Pears VS Robots 🎯 | Crazy Robot Assistant || Pear Couple Global 🍐

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got get myself I a clone clone [Music] who okay this one's good let's go new technology [Music] H what are you doing here wow uh-oh I hope I haven't broken it or something so typical uhoh I'd better plug it in again voila it's not helping [Music] [Music] run how interesting and world I want to see it too cute huh huh every time we go somewhere you break something we have to go home now okay follow them they're strange creators oops huh you've got to be kidding me oh sorry it's the loveliest cake I've ever made and the final touch a job well done huh w and what this oh you messed up my uh-oh that must hurt almost done here hey Ela finished here huh I've been mopping this floor for hours serves you that was tough [Applause] what uh-oh pero you walking disaster be more careful they must be somewhere around who are they strange ah gotcha oh H the than happy how boss will be happy aren't PE well oh robot's shop look they have new robots be careful I'm always careful R take this oh oops I just cleaned the floor hard oh darling that [Music] hurts stop it now but why just like us no I'm not that [Music] mean I feel you bro h i could do better oh look a fave show I'll fresh the AIT T ta impressive h [Applause] y you got your well earned first priz thank you for the support wow she's awesome I have a real talent for hairdressing I can create a stunning hairo out of nothing once I even got the first prize too ever heard that story nah ha I'll prove it just the place I [Music] need look at this hairo you got to copy it be very precise looks tricky but I'll manage I'll start here and just a little bit over here taada huh a complete lack of talent was it really that bad so embarrassing a complete L of T really I have a brilliant idea oh hello no one's watching great thank you my [Music] precious ouch [Music] awesome I'll turn this robot into the world's best [Music] hairdresser well let's see just a moment H almost done oh what hurry Hur [Applause] I'll show you a new hairstyle I came up for there yesterday L not bad away go good [Music] luck like it okay that's pretty good yes I have one M trick up my please please show me your support laa I look stylish wow amazing come on don't let me down oh no no no no no why won't it stay in place come on ah okay calm down Liza calm down I better get down to work a bit here and here and maybe [Music] here um huh what's happening H oh my prize thank you thanks my life is over I look [Music] awful I'm up to work have a good day daddy Daddy come back soon see you in the evening H that's what I just been looking for this house looks promising bye-bye awesome I can get down to work here we go great I have some work for you H we need the father Ready Steady go yes I am ready I am reaching the target turkey is created so here it is yes marow I'm going to be my collection's growing what a smart guy I am what's about me yeah you're just an instrument just a pile of talking metal stay [Music] here I'm almost done with Brey good morning ah pero come here for a moment could you help me with the dishes pretty please help you with the dishes um got to go [Music] huh oh no wait why don't you fix this before you go no way I can't be late for work bye huh incredible H how [Applause] convenient I guess I'll have to do it myself like always H pio's back I'm inside um you've come back to do the dishes uh the [Music] dishes really almost done done [Music] thanks okay how about fixing this no problem huh something's wrong here wow is everything okay with you uh that's weird H aha can you fix that of [Music] course no please don't pic huh what's going on have a look huh that man makes me steal things from people he's very greedy un terrified of him H I know listen to my plan we'll teach him a lesson it's going to be hot and humid tomorrow not locked great aha I'm just taking my part done so great I want want to report a crime can you come to this address I've done nothing wrong where are you taking me get into the car bye-bye yeah you'll pay for this hooray we're a great team high five finally home uh what's wrong with the door H Liza Liza open the door can I help you Liza is's here I don't understand my new friend is much more helpful than you no no is this a bad joke who would have thought and you date at a new job hey buo hi look how cool he is is this a cat huh Is it alive gotcha oh you little rascal you're screwed well here we are here is your new workplace uhuh here is your uniform here take it w cool well little parasite what a great day I think I went over everything bye-bye SL [Music] huh take that there you go what's happening get away from me perect bear I will get my event he didn't know he messing with and here there she is time to get out hey buddy we're going for a walk now you so friends here's my plan we'll get our revenge what's going on huh huh hey what the uh ready oh my where did they go huh who's there hi per your fall stop it you little [Music] parasite gotcha come [Music] here faster faster almost c c hey handsome hey lady don't worry I saved you hi hi there [Music] yes