Pearl Knotting without tools : Beading

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hello and welcome to my shop I'm mitsue McArthur and I'm the owner of Stardust design speed shop here in Nashville Tennessee let's go for our last project knotting pearls without tools I'm going to show you a way to knot between glass gemstones or pearls without using a clunky tool this will allow you to have nice snug knots and to show off your beads beautifully the thread I will be using is Griffin bead cord it's a number two silk thread that has a needle woven into it so that you can load your pearls on easily I'm using silk because it's soft pearls or soft and porous and they need a silkier thread not something abrasive and so I'm using a size number two because the holes are smaller in pearls the size of thread goes anywhere from zero to the thinnest to sixteen to the thickest and as you can see pearls will probably require one two or three the method I'm going to show you is called a double strand method this will also give some strength to your piece what I like to do is simply take all the cord off the card I can find the needle I will dislodge it and the beads I'm going to be working with are just some simple freshwater pearls and you can find these in a lot of places they're pretty and colorful and you can use them as spacers and accents between your other beads or you can wear them alone so they're not just for dress-up they're for everyday wear and hope you enjoy experimenting with the pearls because they're one of my favorite beads I now have all the cord off the card you want to be careful when you're engaging in pearl lighting because if you get your thread knotted up you can't get it out and you'll have to start over but what I want to do is start at the end where there's no needle and I just want to pull like this and I just want to get the kinks out be careful to not pull so card that you break the thread or cut your hands because this can cut into your skin so just be very careful and just get all the kinks out and the little needle is kind of curly so I just kind of want to straighten it out as best I can I'm ready to make a slip knot onto my clasp as you can see I'm using a fishhook clasp or a pearl clasp and I'm keeping my two ends together so I don't lose them and I just want to make a slip knot on one end and so what I'm doing is I'm putting it through like this just my end where I don't have my needle and I'm just pulling it through a little bit I'm now taking the end where I have my needle and I'm running it through the same direction and I'm just pulling a little bit since I'm going to be nodding with this I'm making it a little bit longer and as you can see I've got the clasp hanging from two threads and because I've doubled this cord I now have a loop here I've made a loop with one hand because I've doubled my thread and now I'm going to take the needle end and the end that doesn't have a needle and I want to just run it through my loop and just catch it with my fingers I want to then just slip this through like this and just drop I take my clasp and I just very carefully start to pull so the thread slips through my fingers remember you don't want this to get knotted up or you're going to be in big trouble so I just keep it and just pull it through until I have a slipknot like this and so I'm ready to start knotting I'm going to lay my clasp in front of me and what I want to do is separate my two threads I'm going to put the thread that doesn't have a needle to my left and I'm going to put my a fixed needle that's the one that comes woven into the thread I'm going to keep it to my right just kind of lay it out over here don't want it catching on anything and don't want it getting knotted up and so now I have created a V more or less like this now I'm going to take a beading needle this is just a twisted beading needle with a large head which will collapse as I run it through the bead I'm going to just string on the end this is the one where I don't have any needle attached to it that's the one to my left and I'm going to load on some pearls I'm just going to take some of my freshwater pearls and I'm just going to load them on I call this thread my loading thread because that's exactly what I do and just simply put on my pearls I'm doing a shorter version of this for demonstration purposes only and the reason is is because it's the same thing over and over pearl blotting or gemstone noddings pretty simple once you get started you can keep doing this as long as you have thread I've loaded my pearls on and I have loaded them all on except for one so I'm ready to start nodding I'm going to hold the last one out and I will explain why I did this when I get to the end so I'm going to lay my loading threat aside I don't need it anymore and as you can see I'm keeping my B in front of me this is going to help me not and help me keep things nice and orderly and organized and that's what you're going to want to do are you're going to knot yourself up no pun intended but what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my thread the one that has the affixed needle and I'm going to take it and in the same direction run it down through my first pearl this is the one that's closest to the clasp I've just taken the needle end and I'm running it back down through this pearl you don't want it running in the opposite direction or you're going to have cord wrapped around it but I've run this through and I'm just simply going to pull my thread through be careful that you don't get everything knotted up you see that it's wanting to knot up there so I just you know for demonstration purposes just show like this and now I've got my first pearl on now I'm ready to make my first knot I'm going to take the two threads and I'm going to take my a fixed needle thread and I'm just going to wrap it around to make an overhand knot that's all you're making nothing fancy these