Peanut: The Adorable 15 Month Old Orangutan Baby | Meet The Orangutans
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Channel: Discovery UK
Views: 1,782,552
Rating: 4.9059229 out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery channel, discoveryUK, cute, orangutan, climbing, baby orangutan, outdoors, baby, Peanut, rope, climbing frame, 15 months old, orphan, crying, forest, flu, high temperature, young baby, Sepilok, Sepilok orangutan rehabilitation centre, orangutan rehabilitation, Sepilok nature resort, nature resort, animals, animal, zoo, wild, wildlife, cute factor, adorable, shocking, sad, baby animals, nature, peanut, humans, rainforest, monkey, monkies, release back into the wild
Id: SyvTuvYGPkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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Where is the rest of it? You can't just leave it there......