People Share REASONS Why They DIVORCED Their Partner (r/AskReddit)

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this'll happened to me a few years ago I told a friend the story of my divorce and I was told to share started a few years ago I thought we were happy we were your usual suburban professional couple financially secure healthy good sex life two kids 14 F & 9 meters at the time I thought we had a healthy social life we were going through one of your typical married couple rough patches both of us were working long hours not spending enough time together we were going through some developmental problems with my son intentions in the house were running a little high I noticed that she was spending a lot more time on her phone texting with her girlfriends I didn't think much of it I started making a much more concerted effort to get out of work when I could help around the house and be more emotionally available but over the course of a few weeks the Gulf just kept getting wider I ended up accidentally finding some messages when I charged up an old iPod for my son to use her FB Messenger was still logged in and there were a lot of highly questionable messages with the guy from her hometown who I will call Jim Bob cooter or JBC for short the messages weren't completely inappropriate but I could tell there were quite a few missing based on the times and context of the messages I made a mental note to keep an eye on this and went about trying to fix things up the next day after I took the day off to knock out some projects that I thought would make her happy and left her some sweet notes reminding her how much I appreciated her she was once again in the corner of the living room texting her girlfriends I took the boys iPad to the office opened up FB messenger and watched in real-time as my wife tore me down her and JBC were making fun of me all of my flaws insecurities and secrets I entrusted to my partner were now fodder for her and JBC not only that but while there wasn't outright sexting there was a sexual undertone to the whole conversation especially when she was bashing my performance in the sack I managed to take some screenshots but missed a good bit of the messages because as the conversation was unfolding she was deleting them I wasn't emotionally capable of confronting her I stayed in the office until she was asleep and had a couple drinks I took off the next day and spent some time soul-searching drinking and trying to figure out what to do the wife came home and wanted to know what was wrong and I just coped out and told her I had a bad day a couple minutes later I was watching the iPad as a train wreck kept unfolding so began a couple solid weeks of taking screenshots drinking and detaching myself from the relationship I knew there was no going back from this the messages were now overtly sexual with my wife completely into it and JBC was sprinkling in our views I consulted a lawyer and got my options and started moving forward here's where everything got absolutely surreal watching the messages I found out JBC was coming to town to spend a weekend of quality time with my wife in a pretty nice hotel I was missing a good bit of the info they must have had a phone conversation about it at some point but I was able to infer enough to get the when and where sure as [ __ ] the next day the wife is buttering me up and wanting to take a spa weekend with the girls to relax and when she gets back we can really focus on our marriage I go with it all the way it's the greatest idea she's ever had and I'll do anything to get us back on track I get with the lawyer and have him draft a strong separation agreement stating that she would move out she would get weekend visitation no child support in the interim until the divorce is final then I sit through the most agonizing two weeks of my life after all this most of my feelings for her are completely gone and I'm just seething with anger like I've never felt before d-day arrives I take the day off work I withdraw half of any money in any accounts we are joint on leave her half alone I had already redirected my paycheck to a new bank I closed our money market account and get a cashier's check for her half and deposit my half and my new account I stopped at office maximum and print out about 75 pages of FB messenger screenshots and I kill time because I don't want to be at home she texts me that she's taking off and that she loves me I tell her to have fun I show up to the hotel at about 830 and call the wife's phone from the lobby it goes straight to the M they are probably already at it whatever I walk up to the front desk and ask if I can use the phone to be connected to JB C's room it bangs three times and he picks up JDC hello me JB C can you send my wife down to the lobby please JB C I don't know what you're talking about bro me okay then I guess I'll have to call mrs. JB see and get her down here totally a bluff I knew he was married and I knew her first name but that was it JB C inaudible shuffling panic me you got five minutes click not even two minutes later my wife comes walking out of the elevator looking a little flustered I sit her down in the corner of the lobby huh start spewing [ __ ] saying it's not what it seems et Cie etc me I am NOT here to argue the things that are said in this pile of papers are what's going on the only way I'm not giving a copy of this to daughter your parents and emailing it to everyone we know is if you move out immediately wife was very prideful daughter was going through a rebellious gene phase and her knowing probably would have forever killed their relationship wife was also her parents golden child and she always worried about what they thought of her I didn't have much leverage and shame was my only card to play also her professional life is built up around her image so I knew she would protect that at all costs her sniffle mumble inaudible me this is a check for half of the money market account I've withdrawn my half of the money from all the other joint accounts you should have more than enough to get a place she starts to cry a little I could almost see the different thoughts and waves of emotions going through but now was the time to keep pressing me here is a separation agreement that I think is more than fair considering what's going on I'm going to need you to look this over sign it and leave it at the house when you get your stuff do you want to look through these