aren't Girl Scout or Boy Scout knots or surgeons knots or anything else they're just an overhand knot I have taken my thread where I've got my pearls loaded I've taken them in one hand and I'm taking the light fixed needle thread in the other and I'm just bringing it around to make a loop and I'm simply reaching through and pulling it like this to make a knot be real careful that I don't get anything tangled and I just pull like this nice and snug I'm going to take my needle end again and I'm going to go through the second pearl just like I did the first I'm going to run it through and I'm going to hold it through nice and easy pull everything just like this and I'm going to run this pearl close to the knot that I just made and I'm ready to do the same thing again I'm going to take my loaded pearl thread in one hand my fixed needle thread in the other and just bring around make a loop and reach through and just pull I'll just make an overhand knot and I pull and I'm going to do this until the end okay I'm near the end and I have got all my beads on and I've nodded through all of them except the last three and I'm going to make a quick knot just like a set a simple overhand knot and then I've got two more beads to go before I add my clasp well I don't want to not in between my last tube just yet I'm going to go ahead and I've got my next to the last bead on and I'm just simply going to treat it like I have all the others and I'm not nodding just yet I'm going to undo the last end of my pearl clasp I didn't lose it because I had it connected and I'm simply going to add my last pearl on the thread that has my fixed needle I'm not using my loading thread anymore it's done so I've got this on one strand but by the time I add my clasp and go back down that pearl it will be on two strands so I've got my last pearl loaded on and as you can see my loading thread is in between the last two beads I'm going to add my clasp end and I'm just going to run it through like this and I'm going to come back again to the same direction so I can loop twice this will add some strength and I will take it and just pull it as close as I can to the pearl and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go back down through the pearl again and what I will do is work it little by little until everything is nice and tight okay now I'm going to keep working this little by little and it means pulling this up and taking the two and pulling this until I get it really snug and I get all my threads together now let's talk about finishing this off here most Perlmutter's will go back down between two pearls or three I've chosen not to do this because I find it very frustrating that when I go down and tie a knot and I'm trying to run the needle back down over that knot and into the second bead I've gotten stuck many times and I've had to start my project over so what I have found that works just as well is doing it the way that I'm showing you now and what I'm going to do is I'm going to end up just making a regular overhand knot again because I've got it nice and tight and snug and I'm just going to pull and it looks like my knot is to one side and I want to balance that out so I just pull everything through and I'll lay the knot on its back the only thing I'm going to do differently this time is I'm going to do what they call like a tailor's knot I'm going to make an overhand knot again but this time I'm going to loop twice I'm going to go two times around and then I'm ready to finish keep everything out of the way nice and even and pull you'll give a good tug you don't want to go so hard that you break your thread I had a friend that did that and broke her thread and I'm just going to kind of cut the little ends off here just a little bit I'm not clipping everything because I want to add some jewelry glue if you cut these ends off before you glue they like to fray that I could go like this and your whole piece will come apart so what I'm going to do is work with some hypo cement glue the thing that's nice about this glue is there's a needle in the cap so that it will keep the tube clean and you can use it till all the way to the end you can see that this has the needle and here is and here and I'm just simply going to glue this right here we're going to put it right on that knot where the ends are and I want it to be nice and secure you can get right in there now what I want to do is I want to let that dry just a little bit before I cut now that this is dried I'm going to cut really close to that knot without cutting the knot if you do that that defeats the whole purpose so I take it some scissors and I cut as close as I can now what I like to do is I like to add some more glue to the knot ends and I like to really work those ends down with my fingers or my fingernails you might take something thin that you can cut in between and to shape that knot down and then you just let it dry some more now I have used brown thread with these peach pearls just for demonstration purposes you want your thread to blend in nicely with your pearls or if you're trying to create a artistic visual effect and you can use some contrasting colors which can look very nice too now that I finished I'm ready to finish shaping this and letting it dry a little more then you'll have a nice little piece to wear like this I made a nice necklace here and it's ready to wear or you can go a little bit more formal like the pearls I'm wearing here at any rate you'll enjoy pearl knotting it's very relaxing and it keeps a lost art alive thank you for joining me I hope you're on your way to creating wonderful designs you
Channel: stardustdesigns
Views: 243,795
Rating: 4.8176603 out of 5
Keywords: pearl, knotting, no, tool, how, to, knot, pearls, learn, with, The, Pearl, Girls, hand, knotted, handtied, silk, Japanese, necklace
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2016
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