PDSB ACE TESOL Certificate Information Session July 31st 2019

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thank you so welcome hello and welcome to you all thank you for coming over tonight I am Lisa Phil this is Diane tires we'll introduce ourselves each I'll go first we are very glad to see you all in person tonight we also have some participants joining us online or remotely so we're going to record this session tonight in person so when it comes to question time we may repeat the question we may clarify the question so that it's more helpful to people logging in after the fact okay so again thank you for coming out I am Lisa you may have emailed me I may have spoken to some of you on the phone you'll see my information on the website feel free please anytime at all any questions to get in touch with me I am the program supervisor for the tassel program I'm also one of four supervisors for the Peel District School Board continuing an adult education ESL program and link program so I have a lot to do with the adult ESL programming and a lot to do with this course and they go hand-in-hand especially when it comes time for the practicum for the tehsil certificate and the Diploma the practicum takes place in one of our ESL classrooms so at that time it would be me who deal with all the aspects of the practicum and match you with a practicum mentor and oversee the program so apart from that any questions that you have again please you can direct them to me and I hope you enjoy the presentation tonight fielding questions yeah we're absolutely fine if you have a question please don't hesitate to stop us and ask us and we'll try and answer them as we go around here so I'm responsible for the course design and overseeing the quality control and making sure the trainers are trained and then it takes care of everything else so what I'm going to do tonight is just first of all walk you through English language teaching as a career choice and then I'm going to talk about qualifications that you need and then then I'll eventually talk about the course that we offer here with the peel board to be in partnership with them and as Lisa said if you have questions just let us know if your question is really just about your situation just hold it right till the end but if it's a general question about the content feel free to jump in and ask it okay so the first thing we're going to talk about is why we actually even have a possible career as an English language teacher and the reason is a very obvious one that English has become a global language it's the most global language that we've ever seen has a human species it's spoken and recognized literally in every corner of the world at any given time there's over a billion people learning English from every age they're starting from as young as six months all the way up to seniors who are learning it as a hobby and more fun so the English learning is taking place all over the world with over a billion people and this means we need qualified English language teachers it used to be that if you spoke English and you had a pulse you could teach English that is not the case anymore because it is quite a complex thing we were talking this morning this morning in a session I was running that everyone thinks English teaching is very easy it's actually not it's quite complex and when you've had culture pieces in and individual personalities and different backgrounds it gets much more complex so we need qualified English language teachers which means those teachers need training so that is why we have a whole possibility of having a career as an English language teacher and there's a nice globe there that remaining so why teach English it's it's a career that's very fun and it never ceases to give me challenges and opportunities it's always interesting I've never you've been in it waited a long time as well high school English since and then 11 years about 11 years of ESL so it's a career that continues to offer challenges you meet people from a lot of different backgrounds which is always fun you learn about other cultures other languages which is also fun you develop your communication organization and presentation skills so even if you don't stay as an English language teacher it actually does give you a skill set that you can use in a lot of different ways the fun fun one is if you like to travel it's a really good way to fund your travel I traveled around the world for about eight years taking language so that paid my bills very nicely another really nice thing is it helps your students achieve their goals you see or you see the outcomes of your work very quickly as your students learn English and as they get jobs as they advance in their careers as they get into colleges and universities so you do see a lot of immediate reward which is really nice but it's just if you're a people person you're constantly interacting with people and learning about them so it's just a really really enjoyable profession in English language teaching there are lots of acronyms as there are just about every industry so you'll see all of these so te SL which is used mostly Ontario is teaching English as a second language so that means you're teaching people who are living in an English language speaking country so for example Canada and they need English in order to integrate it into the society be successful getting jobs and so on then you'll see te FL which is teaching English as a foreign language and that's when you go to a country where English is not spoken as a first language and so students learn English in the classroom but outside of the classroom they speak another language then you'll see TESOL and this is the law that we use for our courses because this means both this one and this one it just means teaching English then another one that just means teaching English is ELT this one's popular in England in Europe so we go through that one a lot over there and then you'll hear this one at Western Canada TV al teaching English as an additional language which just means you're adding it problem with here is many of our students are learning a third fourth or fifth language it's not really in their second language so this one kind of acknowledges that but they all essentially do mean the same thing they all mean teaching English so there are opportunities to teach English in Canada and overseas so how many people are thinking of teaching English here in Canada okay so first of all I'll talk about teaching in Canada so there's a lot of different places where you can get jobs teaching English okay so the first one is what we call private language schools so these are businesses and people students pay tuition fees to go there and learn English and they learn will study for anywhere from 2 weeks up to