People Who Took Laziness to Another Level - Part 2

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- [Narrator] We can all be a little lazy sometimes, but there are some people who deserve special recognition for the inventive things they've done just to make life that little bit easier. From hilarious life hacks to total chore-dodging, here are some times people to laziness to a whole new level. (inqusitive music) - Amazing! - [Narrator] This woman has figured out how to minimize the process of getting ready. Why paint every single toenail when you've already picked out a pair of shoes which only revealed the first two? But unless she's planning on wearing those all week, this plan may not be totally foolproof. Christmas comes with a whole load of extra hassle, from present buying to home decorating, but this person has eliminated some of that stress with this simple X-mas tree solution. Whoever said those pine scented car air fresheners couldn't double up as some of the saddest festive displays ever? If there's one thing most people hate doing, it's standing in long lines. But what if we didn't have to stand at all? This woman clearly thought she was onto something by bringing her own chair to the Burger King queue. I can't help thinking that the effort of constantly moving it might not be worth it. When it comes to lazy people and their creative solutions, there's often a fine line between stupid and genius. Just take this guy, for example. This father seems to have found the perfect balance between supervising his daughter on the swing and kicking back with a beer, and all it took was a piece of rope. Now that's some next level parenting. Daylight savings can be a pain, especially since multiple clocks need changing. Whoever was asked to adjust this high school clock clearly thought it was easier to stick a sign up asking pupils to figure it out for themselves. What you don't know is that this sign has been up for four years now, and it's getting hard to keep track of. Using a smartphone or tablet to watch TV in bed can be tricky when it comes to constantly supporting your handheld device, but this guy thinks he's cracked it with this iPad home cinema. Duct tape is truly versatile, but what happens when you fall asleep and forget the iPad is hanging in front of your face when you wake up? This image proves just how many of us are prone to laziness when given the option to take an easier route in life. The stairs are literally right there, but the mindless ease of the escalator is still enough to make people queue in huge crowds. Which would you take? Even the most straightforward tasks, like picking up a cup and taking a sip, can be made easier by the laziest among us. The guy in this photo may have created the ultimate straw, but his friend's face palm tells you everything you need to know. Meanwhile, this girl is even slurping away while taking a nap. Unless you're a certified Stepford wife, no one really enjoys doing the dishes, so any method of reducing mess during mealtimes is welcomed, but is this cereal solution really necessary? Sure, you're eliminating the bowl, but some of these in-the-packet cereal meals look like a mess waiting to happen. This woman is definitely one cool mom, and although I can't be sure how she's managing to Segway one-handed while pushing a buggy, I fully applaud her for it. The logic may be questionable, but she deserves recognition for making it work anyway/ This photograph is enough to tell me that some effort was made here. I'm just not sure why. The fact this man is even able to achieve such a feat is commendable, because that chair doesn't look sturdy enough to survive even the smallest wave. There's definitely no denying the laziness of this man, who couldn't even be bothered to leave his car for two minutes to fill up. Unless this gas station is installed with automatic payment pumps, then the likelihood is he's going to have to get out eventually anyway. Sleeping on the job is no easy feat, especially when you're a security guard, but that didn't stop this man from coming up with an inventive way to get an extra 40 winks. The cardboard officer might be bigger and scarier, but he hasn't blinked in hours, so you're not really fooling anyone, dude. Here's another example of laziness which somehow borders on pure genius. After all, why spend hours walking around in circles. If you can just tie your lawnmower to a pole and watch it wind itself up? That is, of course, until it breaks free and begins a terrifying mowing spree down the street. There's definitely nothing clever about this lazy person solution to extreme weather conditions. If you had to choose between shifting a bit of snow or risking a potentially fatal accident, hmm, I wonder which one it would be? Simple tasks like switching the light off can be a massive chore if you're already in bed, but one smart cookie has enlisted special help when it comes to nap time. Cats can't resist the glow of a laser pen, and as most felines are capable of quite a leap, all it takes some careful aim and voila, your very own automatic light switch. Festivals and concerts can really take it out of you, especially if you're standing outside in the sun all day, but take a look at this man who found a way to enjoy the show while laying down. With a camcorder synced up to a live feed, this guy can watch the performance on his smartphone until his arm gets tired, that is. Professional tennis player Rafael Nadal made headlines in 2017 for this ridiculous act of laziness during the Wimbledon championships. Yes, he really did beckon a ball boy over just to put his rubbish in a bin. He was literally sitting right next to it. I'm not sure if this photo is an example of next level laziness or a stroke of pure genius. Nobody wants to stand in line if there's a bench nearby, so this system of shoe queuing seems a smart solution. These people in Thailand are living in the future. Unless you're a naturally organized person, most of us have allowed dirty washing to pile up over time, and this particularly lazy person decided to turn their clothes mountain into a permanent installation during the Christmas period. This is definitely one way to get the grocery shopping done without having to walk around the store, but you'd have to have some hoverboard skills to avoid the potential disaster of crashing