People Caught Ruining Priceless Art On Camera

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some people break stuff for the thrill others are just unfortunate count yourself lucky for only breaking a couple of pieces of china in your lifetime some of the people in this video went through a much more embarrassing ordeal destroying priceless masterpieces all whilst caught on camera try not to cringe eggsy number 10 priceless clock smashes this is a tale of why you should pay attention to signs literally in the national watch and clock Museum in Columbia Pennsylvania an elderly couple approached a priceless clock hanging on the wall despite her do not touch sign after taking a picture the man touches the clock anyway unfortunately for him it proceeds to drop and smash on the floor this is all caught on CCTV the couple repositioned the clock back on the wall he tries to hang it for a second time this time it's no use and so he leans it against the wall the complex clock was made from many moving parts and so staff watching the CCTV after the incident probably thought he was trying to restart it the museum later tweeted this is why we beg and plead with our visitors to please refrain from touching objects in the museum's they said it would take them a few months to restore the clock number nine man destroys lost remaining phonograph on a live tech TV talk a guest breaks a one-of-a-kind phonograph tube invented by Thomas Edison himself the episode which aired in the winter of December 2002 shows Chris hello handing what has been described as a precious and exceedingly rare Edison record device is the clip so this is a one-of-a-kind piece there is no other one like this particular one in the world and you can see the tracks go this way and it's really cool because it records much more accurately but oh oh my god that does happen every once in a while that can't be good now are you done with that yeah I'm done with that this particular phonograph contained the only copy of Thomas Edison talking to president Benjamin Harrison in 1889 it's thought that because the phonograph tube had been outside in the cold and then taken into a hot lamp let's to do this sudden change in temperature alongside the man's fumbling hands caused the tube to break apart number eight woman falls into a sandcastle masterpiece this is as close to a castle as you can get with sand with an attention to detail to rival Hogwarts castle in Harry Potter in the intro of the video the sand artist was telling her it took them 17 days to finish the work and all that was left for him to finish was his signature let's have a look at the video see maybe ARIMA is in grave Lilliput I go noon only nod she then decides to apologize for the next two minutes as a translation she says oh my god the sand artist simply replies nothing's wrong and it's just sand this may be a classic case of denial the first in the five stages of grief it's all in his body language he can scarcely look at her and at one point she even offers to pay whatever it takes to replace the value of the castle she insists to help him until he says no no no no and the other reporter tells her to leave him alone number seven Banksy's hot shaped balloon vandalized Banksy is somewhat of a controversial figure in art some call his art vandalism as it involves painting public walls however it's difficult to resist wincing when those depictions valued in the hundreds of thousands of pounds in some cases are ruined in 2014 his mural piece called the girl with the pierced eardrum was discovered with black paint splattered all over it in less than 24 hours after its creation is happened so often that Banksy has even made a joke about it by creating a piece showing a man wiping off Banksy zone artwork during Banksy's 31 days in New York where he created one new piece of art every day for a month the media frenzy captured many of his pieces being tagged through either defaces work or for self-promotion of other graffiti artists however what was unusual about the recorded vandalism I'm about to show you is that this was done in front of on lookers in broad daylight and one of them was recording the vandalism targeted Banksy's iconic heart-shaped balloon with band-aids imagery as you can see the video shows a man wearing a white hoodie inking in his tag name Omer Neera if were walking off to cycle away one inspector rightly says number six Confederate monument torn down protesters rallying in North Carolina toppled a Confederate statue that was nearly a century old by looping a rope around the bronze statue soldier and pulling it down while recording the process on camera protesters claim the statue was celebrating those who fought to keep slavery four people were arrested for participating in the toppling the video shows one protester like spider-man climbing the near twelve foot concrete plinth on which the statue rested then Spidey shooting a yellow rope around its shoulder and under armed before it was pulled from below then protesters below rush at it kicking screaming and spitting on it number five glass sculpture broken by kids while