a full year there are about a hundred and fifty of these in the Greater Toronto in in downtown Toronto alone in Mississauga there's three I just learned about a new one today so there's three here there's a couple in the Oakville Burlington Hamilton area but the majority of these are in the downtown core um then there's also summer camps and immersion programs so these are usually run by school boards sometimes they're run by private companies but these are for usually for teenagers twelve thirteen is usually the youngest age you'll see all the way up to 17 and these kids come over to Canada for anywhere from two weeks to eight weeks and they do kind of like a summer camp but to learn English but they'll also do things like they'll learn how to canoe they'll do some swimming to learn other Canadian sports they'll do tourist activities go to Niagara Falls and so on so it's hardly English language learning and just partly fun so you'll see some of those then there are employers who have a lot of English learners as their employees and they will actually hire language teachers to teach lessons within the workplace well that's another place that you'll see teaching in Canada and then you'll see what we call government funded programs and I'm gonna get Lisa to talk about those because that's what she oversees these two here yeah so the first one language instruction from you how much de Canada is federally funded it's run by the federal government and it's their mandate to support newcomers to the country who have come to the country as a permanent residence so the class is usually quite small and number about twenty students they're full-time usually the students are offered transportation assistance so it's a big incentive to try and get newcomers to the country learning English as quickly as possible so that they settle a little bit more comfortably yes Alan's the provincially funded equivalent of link so the province would fund our English as a second language classes there's many many more of these but they basically have the same mandate as the federally funded programs there's usually a few more students in these classes 30 to 35 but the curriculums are pretty much identical for link and for ESL and basically they both do the same thing they prepare newcomers and even individuals who've been in the country for a long time even Canadian citizens they prepare them for better jobs better interaction with their families with their children especially who are growing up in Canada and who's speaking miss Mary laughter so here we have about 2000 22 mm to Daan's every year two semesters a year plus summer school so there's lots and lots and lots of learners wanting to come to ESL classes and of course as immigration continues and newcomers come to the country every year and we just keep going okay thank you then there's also opportunities at universities and colleges so in this area we've got the University of Toronto Mississauga Sheridan College and go downtown in Toronto you go the other way you've got 12 Waterloo McMaster and Hamilton Mohawk College and Hamilton they will all have what we call English for academic purposes so what you're doing is you're helping international students get the academic language skills in order to be successful in Canadian higher education so you'll teach things like academic writing listening to lectures participating in seminars making presentations things like that so that's a growing area then there's a lot of opportunity for private tutoring especially now with the internet people will contract you just as a freelancer to give them the private language instruction over Skype or any other type of video streaming service and then there's also a lot of online opportunities this is also increasing rapidly there's companies that will hire you to teach either one individual or group small groups or sometimes entire classes of 60 students yeah your your image is projected in front of a class and you're here in Canada and those students are in China most of these companies or Chinese based so this one you have to teach either late at night or very early in the morning but you teach from your computer and they provide all of the curriculum and all of the materials okay so the technology is really opening up a lot of opportunities as well so talking money and benefits and all of that wonderful stuff so there's huge variation in terms of rates of pay pay had work conditions so there's everything from substitute teaching to part-time contracts to full-time contracts to long-term contracts huge variation the lowest you'll see is 12 out $20 an hour and this is mostly for the online teaching you'll see that but it's quite nice to get paid $20 an hour to sit in front of your computer and you just have to look professional from here on from here down so and then private language schools are somewhere between 25 and 35 dollars an hour publicly funded programs are weird the $40 unchanged okay and for new supply teachers so around the 40 35 to 40 and all their family funded programs colleges and universities are at the highest level this is actually inched up a little bit you'll be anywhere from about 45 up to 60 65 at colleges and universities okay the average newly certified teacher will come in about $25 an hour what you knew is you stir it out if you get your certification you get your foot in the door by substitute teaching and by working in the private language schools or in tutoring or online companies once you get some experience then you go into the government funded programs and then you might go into the colleges and universities to kind of work your way up the pay scale and you also work your way in the door by subbing first and then getting part-time stuff and so on so please don't think that you're automatically going to walk into a wonderfully lucrative full-time position after this you want to get your foot in the door and then just work your way up um working hours vary you run classes like two full-time week would be 25 hours okay there are teachers working more than that they work morning afternoon night and Saturday some of them but yeah I mean a full-time permanent position would be at least 25 hours with us and so you can teach morning afternoon evening as Lisa mentioned you can teach weekends if you do the online stuff you're teaching at 12 o'clock at night if you're a night owl those are perfect positions to do and then vacations also varies some of the programs will close down for a certain number of weeks some will keep going 365 days a year and contract conditions also vary some will have short term contracts long term contracts and so on so it's totally okay when you're inquiring about a position to ask about all of this stuff okay so ask about rate of pay ask about working hours