Penn & Teller Fool Us Matthew DiSero

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I always knew I was never going to be a serious magician far too uncoordinated him not attractive enough play to your strengths always play to your strengths my interest in magic comes largely from my great uncle at family get-togethers he would come pie and eat fire I'm from Toronto Canada who footer Canadian people like I've tried to do a little bit of good in the world I do a show called a mosquito suck we raise money for people in Africa who are suffering with malaria if I could fool Penn and Teller I will politely apologize because that is the Canadian way joins i-5 randomly selected members of our audience please welcome Matt to Sara okay thank you very much well you see psychics on TV these fake psychics on TV and they know girls phone numbers they know lottery numbers you know they know Social Insurance numbers I've actually chosen to direct my fake psychic powers to knowing one thing and one thing only I know the color of these people's underwear it's okay if you're not wearing any man we'll sort that out don't worry about it so look I'm gonna give you each a card and on this card I would like you to write down the color of your underwear but you got to have some fun with it okay so take the card you can write down anything you like but have some fun with it so if you're wearing white don't write just white white would be kind of boring you know so said be creative you know you could write you could write marshmallow you know or maybe instead of white you might write cloud you know if you're wearing black don't just black black would be boring instead maybe you would write like coal you know maybe you'd write midnight some hot sexy you know lace something like that Brown is not a color sir just so you know okay you can't have that so have as much long as you like write it down when you're finished hold the card up to your chest so I can't see what you've written that's very important so write down whatever you like have as much fun as you want but never let me see what you've written in a minute I'm gonna try and be less like a psychic and more like a poker player who knows a little bit of magic I'm gonna try and figure out whose underwear belongs to who and who's lying who's telling the truth combining a little bit of the science of body language and a little bit of magic and so when you're finished I'll take your pens thank you hey doing this I write in the book nope you got it good now if you would take all of your cards pass them down to the gentleman on the on the end okay sir so you gonna take all the cards pass them down to the gentleman on the end all right just pass them down guy look at you having a little peek at the cards there sir hey give them a shuffle so I don't know the order I'll turn my back give them a shuffle I don't want to know whose underwear belongs to so shuffle shuffle shuffle and let me know when you've done that have you done that yep excellent I'll take the cards we'll see what we got somebody here wrote down eggshell sexy sexy somebody wrote down tangerine made out I like this somebody here wrote down midnight kind of middle of the road somebody wrote down snow it's a touch off somebody wrote down ocean blue if that's yours I'll myself sir that's hilarious so like a poker player I'm gonna try and figure out who's lying who's telling the truth whose underwear it belongs to and I'll do that just by saying the word on the card so when I say the word what I want you to do is always answering the affirmative always say that's my underwear never tell me it's not your underwear always say that's my underwear I'll try and figure out who's lying this time okay so what's right here eggshell that's my underwear I want it to be no question eggshell that's my underwear possibly she closed her eyes may be assigned eggshell that's my underwear ooh maybe eggshell that's my underwear nice eggshell that's my underwear look at the smile on your face sir I'm gonna give you the eggshell don't tell my from right or wrong just hang onto it I do like this one tangerine let's try here tangerine that's my underwear nice tangerine that's my underwear Oh see if we might have a winner tangerine that's my underwear I mean possibly tangerine sir that's my underwear you could be wearing two pair not to say I'm not sure but I'm gonna give you the tangerine don't tell my provider I'm just hang onto it I will try it here midnight it'll start right back over here looking at you midnight that's my underwear mm possibly let's check with you again midnight that's my underwear are you blink that's tough to say midnight that's my underwear none much I didn't give you the midnight they look finally I have snow and I have ocean blue either way it's not working out well for you big guy people are gonna talk look but I'm gonna go with my gut on this one I'm gonna give you the snow and I'm gonna give you the ocean blue now look I gave you each a card if I gave you the card that you wrote on if I gave you the card that corresponds to the underwear you're wearing please return to your seat now everybody picks their underwear I know a little bit about everyone I know the intimate secrets of everyone in the audience yes does that ever go horribly wrong I once had an audience member say you know I'm just not wearing any and then they've turned with her back to the crowd and opened up their fly and their pants to actually show me their underwear which you know for the effect goes wrong but for me personally was fantastic okay I enjoy why you still do the trick yeah it's actually what I hope for all the time my dream job let's see how can and tell her doing yes I wonder how they'll manage with this I know can you guess their underwear oh if I if I let that see there are secrets and then there are secrets all right all right oh you know this is a effect that goes back I think starts out mostly as part of the religious religious act of spiritualism you would be given an object and to be able to tell who it belonged to because the spirits of the Dead would tell you well it's not that spirits of the Dead did not tell you all so you don't have someone in the audience flirting with the people asking them oh by the way what color is your underwear which is a great pickup line by the way try using it and those also are real people from the audience but what are the things we asked ourselves as magicians we asked ourselves if we had real magical powers what would we want to do you are the only one who's answered that question from my heart if I had real magical powers I would want to do your psychometry whether it's pseudo or whether it's real if I have magic powers they would be yours Matt they would be yours thank you and that is why you guys are the best totally totally busted me out on that
Channel: eufhaye
Views: 438,157
Rating: 4.6905069 out of 5
Keywords: Penn, Teller, Fool Us, #PennandTeller, eufhaye, #PennandTellerFoolUs, season 3, Matthew DiSero
Id: YjGaMrZ4Vjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2016
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