Pencil2D | Frame By Frame Basic Animation

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welcome back to another pencil 2d tutorial in this video we're going to be learning how to draw basic frame-by-frame animation I have the pencil tool selected and I'm just going to left-click and hold and draw a little circle in the bottom left-hand corner of this canvas this white square is really our frame and it's actually a keyframe it's frame 1 and look down here at the bottom we have these different layers I'm going to zoom in a little bit we have frame 1 that we're on and we're on a bitmap layer there's also vector layers and camera layers and we can add and remove and to get different layers there's different types of layers but in this case we're working with a bitmap layer which which means we're kind of drawing pixel by pixel and sort of freehand drawing and we're on this frame 1 if I want to advance to frame 2 I click this plus sign right here next to keys and that will add a another keyframe so now we're on keyframe 2 and if I just click here we can draw another part of this circle notice we can see in the lighter gray the the circle we drew before and we can come down here and click on frame 1 and toggle between the two of them if I want to get back in and make changes on frame 1 I can still come in here and maybe grab the erase tool for example and erased part of that and I can go back into frame 2 and I can grab another tool or the same tool and I can add to it and draw more on it and if I click the plus sign again I advanced to the third frame so I can sort of draw what that third frame will look like and we can keep doing these steps over and over again and if we want to get back to one we can so it's 4 this is frame 5 this is frame is 6 and we see down in here if we look closely everyone that has a drawing in it has a darker shaded blue rectangle so down here on these other two tracks they only have something active on frame 1 but the bitmap layer has things active on frames 1 2 3 4 & 5 & 6 it looks like and if we want to play this back we can come over here there's a little playhead we click this play and it'll play through our animation once and then stop you can zoom in a little bit up here and if we want to repeat over and over again we can click this loop select this loop icon and when that selected it'll just loop over and over again it's going through frame 1 through 6 and it's just playing that animation and then we can keep coming we can see how that looks if we like it we can just keep adding keyframes in here and draw more to our animation and it's just a very simple example we could make this as detailed as we wanted to we can even import drawings and pictures from other programs but I'll just show you real quick here how we would do an animation oh what'd it say oh I'm gonna say never ask again if you don't save your animation it just reminds you ctrl z it'll just remind you that you don't have a saved animation because it wants to make sure you don't lose your work and notice here too we can draw off of that we can go out of frame if we want to we can draw in this gray area it just won't be shown in our in our animation unless we move the camera into that bound which we'll learn how to do in a future tutorial so now let's see what this looks like it's it's looping over and over again and we see this we have this nice sort of animation here now if I want to save this I can go to file and we learned previously I can do a file save but I'll just save my project so that I can get back in and keep making changes or keep working on it but if I want to save it in a format that people can watch like a video format or an image animated image format I can go to export and I can go export movie export image sequence or export just a single image just the image that's on the current frame frame 14 or we can do that an animated gif or some people call this jiff so it's dot gif extension and this is what I'll do here so I'll just leave it call it untitled I'll put it on the desktop and we'll go save and then here's just some information it's 800 width and 600 height and it's starting at frame 1 ending at frame 15 sometimes you may want to change that a little bit and then we're telling it to loop when it gets to the end and we're not we're not going to sound associated with this so we're not doing sound I'll just click OK and it exports it it says do you want it to open I'll just say sure and now it will open this up the location of it and so we can find this and click it and this will open up this can be displayed on a web browser so if you can embed it in like a website or something we can go to this if I just open up Firefox here I think I can just drag this on and we'll be able to watch the playback happening within the web browser so it's really cool and then we can also embed this into a website and have this animation play we can also export like I mentioned as a series of images so we can export a sequence of images and then we can bring that into a video editing program or another program then and do some some more work on it if we wanted to or we can just export it as a oh that's import we can export it as a movie as well and so we have like an mp4 and we can play it in a video player or add it to a video project so hopefully you found this informative in the next video we'll talk more about there's these onion skin features how to control that what's being displayed if you have any questions or comments please leave them below and I look forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 422,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tjfree, free software, open source, free 2d animation program, free 2d animation software, pencil2d, pencil 2d, pencil 2d animation, pencil 2d frame, pencil2d frame by frame, pencil2d basic animation, easy 2d animation, simple 2d animation, learn 2d animation, 2d animation tutorial, simple animation tutorial, pencil2d tutorial, pencil2d lesson, learn pencil2d
Id: S7yoxskkkLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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