PDAC 2024 Bill Dennis Award | John Burzynski and the Osisko Mining Inc. Exploration Team

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[Music] if it weren't for John binski and the Osco mining exploration team windfall the largest high-grade million ounce plus deposit in Quebec may have never been discovered with a reputation for doing the impossible JN was added again amalgamating not one but multiple companies in a single transaction we filtered about 4,000 different projects to see what it was that we would focus on as the new version 2 of Cisco we acquired the companies that we thought had the best potential and luckily enough we were right winfall has turned out to be another genuinely true world class deposit with potential sites John needed the right people and set his sights on an established team of experts with exceptional experience finding massive gold deposits in the province of Quebec the team knew they had a challenge ahead of them as the windfall model presented more questions than answers at the time the consensus was that the deposits were erratic but the team knew something didn't add up gone into a lot of pre-existing mining camps and looked for mistakes that were made at windfall the original interpretation of the geology wasn't understood it became evident that this was a slightly different style a new style of deposit in a belt that hadn't been worked before based on experience the team was confident that once they figured out the geology the answers would follow and discoveries would be made after the initial few drill holes came up empty the team went for a more systematic approach with Heel To Toe fence line lines and it paid off those drill holes and fences led to the links Discovery or what is considered the heart of the deposit the large-scale drill program provided the answers they needed to understand both the geology and deposit type it was basically just following that reinterpretation believing in it and putting the drilling in and we proved the model right interestingly the deposit was not located along a fault but between a fault set so if you'd have even been looking for this deposit 50 or 60 years ago the chances are wouldn't have been found because the exploration teams would have stayed close to the fault and they would have missed it and we immediately made that 50,000 M 100,000 M and then 200,000 M and 400 and eventually till today where we f 2 million M while defining the deposit the team requested the longest Diamond Drill hole in Canadian mining history we actually intersected the base of the system we're still seeing economic mineralization at 2.8 km depth and what it told us was that windfall has a probably 20 30 40 years mind Life John and the team had absolute proof that the model was valid and the deposit ran down to unfathomable depths we got quite a lot of attention for the drill program that we did that deep hole was of great interest to a lot of geoscientists around the world it really tells how these systems can form or or where potentially to start looking for other deposits like this of course none of this could have been possible without the cre First Nation we are guests and they are our hosts and and we've treated the relationship the such very recently we have completed a power line project built by the cre which will power the windfall mine it's the first time that this has ever been done so we're we're very proud of that windfall has been a tremendous Discovery and something that is unique to the world of mining windfall has such a spectacular amount of visible gold like the kid around the office that we probably ruined a whole generation of geologists who were starting to believe that this is normal the biggest lesson I've learned is never believe the histor down it's an old expression in the business if you're not looking for something you won't find it but many times people are looking for something too specific it takes uh a big team to do a project like this with all these moving parts and and we we certainly are are blessed with having a very very strong team for the remarkable Discovery and ongoing expansion of the windfall deposits Link gold Zone the Prospectors and developers Association of Canada is thrilled to present the 2024 Bill Dennis award to John binski and the Osco mining exploration [Music] team
Channel: PDAC
Views: 638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3P6OlhveQMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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