ask about contract conditions and so on because there's huge variation out there teaching overseas there's an equally wide range of opportunities so we've got a lot of private language schools overseas as well people have started businesses for language teaching you've got what I call the mom-and-pop schools where it's individually owned by a family or one or two businesspeople then you've got large national school chains so you'll find them across the entire country then you've got international school change you'll find them in most major cities all over the world this is examined example is English first EF there in almost every major country another one is euro centres their global Berlitz is global and so on okay so a lot of private businesses are going into this a booming market rate now is nursery school and kindergartens people want their kids learning English the youngest I heard was about six months quite sure what a six-month-old can learn but there you know so anywhere from usually these are three to five through age ranges there's a lot of demand mostly in the Asian countries you'll see that but it's expanding in other countries as well so if you like arts and crafts making puppets singing and dancing and making a complete fool of yourself this is the type of opportunity to to explore and there's a lot more pretty much all of the school education systems internationally have English teachers of one kind or another so you can teach in elementary schools junior high schools high schools you can teach in colleges technical colleges junior colleges really interesting one is companies and businesses so large multinational companies Samsung as a good example will actually have their own English language schools and they put their executives through a very tailored language instruction okay so you'll find this in a lot of any any large multinational company could find opportunities there and universities so an interesting thing is happening a lot of universities outside of English speaking countries are actually now changing to deliver their university lectures in English so lecturers who used to for example lecture in Spanish or in German or in when it Portugese they now have to deliver their lectures in English and students also have to demonstrate a certain level of English in order to graduate so there's a lot of opportunity internationally at universities and once again the contracts and compensation vary considerably okay these probably I need to bump up a little bit but still the highest paid in kind of most stable areas to go to would be Japan and South Korea if they're not super super high salaries but they're they're fairly stable China is an interesting one they're desperate for good teachers but you'll see everything from very low amounts to very high amounts in the large urban areas you'll see the much higher amounts and then in the smaller rural areas the lower amounts the interesting thing about China is especially in the rural areas the cost of living is almost zero so whatever you make basically goes in your pocket whereas if you're somewhere like Japan or Korea you have to rein in your spending Europe Spain's just an example Europe tends not to be super high but you get to obviously live in Europe getting into Europe you need a European Union passport they will not hire you from Canada and provide a visa for you so if you've got a European passport this is a good opportunity otherwise it's a very difficult opportunity except if you are under usually under either 25 or 30 there are some programs for young people where you can go and be an English language assistant in their public school system so Spain has this and France has this but unfortunately once you get to Raybould ages like mine you don't qualify so there's an age limit on notes okay the both region there's still a lot of opportunity it's not quite as lucrative as it used to be but there are still a lot of English teaching opportunities in the Gulf region like the UAE Saudi Aramco there's opportunity there so than Central America there's opportunity but it's not the greatest money but you're nice and warm so if you looking for somewhere to be warm check out these countries as well yep you said about Spain France yes so spinning in France if you're I don't know the exact cutoff but if you're under either 25 or 30 they have assistant English language teaching program positions so they place you in a public school and you work with the different public school classes you're kind of like the English speaker that helps them with their their spoken English so these are programs that run year-round I think they usually start in September and then you're there for at least a full academic year so it's been has that France has that and also Japan has it and Korea has it so if you just Google Spain English language teaching assistant program it should bring up no it's not a teacher position yeah but it is a really good way into those countries if you don't have that European passport the money and the taxes it all varies so whenever you're looking at an international contract always ask the question so ask what are the taxes it'll go from zero it used to be zero in the Gulf region but they're just introduced the taxing they're up to about twenty percent working hours very considerably of anywhere from two 20 hours a week to 40 hours a week airfare try and negotiate for it to be paid very often they'll reimburse you after you stay for a certain amount of time so you pay your airfare upfront you work for six months and then they reimburse your airship because it does cost them money to keep you onboard the accommodation is sometimes provided sometimes not see if they can at least help you find good accommodation medical insurance is usually included never never never never stepped out of Canada without your medical insurance and make sure they pay to make sure you've got your medical card and make sure you are coverage because I have seen the worst case scenarios people have had extremely bad accidents and they've been on the hook for literally hundreds of thousands of dollars so do not do anything without this vacation ranges from two weeks in the mom-and-pop language schools and the national language school chains up to ten weeks and the universities so you'll see some difference there most contracts are usually one-year if you're looking for something short like three months or six months they're very hard to come by because it does cost money for these schools to recruit you to bring you over training you make sure that you're on your feet so a minimum of one year is what they're looking for in order for them to recoup the cost of recruiting you and there's usually a completion bonus so if you stay for the full year they'll give you an additional