PDB Release Event - "The President's Daily Brief: Delivering Intelligence to the First Customer"
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Channel: TheLBJLibrary
Views: 119,745
Rating: 4.0232558 out of 5
Keywords: President's Daily Brief, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (Government Agency), National Intelligence Organization (Government Agency), John Brennan, Joe Lambert, Porter Goss (U.S. Congressperson), Admiral Bobby Inman, John Helgerson, William Inboden, Peter Clement, David Robarge, William McRaven, Bill McRaven, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library And Museum (Museum), Mark Updegrove, PDB, archives, History, John F. Kennedy (US President), Lyndon B. Johnson (US President)
Id: y1mXeLHR8Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 56sec (10796 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2015
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