screenshots huh no me okay go have fun with JBC do not come back to the house or I'm going to send this holds up ream of screenshots to everyone I bounced out of the lobby and I can hear her start to have a breakdown I get to the car drive off to a parking lot and have my own crying rage fit previously I would have cried in front of her and yelled and Worknet but I managed to get my [ __ ] together enough to pull it off I don't know what she did that night or over the weekend she texted and called over and over wanting to talk I just turned the phone off and by the time Monday afternoon rolled around there were movers getting her stuff and she delivered the agreement I'll let her have a talk with the kid is basically saying mommy and daddy needs some time apart we still love you etc' etcetera standard divorce talk after a week she wants to have a real talk for the first time I obliged her because I've already got my [ __ ] together and I've got an idea of what I want but I should hear her out she's so sorry she wants another chance she wants her family back she'll do anything she's on her knees crying into my lap I have no intention of ever taking her back I tell her she needs to set up marriage counseling on her own at a time that works for me I tell her that I can't live with her but she should be around the children to try to maintain a relationship with them so starts a new normal of her coming over the house cooking and having dinner with the kids three nights a week she always saved me a plate I made myself scarce her cleaning the house and doing the kids laundry then heading back to her place we went to counseling it consisted of her working through her issues with the therapist trying to figure out why she did it her begging for forgiveness and me stoically playing the victim I was never going to give her another chance all I wanted to do was kill time establish myself as the primary carriage over to the kids and establish her as not having residency in the house after a few months I go to my own therapist and get diagnosed with depression and PTSD I asked my work if it's possible to go to part-time for the foreseeable future to deal with personal issues and it's no big deal after six months of therapy I told her that I couldn't forgive her right now and that I wanted an amicable divorce that she is still the love of my life and maybe someday we could give it another try she was devastated but agreed to the divorce if I promise to try again someday once the divorce was filed I needed the kids to want to stay with me I left a Google search for how to survive your wife's infidelity up on the shared PC at home and I left some printed out infidelity articles not so hidden in the kitchen my daughter found them and came to me crying I told her she wasn't supposed to find those that mom made a mistake that mom still loves her and that I would always be here for her my daughter who used to hold my wife in such high regard now wouldn't talk to her without screaming and it crushed her not surprisingly when the court needed statements from the kids a few months later little brother followed Big Sisters lead and they both wanted to stay with dad in the house they grew up in when the divorce was finalized I got the house had to buy out some of her equity but that's okay I got primary custody of the kids I got awarded generous child support due to the difference in our incomes due to me working part time now for the last two years I've gotten to live in the house with my kids work part-time get the now ex to subsidize it for me and when she takes the kids over the weekends I get to have my fun with tinder reticent some FW B's I've cultivated in the eyes of my kids I'm the patron saint of fatherhood for taking the high road in always being there in the eyes of my ex I'm the one that got away that she will always pined for and I get the bonus of having her come over for 6:00 where ever I want it by dangling that carrot of maybe getting back together but that is never going to happen not me but my mom but it's basically the entire reason I'm staying single this was about three ice years ago I'm a freshman in college for some backstory my mum was a PA in neurosurgery and he was in anesthesiologist in his residence so drugs were a huge no-no anyway he choked her out because she was pretty much done with his [ __ ] she had severe tendinitis in her wrists / hands and feet and she was barely able to walk and eat and he wouldn't help out around the house they lived on two acres in the countryside with six chickens three digs a pot-bellied pig and four ducks she managed the entire place and three kids all by herself and he wouldn't lift a finger he would just come home from clinical rotations and smoke pot do LSTs shrooms or whatever he could get his hands on soon his antics became so heavy and frequent that it actually began to affect the animals mostly the smoke from cigarettes or pot and the animals would get high and do stupid [ __ ] that would get them really sick and so my mom confronted him about it they're somewhat civilized backquote raised voice arguments turned into full-blown screaming matches that resulted in busted open window and doors when my mom found out he was smoking pot in excess around me the problem with that is that I have insanely low blood pressure like to the point where if you smoke pot near me I will start to pass out since it lowers overall the /p he would smoke it on the front porch with the window open while I was playing video games inside and he smoked to the point where I would faint while playing my brother told me this and he knew it was that because I would be playing Dark Souls or some [ __ ] and I would just flat-out pass out and hit my head on the table in front of me this would be a nightly occurrence and my mom didn't see it as a problem until I was passed out for 12 hours which is when my brother told her I ended up leaving this will be important later to live with my grandma because fainting instead of actually falling asleep was really painful and the screaming matches between my mom and stepdad only got worse fast forward a few months when my mom came down for Christmas and I kid you not she looked like someone from Auschwitz she shaved her head before she came but some hair grew back she looked really pale and she was thin to the point of fitting in my clothes I'm really short and petite 5 feet 3 inches and pretty muscle why compared to my mother being 