it's time H that go ahead no my head well shall we continue uh no done take [Music] that what the wake up wake up you dead bit come on let's go I'm coming and don't let me see you here [Music] again empty m oh thank you oh I want to be a [Music] king yes I'd like some hold on look is it safe my God my God my God ouch God it hurts who is there I'm the king so let's go see staff of power oh right I command oh great f h Huh why are you still here great may I wow now that's what I call service that's it oh here H oh yeah more more here it is I can see it already here I brought you something give it here a what [Music] that oh I hear something too where are you my [Music] children hey monkeys oh get back to work who is this scoundrel oh you jerk come to me my loyal subjects here we are sir over here here we are oh [Music] Grace To Me monom keys well I'll show you huh come to me quickly I do not understand I'm ready for battle let's see who is who up [Music] wait now make H oh give it to me what are you doing here get it here you go ta done ready [Music] here's more you're finished [Music] imposter come on oh god oh Lord second round this will be easy and [Music] ho God terrible the third round get ready kid right come on strong I'm strong you're strong but I'm stronger all right take that Mercy don't look at your kid yes you you won say goodbye take that you're right in time that was easy my favorite [Music] there she is come [Music] on now who else I'll take you one at a time oh come here dear it B since me oh good idea here you go baby good luck a give me oh great I'm in charge now G you [Music] whack why you starting back get you w going [Music] cool lovely H what's [Music] that w a message in a bottle come here P wake up right now leave me alone why Liza Just [Music] why look at this horror why didn't you warn me but it's so cute look at what I found H is it a treasure map let's see so we exciting taada it has to do with pirates wow it's a real treasure M shall we do it treasure hun we absolutely must my w my P we're ready we coner this jungle and the treasure will be ours huh ew not a good start huh huh H let me check straight ahead are you sure then let's go the road ends here uhoh but how come let me see the map's upside down Liza [Music] oopsie that way H okay [Music] no pero what are you doing there I'll get you down just what I need uh what the LI are stop it oh no hold on pero whoa whoa I'm going to be [Music] sick uh-oh another idea oh oh ouch oh barnacles but wait this plan has to work out aha perfect what took you so long wait and see the winning team we're the best follow me I know where to Liza so deep get me out of here mm I know I'll save you in no time get into the basket wow how cool and so comfy I'm ready what you are too heavy I ate those donuts to save you well thanks no yay you saved me what a great team we are R hm so what's that oh oh wow oh wo looks like Disneyland I'm so excited me too what's [Music] that it's dangerous oh no my hair do H wow oh I think we got to press the gems okay one two huh oh and how about this one have we lost the battle a huh the winning team never gives up look [Music] the treasure that's the chair I've been dreaming [Music] about ah and the Final Touch oh [Music] yeah I'm your king I invite myself huh where am I that was a [Music] dream a bottle Liza look I'm hungry but Liza if you hadn't fallen asleep I would be having lunch now with tons of tasty food and ice cream huh uh Full Speed Ahead now oh yeah oh yeah Captain um show the head full speed aard oh yeah oh yeah captain [Applause] B me that was [Music] row I need to relax take this soon you'll be fish [Applause] [Music] food aha I can't believe my eyes Hoist the sails Captain I'll do it tada wo great careful my earrings earrings duh I need to blow off steam be good girls up here here you go take that take that much better let's see what's that Captain pero Ship Captain Liza Full Speed Ahead and no mercy Danger get ready holy sneak IO the cannon finally a battle oh we show them it has to be sharp perfect my precious weapon of [Music] choice now I look scary huh you'll catch [Music] this I must get ready for the battle irresistible load it faster by by girls woohoo take that boys ouch for battle how about that water [Music] liy aha gotcha I will get you get this now I'll end your you're so handsome I Think I Love You OU that was a close call oh no what have we done uh-oh ABA let's get away okay okay let's hurry hop pull that great job darling straight ahead to our bright [Music] future this day is perfect for sunbathing but don't forget about sunscreen I don't need it you sure okay I'll use some on my belly and it's not the last time I say that yeah he's very stubborn I look like a tomato my sunglasses Beach cover up hat and I got to hide under an umbrella right now [Music] good next time I'll tell you more okay see you soon buddy see you mm and where is Liza H fresh air whatever I'll find her later wow he is so handsome I'll just wait for Liza here and listen for some music la la la la la oh so he's perfect for me we would live in the ocean together happily ever after I must make him mine and I have a