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there's unusual and then there's one in a billion starting with joty from India hello I'm JY she may look like a child but she's actually a 29-year-old adult clucking in at only 2 feet tall she's considered the world's shortest woman 9 months 26 years and sure she has to manage Life by keeping her furniture and clothes on the small end but on the bright side at least she gets a persono chauffeur that does most of the walking for her I guess great things really do come in small packages but we can't talk about jod without talking about this guy meet suan Kosen otherwise known as the man who stands above all I mean he's over 8 ft tall which practically makes him a skycraper when compared to the rest of us my body is a good from he's so tall he Towers over cars and door frames while his hands and feet are even bigger than most people's faces but being that tall does have its shortcomings there aren't that many giant sized mattresses lying around and when he looks for a couch that's sized for him they typically come up short it's not all bad though at least we know who to call if we need to reach something on the top shelf meet the real life Popeye Jeff Dave the arm wrestling champion with forearms you'd assume were fake but trust me they're very real and like Lady Gaga he was born this way the rare condition he has made his hands so big he makes plums look like peas I went pick some plums this morning off my Plum Tree they're really good he can also pal a basketball better than Shaquille O Neal but to make things even better he can tear a watermelon open with ease yeah remind me to invite him to my next picnic waterm anyone the term Big Mouth doesn't quite do Domingo Joakim jino Justice when trying to describe his jobs in fact I'm not even sure there's a phrase in the English language that could accurately describe how wide is m mouth really is when fully stretched out it measures to nearly 7 in which means his mouth is big enough to fit most things you find in your fridge no joke he can literally swallow a full can of soda like it's nothing is anyone else curious what his trip to the dentist is like speaking of curiously I wonder what that like And subscribe button does when you click it Zion Clark can do more with his top half than most can do with their entire bodies not only is he a world record-breaking track star who can run 20 m in less than 5 seconds he also has no issues squaring up with people on the mat or in the paint and he does it all using only his arms talk about a rough upper body workout routine he kind of makes me feel guilty for all the times I said I was too tired for the gym after seeing gir patro butlet's abnormally long tongue you'd swear she was part reptile I don't mind getting negative reaction I mean there's different people seriously I'm sure even some amphibians have a hard time keeping up with her her tongue measure is 4 and 1/2 in long and with it she's able to do things like licker elbow ear and even her eye yeah I have a feeling that this is one for the record books but gery isn't the only person with an exceptionally long appendage there we go me Jacob Pina also known as the man who could literally beat anyone in a thumb war it's so long that you wonder if he Waters it every night seriously this brings a whole new meaning to a thumbs up these are the kind of unusual skills you develop when you don't have a collar bone being able to touch your shoulder together like this basically gives you another set of hands to carry things or to crush things with something tells me that this guy and got him matarazo would would really hit it off Amar barate wasn't kidding when he said he was going to raise his hand to the sky and never put it down again he did it because of his own spiritual convictions and I have to hand it to him when this dude sets out to do something he doesn't because he's been holding his arm in this position for more than 45 years just think about keeping your hand raised in class longer than 5 minutes so kudos to him because I don't think I have the willpower to commit to anything longer than a Tik Tock Gary turn might as well have changed his name to Reed Richards because his Skin's elicity is something I've only ever seen in the movies and like Richards Gary's mutation has become his superpower but instead of stopping crime he uses that power to break records stretching his skin to more than 6 cmet in length helps him perform some of the most mindboggling Feats some of which include things like [Applause] this okay I don't think that face mask is is going to be FDA approved then there's aumi takada and no your eyes aren't deceiving you her ear stretch as much as 4 cm which means she can hold up things using just her ear Lopes and once she figured that out what's the point of using her hands to paint next up the L the video you're seeing doesn't have any fancy effects left on Paul kerrison's skin really is blue this all happened after years of ingesting collodial silver which as you can imagine is as dangerous as it sounds and before you ask no he wasn't part of the Blue Man Group after more than 25 years Diana Armstrong's still growing her nails only now they're more than 42 ft long FYI that's half the size of a tennis court because of that day-to-day life is more challenging for Diana considering