a splendid time oh have a splendid time Mr Bull oh right you all Peppa enjoy the pool everyone what shall we do first let's go on the water slide hooray everyone is very excited to ride the water slides hello again who wants to go down the slide me well you're in luck there is one slide for each of you let's have a race good idea lucky I brought my flag on your marks get set go and Danny Dog zooms into the lead followed by Peppa then it's Gerald giraffe and Suzy Sheep coming out behind it's incredibly close water slide racing at its best hello Granny hello Mr Bull [Music] oh they're nearly at the Finish Line it's neck and neck who will come mount on top it's a draw everybody wins Peppa and her friends love the slides but they have forgotten the first rule of the waterp no splashing it is morning and Peppa is having some dinner delicious breakfast what's happened to this cereal April fools April fools what's that today is April Fool's Day it's a day where people make each other laugh by playing silly jokes like I just did with your cereal I like silly jokes can we do one on Daddy that's a great idea Daddy p is reading on the sofa but mmy Pig and Peppa have come to play a joke on him could you please pass my glasses mommy pig of course Peppa and mommy pig are playing a joke on Daddy Pig thank you that's strange these glasses have made it even harder to see ail oh these these are joke glasses very funny but you won't be able to play another joke on me I am much too clever for that Peppa is playing another joke on Daddy Pig oh no I can't open this tube of crisps can you help me Daddy of course Peppa [Music] that gave me a fright April fools you got me again Peppa well done would you like to help me play an April Fool's Day joke on Mummy Pig Peppa Peppa and her family have finished dinner and are now eating dessert aha me and Peppa have made a tasty chocolate cake for dessert haven't we Peppa yes how lovely it looks [Music] delicious my Fork doesn't seem to work try with your hands Peppa and Daddy are playing a joke on Mummy Pig this isn't a cake this is a sponge with icing on it April fools what a clever joke that reminds me George brought some biscuits for you Peppa yay thank you George I love biscuits April fools Peppa loves April Fool's Day everyone loves April Fool's Day Peppa and her family are watching a film at the cinema [Music] wo Mommy I need to go to the toilet okay Peppa we'll go to the one just outside we're just going to the toilet the toilet good idea oops oh dear the toilet is closed for cleaning but I really need to go there's a public toilet just down the road follow me everyone Peppa and her family have found a toilet here's the toilet Peppa let's join the queue I'm afraid the queue St what over there but the queue for the toilet is very very long I'm not sure I can wait that long H there's a toilet in the supermarket let's try there Peppa Mommy Pig Daddy Pig and George look everywhere for a toilet they try the supermarket aha ah oh they try the [Music] zoo sorry Peppa this toilet needs fixing go they even try a toilet shop o I'm sorry but these toilets are for display purposes only there are no toilets [Music] anywhere oh dear now I need the toilet too so do [Music] I look the cinema toilet is open again hooray for you finally Peppa and her family are back to watch the film tiny show but now the film has ended looks like we'll have to watch it from the start does anyone need the toilet first [Music] Peppa and suie sheep have decided to wear their clothes backwards [Music] today goodbye Suzy goodbye Peppa oh Peppa suszie why are you wearing your clothes backwards oh and why are you walking backwards because today today is backwards day you say and do everything backwards no we [Music] [Laughter] don't well have fun we won't Peppa and Susie Sheep are chasing each other around the garden backwards you're it try to catch me it's very difficult to play games backwards where did you go Susie coming I know let's play Backwards in the [Music] Park Mr Bull is very confused to see Peppa and Suzie Sheep skipping backwards good morning why are you going backwards it's backwards day we have to do everything backwards is it backwards day already I'd better get my backwards drills ready wao whoops sorry Peppa and Suzie Sheep spend Backwards Day playing in the park backward swinging feels the same as forwards but not all the games are as fun backwards this is backwards no this is backwards let's play Backwards frisbee [Music] catch who would like an ice cream yay oops we mean no oh I see you're having a fun backwards day I'm going to eat my ice cream backwards oops upside down isn't quite the same as backwards it's all very confusing I think Backwards Day might be over now Peppa and Susie Sheep enjoyed backwards day but they're very glad that things aren't backwards anymore SE Peppa and her friends are going to play on the Seesaw stop is there a problem Mr Bull just finishing fixing the Seesaw daddy [Music] pig there now it's safe for's houses and ready to go hooray Peppa loves playing on the Seesaw will you play with me Mr Bull it's fun me why not it is fixed and ready after [Music] all well that was fun how are you going to get down you need to go up so Peppa can come down oh like this Mr Bull is stuck at the bottom of of the Seesaw Mr bur is a grownup and Peppa is small so the Seesaw won't balance you need something heavy on Peppa's side blimy how'd you know that I am a clever clo right then Peppa's backpack will make her heavier up up up up [Music] oh we are as high as the clouds Mr Bull is still stuck at the bottom of the Seesaw I suppose it's good fun at the bottom too what a cracking view of the grass we need another grownup to play with Mr ball H I wonder where we can find another grownup you're a grownup daddy oh yes so I am I'll play with you Mr Bull yay Daddy Pig and Mr Bull are both Gro so the Seesaw is balanced and goes up and