Peaceful Reiki ASMR & Light Language | Energy Healing, Soft Spoken, Hand Movements

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that for e e hi my loves welcome welcome to this raiki energy healing video the intention of this video of this raiki energy healing is really to support you in tapping in to connecting with that really inherent state of Love of wholeness of worthiness that is within you and of course this Reiki energy is a higher intelligence it knows what to do it knows what you need so whatever it is that you need in this moment just trust that this energy will flow wherever it is in your physical body in your emotional energetic etheric body for the highest good and if you are open to receiving this raiki energy you can just say yes with your heart with your mind but the message that is really coming through here is just to remember [Music] to remember that you are already healed you are already whole you are already worthy exactly as you are you know it's not even about really healing it's more so about remembering about reconnecting to the truth that you are already healed just breathing into that space and in this video I may also share some light singing some vocalization light language and other than that we'll just really let the Reiki do its work work its magic so just allow yourself to relax soften release any tension and just enjoy for for sh [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] n [Music] no night he [Music] [Music] I and [Music] toight oh night [Music] [Music] no no [Music] like comia and the [Music] night so now [Music] [Music] oh oh night [Music] [Music] know no [Music] you are like you are [Music] love you [Music] are you are love my light my heart oh m m [Music] [Music] [Music] sh thank you thank you so I want to to share with you an oracle card to really represent the energy of this space and the card that came up is trust your path if you knew you would be supported what would you do this is what the card looks like trust your path there you go the universe is conspiring keep facing your true north your job is not to pave the path but to Simply keep facing your TR North and take one step after another if you do this you cannot go wrong the universe is conspiring don't waver or doubt use your heart as a compass and put one foot in front of the other if you follow the invisible trail of what lights you up you will light up the world without even trying most people don't follow the highest call of their soul because they are waiting to see the end destination before they take the first step if you take one baby step each day within a year you will have taken 365 steps in your dedicated direction if you want to write a book write a page every day if you want to change careers do one thing every day in the direction of that before you know it in just a year from now you will turn back and look in awe at how far you have journeyed keep moving and open yourself to a whole new level of support and receiving things are not going to work out the way you are planning but if you have a little faith and keep showing up they will work out even better than you could possibly imagine don't micromanage the universe trust your path and let your soul lead the way and the question if you knew you would be supported no matter what what would you do so let's just use that energy let's just tap into that that space of unlimited possibility of the fact that you truly are supported you are never alone you are not in this alone you have so much support seen and unseen so just breathe into that trust breathe into that faith and have faith in yourself have faith that you can do the things that you are fully capable you are more powerful than than you could possibly imagine just sending that raiki energy to support you with whatever it is that you are looking to step into in your life thank you thank you so much for being here thank you for showing up for yourself and this world and until next time I'll see you in the next video bye sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] no you I [Music] and [Music] night [Music] toight night you [Music] the no no no [Music] DC comia I night night [Music] [Music] so oh no oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no o you are light you are [Music] love you [Music] are you are [Music] love my light my heart oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you e
Channel: Danielle ASMR
Views: 11,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reiki, reikiasmr, asmrreiki, energy healing, asmr, Danielle asmr, danielleasmr, real person asmr, asmr reiki, asmr to relax, asmr with light language, asmr sleep, asmr to sleep, asmr to calm the mind, asmr sound healing, asmr energy healing, sound healing, light language, light language asmr, light language reiki, energy healing reiki, reiki energy healing, reiki energy, reiki singing, asmr singing
Id: 5_yauCm8JAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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