People Laughed at His House, Until They Went Inside

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the world is just full of boring old box-shaped houses with regular-shaped walls and tedious windows of regular sizes isn't it time we got involved with some more interesting and imaginative ways to build ourselves dwellings let's embrace the weird and wonderful world of bizarre architecture and take a trip through some of the oddest offerings in house design that we can find from a dude hollowing out an actual mountain to build a house to a school bus bringing a world of freedom to a young family here are 20 incredible houses you won't believe exist [Music] number 20 japan tiny house this house looks incredibly tiny from the outside in fact from some angles it seems so narrow that it has a certain cell-like quality however that's all quite different when you peep inside this tiny japanese home clever architecture and some snazzy design features allow this seemingly dinky domicile to open up into a family home with all the comforts and conveniences of any contemporary house despite the fact that the house is built on a miniature plot of land the home itself only has 594 square feet of living space so it isn't exactly built in palatial proportions but japanese design and keeping the interior simple has basically made a silly slice of land into a functional and cozy space if the neighbors all thought the idea was mad they would probably change their minds if they saw the way it actually all fits together even if it looks ever so slightly bananas from the street people laughed at his house until they actually went inside who would have known but what do you reckon is this a clever use of space or a bit of a con job that has us all believing that we have to live in houses with dimensions of closets let's get into it in the comments below before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping number 19 man lives in airplane house in houston for some guys hitting middle age means buying a motorcycle and becoming a weekend warrior for others it's a red sports car and alimony payments then there's this guy joe axline for him middle age meant divorce and buying a couple pieces of aeroplane to turn into his house it takes all sorts after all as a child axline had watched a television show called the magician in which the main character would at the end of every episode drive his car onto the back of an airplane and take off apparently that had stuck in old joe axlein's brain for all those years clattering around and giving him all the feelings so once he found himself a single guy again in 2011 he set about turning his childhood dream into his grown man reality he even gave it a dorky name project freedom he bought a plot of land in brookshire texas and got a hold of a couple of wingless halves of old retired planes as one does and he's since converted the insides into living accommodations he has most of the usual house stuff and in amongst all of that there are also a few bits and pieces of the plane's own personality still in place it's quite the novelty and no doubt a place that people are quite keen to poke around in oh and axlein loves it he's living his boyhood dream in his 50s and you can't argue with that number 18 man digs a hole in a mountain and turns into an amazing apartment even though this one sounds completely bonkers it actually turns out really kind of cool tired of the big city this guy packed in his job in construction and took his skills back to where he'd grown up set out to build himself a house in the peace and quiet of the mountains the only thing is he took the in the mountains part extremely seriously and literally he decided to carve a hole in the side of a mountain and turn it into a home now this is no job for the impatient it's a very slow and laborious process he doesn't start with a cave or anything so convenient as that he begins with a big fat slab of mountain and a drill and then the painstaking years long work of gouging out the rock to build a space to live in as he gradually chips away and begins to chisel out the shape of the rooms inside it becomes clear just why he's doing it it is incredible he's built the whole thing with his own hands and imagination and that's a very beautiful thing indeed number 17 430 square foot tiny cabin gull thorns hut ah yes these tiny houses that are all the rage this one's even off grid and built from repurposed materials oh and it has solar panels so that's a whole load of contemporary design trends ticked off the list and wait till you see the minimalist modern interior as well it's as if l decoration magazine barfed up all in there that's not to say it isn't very nice though it really is but it is so worthy and fashionable and expensive oh and it's listed on airbnb of course it is located in the wilds of new south wales and australia this eco-friendly tiny house is super sleek and modern if you like that sort of thing and you can boast all of your friends about how much you saved the planet when you flew around the world to australia to stay in this little hut of environment saving magic materials nothing like a bit of a long-haul tourism for saving the planet that's a fact number 16 glass dome eco house building homes inside individual glass dome greenhouses seems a little bit sci-fi but one family figured it was a good way as any to insulate their home against the harsh weather of the arctic circle and you have to imagine that their heating bills would have been absurd without it back in 2013 a norwegian family moved into this slightly bizarre looking glass enclosed home located in nordland county within the arctic circle in norway this eco-friendly dwelling is named nature house and it's surprisingly spacious with five bedrooms and two bathrooms in a central family living space it's a manifestation of the family's whole ethos and way of life the house which they built with their own hands is made from natural materials including cob and timber and has a rain water collection system as well as an enclosed garden area between the glass dome and the house this is where the family grow their food grow much of what they eat in order to live in harmony with the natural environment that's all