People FINDING OUT Things About Their SO After Getting MARRIED (Stories)

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our slashes credit married people what did you not find out about your so until after you'd got married found out about a year after we were married when we went to buy a house we were both in our 30s and I had already bought and sold the house before took us well over a year to find the exact house we wanted and applied for a mortgage I thought it would be a slam dunk and I was floored when the bank called and said our application for a mortgage was rejected I asked for an appointment to find out why we both went in to see the loan officer the conversation went about like this we take both spouses incomes and credit history into account when applying for a mortgage your ring comes together met the threshold for getting this mortgage you're pointing at me credit history is almost flawless there is a slight issue that happened three years ago with a late payment but that is nothing to be concerned about however you're pointing at my wife credit history is an issue and he pulls out sheet after sheet after sheet of credit issues with my wife late payments after non-payment after credit card after credit card it seemed like it went on forever she just stared forward the entire time we had to apply for a mortgage using solely mine come before we started living together I thought she was just normal when it came to financials she drove an old car from the late nineties she shared a flat with a friend she wasn't flashy then after we moved in together and things got serious I met her parents and I thought well this is that her parents live in this large house in a great neighborhood and have a really nice classic car so after we get married and we are spending more time with her father sadly her mother passed away just after we got married it became clear that she actually had quite rich parents and they had lots of homes both in our country and abroad and that they had a lot of money in my wife's name and every few years she would get a piece of it released the whole time before we got married I thought I was the one with the money as I had a job but it turned out she has much more money than I do if I was to Ballpark it just from the assets she has in her name she is probably worth 9x more than me and that doesn't include all the homes that her dad is intending to leave her when he passes away with everything I'm aware of combined that could end up being several million dollars I have no idea what the tax implications are for receiving all that I imagine we would need to sell almost everything she gets when her dad dies just to pay the inheritance taxes on it the way I feel about that particularly her father passing in the future and us getting that wealth I'd rather have her dad around we have two little girls that adore him he is a lovely grandfather and a great person I wish money could bring back her mother as that is a huge source of heartache and depression for my wife it was only a few years ago so it still hurts a lot finding out she had more money than me even just from the endowments was surprising I didn't think her well now we can go spending money like we are the monopoly man I did feel emasculated at first but that's petty our marriage is a union of equal parts and it doesn't really matter who brings more money into it since we've had kids all I really want is for them to be happy and healthy and money helps us facilitate those goals that my wife was raised by children not literally her parents removed any sort of responsibility from her life I can wake up any given morning and she is off to work and every light in the house is left on cups left on random tables closed randomly thrown anywhere trash sitting on counters she does no chores pays barely any bills and when she does it's late I did a week experiment I normally clean up after her I do the dishes daily clean laundry yard work pay bills and maintained the breadwinning job she's an amazing teacher a week of this and she was daily horrified by the trashiness of a house she would go in clean mode every day which wasn't cleaning and more relocating trash she still didn't get it I don't know what to do I guess it's good she in a person who is very observant in the cleaner her parents still treat her now 29 like a child not only do they expect a responsibility but they encourage it and demanded by treating her like their little baby girl that means if they ask for something their daily phone call or time with grandchild they expect to get it regardless of her schedule or mine they raised her as a friend and now my wife is raising our daughter as a friend to hell if you think I'm letting that happened this evening I sent both of them to their respective rooms for childishness our daughter badly misbehaving and my wife thinking it's not a big deal [ __ ] adulthood I feel relieved throw away because I just don't want to deal with drama so when I was dating my wife and we had the old two Familia who have you slept with conversation she talked about her previous boyfriends as one would expect she dated one guy who was a model for Calvin Klein she would hang out with him and his friends and they would all drop acid and smoke weed which I thought was pretty cool all of his friends were a mix of girls and guys and while they didn't all have modeling contracts they were all in very good shape a lot of the time that they spent hanging out would usually end up with them all in their underwear doing flips and [ __ ] off of the furniture in his place now this guy was suffering from some sort of heart condition so he couldn't really put on weight and that is how he was able to stay so thin but unfortunately this condition was terminal and died after they had dated for a couple of years I saw a couple of pictures of the guy once when she was cleaning out a box of old memories and she quickly tore them up after he died she started dating one of the other guys in the group that didn't last too long because he died in a car accident about six months after they started dating she did also admit that she was raped once by some random guy in a recording studio and there was an attempted rape by one of her slash her boyfriends friends that she used to hang out with the latter was stopped when the aforementioned boyfriend walked in on them and he put the offender in the hospital fast