Pearl is Jealous | Volleyball | Steven Universe Future | Cartoon Network

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Well, she learned to handle Pink's tantrums (for the most part) and was controlled by White for like, 5000 years, which she seems to have come out of intact, mostly. She's probably a lot stronger than your average Pearl, and CG Pearl isn't average either.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Glitterwolf713 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 09 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

That is volleyball

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/AquaticJazstar šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 09 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
oh actually we came here because we need your help oh what can i do for you so this is pearl she was mom's i mean the pink diamond's pearl too a long time ago and pearl you remember pearl she was also pink diamond's pearl ah that's too many pearls we should probably give you a nickname a nickname yeah a nickname you know oh no i know what a nickname is it's just that it reminds me so much of pink she used to give silly little names to she was so funny like that looks like someone still got it bad what about volleyball volleyball that's so funny you're just like her no no no i'm not like anyway we're here because of the crack on her face oh poor thing it's such a shame what white did to her stephen it doesn't matter how it happened what matters is finding a way to fix it my healing powers didn't work on her we thought maybe you would know what to do well when a pearl was damaged they were usually brought to the reef yes that's exactly what pink would do well i was her pearl me too we were very close i love your energy it reminds me of when i was younger i'm older than you [Music] [Applause] here we are this is the reef is this where pearls are made were but yes it also serves as a luxury boutique in the center for refurbishment and repair repair yes just what i wanted to hear welcome pink diamond uh no i'm steven universe welcome steven universe i am shell your guide to the reef uh hi shell uh my friend volleyball has a crack on her face and we were hoping you could fix it understood please follow the illuminated path to the care center you really didn't have to come all the way out here for such a trivial thing it's not trivial soon we'll all be able to put the past behind us don't worry volleyball i'll be right here holding your hand please feel free to take your time looking through the latest offerings and accessories and appearance modifiers as we make our way to the care center ah look at these darling fans what about you pearl any rush of nostalgia please nothing like looking at glitzy tchotchkes to get you nostalgic for a simpler time i mean really who even needs junk like this right volleyball what a sweet ribbon wand it's just like mine [Applause] it was a gift from pink isn't it exquisite what did pink get you it's sweet that you have these keepsakes but well no need to be overly attached guys can we keep moving yes let's i've certainly had about enough of this surface of objectification if you want more awesome stuff like this click the subscribe button [Music] in
Channel: Steven Universe
Views: 7,327,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steven universe, Stephen universe, cartoon network, Iā€™m stronger than you, garnet, steven, garnet stronger than you, stuck together, steven universe wanted, steven universe the trial, steven universe full episodes, full episodes, steven universe song, steven universe songs, cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons for adults, stevonnie, ruby and sapphire, peridot, pink diamond, fusion, fuse, opal, yellow diamond, blue diamond, crystal gems, theme song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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