month salary so you get 13 months of salary for 12 months of work or if you sign up for a second year then what they'll give you a one-month signing bonus there's a few things to try to negotiate there as well I need questions on that so the thing is ask questions about your contract I'm also asked to talk to teachers who have worked for that company in the past so you so you know it's a legitimate company and if you just google online there's a couple of websites that have kind of blacklisted language schools that have not treated teacher as well so just do a google for that and make sure that the school yeah it's a really good question and the answer is yes you should okay whether you choose to report it is up to you but legally you are supposed to yeah so you just have to report it as income in some of the countries will have a tax agreement with Canada so you don't pay double taxes so you don't pay that country plus Canada but it's something it's something to always find out of it yep there used to be a system that if you were outside of Canada for a certain amount of time and you declared non residency you didn't have to pay taxes but I'm not sure if that's still in effect okay one of the things you have to consider it we cannot help you with this is whether you personally have the qualities to be a good language teacher okay so some of the qualities that employers like Lisa look for is are you professional okay that means do you come to work on time are you reliable the dress professionally do you speak professionally do you treat your students professionally reliable articulate so can you speak clearly if you mumble things like that you need to try and get yourself out of that habit patience is huge because your students trying to get a language oh it's very challenging for them and you just kind of have to wait and let them get their language out you have to be friendly and personable if you do not like people do not look at this job for a different career because this is a people talk okay you have to be open-minded you're gonna meet lots of people that you might think of not the type of person I want to be meeting they might have values that that don't match match with your values they might have beliefs that don't match with your beliefs but you just have to accept it because people come in all different from all different walks of life have all the three values and this is a professional where you meet that right up front so you have to be open-minded you have to be interested in other cultures because you will encounter those in the classroom you also have to be a good listener once again because language students really struggle to get their language you have to listen very very carefully and you get very good at interpreting the language that your students produce to figure out what they do actually want to say then you give it back - you have to be a good listener we can't help you in this but you do have to do a bit of a self analysis and see if this is a good fit for you then we come to qualifications so obviously you need a strong command of English it does not matter if English is your first language second language third fourth fifth and WA you have to have a strong command of English if English is not your first language you do need to demonstrate that you've bought that command of English the best way to do that is through a standardized English language test IELTS we always recommend IELTS you can also do TOEFL if you've completed an undergraduate degree in Canada that also serves as your English language proficiency okay and there's a few other ways so if you're in that category come and talk to us after and we can direct you to how you can best demonstrate the command of English that you have the absolute minimum is you need a high school education whatever would get you into higher education however for jobs in Canada you need a minimum of the university degree and for the majority of jobs internationally you also need an undergraduate degree some countries will take you with a college diploma for example of China and then parts of Europe you can also teach with a college diploma but the majority of jobs require an undergraduate degree doesn't matter what subject it's in it could be engineering it could be nursing it could be business finance history geography it doesn't matter but you need that undergraduate degree and then a TESOL certificate such as the one that we offer is recommended but in most positions it's required so if you want to teach in anywhere in Canada it's required in the majority of countries in order to secure your visa it's also required there are other reasons to take a TESOL course not just because employers require it the course gives you tools strategy skills of knowledge to be successful if you're going to be serious about teaching English you need to make sure that you've got what you need in order to be successful and this type of course does does that for you it does increase your self-confidence if you've never stood in front of a group it can be very intimidating and we walk you through a step-by-step process to get you comfortable in front of a group of people and basically managing that group of people it improves your communication and presentation skills because you're up front here and it gives you an opportunity to practice teaching in a safe environment so we have a step-by-step way to get you comfortable so first of all you start by teaching your peers so the other people in the class we have what's called micro teaching then you go into as classes and you observe you see what the teachers they are doing and then you get paired with someone Lisa one of Lisa's teachers and that teacher gradually gives you more and more responsibility with his or her class and then you work up to the point where you teach an entire class so it's a really safe step-by-step way of doing it we don't just kind of throw you in the deep end and say start teaching and then watch and be entertained by it too so yeah so it's very it's a very safe way to do it um t so I think it really increases your marketability as a teacher hey in today's world you really cannot get a job without one and it gives you a professional credential it says I take myself seriously as an English language teacher so quite a few reasons to look at taking the course there are many TESOL courses out there they probably got brain freeze looking at all of the different courses that are out there so why do you want to look for whether you take this course or not you always want to look for whether a course is accredited that means that a third-party organization has looked at the course they've looked at the course content the assessments the trainers the facilities and they have said these are these are