forward several years in we are married and having problems we go to see a counselor and after several sessions there is a question asked about traumatic sexual experiences and whether either of us has experienced any she says that there are no such experiences and I stopped her and say something like I don't want to answer for you but aren't you forgetting something she then says something like well you aren't going to like this but I lied about the rape it turns out that none of that [ __ ] happened she was basically a virgin she had oral and thought that these stories would make her more interesting I was very mad at the time but the therapist said that sometimes people do things that aren't easy to explain and that the mind of a developing child / adult is often unpredictable the incident actually helped me to look at the world from a different perspective I now try to give people the benefit of the doubt when they do something mean or thoughtless because I don't have the foggiest idea of what is going on in their lives week four of marriage I go to bed and I'm talking to my wife about our feelings and goals I feel like we get to a really good place in our relationship however the next morning she doesn't remember any of it I learned that she and her family are sleep stalkers a little hurt by the situation we come up with a plan that I just ask if she is awake then comes week six of being married or as I like to call it my night of terror it's 2:30 in the morning I'm dead asleep when I'm awakened by my wife screaming at the top of her lungs at first I thought someone had broken into our apartment so I went into fight mode and was ready to throw down I jump out of bed look over and she is laying in bed with her side table light on her eyes are open and she is excruciating ly best I have never seen my wife this mad and we had dated a year and a half she starts screaming my name first name both middle names and our last name why are those kids playing in the street you were supposed to be watching them they got in the trash it's all over the place at this point I'm not sure if she is sleep talking or not because her eyes are wide open and she is looking right at me so I ask honey are you awake now at this point I didn't think that she could more mad at me I was wrong so very very wrong she went to straight nuclear war she somehow looks at me with so much anger that I can feel it in my gut and soul help us she is at me she just screamed of course I am awake in my head I don't even know what to do I'm more terrified than ever before because I don't know what the hell is going on or what I just signed up for in marriage after what feels like an eternity I finally asked her honey what kids am I supposed to be watching she pauses and just says the ones in my head and goes back to sleep I laid there in bed for the rest of the night pondering and questioning all of my life choices that brought me to that moment in my life yes I'm still married and love her even more now she says some pretty funny crap in her sleep this coming year I will be married to my husband for 10 years at around year 6 I found out he was cutting and had done so when he was younger he said he thought he suffered from depression so we got him counseling he bounced from Metta minute but finally got one that seems to be helping year 8 he started drinking every night before bed I thought nothing much of it because he has to be up early and it helped him sleep the drinking got worse and worse as did his nightmares I could hear him in the bedroom whimpering and crying out in his sleep after a few months of this he sat me down and told me that his sister who is 5 years older had molested him for 5 to 6 years well up into her teens when they were younger he told me he felt dirty and guilty and that he'd been suicidal since he was very young there had been small problems in our marriage and along with his past problems sent him into a fast downward spiral luckily the neighbor across the street came over and got him too drunk to function because he had planned to kill himself that night my heart hurts now thinking what could have been we asked his parents over to tell them what his sister had done they seemed concerned and all that bull but they had basically stopped talking to my husband and think that he should just forgive his sister and move on like nothing ever happened he no longer speaks to his parents or sister he realized that just because they are his parents it doesn't mean they have the right to make him miserable he is doing very well he has more and more good days too bad he has triggers like phone calls and holidays we are going on a mini holiday during the time we would be spending with his family this Christmas but nothing like before I'm so so proud of him and his strength and I love him more every day if you are perusing this tome you are skilled at loading more comments we'll begin with the TL dr. ex-wife put on show bamboozled silverback ruination all around I was introduced to my x-bar mutual friend she was taking a break from classes because her parents stopped paying her tuition academic reasons my ever-growing student loan debt wept for her in secret I didn't really understand because her parents were very well-off exceptionally well off we dated for 2.5 years before marriage we lived together for six months before we tied the knot we moved in together and her parents furnished our whole house and paid off a car she was always coming home with clothes and shoes handbags and jewelry it was always on sale or a friend had repaid an old loan spoiled little rich girl [ __ ] meanwhile I have completely surrendered the finances to her never laid eyes on a bill after six months of wedded bliss I'm lounging about her parents manse fourth of July perhaps her sisters are home from school everybody is having a dashing time when mom starts nagging her about going back to school turns out mommy and daddy cut off her college bonus because she was taking out student loans in addition to the money they were paying second kick to the matrimonial dig wife has money issues issues that come with numbers having grown up poor white trash did not prepare me for she hid that very well the first sign that a storm was brewing is that she was a nagging hypocrite I worked full-time and went to school full-time at the end of the day I like to have a beer or two while I did my homework maybe three