511 and [ __ ] rips from the heavy lifting around the home her carpal tunnel and tendinitis had gotten better so she could eat walk and do stuff but it clearly hurt on New Year's I ended up pouring her a shot of vodka she usually had one right when the ball drops but this time she immediately swigged it down and took me into the bathroom where she just unloaded she told me that his antics only got worse and worse and he ended up snapping at the kids really bad bringing his friends over and almost lighting the barn on fire with the pig inside he sold her chickens while he was high we [ __ ] loved those chickens and that he'd spent most of his paychecks on drugs eventually she rambled on saying that she was just tired of being treated like a slave tired of fighting and she just wanted to go back to the way things were while he was in med school I told her straight up to get a divorce if she wasn't happy and to move back to the country roads of WV but she told me that the kids should have their dad and they didn't want them to end up like me emotionally scarred from custody transfers and separation my dad was a convicted rapist we don't know if he actually did that to someone who had a meth lab in his basement was basically a prostitute would physically and emotionally abuse me would suck my mom's money dry for drugs and had seven diseases all starting with the letter back quote eh don't worry I'm clean my mom knew that my dad was beyond saving but she truly cared about my stepdad and wanted to rebuild their relationship fast forward a few weeks and my head found that my stepdad was stealing pain medication local anesthesia and narcotics from the hospital and getting high off them she threatened to report him to his residency program and he began choking her until he broke her hyoid bone my brother saw this entire thing go down and he called 9-1-1 in my mum was still alive because it was only a stress fracture and not a greenstick fracture that world wrapped around the rest of her throat immediately after surgery she filed the restraining order and left to the previous house they still owned soon each of them found a lawyer and my stepdad with some help from his wealthy family was planning on taking my two younger siblings from my mom she found out when she was drunk and scrolling through his phone and that was the last straw before she filed for divorce because of his wealthy and pathological lying she'd steer the family the case looked like my mother's loss they denied all of her claims saying that my mum was crazy and apalla she is mentally ill having anxiety and depression that she is by no means insane she was just explosive when angry mostly because her parents were they also claimed she didn't take her meds not true and that she was neglectful to her children which is why I left also not true I left because she and my step that were constantly fighting to the point where windows and doors were broken down and I couldn't take it and they claimed that she was a lazy jobless slob also not true like I said she was in neurosurgery PA they earn a 95k salary she had to quit her job because they were cutting her hours and in the state they moved to pas couldn't prescribe medication so basically she could only work in her or but they have 12-hour shifts and my mom has two kids who need to be taken care of but what my stepdad neglected to mention was that he did steal those narcotics from the hospital in fact he actually denied it and when he was he was on the phone with the attorney he accidentally let it slip out that he met with the narcotics police they securly he got busted and her reaction was Wow so she wasn't lying and that basically unfolded into finding the original documents two ones edited by my stepdads family and it became an open-and-shut case my mom had full custody and 60% of the money as well as the antique BMW from the 60s she was very adamant about that one but it doesn't stop there boys my mom is the kind of person who will put white vinegar in your wine for shits and giggles so she decided to report his residency at first they said that they'd look into it but they ended up not getting back to her she ends up talking to an advisor and lo and the [ __ ] hold not one not two but five people actually got kicked out for drugs and if another one got kicked out they'd be forced to shut it down so then my mom decides to get the divorce and restraining order into the mix and the whole slew of things that came with it and since it basically violated the Hippocratic oath and well the law he wasn't really that trustworthy of a doctor anymore and they kicked him out in the interest of patients and subsequently shut the entire program down on top of that she made sure that it stayed on his permanent record completely disabling him from every applying to a new residency program she then went the extra mile to get the dog to piss in his house while he was on vacation in Vegas charge his credit card to pay the mortgage until she found a new job in neonatology get the kids to completely ghost him and she did a B&E the door was unlocked so idk if it actually was and took the ps4 Nintendo switch the wee-fee and some furniture she also sold his gutsy clothes on eBay idk how much she made though later on about a year later my mom finds out that the family is trying to file a lawsuit and get her sued about 50,000 they take the claims to court but then my mom busts out the case from way back then along with some medical documents pertaining to said case like her carpal tunnel and tendonitis and she turns up the dial to the Mack mounted doctor my stepdads father was a plastic surgeon can be sued in that particular state two hundred thousand dollars the lawsuit goes on for about six months and then my mom one day hits meet up and says that she got 200k in her pocket and she ended up putting that into a bank account and is beginning to help me pay for college and if she has enough med school I've always loved medicine and this whole thing has never changed my view of it personally I'd liked it to college by myself but I'm gonna need help in med school because by my second year I'll be 100k in debt my mom is now a happy and single lady still rocking the short hair and is extremely successful she cut off contact with my step dirt so I don't know how he's doing and frankly I don't really care so yeah TL DR don't get with drug addicts especially if they're in the medical field my mom is a vengeful [ __ ] and I love her and my brother is a hero edit okay so I found out that cannabis actually raises blood pressure so now I'm actually not sure what the hell he was smoking to make me pass out this also came from my brother so I'm also not sure if he was telling the full truth either I'm just going by what he's saying he said it would gather in the house so it obviously wasn't instantaneous but it's still certainly concerning edit - I also forgot to mention that at the time we lived in a super old house that had no account just a bunch of fans and huge glass doors that opened to the front deck from the living room where the TV was which were always open because it was hot as hell inside I'm not sure why he would them open at that time it was probably just unintentional but he did to the story me and my friends sometimes hang out with a guy we will call knock now mark is in his 40s happily married to a woman they have two kids in their teens I will tell this story as accurately as possible from what Mark told us as you all know married life can many times get boring with nine-to-five five jobs mundane life in a small time village kids are growing up so you don't have to look after them 24 over seven anymore so you do what you can to make life interesting you get a dog start some hobbies et Cie etc or so at least mark thought he also thought that his happy little life would last forever wrong mark found out through the grapevine that while he was playing sports being at work trying to break the boring life they were having his wife let's call her Mandy was attending to some hobbies of her own hobbies that included getting sweaty and real passionate with another man from a few towns over at first the rumors didn't bother him they were rumors after all but something in Mandy's behavior started to change no more funny time with mark she started to get distant no more talking just yelling being annoyed et Cie etc it went on for a few months this struck Marquez off and one time after we were done playing soccer he asked us what to do we came up with several advice like confronting her but mark didn't want to ruin his marriage over some mood swings and a rumor so he did what every sane man would do Slash's he set up cameras all through the house and I'm talking pie quality stuff here he had cameras in the bathroom living room their bedroom basically everywhere but the room of his children he updated us on his new hobby and his setup and things cooled off for a few weeks after a few weeks after soccer time we went out for a few beers mark wasn't quite himself so we inquired what was wrong he told us that he after several nights of reviving tape found out that Mandy indeed was cheating on him he was furious they were married 20 plus years there were highschool sweethearts with two boys and she betrayed him now comes the revenge parts he didn't confront her right ahead mark formulated a plan living only a few towns over he had no problem getting the guy's phone number now you all know those pasty advertising companies who call you to get you to buy products right mark pretended to be one and called the guy with the pret MC was selling him some body cleansing pills and other [ __ ] he knew the guy was overweight and being quite a smooth talker he didn't have much problem getting him hooked he got the guy's first and last name which he already knew his address SSN job address and some other stuff that doesn't really matter to the story he told the guy he was in a ballot for different prizes from the company he was working for and he would stay in touch in case the guy won anything after that came part two while Mandy was at work on a Friday he packed all the stuff she owned clothes jewelry collectibles and other stuff into their family car they have a VW Touran so everything she had easily fit in when Mandy came home from work Lee told her they were going on a trip at first she was against it but again the smooth-talking convinced her to roll over pretty quick and she got in the van with him before that he took the boys to one of our friends house they weren't 18 yet and he is a responsible father and off they went where did they go you ask remember how he called the guy Mandy was cheating with I think you know the answer sadly or very hilariously Mandy had no clue he took her all of her belongings to the guy's address and called him on the way telling him to come outside he said he won the first prize and he was on his way to give it to him personally Mandy still had no clue she thought he was just pranking one of his friends I believe you realized by now that she isn't the brightest one in this world imagine her in guy's face when he rolled into the parking spot of guy's house he stepped out of the car shook the guy's hand and told him here is your price sir I believe you know what it is took one last look at Mandy's white face and walked off he got custody of both kids since he was better off than her also told the judge she was cheating and that's why he was divorcing her this all happened last year and as far as we know the guy was an a-grade [ __ ] and she left him soon after that after a few beatings and some trips to the air slash police station mark got over her after some time and a lot of alcohol but he and his boys are doing great they were both big enough to realize their mom was at fault and still barely talked to her when they go to visit she tried to return into marks life on a few occasions but he did the smart thing told her to [ __ ] right off he told us this story after we went out for a few beers after soccer again I was laughing so hard imagining the whole thing I had to go to the bathroom otherwise I would have peed myself I hope you enjoyed this story as much as we did TL DR wife cheats on husband he finds a creative way to get rid of her edit it's not a recession we are not from USA since many people got hung up on it it's a tax number and I assume he asked for it to sound more believable edit to fixed some spelling errors a lot of people are eating a lot into every detail how I presented Mark's story thank you so much for watching the entire video I would be so grateful if you could like this video and subscribe to the channel new videos every day
Channel: Slime King
Views: 33,788
Rating: 4.7337279 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: Bi3f1oDwxAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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