around them it's utterly idyllic where can i get one number 15 pythagorean home amidst olive grove offers views and protection now maths is always important when you're building any kind of structure if you get your sums wrong then things can fall down or be surprisingly too big or small like when i order almost anything from the internet but how about if you take the maths part of the architecture so very seriously that your home becomes an homage to pythagoras himself the unique design of this house is in the middle of this olive grove near athens and is inspired by pythagoras its special triangular form has two protective sides which although angular and severe offer shelter from the weather and the sun the third side is open with large windows that face towards the mountains giving the home extraordinary views across the vast landscape number 14 t-shaped dark megalith hosts back to basics young family home nothing says family home quite like a t-shaped dark megalith are the joys of living in a gray concrete block actually it's rather nice inside if a little on the gloomy side but that's to be expected in a monolith the unique house is in athens greece where there does seem to be an experimental approach to modern architecture nowadays and the downstairs area is designed to be indoors and outdoors with sliding glass panels that open up to join the two spaces the lower part of the tee contains the kitchen area and the inside outside living spaces the upstairs part is the top of the tee and this is where the bedrooms for the family are positioned the upstairs space is relatively light given the fact that it's well served with windows but the downstairs is rather dark and despite the modern stylings does have an ever so slightly vampirish quality about it it's an unusual design but i don't know how much would you like to live in the shadows like this even if it is super trendy number 13 skinny home in toronto is prototype for parking space homes when is a house not a house when it is nothing more than a flipping corridor for pete's sake this may be one of the daftest so-called houses yet and it's a worry that it might start giving real estate people bad ideas and frankly we don't need any more scumbag landlords with unscrupulous ideas in this world this guy in toronto bought a strip of land that measured just 16 feet across and because of clever design he managed to build a home in the spot that has 1300 square feet of living space including three bedrooms and three bathrooms the thing is though while the guy was keen to build himself a nice home the idea he now has is that his house could be a kind of prototype for turning parking spots into accommodations and that's not always the most sound idea unless you genuinely want all living spaces for ordinary people to be crammed on top of each other there's always a scheming entrepreneur standing by to exploit a cheap option for housing and there are plenty of people who will be forced to live in miniature spaces for exorbitant rents if we keep on accepting that houses need to be so small i mean it's not as if canada is short of space now is it but why should working people live in closets when the ruling classes have dozens of huge unoccupied properties just a little question before we all give up our precious space number 12 tree house utopia chateau tour well this is a fancy smancy tree house now isn't it this is one of four treehouses at this vacation rental place in utopia texas although positioned in the trees in the style of a classic treehouse that's mostly the only feature that this luxury house shares with a treehouse at all the chateau that's castle in french but i'm sure you knew that is a massive and opulent place it has a gigantic 400 foot deck area along with plenty of comfortable places to sit and take in the forest inside the tree house there are fixtures and fittings that are far beyond any regular sort of cabin in the woods kind of arrangement however if you do fantasize about playing in the trees but want a luxury squishy big bed to sleep in then this is the right sort of combo for you but you know part of heading out into the woods is to get a bit back to nature as well isn't it what do you think of all this fancy stuff stuck all up in trees is it just a gimmick or a fun thing anyways it might be kind of fun to play in a tree house like this one number 11 floating villa in dubai the disappointingly unseahorse shaped floating seahorse villas are one of dubai's plethora of water-based dwellings that have been popping up all over the real estate-obsessed city for decades these super luxury studio apartments are aimed at the mega wealthy yacht owners that enjoy the marina in the city and are looking for a local home base however they are no ordinary apartments these 3 100 square foot apartments are individual floating homes laid out over three levels underwater sea level and upper deck so the underwater level is perhaps what makes these buildings so unique this is where the master suite and bathroom can be found and the rooms are enclosed with completely transparent glass walls giving the homeowner a totally unobstructed view of the coral reef and marine life that surrounds them presumably it's two-way glass and therefore it also gives that sea life and any passing scuba diver a completely unobstructed view into the apartment as well but i can't think of anything at all that one might do in a bedroom or a bathroom in the mirror that would require privacy so that's completely fine i'm sure because these are fancy apartments for fancy people they also come equipped with 24-hour concierge service 5-star facilities and a 1.3 million dollar price tag number 10 underground dome house stays warm in omaha winters one way to avoid some of the worst weather of more chilly climates is to build your house underground you know like a bunny or a mouse or some other sort of teeny little furry creature sometimes they have the right idea just like my pet guinea pig twinkle underground is generally cool in the summer and snuggly in the winter even in an especially tiresomely cold place like omaha nebraska this couple decided that they were not into the idea of any more freezing winters on the surface and they were going