into an experience of wine display. There's laziness, and then there's just doing your job, which is exactly what this poor woman ended up without when she appeared on TV with no job title or even a name, all thanks to one lazy person who couldn't be bothered to input the details correctly. Sometimes we just don't feel like doing anything, but that isn't always possible with commitments like work and school. That didn't stop this man from crafting a decent enough excuse to get him a day off when he photo-shopped his own car to look like it had a flat tire. Anyone who goes to such lengths deserves a break. Pizza has to be one of the easiest things to cook, but that doesn't mean there isn't some element of effort involved. Lazy people will stop at nothing to cut corners, and when checking to see if the pizza was burnt got a bit too much for this guy, he decided to FaceTime his oven to keep tabs on it in real time instead. Here's another smart way to get out of washing the dishes after dinner. Just wrap the plate in clean film and dispose of it afterwards. I wouldn't advise eating anything which requires too much cutting, though, or you'll end up with a mouth full of plastic. This photograph brings a whole new meaning to the phrase relaxing by the pool. This guy doesn't even need to get up to take a refreshing drink. This could also be a pretty smart way to sneak a few alcoholic beverages in before it's deemed socially acceptable. Occasionally, the solutions lazy people think of to solve life's simple problems end up needing more effort than the traditional route, and this is definitely one of those times. Instead of just walking outside to collect this dropped shirt, a dangerous rescue operation involving the vacuum was chosen. I wonder how that turned out. Watermelon is a tasty snack, but who really has time to dispose of each seed when there are TV shows that need binging? Come on. Luckily, this woman thought up a solution which is both lazy and kind of genius at the same time. No need to fuss, just spit those pips directly into the bag. Sending a physical letter in the post has become so old school that when it comes down to it, the whole thing seems like far too much effort. This person was too lazy to purchase a single stamp for their letter, so they've just tape the cost on in its place, plus a tip. If you're so prone to laziness that even preparing toast seems like too much effort in the kitchen, then worry no more. The answer is here. I'm not sure how appealing this pre-packaged toast sounds, and there's even a buttered version for extra convenience. At this point, they may as well just eat it for me, too. There comes a point in every household where almost all the dishes need a good clean, but instead of just washing out a cup, this girl took matters into her own hands with her refreshing bag of iced water, mm. Every dog needs exercise at some point in the day, and sometimes their pining for a walk doesn't match up with your own desire to go outside. This image definitely proves that lazy people are smarter than we give them credit for. Why not let the dog walk you instead? I like to imagine this guy was reclining in front of the TV when his mom asked him to go pick up some milk, so he just got up and took the whole chair with him. Realistically, I have no idea how this contraption would work, but a statement was definitely made anyway. They say a watched pot never boils, but is that still the case if you're watching it through Skype? This person obviously had more important things to do than wait five minutes for some eggs to boil. This is a classic case of a solution being created for a problem which never really existed. Instead of just moving the clock over slightly after this pole was erected in front of it, the hidden numbers have just been painted on top. So many questions. True gaming addicts never stop, and even the fundamental need to wash couldn't separate this gamer from his PlayStation. I wonder if Apple ever envisioned that FaceTime would be used for such purposes. Whoever is responsible for this should probably seek some advice on chronic laziness. Would it be really so exhausting just to peel off one tiny sticker before biting into the apple? Even standing up to brush your teeth becomes a chore when you fall into a dangerous pattern of total laziness. Once you take things to the extreme like this man and his designated toothbrushing chair, I'm afraid to say there's no going back. You'll have to look twice at this photo to realize that there's a lazy person behind it and not a clean freak. This smart roommate devised the perfect plan to avoid washing up for the rest of their life by just printing out an image of a clean sink and sticking it on top of the dirty dishes. I'm not sure it worked though. If you're friends with a self-confessed lazy person, then you'll be accustomed to their minimal effort, so it's best to keep expectations at a minimum, even on your birthday. Take this birthday cake, for example. I guess DIY is all the rage. Some people really go all out at Christmas with extravagant light displays like this, but instead of attempting to compete, the neighbor next door had the right idea by putting this cheeky signup instead. Touche, dude. I wonder how long it took students to realize that this lazy professor wasn't really sitting at his desk working every time they walked past. It takes a real stroke of genius to create an illusion this convincing, so he deserves his nap time. It's not just as humans who are lazy sometimes, but did no one tell this bird that it literally has its own wings? What happens when your dog is small enough to slip through the front gate and escape? You get a new gate, right? This lazy owner decided to save time and money by sticking a spoon through the pup's harness instead. Now his master plan is foiled. (laughs evilly) Which of these next-level lazy people impressed you the most? Did any of them inspire you? Let me know in the comments down below and thanks for watching. (inquisitive music)
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 1,999,437
Rating: 4.8705401 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, laziness, laziest people, lazy people, lazy, laziest people in the world
Id: XnGpqfmj_b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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