parents watch in 2014 two children destroyed a glass sculpture described as invaluable the parents take snaps of their children as they pull and tug on the sculpture having fun underneath the dividing rope and seeming not to have any concern with their raucous behavior towards it that is until the thing collapses as the sculpture crashes the bits the children run away the glass sculpture was held at the Shanghai Museum of Glass and was titled angel is waiting by its creator Shelley Zoo the sculpture depicted a pair of angel's wings all made from glass fragments and had been on display since 2014 zoo spent 24 months making it and dedicated its completion to her newborn daughter however it took less than 28 seconds for it to be torn apart the video went viral as a warning to all new visitors the museum has reportedly installed a video screen that plays the CCTV footage of the catastrophic incident on a loop number 4 boy punches through painting valued at 1.5 million dollars how strong do you need to be to punch through a valuable painting the answer is as strong as a small boy Taiwan's Central News Agency showed footage of a young man walking by a hanging painting said to be valued at 1.5 million dollars before stumbling his hand fell right towards the painting and he used it to stop himself falling flat on his face unfortunately the arm that stopped his fall also punched right through the 1.5 million dollar painting it takes him a moment after brushing himself off for him and others surrounding him to realize the damage he done the impressive thing is that the boy manages to hold on to his can of soda during the whole incident reducing on the whole the amount of monetary damage on the painting the painting entitled flower was a 17th century old painting and a rarity because it was one of the few actually signed by its painter Italian master Paolo purpura it was on display at the genius exhibition ironic considering how clumsy this boy was number three man smashes $1,000,000 Vaz deliberately in 2014 a man in Miami was arrested for smashing a 1 million dollar VARs created by artist Ai Weiwei what's more he was captured on camera doing it máximo Caminero age 51 was charged with criminal mischeif after he picked up one of the 16 brightly painted vases in the footage a member of staff can be heard asking the man to stop as he lifts the large red Vaz but he drops it directly onto the floor sending it into an oblivion of 1000 pieces a visitor to the museum happened to have turned their camera at the exact moment when the man picks up the bars capturing the whole thing on camera see how it happened these vases were said to be over 5,000 years old Weiwei dip them in coloured paint with the intention of highlighting their ancient cultural identity unfortunately they did not last more than a few months in Miami Maximo late said that he smashed the bars in protest to the Perez Art Museum Miami only showcasing work created by international artists Maximo himself is an artist said he would be hosting a press conference the next Tuesday to explain his actions in more detail number one woman accidentally destroys $200,000 of art by taking a selfie on the 14th of June 2017 a woman visited the 14th Factory art exhibition which was a not-for-profit project held in Los Angeles different objects in the art space were held on plinths supposed to represent crowns materials used range from gold and silver to marble some sections even contained actual meteorite stones all of them were delicately crafted into unique ornate shapes then Along Came this woman who decided to take a selfie nearby $200,000 for art however she lost her balance while trying to get the free right and stumbled over a pedestal like a series of dominoes in a cartoon this led to one stand after another being pulverized as they crashed to the ground Twitter was split some thought the woman was in fault for being clumsy others thought she was just unfortunate one Twitter post read this is what it's like to have kids another read the fact this wasn't set up in a way to protect the art is the gallery's fault we can probably all agree however with the tweet by math apocalypse which said likely whatever you screwed up today is not this bad if you've made it through the cringe and amazement be sure to let me know in the comment section down below also make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed this video thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 2,550,029
Rating: 4.6345816 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, Facts, Top10, Viral, Priceless Clock Smashes, Thomas Edison, Factory Art Exhibition, priceless masterpieces, embarrassing ordeal, Painting Valued, Clock Museum, Destroyed On Camera, art vandalism, stupid people, Woman Falls, mural piece, art, masterpeices, priceless, artefacts, historic art, statues, paintings, caught on camera, caught, filmed, cctv, caught on tape, caught in the act, red handed, embarrassing, funny, reaction, fails, fail, expensive
Id: 60Qv1Wl2Res
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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