quality features of this course and the way you do that is if it has either this logo or there's another logo up during the second in Canada this is the stamp of quality for a course so always look for this logo if it doesn't have this don't waste your money and so to get this logo the minimum you have to have is a hundred hours of classroom instruction that 20 hour practice teaching piece and then you have to study grammar vocabulary pronunciation teaching the four language skills lesson planning classroom techniques and this will qualify you to teach in most locations in Canada and also internationally so if you want to teach internationally this is the accreditation that you look for the answer is no but yes so once you get this course you've got it and nobody can take your qualification away from you but in Canada we have something called professional certification so you can take the certificate you get from us and you take it to tussle Canada and you say I'd like professional certification and validation and then they look at your file and they do that for you and you have to renew that every year you just have to renew your membership every year to keep that current so it's a no 1 yes yeah it's a really good question so some employers I'm just gonna back up so some employers want you to do the tehsil Canada professional certification step other employers just need you to show us the certificate that we give you okay so when you're looking at an organization for employment you need to ask okay do I need professional certification or can I just show you my certificate and so depend all depends on the employer it's probably about 50/50 so just the key is where do you want to work okay so if you want to teach kids in the kindergarten through grade 12 system this course is no good because they have teaching kids has a completely different certification process in high school yes so you have to do an undergraduate degree and then you have to do a Bachelor of Education and then you have to get approval by the Ontario College of Teachers yeah so yeah so if they're if you're an OCT already yes they have their own ESL qualification it's called ESL level one and yes a level two and three okay yeah no no you have to go to either a Faculty of Education where the union also offers the courses yeah so if you're looking to teach kids in Canada yes this will not help so you're looking for a cute additional vocational yeah then in Ontario because Ontario is special we have a second accreditation system and it's called its with our provincial organization called Tesla Ontario and it's a slightly longer course that you have to take so instead of a hundred hours it's 250 hours of instruction 50 hours of practice teaching it includes almost all of the same content but a lot more theory as well and if you want to teach in Ontario in the government funded programs Boards of Education some community colleges and some universities not all of them you need to take this second level of course this is only in Ontario if you want to go out to teach in Alberta you just need the tehsil Canada one if you want to teach in Ontario in these government funded programs you need this one so it's that if I finish the first program it's a really good question and we've designed our course to you start with the first one and then you continue and you do a second one so our first course is a hundred hours our second course is a hundred and fifty hours which brings you to your 250 yep so what a lot of people do is they take the first one and they get it go up and teach for a few years in private schools or they go internationally and then they come back and they take the second one because they want to work in government funded programs and then this is the professional certification I was talking about so well first you successfully complete the course and then if your employer's need it you get either Tesla Canada certification or Tesla Ontario certification and you require test Ontario right so if you want to work here you have to do the professional certification piece and there's a fee associated with these can yeah because when the Tesla Ontario accreditation is equivalent to the level 2 for Canada so the level 1 for Canada is a hundred hours the level 2 for Canada is 250 hours so yes you can take that test LAN Theriault anywhere in Canada you're going internationally the test Elantra one is not very useful okay so the eight we've got our two-part program as I mentioned so our ace TESOL certificate is the tehsil canada standard so it's a hundred hours of instruction 20 hours of practice teaching here we offer it part-time in a blended approach which we'll talk more about it's a very practical course so we kind of we jump right in with all the practical aspects of teaching at least lisa has a great group of very professional and very qualified trainers here just an awesome group of trainers that you're working with and this is recognised by Tesla Canada and it is the first step if you want to go on and do the Tesla Ontario piece as well so the content in the course is as I said very practical we do a tiny little bit of theory but then we do a lot of practical stuff lesson planning testing how do you teach grammar or vocabulary honey to pronunciation how do you teach the language skills we also have a homogenizing your career so how you can progress in your career and the methodology it's a blended approach so there's partly online and partly in the classroom when you're in the classroom you're doing a lot of my voices what to go you do a lot of pair work and small group work discussions debate on he was doing you're doing your reading you're doing research on different websites we have online quizzes that you complete videos that you watch and so on there and you've got worksheets for all of the modules that you complete and you that's part of how we assess you as well I don't think we updated the assessment on this oh I did huh okay so we assess you in quite a few different ways okay so we assess you with an observation report you go into Lisa's classes and then you write a report on what you see online quizzes you create what's called a learning journal where you complete a lot of worksheets and put it all together into a journal you create a lesson plan portfolio a sample of seven lessons that you've created you do micro teaching which is your peer teaching and then finally when you're working with one of Lisa's teachers you're doing the value and it's solo teaching so a lot of different ways that we assess you just because you pay your money doesn't mean you pass you actually have to prove that you need to meet the standards and then the part two so to get you to that tussle Ontario piece we've got another 150 hours of instruction and this is once