PEACE LILY CARE + PROPAGATION | make your peace lily flower | spathiphyllum dry tips

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[Music] hi everyone thanks so much for being here I'm Kat and I'm a cosplayer on good and planty today is going to be all about the peacefully otherwise known as the spatha film will Lisi I I'm gonna be talking all about how to take the best care of your little peace lily as well as specifically how to make it flower a lot of nurseries and people selling peaceful ease use a special chemical to make them bloom just so that they can sell them to consumers who love the flower and then once that first wave of flowers die back a lot of people struggle to get them to bloom again because they don't have that certain chemical I'm gonna start this video with general care tips and then I'm gonna hone in on exactly what to do to make your peacefully bloom i put the monster right here in the background so that you can fully soak in its beauty and i even have one of the blooms popping up right here so some quick overview on the peacefully they are very common house plant and there is a pretty big variety of these plants they come in different sizes and different variation patterns this one is a bigger form I'm not sure exactly what it's called if you know please let me know in the comment section down below but you can also get little smaller ones that are gonna stay pretty small they are generally considered pretty easy plants they do have a couple specific because that you need to follow in order for them to look really good in your home so the first thing I'm gonna talk about is water and these plants are actually really great with being vocal about when they want to be watered you'll see that their leaves really start to droop over and they just look a little sad but once you water them they're gonna perk right back up it's actually really fun to watch despite popular belief these plants actually don't like to stay super soggy and wet the entire time I do let my peacefully dry out between waterings just becomes a specifically important for when you're trying to make your peacefully flower keep in mind that they are drought tolerant despite popular belief I water this Jack I water this giant one about one to two times week during the summertime and then in the winter I decrease that to about once every one to two weeks but more likely when I see this plant tripping I tap water with almost no issues but a lot of people do find that when they use tap water they'll have little crispy tips and that's pretty normal piece Lily root systems are kind of sensitive to chemicals so if you're seeing crispy tips on your piece Lily try switching over to distilled or filtered water I'm actually started doing occasional showers maybe like once to two times a year and that's because these leaves are super super good at picking up dust particles and all the dirt in your air so you'll find that if you don't get the leaves attention they will start to build up a good layer of dirt and dust so for a plant this size I like to bring it into the shower once in a while and just give it a good wash light these plants actually do prefer partial shade partials partial shade I'm really tripping over that sentence which is great news for a lot of house plant owners who are struggling with good light areas - pulls pretty far back from an east-facing window and is also getting a little bit of the south-facing window light and it's doing pretty well they can also do pretty well in west and north facing windows so these plants are pretty flexible so you'll actually do use less moisture control additives to the soil before the peace lily because they do like to stay a little moist I know I said that they can dry out between waterings but they are thirsty plants so it's about finding that balance I know it's a little bit confusing but one way to find that balance is to use less perlite I've use a regular potting mix and add about half of the amount of perlite that I usually add to my soil if you're struggling with keeping up with the demand and thirst of your peacefully you can actually also use a ceramic glazed pot instead of terracotta these plants will actually do just fine and that just makes has a financial humidity and temperature these plants will do just fine and any temperature that is comfortable to you that is one reason why they are great into your houseplants they are a little bit more finicky with humidity these plants do need pretty high humidity in order to thrive otherwise you are going to see the tips of believes to start to crisp up and turn a little yellow these crispy tips are really common and hard to control I have them and you might have them but high humidity is one of the best ways to control them on top of humidity also trying to keep them away from drafty areas so that's gonna include things like doors windows AC unit and space heaters fertilizer as I said peacefully root systems are actually pretty sensitive to chemicals which is why I don't really recommend using tap water I use tap water and it's fine but just a tip so it's important to be really gentle with your fertilizer and be mindful of what fertilizer you're using with the pizza Li it's always better to under fertilize than over fertilize I personally use a balanced organic fertilizer for my peacefully and I find that it's doing just fine i dilute it pretty heavily in a gallon of water and I just pour it in about once every two weeks my fertilizing season for this guy is