Pentium 3 Rebuild (part 1)

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well look what I have back this is a case let's see I want to say late 90s early 2000s just when I was just starting to get into computers a really good friend of mine built me a really nice computer and I used it for many years I don't remember what happened eventually as time goes on you just start you know I ended up using this case and I built my sister a computer he does not have the original board that he put in it look but anyway I had done I built this for my sister quite a few years ago for Windows 7 it's been a good computer for her but since end of support is coming up here in about a week or less this dual core just didn't in my opinion didn't have quite enough for Windows 10 so I ended up buying her a whole new computer and I got my old case back and then I got to thinking well as long as I have the case back because I used to I did I use I just loved this case it was a good case figure well as long as I got the case back I had to dig pretty deep in the closet to find this I know I still kept it and I thought yeah this was back in the Pentium three days and I remembered this motherboard could handle the fastest Pentium 3 they ever made it was a good build my friend built this computer like I remember I kept the motherboard I think what happened was the I'm hoping I don't know it seems like the CPU just finally blew on it you know it just stopped working and I thought you know someday I'm gonna get this going again I looked it over the only thing that's got me a little bit concerned I'm definitely gonna have to order I think I'm gonna have to put some new capacitors it because I see one capacitor is just starting to bulge a little bit I'm thinking that might be one of the reasons why the CPU went on it is it's during that era when they didn't use very good capacitors on motherboards so but I thought well before I go through all that trouble I thought if I could at least find a CPU and some RAM and just hook it up to see if it'll even post into the BIOS so I did some more looking and digging I did manage to find a Pentium 3 CPU that's not that great but it's enough to test the board iPhone to sell it on 600 here just to see if the board even boot so I was gonna put that in there it took me well finally found a heatsink for it I don't have a fan for it yet but this is just to see if the darn thing I'll even turn on found a stick of RAM and I found a video card to plug into it so I'm thinking I'm gonna hook this board up and see if it'll even turn on all I gotta find a BIOS battery to but anyway yeah it would be nice to put this board back together again with its original case and it just you know it's kind of a nostalgia thing I was so happy when I got that computer from my feel and my friend built it for me at the time and it was such a well built computer remembered and it even had Windows ME on it and at the time Windows ME was a really a lot of people did not like a me but for some odd reason it worked really good for me so but yeah it'd be nice to get this set up all going again so let me put this board somewhat together on the bench here and I'll see if it'll do anything I say the reason I'm doing this it's kind of fun it's kind of like finding an old car that you had in the past and then finding the original engine that went with that car you know just be kind of fun to get it all back together again hopefully this old girl still works I just don't remember what exactly went wrong with it at the time but make sure there's no bent pins this looks like a pretty good CPU oh that slips right in there no problems I don't remember Pentium 3 is getting all that hot make it nice and clean and shiny off you want to know what I'm doing what things as clean as possible good heat I just want everything nice and clean make sure your heat sink is nice and clean somebody just good stuff on here that's the stuff I like to use that's good stuff always had really good luck with it my dad will do you I remember correctly that's one thing I did not like about the Pentium 3 days was putting these heat sinks on is you got like these the snap eclipsing that you got pop on there it's it's not an easy thing to do you got the one side I mean you're gonna really reef down to get that to snap on there I guess I think going to bed there at least the stead of something to pull some of the heat away let's stick a ram in there I say this is just to see if this is 50 if it's even a possibility okay I got some RAM got a brand new BIOS battery here I couldn't find an AGP video card this is just a PCI this just see just get to something for a video signal let's see I wish I had a bench too let's see if I put on the edge there that should work just enough I want to pause this until I get everything hooked up then we'll go from there well okay nothing pretty here like I say it's just for a test run here video card mouse and keyboard just a little mini ATX power supply just give a power don't these pantries don't take much just plugged it cheap a little fan in here just see if the fan you know so I got some indication something's coming on here plugged in to the monitor there the only thing that's confusing me is I had a little puller button here to turn it on it's kind of hard to see let's see here ah see can I get this to focus the motherboard says the power is supposed to be on these two pins but in the book it says them two pins so question is which two pins is it actually well guess we're gonna find out here shortly I'm gonna try the one who doesn't tray the tray the schematic in the book first see what that does so I guess we'll see what it does already now we're here keep my fingers on some switches just in case no guess the book was right okay three beeps what is three beeps mean and three beeps and some red light sir that that's not a nice thing about this board as it does have a Diagnostics so red green red red and three beeps let's see what the book says the power here let's see what the book says and according to the book red green red red memory test so it does not like that sticker rim so I'll try a different sticker Ram see what that does all-righty different stick of RAM I'll see what this does oh that's a good sign look at that it still works we have a post screen already yeah this looks very promising okay see let's just load the defaults wrong keyboard forgot this is the old ps2 keyboard instead of USB just load defaults and of course we don't have a drive or nothin up to it it's so far it's working far as I can tell get into the BIOS in here come on okay let's see here is behaving itself slip so far all to just look good 2002 is one that motherboard must have come out huh interesting well I guess now that it promises to work I might look into ordering some capacitors for it just to be on the safe side and I did find a really good deal on a CPU that I'm thinking about buying for it so we'll see how this goes here it's looking promising well doing a bit of research I looked on the motherboard if I buy this capacitor kit here this has a good majority of the capacitors I need I need some 2200 s some thousands some 4 70s harness one I couldn't find I need at 2700 that's the one that's bulging by the CPU it's off to buy that one separate that 27 ferrite or UF I forgot how to pronounce it I think they call it ferric but that's the one that I'll need to go by the CPU there and then I did find the fastest CPU you can put on that board the Pentium three fourteen hundred megahertz the the cotillion Pentium 3 he only wants 20 bucks for a couple bucks for shipping or $4 for shipping positive feedback I'm really thinking of taking a chance on that ordering that CPU so there's the CPU I think I got enough for RAM I got some more boxes to dig through I'd like to get at least 512 RAM in it then just for kicks and giggles I come across this on eBay is that board really worth that much I guess that board is worth restoring if that's what they're asking for it but yeah this is the same board I have and he wants 240 bucks for it I thought that was tiny interesting like so yeah that's the plan order some capacitors and maybe get that CPU coming and I guess I'll go from there we'll see if it see if I can get that old girl going again so yeah anyway other than this one bolt this one capacitor that's bulging a little bit over all the the board looks like it's in pretty darn good shape you know like took pretty good care of it I said when it didn't stop working I just threw it in that box and and put it away nice thing about it is uh it does have front USB it does have the old-style ISIS lot which would be handy for the old dos games AGP so it's it's it's not a bad bad little motherboard so we'll see how this goes like I say off to order some parts first and I'll just go from there
Channel: duke135056
Views: 1,047
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: rDDcKL-4wC4
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Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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