down stop are you not having fun Mr Bull I'm having a bre brilliant time I just wanted to see the view okie dokie let's go we up into the sky hello son hello cross hello clouds hello [Music] Peppa Peppa and Rebecca are making a pillow fort today careful don't fall on the fort almost got it woah squeak we did it now we need to decorate the inside H something else is missing oh something to eat Mommy [Music] what a beautiful pillow fort can we have something to eat please of course I'll be right back don't go anywhere Let's Pretend the pillow fort is really big inside wow catch [Music] Peppa let's pretend the floor is really bouncy like a trampoline it's so [Music] bouncy oh [Music] no the ball bounced over there let's bounce after [Music] it this floor is green so let's pretend it it's scratchy e but the ball isn't here maybe over there this room is blue so let's pretend it's [Music] cold there's the Bol hooray let's get out of here um which way did we come in Peppa where are you we're lost in the pillow fort I'll come get you no mommy the fort isn't built for grownups oh I can fit through anything Mummy Pig is stuck oh mommy your wiggles are breaking the for sorry you all that pretending has made me even more hungry good thing I brought you some food now we just need to find it under these pillows [Music] Pedro pony candy cat Mandy Mouse Gerald giraffe and Danny Dog are playing football look Mommy my friends are playing football hello Peppa do you want to play with us yes please whoever scores the best goal wins the trophy ooh Peppa loves shiny trophies do you want to join our team Peppa no thank you I will play on my own I don't think you should play on your own Peppa but then I can win the trophy all for myself Peppa is going to play all on her own against everyone [Music] else oh dear good draw by Peppa have another go H maybe I need to kick it [Music] harder um almost here you go Peppa maybe if I use my other foot wo you have to score with the ball not your shoe squeak hm this is too hard why don't you have a going goal good idea mommy I'll be a great [Music] goalie wo W gold Mommy why can they score a goal but I can't because Peppa football isn't all about teamwork and you can't work as a team if you don't have a team in the first place um can I join your team please of course you can we've got a spare shirt just for you hooray but who will playing goal I will just you try and get past me [Music] y you scored the goal Pedro so you get the trophy but we all scored the goal together Peppa as a team that's right you all win the trophy [Music] hooray that car went really fast don't worry this is why it's very important to stop look listen and always wait for the green man before crossing the road the Green Man remember what we learned children stop look and listen allar no car let's go it's safe to cross Now Peppa and her playgroup are learning about Road Safety today hello Daddy hello Peppa Peppa's play group hello Daddy Pig oh green light well see you later Peppa thank you for helping us police officer pan Panda all in a day's work Peppa is helping police officer panda make sure everyone follows road safety [Music] rules no no no Emily you need to stay on your side of the road sorry Peppa my wheel is stuck we'll come help you wee [Music] we we're keeping the road safe for cars and people Pedro hasn't noticed that green man has turned to Red Pedro the Red Man means don't walk thanks Peppa all in a day's work wait a minute Freddy is dressed as a robber we have to catch the robber we we we oh the red light means stop there he goes now we've got him Freddy are you dressed as a robber because you are a robber no I just like Stripes oh so you're not a robber nope oh well you can go then but not so fast okay bye Peppa oo great work officer Peppa everyone is remembering to stop look and listen and only walk when they see the green man that means we can go all in a day's work officer Panda Peppa loves keeping everyone safe and everyone loves feeling safe Peppa and her family are flying in an aane woohoo yay I love flying in airlanes but not everyone loves flying in airplanes oh hello Madame Gazelle George and I love flying do you love it too actually I have never been been on an airplane before and I am scared huh H oh I know what to do miss rabbit please can you make the plane go really really high I don't see why [Music] not it's really fun when the plane goes High Madame Gazelle look we're nearly in space too high too high oh can we go lower instead Miss Rabbit certainly oh too low too low hm let's do a loop dloop I don't think that worked either George look Madam gazelle that cloud is shaped like a bird do you see yes I see and that one is shaped like a relaxing Desert Island [Music] [Applause] dinosur it's no good I will just close my eyes and wait for this to be over oh dear hello would you two like an activity book They're lots of fun ooh oh yes please would you like to do some coloring in with us Madame Gazelle well I suppose that might keep my mind off things and so Peppa George and Madame Gazelle did some relaxing coloring for the rest of the flight look at these the line work the attention to detail incredible a Star Plus hooray we've landed yay already but I was having fun that wasn't scary at all I told you flying is really fun thank you for helping me Peppa and George now I cannot wait to fly home
Channel: Kids Videos
Views: 91,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, dress up, fancy dress, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa and friends, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, pig peppa pig, play pretend, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, superhero, superheroes, toddler, video for kids
Id: 4jf5xlNrnh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 49sec (3649 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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