again blended so some of this is in the classroom some of it's online we've got another 30 hours of practice teaching and it's offered part-time in a blended format here once again it's very practical task based and participatory and once again a great group of trainers and this is recognized by Tesla Ontario and the course content this one has the theory in it so we put all of our theory into our part two so we take you through how you learn first and second languages we look at language and culture language in society and then we add more practical stuff advanced teaching skills we work with something called the Canadian language benchmarks which is a language proficiency framework that was developed here in Canada we teach them how to assess language we teach you how to design courses and then we teach you more theory on acoustics morphology phonology it's all actually much more exciting than was funny I was talking with a bunch of friends of mine that I did this course with like 20 27 years ago and we started doing a sentence analysis in this video conference call we're like okay we're really geeky here because we're we get so into this stuff so once you learn this you you can start analyzing people's language we have a lot of fun with it and people think you're weird but it's really fun the methodology very similar to the certificate course so when you're doing the classroom part you're doing a lot of pair work small group work discussions to be on line once again you've got online quizzes you've got learning journal so you've got websites that you're researching videos that you're watching and so on and the assessment is very similar observation reports online quizzes learning journal and once again it evaluated solo teaching with a higher standard so when you do this part you have to meet a higher standard in order to pass and you want to talk about the practicum sure so oh the certificate course it has a 20 hour practicum the 20 hour practicum is split into six hours of observation in the classes so you go into the classes you observe you complete some notes and then you can keep your observation report but that's kind of a good introduction to what is happening in the classes then you commit to one class in one instructor for the remainder of the 20 hours 14 hours altogether and that is divided into as Diana mentioned earlier strategic steps in terms of your own practicum where you lead up to a solo teaching session right at the end and then you're evaluated by the mentor instructor who spent the 14 hours with and it's all very gentle we have practice evaluations along the way it's very open and transparent so by the end of your teaching practicum there shouldn't be any surprises in terms of what is required and likely how you will be evaluated at the end and then the Diploma is very similar but as Diane mentioned it's kind of higher-stakes the evaluation form will be similar to the certificate but again you're expected to step it up a little bit at that stage since you've already been through all the Condor training so what we do is we introduce you to the theory and the lesson planning but alongside of that we try to get you into the classrooms to get a real feel for what's happening and then get you comfortable eventually with one class and the learners and the instructor and then hopefully by the end of your practicum certificate and the diploma then you'll be you'll be good to go and you offer practicums in multiple locations yes so this is the biggest location that we have and as we mentioned earlier we have morning afternoon evening and Saturday classes so usually we can find a class to meet your schedule whether you're working or not we also have two other Brampton Adult Education Center's and they also have the same schedule one of them offers Saturday classes as well so if you're living in Brampton and you can only commit on a Saturday then often we can so what we do whenever you join the class we ask you to fill out a preference form to indicate your schedule for practicum even though that's a few weeks away and then we try as best we can to accommodate that in terms of location time just one thing to stress to once you've been assigned your practicum supervisor you kind of have to take over the process so it's your responsibility to communicate with your store your supervisor make sure that you agree on when you're going to come into the class is what you're gonna teach activities you're gonna do so you need to kind of step up and manage that relationship once lease is established it for you so for people whose first language is not English remember I mentioned that you needed to demonstrate English language proficiency so for the certificate you can either do the TOEFL IBT where you can do files for IELTS it's seven right across the board thank you its academic no it's seven okay I'll check I don't think they bumped it up but I'll double check and then the diploma are sorry then you also need an undergraduate degree or established equivalent established equivalent means if you did not do your undergraduate degree in Canada what you have to do is get your degree evaluated has everyone heard of world education services or Oh Cass yeah so there's different agencies that will evaluate your your undergraduate degree and indicate its equivalent to a Canadian one so you need to do that step as well and once it doesn't matter what it's in you just need to have that equivalency any subject and then to go into the second one the diploma you have to be the certificate first one thing to note this used to be different I don't know if they've changed it off to double check but tehsil Canada just Monteiro used to be different but I think they've put them the same now yeah okay so just if this is you if you need to prove your language proficiency you need that for the diploma as well if you want if you can't fit it in before the course we have you sign a waiver saying that you know you need to do it to get professional certification the other thing is we do not accommodate the instruction if you don't understand the instruction so you need to make sure that your English level is high enough so that you can actually understand what's going on in the class because we don't accommodate if that's a problem ya can't go back more than two years yeah okay and I will at least to talk about this because this is the schedule of courses that we have come out okay so lately we've been offering the both the certificate and diploma in a blended format which seems to be working very well we have a lot of different people from many different fields many occupations and often people are working and so the blended format we only ask that you come out one evening or Saturday morning a week for the duration of the course so for the