Pentecost Singing Assembly Come Down O Love Divine, Choristers

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today's assembly is about the feast of pentecost now if i say the word easter to you i imagine that you think about easter day and easter eggs and all the lovely things that happen on easter day but in the churches here if i say easter then the word refers to 50 days not one day the season of easter runs from yesterday all the way through to pentecost and that's because the story about jesus runs all that way too so we tell the stories of jesus rising from the dead but we also tell the stories of the jesus who met his disciples after he'd risen from the dead on the road to a village called emmaus when they were in galilee doing some fishing when they were in a room and thomas was able to see who jesus was there are lots of stories about jesus after he had risen from the dead meeting his disciples and then after 40 days jesus ascended into heaven we thought about it in our last assembly jesus went up into heaven and he left the disciples and for the next 10 days we're told in the new testament that the disciples were lost and sad and a little bit afraid the jesus whom they followed had left them all alone and they really didn't know quite what to do and the reason why the feast of pentecost is really really important is that it ends the whole story and it ends the story with a very very happy ending god sent his holy spirit onto his disciples so that they weren't lost and lonely anymore they were given confidence and hope and joy to be able to look forwards to the future so the story of jesus's resurrection does start on easter day but it ends in this very very happy ending on the feast of pentecost when the holy spirit came to the disciples and gave them hope and joy for the future so when we're thinking about the feast of pentecost it's worth us remembering that the holy spirit is still with us all and the holy spirit comes to bring us hope and joy when we're feeling lost and alone and not quite sure where to go and it is this theme that we see in the hymn that mr daggett is about to teach us come down o love divine is all about how god's love god's holy spirit comes and finds us when we need it most this tune is called down amni tunes often have names in hymns that is a little village in the cotswolds in gloucestershire where ray former williams was born and where his father was vicar von williams is one of the great english composers of the 20th century and this really poetic and soaring tune marries the words beautifully come down o love divine seek thou this soul of mine and visit it with thine own arda glowing arda means passion we're going to sing this tune by giving the notes numbers of the scale here's a d major scale let's sing it together one up to eight and then eight back to one sing along with me now one two three four five six seven eight i'm back down seven six five four three two one here's the first half of the tune and just to show you what i mean the first little section would go one two [Music] let's see if we can sing along the numbers as they appear on the screen sitting up with a nice relaxed and here we go after four one two three four one two three [Music] how did you manage that you can always wind that little bit back and try the first half of the tune again the second half of the tune starts with that wonderful b minor chord we're going to sing the second half of the tune to yah and notice the c natural which is a flattened seventh which gives this tune such character in this half so sitting up ready to sing to yah one two three [Music] i [Music] again you can wind that little bit back if you wish before we sing with the choristers we're going to put the words and the music together because they marry so well come down o love divine seek thou this soul of mine really being careful to bring out all this wonderful poetry sitting up and singing with bright eyes because it really helps after four one two three four [Music] thy holy flames well done and now we're ready to sing along with the cathedral choristers [Music] calm down [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] let us pray almighty god you sent your holy spirit to the disciples to guide and strengthen them in their faith empower us we pray with the same spirit that we may be confident in showing others the light of the gospel in the world today lords hear us lord graciously hear us almighty god whose spirit moved across the creation giving life and breath to all living things we pray for the world we give you thanks for the beauty of the earth and pray for our climate protect the world from harm we pray and teach us to look after our planet home lord hear us lord graciously hear us almighty god through your spirit you teach us to pray help us to pray for those who are in need and those who need our help at this time we pray for our families our friends our teachers and fellow pupils bless us all we pray and bind us together in love and in hope for the future lord hear us lord graciously hear us let us pray with the whole church of god in the power of the spirit as we say together the words of christ our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil amen the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us all evermore amen
Channel: St Paul's Cathedral
Views: 1,082
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: Pentecost
Id: eN71JSoIutE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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