that I was usually too tired beer was what alcoholics drank I was apparently an alcoholic she would slow this diagnosis about frequently all while hammered on wine but that's different you can't be an alcoholic if you're guzzling $25 a bottle wine this started about three months into the marriage after eight short but glorious months of marriage our mutual friend stops by to tell me that my wife has been sleeping with her husband since the early days of our relationship after that battle it was discerned that she had slept with eleven people outside of our marriage bed which she told me I was the second person she had slept with the divorce was easy she agreed to my terms for fear of mommy and daddy finding out the truth I got my things she hers my debts were mine she claimed hers so I moved one halfway across the country for a job a job that I didn't get because of my background slash credit history this is where the secrets get entertaining I had three visas multiple gas station credit cards and cards from every retailer in America to add to all of it about three weeks after settling in I found out I had herpes god bless that woman not marriage but after engagement his father brings us to a meeting to explain to me that my now husband is the twenty third generation firstborn son since the beginning of the family thus insinuating that I would be [ __ ] if I didn't give birth to a boy we have a daughter edit Wow this blew up for your record my husband's father's family is from Korea not China it seems to be a relation thing because my great-grandmother who is Japanese experienced something more or less similar my dad's side is Vietnamese and gives zero [ __ ] as long as the baby is healthy and has all limbs attached yes this is a thing yes we are both aware of how science works my husband didn't know about his family history apparently it's only revealed when the son gets a wife nor does he care we still have a smartest sweetest and baddest s child ever I didn't learn this until after 17 years of marriage my wife passed away at the funeral I met her ex-husband her 22 year old son who she hadn't seen for 19 years and her other 20 year old son who she gave up for adoption from a different father I never knew any of them existed until the night before the funeral when her best friend asked if I minded if they came yes it was awkward she never had spoken of them the closest she came to admitting it was when we were dating and she said don't believe a word my sister says she tells everyone that I'm divorced and had two kids 17 years later I found out that was the truth edit obligatory crap this blew up she had died suddenly so I was in shock at the funeral and uh didn't want to be a dick and not let them pay their respects and B I wasn't really in a clear mind that day and just said sure and hi sorry to meet like this we dated for two years before getting married and I only met her mom and sister her parents had been divorced after her dad beat her so I never met him her sister was on probation for embezzlement and was a huge liar that's for another time her mom passed away after we got married and her sister ended up going to prison so no we never interacted with any other of her family we were married ten years before we had a daughter and at no time with the doctor in my presence did she indicate that she had been through any of this before needless to say I have trust issues now although I haven't been in any other relationships yet my daughter was young when my wife passed so I didn't tell her any of now but I will when she gets older and is capable of understanding and yes I'm doing fine I was angry with my wife on many levels when she passed but she left me with a beautiful daughter that made up for everything else and I'm doing okay now she's really bad at swimming I discovered this on a honeymoon while we were about 100 yards from shore when she started having a panic attack edit there were some questions asking how something like this could happen so let me clarify my wife grew up with a swimming pool so she's comfortable in water we are from NJ so we've been in the ocean plenty of times on this occasion we were in oh-hoo we had a cat in the ran excursion booked in the evening that left from Waco Key Beach so we were hanging out in a bar in Honolulu for a bit our waitress Linda asked where we were from and when we told her New Jersey she got excited telling us that she grew up there and just moved to oh who a year earlier she said she had a friend from home coming out the next day and they were going to the electric beach to swim out to her swimming with the dolphins excursion she invited us to join her and we said yes we had snorkel gear and she brought flippers for us a notes about this Beach it's called the Electric Beach because across the highway from it is a power plant the actual shoreline where you could enter the water was only maybe 20 foot wide of this 20 foot stretch half the left side had large rocks sticking out of the water so we had a very narrow gap to enter the left side was bounded by a rock wall on the right side was a cinderblock wall the cinderblock wall was there to separate where the power plant releases its cooling water into the ocean there were many hazard signs on the wall telling you not to go in the water whatever no big deal anyway we get to the beach and we meet Linda and her friend and they give us the flippers my wife and I had snow kield before but always off of a boat and we've always had a life preserver on we'd never just waded into the ocean with flippers as we walk out there were some decent mr. waves beginneth that without the flippers you get nowhere we start to swim out and my wife has gone very slowly I see that she's kind of spinning her legs like a doggy paddle instead of slowly kicking up and down her hands aren't helping too much I asked if she wants to go back because she's having a lot of trouble but she says she'll stick with it as we are heading further out towards the swimming with the dolphins boats my wife tells me that it seems like she's not going anywhere it turns out that the excursion was over and the boat was leaving so we didn't realize how far we'd gone out we turn around and we she sees how far out into the ocean she is she has a full-on panic attack and starts hyperventilating I remember thinking oh [ __ ] and my wife is going to drown on a honeymoon I didn't want to grab her and