plan hey hey I'm over here La I'm here huh la la la la how dare you ignore me okay plan B what the that way oh Liza here you are finally come here sweetheart coming this Castle is much better than rou oops I can just walk away what yes you can so little one let's make a new Castle okay okay maybe more here [Music] and the Final Touch done it's the world's best sand [Music] [Music] castle I'm ready coming goou pretty pink Stars uh what are you waiting for come here am more Mio ouch ouch ouch I need urgent medical [Music] care are you kidding take care bye um thanks you're finally back hey hey okay okay coming ouch a he come play with us it's going to be fun come on wait here I'll be back a bit later it a b b I can't believe the nerve of him come onil it see s I'm exhausted [Music] hey I'm back M what oh hi ah just a second just a teeny tiny [Music] second huh let's go for a walk better First Swim what are are you doing with my man who is she who are you mine uhoh you want get [Music] [Applause] me ah oh breaking new a famous criminal has just dropped a bank and left on his own private [Music] chips [Music] oh come with me huh where are we going come faster um hero now listen this is our place and this is the bang across the street witing a tunnel from our store straight to the [Music] bank Tada we'll Filthy Rich wow lots of money and all [Music] ours goodbye see you [Music] tomorrow Cera me Ocean Beach cocktail that's the life son son me in a large jacuzzi playing video games m [Music] H H let's go everything's ready perfect [Music] oops so we'll be rolling in it wo I'm stuck you can't be [Music] serious got to try something [Music] else yes mhm I've got a no don't you dare huh huh the last check for the day and I can sleep The Night Away [Music] happy birthday it's my birthday thank you thanks for [Music] surprising breaking news the bank that was robbed last week has been stolen oh no what are you you [Applause] [Laughter] doing I hope you like it here I'm sure it will taada place it here careful let's feed it this is the best fish food we could find look it's sleeping how cute a I'm tired too [Music] this was a great decision ew [Music] [Music] what a bizarre [Music] dream comes after The Letter A huh hm who put that there who cares fire Burgers what's happened look at this we're rich imagine how much cool stuff we can buy hoay wait maybe our fish is magic can't wait to see how our fish is doing here we are with tons of yummy food for you it we've got more oh gosh night [Music] night ew ew ew e [Music] um H eh it's probably [Music] Santa uhoh oops what's all that noise huh W who did this officer we did nothing wrong they seem to be nice people so are you going to tell the truth wish truth and here is the evidence what is ouch was the hurry hry uhoh oh no I don't get it aha that's where you kept the stolen money it was our Goldfish do you think would' ever buy that um yes [Music] what ah H ow [Music] ow shall we we got nothing to lose [Music] okay and what did you say oh look useless animal no food for you today [Music] it's [Music] cool oh poor thing I've got an idea yes I [Music] agree we can't lose them it's under control aha that's where he lives stay here and don't you dare make a sound [Music] oh mission complete told you let's set it free don't wor you little guy you're in good hands a a huh oh no stay here buddy and don't peek out uhoh do you see that it's mine you can see it in the picture they are the thevs we did nothing wrong uhoh what do have to tell the court my bad a very expensive spider was stolen by these guys happy with you you were so mean and cruel to it the spider belongs to Mr Ginger your actions were [Music] illegal one day you'll pay for [Music] this H it's our spider [Music] straight ahead to [Music] Freedom faster ouch oh hi I'll just sit here okay M there thought so it's not that bad here no not there here um okay [Music] that's better forget what I said let's [Music] see um what are you [Music] here here [Music] it smells so good mine oh that's for me it looks much worse well Beggars can be choosers uhoh no no no no no take this here huh thank you interesting- instead of toilet paper I'll show you that's it oh I see take this uh H let's [Music] see I'll be free soon [Music] [Music] I know it by heart now perfect time to [Music] go sorry one mon get you were thinner come with [Music] me yay um this for you bye-bye see you you later
Channel: Pear Couple Global
Views: 185,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated, animated cartoons, animated comedy, animation, cartoons, comedy, comics, comics animation, fun, funny, funny cartoons, funny comics, pear couple, pear couple cartoons, pear couple episodes, pear couple global, Cặp Đôi Trái Lê Toàn Cầu, Парочка Груш Глобальная, คู่รักลูกแพร์โลก, Sepasang Pir Global, زوج الكمثرى العالمي, M. et Mme Poire Global, Casal Pera Global, La Pareja Pera Global, Dibujos animados, Desenho animado, Dessins Animés, kartun animasi, couples, hacks, robots, diy
Id: SXMi_r0sAJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 28sec (2908 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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