외부에서 PC원격부팅_까다롭고 번거로운WOL(WAKE ON LAN)설정이 필요없다. [스마트홈만들기]

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In this video, we're going to talk about remote ON/OFF on your PC. I'll give you an overview. For more details, Please refer to the other video I posted. When you remotely control your PC, the WOL method is used. It's been introduced a lot on YouTube. This Wake On Lan method is either a router or a LAN card. And PC, Vios, etc. There's something that needs to be done. It's hard to set up, and for the average person, PC and network terms are unfamiliar and difficult. If you set it up a little wrong, it doesn't work. It's hard because there's an error. This is the way I'm showing you, compared to the WOL method. I think it's too monotonous and easy. I saw the video I posted. If you need remote control of your PC, I post the video hoping it will be helpful. Thank you for watching till the end. If it was helpful, please subscribe and like.
Channel: 다하라TV
Views: 38,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc원격켜기, pc원격부팅, 컴퓨터 원격 부팅, 컴퓨터 원격 켜기, 원격부팅, 컴퓨터 켜기, wol, pc원격제어, wake on lan, 원격지원pc, 소노프스위치, 원격 데스크 톱, 원격 데스크탑, 팀뷰어, 크롬 원격 데스크탑, sonoff switch, 컴퓨터 원격 제어
Id: AwP4IMdRyu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 58sec (118 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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