People Think This Lady Has A 'Bear' In Her Backyard | The Dodo Soulmates

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people yell out of their car man you have a bear in your backyard he was a hundred pound puppy going around your house we got him at nine weeks and he's just been attached to me since then napoleon is a really chill dog he's just really calm and laid back he plays with another noof and it always reminds me of walruses the majority of their play time it's just them laying down i just think he's such a gentle giant somehow he always knew that i might have needed him we never really saw napoleon's protectiveness until i was pregnant no matter where i went he wanted to go always wanted to sleep by my side of the bed or in the bed with me my pregnancy wasn't easy i had vertigo in the beginning and he was there as a support for me to lean against i was diagnosed with depression it was something that blindsided me everyone was really excited but i didn't feel that excitement we would go for a lot of walks and he was constantly checking back on me and looking back at me every day on our walks we passed by the ocean i will look out and my thoughts were really dark and i couldn't get out of it one day i got too close to the glyph stage he pulled my arm backwards to a bench where we always rested and laid his head on my lap and i just sat there petting him and i cried he actually saved my life [Music] after that he always seemed to stay a little closer to me [Music] a nudge on my leg and he's here i'm doing a lot better now when my son just turned three he also became my son's biggest protector and when the baby would cry at night he would pop up immediately like what's going on my baby he's always wanting to make sure that my son's okay he will bark to alert people he will generally put himself in front of my son and we kind of wonder about that too if that bond was established while i was pregnant they just always want to be near each other people see me in the garden especially the front yard they're like oh how do you have flowers around it's like they're persistent because napoleon has walked over everything i started out wanting a big dog as a pet but i ended up with a companion that is always by my side and ended up being my hero as well it really is an angel in the shape of a newfoundland but was the best kind [Music] you
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 1,173,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals
Id: Rf8c-gPI-fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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