to make like moles and go underground as one does of course the mercury can regularly drop to minus 30 degrees but their air temperature inside the underground house is only affected by the temperature of the earth around it rather than the air above so that rarely dips below 55 degrees now before you all dash off to build your own burrows you should know that this labor of love took 10 whole years to build there's a lot more going on than is immediately obvious to the naked eye there are three reinforced concrete domes under 15 feet of earth the whole building is dug into the ground with only the south facing glass wall actually open to the outside added benefits of being buried in the ground include if you aren't claustrophobic that is sound proofing and the steady indoor temperature that sits between 64 and 74 degrees as standard the drawback though yes you can't win them all number nine family ditch expensive rents to live in a converted school bus with the high cost of rentals these days there are plenty of people out there looking for alternative ways to live this family from renton just outside seattle washington have found a novel way to escape the financial bind of contemporary city living the couple decided they wanted more freedom so they did what anyone would do in that situation they bought an old school bus to live in of course they did you're gonna go get it okay the vehicle itself only costed twenty eight hundred dollars and then they spent an additional thirty thousand dollars to make it into a proper family home so it wasn't exactly a cheap outlay but they do own it and they can move house whenever they choose which has to be a bonus although the couple say that they are ridiculous people and they live in a ridiculous lifestyle it does kind of make some sense even if they do have three small children living in there as well the bus has living space with a fully equipped kitchen a washing machine a bathroom complete with a bathtub and bedroom areas for the family it's an unusual home for sure but it works for this young family until they grow too tall for the six foot high interiors that is number eight the fairy tale house shaped like a shoe the old woman who lived in a shoe had a really terrible time of it so why in the world would you consider that same idea for a so-called lover's retreat well that's a bit of a mystery but then again if you are the sort of people who figure you might as well build a house that's shaped like a shoe then your brain evidently works in slightly different ways than most this tiny house in new zealand was conceived by a madcap couple after they had spent an evening enjoying some adult beverages they freely admit this although between you and me i think we could already tell couldn't we and although it's completely mad from the outside the fairy tale feel inside the boot is actually very charming it's cozy and welcoming and has everything that people might require for an overnight stay built with a steel frame and chicken wire it's been coated in a concrete outer layer and the building was painstakingly constructed to resemble a boot as accurately as possible even down to the eyelets for the laces which it also has i suppose if you get fixated on creating a boot-shaped house then this is the way to do it if you must number seven tree house looks like ufo well we have had houses that look like footwear tree houses that resemble castles so why not have one that looks like a ufo that makes as much sense as any other right if you were staggering through the forest late one night a bit lost and bleary-eyed you could certainly be forgiven for thinking that this was in fact a genuine ufo landing right there amongst the trees the place is incredible and has been designed around the classic flying saucer shaped ufo idea and it really looks the part hidden in the swedish forest the metal construction is assembled almost 20 feet off the ground there's a spooky spotlight that shines down beneath the structure making it look as though it's coming into land or perhaps teleport you up although it does serve a practical purpose for illuminating the staircase inside is just as authentic in the space department as it is decorated with an appropriate space themed style with room for five number six the upside down house poland this place in poland is essentially a tourist trap which also claims to be making some kind of bold anti-communist statement but that's kind of open to interpretation built in 2007 almost two decades after the fall of the soviet union by the way the upside down houses designers say the building represents the symbolic inversions of communist rule in poland this is achieved they say by turning the house on its head except that it's not exactly how they did it the whole thing is actually built upside down it was so disorienting for the builders tasked with constructing it that they took a really long time much longer than a regular sort of right way up home anyways to get into the house visitors have to climb in through the attic window and then across the ceilings to witness the rooms which are decorated in 1970s furnishings as were typical in poland during the era of communist rule the very loud message is that communism turned life in poland upside down the designer really hammers that message home with this one number five from old belgian water tank to dream tower house with a view if a 98-foot tall water tower doesn't seem like the most obvious place to sling your sofa and call home then think again this belgian water tower has been through many transformations in its time on earth that of being a humble abode is one of the more simple tasks that it's had it does look pretty strange though the 250 000 liter water tower was built back in 1938 and it stayed in service in one way or another all the way up until the 1990s during world war ii when the nazis had occupied belgium they had even used it as a watchtower then in 2007 it was redesigned and the total renovation of the structure began in earnest it would be restored to its original appearance on the outside and the interior converted to a stylish and comfortable family home it still retains some of its original features but whereas you might appreciate