she has to be a bit more careful when picking things up and trips to the nail salon may take a bit longer than they used to and don't even get me started on her ability to drive it's hard to believe she's managed not to break a nail since 1997 wait that's as old as me speaking of real life break out all the conspiracy theories because I think we just found Bigfoot meet Jason Rodriguez Hernandez the man with feet so large they practically shake the foundation with every step each foot measures more than 40 cm in length which makes finding the correct shoe nearly impossible hey uh Nike you see in this get this guy some shoes Ain G maybe just over 2 ft all but he's no stranger to taking things to new heights am I saying that right he's officially recognized as the world's shortest man after surpassing the previous record holder by almost 4 in 4 in shorter of course and when he got his certificate frame it was almost as tall as he is in fact even baby clothes need to be tailored more than 50% just to fit him but that doesn't stop him from getting a sup tailored to his perfect size yino however goes through life with a soup made made out of a different kind of fabric because While most guys boast a few stubbles of facial hair use rocking hair on 95% of his body I guess it makes sense why people call him the hairiest man in China dindra sua has seven digits on each foot and on each hand which gives his high fives a few extremities it also makes him the record holder for the most fingers and toes on a living person my guess is the extra fingers come in handy with all his carpentry duties son worries that he might cut off his finger or toe one day let's just hope he's keeping tabs on where those extra fingers are when he's saw wood speaking of skin conditions Jamie kon's rare condition makes his skin sticky so sticky in fact he turned his head into his own personal cup holder just pull it off that's one of the ways to do it and the amounts of cans this guy could stick to his Dome is guaranteed to make him the life of the party so the next time you decide to split a sixpack of beer with the boys leave the ice chest at at home and just bring Jamie arindo deza's super sized muscles may not be a match for SpongeBob's anchor arms exactly but that doesn't make them any less impressive but in order to keep his Hercules likee physique arindo has to go the distance which means spending hours in the gym plus the occasional breakfast made of almost a dozen eggs but getting a 29in bicep doesn't happen overnight it took work dedication and a boatload of enhancement oil [Music] Muhammad samir's abilities on the other hand are guaranteed to turn some heads at just 14 years old he's already so flexible that he can practically rotate his head a full 180° a maneuver that would be extremely painful for the average person to put it lightly whenever the human owl gets his driver's license something tells me he's not going to have a problem backing out of the driveway but Samir isn't the only one with inhuman levels of flexibility so basically many knees like this like this this girl showcases her rare skill by bending a knee but probably not in the way you're thinking this is probably what scares people the most though is when I'm just like sitting normally and just have my leg like this all right so what's the next step walking upside down both of them ooh that crack felt nice Leo throw Lin is what you get when you mix a human with a fridge magnet except in this case Lynn's holding up things way heavier than a kid's artwork he first discovered his bizarre Powers when he was a construction worker he's hanging on the metal objects like hammers you know I wouldn't be surprised if he could magnetize the entire kitchen I mean he can literally pull a car by sticking a metal plate to his chest no wonder they call him the real life Magneto luo's Grand children now have this unusual power well sometimes then there's Chef boy bones and based on his facial expressions he'd make better thumbnail faces than Mr Beast someone get this guy a reaction channel the human spider may not have eight legs but trust me he's just a scary but before you go hiding under your covers let me assure you he's harmless meet Troy James a freakishly skilled contortionist who can move his body in ways you thought to be impossible which I guess makes his starring roles in horror movies a little bit easier it looks like what I do is extremely painful really it doesn't hurt at all no seriously James can twist and turn his body up in more combinations than a Rubik's Cube some people are born with unbelievable features While others just prefer to grow them that's definitely the case for San Singh Who currently holds the world record for the longest beard on a living person how long you may ask about 8 ft and 25 in that's practically a surfboard attached to his face it gets even more astonishing when you find out his entire beard care routine takes around 30 minutes yeah I wonder if he's ever late to things
Channel: Trend Central
Views: 4,817,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worlds, most, rare, most rare, people, rarest people, one in a million, most rare people, people who are one in a million, shortest woman, tallest man
Id: 6nZAQglI178
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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