certificate it ends up being a 10-week course we ask that you come here on a Monday evening for two and a half hours for the ten weeks and the rest of the time it's up to you it's independent study now it's not let's sleep at all until the yes week and cram it in because it is the courses staged so so much that we expect you really to do your seven a half hours every single week to make up for the 75 hours over the ten the course the ten weeks so a lot of the learning is independent there's a lot of support available for you we have online trainers and then we have our in-class trainers so whatever it is you're doing during the week then you just set up some kind of communication with the online trainer that's all about in class on a Monday evening for the certificate depending on what's working so you're looking at your hundred hours basically off instruction and then your 20-hour practicum which would be okay they're all included yeah so all of the resources you need to complete the course are available in the online learning management system and you can keep digital copies of it or you can print copies out so it's all included and I will double stress and triple stress you have to commit to at least seven and a half hours you will have zero sympathy from me or Lisa if you come to the end of the course and you've got 50 hours left to do and you have to stay on top of that yeah and they're also there are also term exams exams in as far as we have to call them exams you know their their take-home exams they're not under any kind of exam conditions so if you haven't kept up at that point then you're not going to benefit your own learning but what we have help and support so we don't just leave it to you completely we we check in with you and again the online trainer is responsible for making sure that he or she connects with you to give you the support outside of the month it is usually we keep it on a Monday evening we are here on a Monday I'm here and I'm on the evening till nine o'clock so it usually works out for the best I can keep an eye on we are thank you for that yeah sometimes there's variation in the calendar whenever we hit Thanksgiving but I think that's I think we pushed it yeah I pushed these dates so that the 25th will take into a coach so we're close here for the next two weeks very important if you're thinking of following up with me next week two things first of all we have no staff working here I'm not going to be here either and the website actually is undergoing a bit of a facelift so you may find that if you log in one day next week there may be an error that's because we're we're giving the website a facelift so just don't panic I'm back in the 19th so basically any questions I haven't been able to answer before that ask me the beginning of the 19th I'll be here full-time and then for the 16th intake I'm gonna say two weeks before that will be the cutoff the absolute cutoff because we have to have you inted go through a telephone interview and our academic advisor we need to coordinate with her when she's free to be able to do that so two weeks before that's it that's including a good question because it's a blended format week it varies how many people we have in the class the Nightside we average it at about 12 usually about 12 and there's not typically a huge variation in that if we doubled up when we got you know a year when an awful lot of people wanted to register we would just divide it up and have two in-class sessions but usually about 12 people as the course start to get into it too passive yeah thank you forgot to mention that so in order to pass the course you need a minimum of 70% on each of the evaluations and then you get to reduce so if you just have a bad day and I didn't get your 70% you get two opportunities to read you and that includes the evaluated so a teaching can redo so the kind of the passing mark is 70% yeah yeah you have to get 70% on each assessment it's not an average of 70 it's each assessment then if you don't think you get to reading opportunities and attendance is 97 90 percent 90 percent yeah so if you're finding that you're missing three weeks or ten classes because you cut you can't make that up basically everyone in the class all our kids pretty much yeah yeah do you mean without the qualifications or you may say for example you didn't attend University okay yes you can but you have to sign a waiver saying that you know that getting an getting employment will be challenging and I'll be very upfront equally yeah so there are opportunities in some of the international markets for example China you're up a little bit so from South America there are no opportunities in Canada that undergraduate degree is the minimum you might might find this certification challenge the professional certification will be a challenge yeah you know because they both we do have some people with our university degrees taking it but they usually want to do it so that they can volunteer and so we produce your certificates usually four weeks after the end of the course provided we get you practicum results so we need all of the results in the man in the application process for professional certification if you have everything ready to go it's between four and eight weeks yeah there are fees involved but they don't get paid to to the peel board they get paid directly to the accrediting organization so either Tesla Canada or Tesla I can't remember the fees I'm going to say the Tesla Ontario's is yes no no what you have to do to get your professional certification you have to send a notarized version of your transcript or your original undergraduate degree and then if English is not your first language you need to send your test scores and then you need to send in a you know your certificate from us but there's no exam so remember that sorry those organizations certify us yeah to offer this training so as long as you have completed the training and have been successful with us then Canada Ontario yeah so with the professional certification you have to renew your membership every year and then it meant for Tesla material you have to demonstrate Tesla Canada you just have to renew your membership over here and so Tesla Canada's membership renewal is about $30.00 every year I don't know if there's an additional certification yes so they want you to do things like attend conferences or attend webinars mentor other teachers volunteer with the organization anything that's taking courses okay and then diploma schedule so the diploma is very similar there's a lot of independent online study considerable am I'm more than a certificate and then Saturdays we find have been suitable for most people to come in again here we run the ESL classes on a Saturday so there's lots of people in the building