Pelican Mustang 100X Kayak - One Year Review and Mods Overview

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howdy folks it is t here and right in front of me is a pelican mustang 100x i've had this one for a year so i wanted to do a formal kind of review so to speak let folks know who this boat would be ideal for and if you're like me and planned on doing mainly fishing out of it i want to kind of let you know what to plan on getting yourself into i've done some modifications as you probably already can tell if you're taking a look i'll explain what those are and kind of let you know what i recommend for folks that plan on doing the fishing thing because it is a good way to get out on the water if you're looking at getting off the shoreline so let's take a little closer look and see what we got so chances are if you're watching this clip you probably have already done some research so you know all the specs and all the basics about what you're looking at here 10 foot long sit-in style kayak there's a fair amount of color selection that come from the factory from pelican and i believe they're exclusively sold right now through dick sporting goods you can get them online on the web page there or you can see them in store for yourself so really first and foremost i think it's worthwhile to note that at least in my opinion after a year of owning it i would say that the ideal person to use this kayak would be somebody that's trying to get more into the recreational side of things in other words they want to get out on the water they want to paddle around they want to be comfortable they want something they can store relatively easily light enough to throw on top of the car you don't have to get a trailer or anything like that and if you've got some upper body strength probably more so than a toddler you can probably manage this thing on your own if you're looking into getting something for primarily fishing again earlier i had mentioned that i think this is really well suited as far as like the setup for somebody that wants to just get out on the water the two factors that come along with this kayak stock from the factory that make it suitable for fishing on the fact that it does have two flush mount rod holders from the factory and it tends to float when you put it in water other than that i'm going to say that you've got to do some things to it if you really want to set it up for primarily a fishing purpose so when it comes to modifications i'm going to recommend these two right off the jump we've got a handle that's been riveted straight into the plastic and then also a taco shell style paddle clip up here as well both of these came from amazon i'm not sure why we didn't get something similar to this from the factory but these are pretty quick easy and inexpensive things to do to help make life a little bit easier especially when transporting um the boat to and from your car for example as well as when you've got the paddle all ready to go you don't want to be carrying that extra you can just clip it right in and keep it moving now up here towards the front of the kayak i've got three of the scotty brand universal accessory mounts now i've got the front two up here that i use primarily for rod holders and then this one over here on the side can also do a rod holder but i've also got that set up to mount a fish finder off the side here that way the transducer arm can go down off the side into the water and i've also got a um a gopro mount and i kind of had to get a little rough with it there and i kind of screwed that directly into the plastic itself but i'm going to go ahead and let me show you kind of what this looks like when we've got it all set up take a look and check out how everything kind of looks once you've got it installed onto the mounts we've got two of the scotty rod holders right there on the front we've got the gopro mount there in the middle and then right here on the side we've got um the scotty fish finder mount so everything's kind of set up there the transducer arm comes right on down and sticks down to the side that way you can get that into the water a lot going on up here again this is kind of extracurricular because it's not set up for this from the factory but if you do a couple uh modifications including adding those little mounts you do have the ability to kind of trick it out the way that you please and to whatever purpose that you're trying to use it for so if you do have the ability or otherwise you want to sit down and kind of map out what some accessory mounts would look like for you i definitely don't think it's a bad idea but do be prepared to make some unnecessary holes in the plastic i've done a few myself but i would say overall i'm pretty happy with how things have turned out i will also take time to mention the fact that the seat it's not too bad let's be honest it is really just some foam sitting over top of plastic now it depends on of course your size and shape and everything but i will say after about three or four hours things start to get uncomfortable and by that i mean i start to lose circulation in my legs so i either have to get up and kind of stretch out as best as possible or i got to get to the shoreline and step out for a minute now you can do some other things and i've seen some folks do some very interesting diy stuff but overall the stock seat here as it is set up from the factory it's not too bad for a short trip but if you plan on being out for a while bring some type of cushion with you i think it's a good idea now on board storage is kind of lacking and i think it's mainly just because of the size of the kayak specifically the lack of size i feel like the 12 foot and longer models probably have a fair amount more storage to deal with but this is a 10 foot model so i think that you kind of got to deal with what you have now up here at the front this little plastic cover houses pretty much whatever you can put in there and right now i've got the cabling and the wires that i use for my fish finder and i also put my battery in there but that's not a waterproof storage so if you get rained on or if you get some water splashed over the side chances are whatever's in there is going to get wet so keep that in mind also as we head toward the back uh pretty much we've got this small tank well back here that you can use for pretty much i guess holding on to whatever you can't fit up at the front or if there's anything you want to make sure you can get to while you're out on the water you can put it back here and you can use the straps here to kind of keep things tidy or otherwise on board and not falling over chances are if you do have some specific stuff that you want to make sure that you can access whenever i would recommend having a bag of some kind that you can stash here in the hole so either while you're sitting down you can put something beside your legs or between your legs or wherever you want to keeping in mind we do have a drink holder kind of cut out right here in the middle now you can see some holes here in the plastic i had some of the scotty mounts mounted back here and i thought i was going to use them for rod holders it ended up not working so i've got those holes kind of left over those aren't stock by any means those are for me i'm just kind of getting happy with the drill so just keep that in mind you don't have to worry about that happening from the factory now another feature i want to make sure i highlight especially for the folks that are planning to do the fishing thing out of here um this little elastic cord thing that goes around the front now this little pocket right here is technically designed to hold like a phone for example so you put your phone kind of in there and it gets held down by the strap but this strap has for me at least been very useful for situations kind of like what you see here so this net that i use has a cord that has a little clip that goes down to the end of it and i can put that there on that little elastic band and i know that even if that net falls off i'm not losing it because it's stuck right there um i've got the ability to use it on either side of the kayak if i'm trying to land a fish but you can clip pretty much anything that's got a clip on it too i'm talking about your keys pliers any type of tool you can have it on here and you can slide it back and forth it's not going anywhere as long as that band doesn't snap or anything you're good to go so that's a little feature that's built in but i also found useful for the fishing thing for that exact reason i can clip stuff to it chances are it's not going anywhere so that is an added bonus and i feel like it's definitely something that makes life a little easier for us that are out to try to rip these lips overall i'd say the pelican mustang 100x is a great starter platform at least it'll get you off the bank if you're into the fishing thing of course you'll want to look into some of the modifications and other accessories but generally speaking if you just want to get out on the water it's not a bad option if you've got some time a drill and uh you know a little bit ambitious thinking when it comes to the modifications you can kind of do whatever you need to have it set up the way that you like but again i would say it's a really good platform i'm happy with it i've got really no regrets i kind of understand what the limitations are and i've kind of talked about them today in this clip so if you've got any questions or anything specific you wanted to run by me feel free to let me know shoot me a message or a comment below and i'll take a look and let you know what i think but um generally speaking again i think it's one of the better things you can do if you want to get started without spending all the money in the world to get you on the water and from there if you feel like you're more comfortable with something with more features you'll kind of know what to expect moving forward so that's kind of what we've got today you all take care thanks for watching and i'll see you soon
Channel: yaboytee
Views: 26,081
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Keywords: Pelican, Pelican Kayaks, PelicanUSA, PelicanMustang, Mustang100X, Pelican Mustang, dudeperfect, fishing, stereotypes, fishing stereotypes, the rage monster, dude perfect stereotypes, funny, funny videos, funny stereotypes, types of, spoof, bassfishing, bass, largemouthbass, bass fishing, kayak fishing, outdoors kayak, kayak bassing, green fish, yocuh outdoors
Id: sbC4CkxMUmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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