about late spring to early fall and then in the winter I absolutely do not fertilize this plant propagation with these plans you're gonna absolutely want to have more of them they're such a joy once you get their routine down so how do you create more free peaceful ease for yourself what you're gonna want to do is to find the crowns and the peace lily and I'll do a little close-up for you and aspire repotting your peace lily try to find the crown follow it down and then very gently remove it from the mother plant it is common to lose some roots during this process just because their roots are a little bit fragile so don't be worried if you start to lose just a little bit of roots and not once you have your separated baby peacefully just put it in a pot with a similar soil mixture to that of the mother plant and it should be just fine okay so the flower of the peacefully what makes the peacefully truly stand out amongst other house plants it is super common to struggle with getting your piece lead to flower and so I'm gonna share my tips for inducing flowers mine just started to bloom in June and now flowers just keep popping up and it's really rewarding to know that I took good care of this peacefully throughout the year the blooms are really nice because they do last for about two months the only thing I'll note is that they do shed a lot of pollen all over the place and on the leaves so if you are a little bit of a clean person and you want perfect shiny leaves this may give you a little bit of trouble the flower of these plants is actually made up of a staff and a spadix the staff is the white leaf looking thing and that is actually not considered the flower it is kind of the hood and the cover for the flower the flower is actually the spadix and it is made up of lots of little tiny flowers and that is the stick thing that you see inside the staff this pack so the leaf looking thing on the plant can actually turn a little bit greener as the flower matures and that's actually just the plant trying to shoot up chlorophyll into the leaf like thing to try and get the plant to photosynthesize more and bring more energy into the point once the plant feels a little bit more satisfied the staff can actually go back to white so if you see this path changing color a little bit it's nothing to be worried about to get these flowers to pop up here are my very specific care tips number one put your peacefully and higher Sun so while these plants are lower light tolerant if you want to see your peacefully flower try putting it closer to a or south-facing window definitely don't put it in direct sunlight but try to nudge it a little bit closer there tip number two is definitely find a solid fertilizing routine so for me like I said that's once every two weeks in the spring summer fall and no fertilizer for the rest of the year but this routine I know that my peacefully is getting the nutrients and needs on a regular basis but I'm not really worried about burning the root system at all you'll kind of figure out what fertilizer and routine works for you so if you're new to houseplants or the peace lily in general don't be worried if you don't have things within the first year just keep going with the fertilizer and always remember that less is more tip number three is actually to decrease your watering a little bit so like I said I wait to water my peace lily when I see that the leaves are drooping some people like to keep their peacefully a little bit moist and that's fine as long as it's not soggy but like I said they are drought tolerant and to induce flowering you're going to want to keep your peacefully a little bit on the drier side and last tip is the humidity and warmth so like I said peace lily is really like high humidity and warm temperatures so it will be a little bit forgiving in general if you aren't looking for blooms but that is something that you should prioritize if you do want to see your peace lily flower so that is exactly what I do throughout the year to make sure that my peacefully blooms when spring comes around once the flower starts to die back which again will take about two months I just follow the flower to the base and you'll see that it is attached to a leaf then I follow that connected stem down to the base of the plant and I snip it off right there and that's everything pretty much that I know about peace lilies so that's gonna be it for today's video thank you so so much for watching you guys I hope you learned a little something about peace Alize or maybe you feel more equipped now to bring one into your oh no don't feel frustrated if your peace only is a flowering right away like I said the nurseries do pump chemicals into them to make them flower so it is a little bit harder for us to make them flower in our own home but I hope I helped you a little bit with that I do want to start doing a featured plant video once in a while and make it a little bit of a series so if there is a plant you really want to see me dive into just like I did for this peacefully please let me know and I would be super happy to do so please subscribe like this video comment down below what you thought all these things helped me grow my channel and it is much appreciated and I will see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Good & Planty
Views: 277,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peace lilly, propogation
Id: Pv98zdERfUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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