and the same thing happens two and a half hours for 15 weeks and you get a chance to collaborate with the group go over the concepts that you've been studying online yourself to in the week and keep on track in terms of what's expected throughout the course of 15 so the intense portion is subject to a little bit of flexibility depending on the group so if we have 12 people in the group and five of them work on Saturdays we can always try and fly more accommodating evening or time to have the in Cosmo sure I know what it is is you access our learning management system and then the course is divided into modules and each module has what we call lecture notes and then tasks that you have to complete and sometimes there's videos or websites that you have to look at so there's no live webinars so you don't have to check in online at a certain day or time it's all self-paced but you have to keep up on a weekly basis I'm just some websites for you to look at there's career web career resources at this website this is a website that we maintain it's got things like sample resumes all of the language recruiting organization teacher recruiting organizations all kinds of information about building a career and then this is the Tesla Canada website this is the accrediting organization for the certificate and oh I didn't have Tesla Ontario on here languages Canada is the organization for all the private language schools so if you want to see what the opportunities are there private language schools go there TESOL is a global organization if you're looking for some international jobs there's a lot of US jobs there as well and then ayat FL is another international organization out of the UK if you want to check out jobs go here and what Tesla Ontario dot org yes I forgot to put the test Ontario 1 but it's just WWE ESL Ontario org yeah it varies the interesting thing is that sometimes one part of the sector will have good employment and another part won't so it's depends on the part so for example five years ago there were almost no jobs in the government funding programs but there were lots of jobs at the college in the university level there's always jobs with the private language school level the government funding one varies depending on which governments in power and kind of where they're allocating their funds so it varies considerably so the best thing to do is when you're coming towards the end of a course just check in with your trainers and ask them for ideas on where the jobs are right now where the market is and then this is a good place to go for where where opportunities are as well there are no guarantees we can never guarantee okay they finish this course you'll get a job because we have no control over a lot of the supply and demand dynamics unfortunately but we put you in touch with the different websites for the jobs tools we send out on an alumni or graduate newsletter every month and so any job opportunities that we so for the diploma course yes you can go right into the moment you just have to show us result is considered equivalent to our certificate okay so if you have any more any questions that's how you reach Lisa so can I just ask you may have questions but for those of you who've been here before and I see a lot of familiar faces kind of six months on what are your thoughts you know what are you what if I want to stopped you from taking a course like this or what has kept you coming back for more information so it's very fun so you have a lot of participants who during the process of their application they double check but the IELTS some participants join the course and they don't have their ions but they understand joining that they will need together in order to receive professional certification so it actually also helps you with employment because you're actually one of the jobs you can get actually is helping students prepare for Al's so if you've done it yes yeah but if you join it without an IELTS you need to understand that we're not making any accommodation so if you don't think if you don't think you're either at or very very close to that aisle 7 I strongly recommend you do the IELTS first and find out where you are because what we don't want is we don't want you taking a course and then you try multiple multiple times to get the IELTS and you can't and then you kind of wasted your investment in the course so you know if you it's a good idea just to find out if you're close if lisa has your email you can save the link for the video thank you and you can always email me reminding me I wonder I wanna thank you very much thank you okay actually we're basically we're good yeah any other questions no but you can be a professional certification without it and you also will probably need it to get employment so you want to get it if you're gonna do the course first and I out second you want to get the IELTS as soon as possible after the course because that's gonna be a barrier to you getting employed as well so we the simple question is no we don't have a payment plan we do ask that the fees are paid upfront before the course starts we can't have a conversation if anybody wants to have a chat about payment I'm always available to do that a new issue of tax receipt right yes we do yes so it is tax deductible yes the plan procedure conversation yes I can find costumes have you had it evaluated but you've got the actual transcript yes no and is it certified as original yes then yet you're fine so you just have to I don't make them so it's fine for us for admission with us in the course but for professional certification okay thank you very much for coming out and we'll be hanging around so if you have any other questions remember everybody so the end of this week peel is on vacation so the teachers have got to have a vacation at some stage so the next two weeks will be very quiet if you have any questions if you can try to get them in to me before the end of this week then I will try my best to get back to you otherwise sit tight and then August 19th will be yes you can actually very thank you for reminding me about that it is all done online so if you're good to go you can start the application process it's all very clear online and you pay your hundred dollars and then once we see that you've applied initially then we get in touch and we start with the process from there and just two seconds
Channel: Advance Consulting for Education
Views: 654
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Advance Consulting for Education, ACE, Teaching English, English as a Second Language, Teaching ESL, ESL, EFL, TEFL, TESL, TESOL
Id: f9SapRWj6zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 55sec (3835 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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