PB&J Keto Fat Bomb Recipe

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I wanted to share with you a delicious fat bomb recipe this is the first recipe that we created for my new book high-fiber Kido and my goal with high-fiber Kido was to maintain as many of sort of like our favorite foods and recipes or comfort foods and make it super easy because changing your fuel source from using sugar as your primary driver to using your own body fat it's such a big shift I wanted to make the food side of it just super delicious super easy and so the recipes that I created with my nutritionist and my dietitians are exactly that taking out the confusion taking out the overwhelm and just making it simple and fun so I've got just a handful of ingredients here this is my peanut butter and jelly fat bomb it takes literally 5 minutes to make so you can just put them in the fridge once two hours and then they keep for like up to a week it's very simple it's very easy let's get started we're gonna start by adding the peanuts and take three strawberries and just cut that quickly and easily now strawberries when we're just consuming you know these three you don't have to worry about the carbohydrates they are low in carbs because of the quantity and don't forget we're committed to always keeping our carbs to less than 50 grams per day and so the strawberries that I have in here and the fact that you'll be eating one or so fat bombs a day is exactly what you're looking for it now those are dried strawberries to me this makes the recipes sweet enough but an option is you can a little bit of monthly here we've got some coconut oil I'm gonna add that right in getting your good fats and get some salt we've talked about how important electrolytes are when you're taking your lifestyle and switching it up to a high-fiber keto lifestyle you know you don't get as many you don't get as much hydration from a fat molecule as you do from a carbohydrate molecule so you always have to be conscious of how much salt you're taking and making sure you're getting enough which sounds very counterintuitive here we've got our organic MCT you can use any MCT you like I'm obviously in love with our organic MCT and then what I love to add is also a scoop I'm going to use of our collagen peptides just take a look at these these collagen peptides come from Germany and they're designed to support our skin right so the peptides that are used are specific for our skin and I really love the way the science points to how effective this is when you take these collagen peptides over the course of eight weeks they help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by 18 to 20 percent that's a very significant number so I love having them in here a little bit of extra beauty [Music] so as you can see that took me less than five minutes and I used my Vitamix but of course typically I'll use a food processor you can use a blender whatever you want to do the recipe makes four and of course you can double up the recipe if you like that's what we do in our house but I just wanted you to really see like what an easy and great way in five minutes to give yourself something that is comforting something that is delicious something that is filled with good fats and something that really allows you to use your own body fat for fuel I mean what could be better again I didn't add any monk fruit to this you can but I recommend you try making them in a way where you see if the strawberries aren't sweet enough because they are really sweet so this is a dish I typically make with my children they are obsessed with the taste of the peanut butter and the strawberries and they eat them all the time so here is a double recipe it's a little bit more than a double recipe I pop these in the refrigerator for two hours and they are such an easy and wonderful little snack you can grab them whenever you want peanut butter and jelly I mean my goodness what gets better I added a few of the little strawberry the dried strawberries just to sprinkle up on the top and we're good together [Music] you
Channel: Naomi Whittel
Views: 7,305
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Keywords: fat bombs recipes, keto fat bombs, keto snacks, keto fat bomb recipe, keto recipes, fat bombs, easy keto recipes, fat bomb, keto desserts, fat bomb recipe, fat bomb recipes, ketogenic recipes, how to make fat bombs, keto snack ideas, keto bombs, keto fat bomb, keto fat bomb recipes easy, keto fat bombs recipes, peanut butter and jelly, pb&j fat bomb, peanut butter jelly, keto diet, low carb recipes, easy fat bombs, fat bombs recipe, peanut butter, low carb snack ideas
Id: _V1RU-lH5UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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