pull her in because my sister was a lifeguard for a few summers and told me that when people panic they can cause the lifeguard to drown in a desperate attempt to stay up instead I just tell me wife to look at me and to just bob up and down by scissoring your legs back and forth very slowly I show her with my fingers she's having trouble with that because of the panic attack so I start breathing in and out very slowly and visibly while telling her to do the same we start to slowly swim back with me coaching her Brianna fiii eii on breeeaaathe Hollywood when we make it back to shore it's the most relieved I've ever been in my life and I need to sit down for a few minutes to get my heart to stop pounding out of my chest later Linda's friend gets back to shore and tells us a story of how a few months ago they went hiking on some unmarked path in the jungle at night and had to get airlifted out that explained a lot the next day I spent a few hours at our resort teaching my wife how to swim with flippers and when we go on an official snorkeling excursion later that week she does fine that she was a bank robber she told me she had saved up $700 from working summer jobs and babysitting while in high school we get married and get on our way to Branson honeymoon capital of America am i right on the way she confesses to me that she did not in fact save up seven hundred dollars from part-time jobs she admits she has saved up over seven thousand dollars from her jobs so we go on an extravagant for me week-long spending spree of a honeymoon we do everything helicopters boat rentals every show see a souvenir we buy it Loic wheels five hundred dollars sure we spent over six thousand five hundred dollars extra on this trip we get home on a Sunday afternoon we both have to return to work the next morning there are several messages on the answering machine this was in 2000 before either of us had cell phones the third or fourth message plays it is her boss from the bank she works at telling her to contact him at once that there is an issue they need to discuss and leaves a number up to this point I'm in the dark but by Monday morning it has all hit the fan other and that there was no mysterious savings accounts from high school I learned that she had been transferring money from a couple large accounts on a regular basis into her own account the total was somewhere north of seven thousand seven hundred dollars the bank was pissed the clients were pissed the authorities were already neck deep this and they were scary to say the least after several meetings it was decided that if we made full restitution the bank would not press felony charges so we now have one unemployed wife who is likely un employable once add husband desperately trying to get his bank thieving wife a job anywhere and one debt due immediately for $7,700 we gather all the money left over borrow five hundred dollars from her parents five thousand five hundred dollars from mine and my next paycheck you wanna know stress ask your parents to help you pay back money your new wife stole from a bank we get the bank paid back by the end of the week after several weeks things have died down some she is working at donald's I pulled strings with manager friends and we have begun paying back the parents we actually don't hear anything for a while and the immediacy of the crime has subsided in fact it wasn't until 2002 that we were contacted to appear in court we were still young and ignorant so we get lucky here the feds were easy to work with the bank didn't make a huge deal about it since the money was returned it is a small town bank two branches total so somehow we avoided any real heavy issues we took the advice of some guy who represented the bank and really we just wanted this part of our lives to be over so we would have done anything she went into court Sims lawyer and plead guilty to a Class C misdemeanor the judge gave her two years probation and the restriction of never working as an FDIC establishment and this is how my life as a married man began TL DR wife robbed a bank we spent it all on a honeymoon I found out when we got back home edited to update well thank you everyone for your words of support and encouragement and thank you kind stranger for the gold I want to take a minute to answer some questions and address some concerns first yes I know it wasn't robbery and yes bank robber sounds more dramatic than embezzler but when did enhanced drama and wordplay get outlawed on reddit but really I kid it's all good second yes my mother-in-law is a great woman but she is a Miele not a MILF no chance of sneaking downstairs for sexy time ever happening third the divorce was delayed because of her pregnancy it was delayed initially while she underwent some surgery on my insurance I didn't want her stuck with thousands of dollars in bills that would have just hurt her ability to provide the kids of quality life forth the kids wasn't mine it came out the wrong color plus the father signed paperwork and did the tests he didn't fight paternity oh and the kids was born under my insurer I guess it was a good thing because she was put on bed rest and then confined to the hospital for the last eight weeks of the pregnancy she been on bed rest for my two girls fifth I did do some smart things I convinced her it would be cheaper to divorce with just one lawyer so she said to pick one and she'd pay half that meant he was my lawyer looking after my best interests so I can away with the girls with 50 over fifty custody they use my address as their legal residence attempt school in my district and I pay no child support or alimony I kept the house my belongings and my girls ultimately I would like to think she and I would make better choices if we had it to do over but I wouldn't trade or change a thing because I have two wonderful daughters from her she lives one town over the girls stay there two or three nights a week we get along decently but I do limit my interactions as much as possible generally it consists of dropping the kids off in the others driveway and then once a month she pays for half of the kids insurance I have them covered she reimburses me thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Views: 18,719
Rating: 4.8153844 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: V2LVG9r5jCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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