wood paneling or fireplaces in a period home when you talk about the features of a water tower it means such items as a water conduct a massive water basin and concrete ceilings and stairs less pretty than a georgian townhome perhaps but it does take all sorts what do you think number four the bubble palace france a massive favorite with fashion photographers and the epitome of a nightmare for a person suffering from trypophobia the fear of patterns made of holes or spots the bubble palace is a trippy 1970s monstrosity in one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth designed by a hungarian architect in the 1970s this palatial estate overlooks the bay of cannes on the cote d'azur hall in the south of france it's basically like a cluster of bubble shapes and spaces inside there are 10 bedrooms each decorated by contemporary artists having extensive gardens water features a swimming pool and a 500-seat auditorium because why not it all enjoys views that overlook the mediterranean sea but i think it's kind of revolting a blot on a beautiful landscape however what do you think perhaps you love it let's have a ride old barney about it in the comments below shall we go on you know you want to number three skateboard house malibu california a house that's entirely skateable and also still a house that you can live in was likely every skater kids half pipe dream but one guy made it his reality and it's really quite something the professional skateboarder who goes by the acronym paz has lived his life on a skateboard the pro skater and former world champion is also the founder of skate shoes and clothing brand aetnies and it makes sense that he would design his home to fit his lifestyle because why not divided into three distinct areas the house has all the rooms you would expect in a comfortable modern home but the difference is that these can also be used for skateboarding and nobody's going to tell you to pack it in and take it outside one of the three spaces is the living area which also includes the dining room and kitchen the second is a bedroom and bathroom and the third is a dedicated skateboard zone what's unique and also likely the key feature that makes this skateboarding house is the curvature of the rooms like a ramp the floor curves into the wall and the wall curves into the ceiling and this clever shape mimics skateboarding ramps not only in its construction but also the material that was used the smooth plywood finish looks modern and sleek and is also the perfect skating surface not only are the walls of the home skateable but so too is the furniture any standing object as a skater knows can become a rail or a bar to grind along or flip over or to launch yourself off of number 2 brooklyn clock tower home new york city originally a cardboard box factory that was built in 1914 the landmark clock tower building in brooklyn has a triplex penthouse inside which is definitely a unique and incredible dwelling but perhaps not so incredible as its original asking price the thing about this apartment is that it has views i mean it has all the views the apartment overlooks manhattan's iconic skyline now one window you have the brooklyn bridge in downtown and the other the manhattan bridge and all the midtown views that you can handle take a peep out of your bathroom window and there's lady liberty herself seriously all the views it's kind of astonishing but the apartment itself is kind of neat as well it has that big old clock right there in your living room for starters and then of course all the other spangly stuff you would expect from a spacious modern apartment the only thing that's wrong with this apartment was the price when it was up for sale originally it had been priced at 25 million dollars a little steep perhaps well apparently everybody thought so as it was on the market for six long years before finally being sold for a mere 15 million dollars it was still the most expensive apartment to ever sell in brooklyn well at the time anyway number one quits lakota's nest snake house now if you have a fidophobia then this is less a dream destination than a nightmare that you actually wake up inside the truly bizarre serpent house in a sculpture garden just north of mexico city is actually an airbnb property so if you fancy it you too can snooze inside the belly of a snake and frankly although it is all rather on the giant snakey side when you're outside in the sculpture park the inside of the property is kind of regular nothing to see here let alone get all freaked out about as part of the sculpture garden the airbnb place is unique the guests staying here have the run of the park all to themselves which could definitely make for an interesting vacation the sculptures are all serpent-like oversized artworks that are set in amongst the landscaped gardens which is atmospheric at best downright creepy at worst so pick your weekend companions with care if you go and stay here this could be quite the mood killer if you get a phobic roommate who says houses have to be square boxes with doors and windows and boring old stuff like that we've discovered that if you can imagine it then you can build it which of these incredible homes inspired you if you could build a home what would it look like as always let me know all of your fabulous ideas in the comments down below i know you'll have some crackers be sure to let me know all about it in the comments below also be sure to check out the other cool stuff showing up on the screen and i'll see you next time you
Channel: The Fancy Banana
Views: 908,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insane house, unusual houses, people laughed at this house until they looked inside, homes, home, house, houses, best, best houses, incredible houses, unbelievable, amazing, shocking, surprising, mansion, viral, mansions, architecture, incredible, expensive, mega mansion, in the world, real estate, house tour, unusual, incredible homes, expensive houses, stuctures, travel, extraordinary homes, unusual house, luxury house, hidden homes, luxury mansion, most incredible homes, top15s, top, videos, list
Id: nwZkhFPh9EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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