PAY Attention! The Most Common English Expressions with PAY! 12 Pay Collocations for English Fluency

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hi everyone would you like to increase your English fluency by learning a variety of different ways to use the word pay in English welcome to Jen's Chukyo my name is Jen and today we're going to take a look at twelve different connotations using the word pay before we begin let's review what a collocation is a collocation is a collection of words that come together to create a complete thought in English the words that match together sound natural and right to native English speakers but if you change any of the words in the series or in the set it will sound odd so basically collocations are a way of putting words together naturally in English in today's lesson we're going to take a look specifically at collocations word sets using the word pay the basic meaning of the word pay is to give somebody something that they are owed we most often hear this word connected to money our first collocation is connected to money or how you're going to pay for something if I'm in a restaurant and the bill comes the waitress or waiter might ask me how I would like to pay I could say I'd like to pay by and then the form of payment so pay by is the collocation pay by cash pay by debit pay by credit card pay by plus your payment method is a natural collocation in English specifically pay by cash is a very common collocation if you changed it to I'm going to pay with money it sounds very weird right so that's why we need to learn collocations in English to increase your English fluency collocation number two is several things that we pay we pay a bill or pay the bill pay the tab pay a fine pay a fee and there is a specific call location which is to pay interest there is a bill and you don't finish paying the entire bill right away the money that you didn't pay yet will gain something called interest so for example if I have my credit card bill and I owe the credit card company ten dollars I need to pay them $10 but I don't pay that 10 dollars then I need to pay back the ten dollars plus I need to pay interest for my credit card it's like three percent interest so at three percent it wouldn't just be ten dollars anymore it would be ten dollars and thirty cents so pay interest our third collocation with pay is to pay someone back this collocation has two meanings in English first pay someone back if I borrow money from you maybe it's lunch time I'm hungry I forgot my wallet I might say to you hey can I borrow $20 you will lend me $20 and then when I have my wallet I will pay you back I will return the money that I borrowed from you this is the first meaning of to pay someone back the second meaning for pay someone back is to get revenge on that person what this means is that if someone does something bad to you you feel really upset you want to do something bad to that person in order to pay them back repay them with the same bad energy that they have given to you when I was in elementary school there was a word search competition and I really wanted to win so I cheated by looking at my friends paper and copying her answers and as a result I want and I was so excited but my friend was angry so to pay me back for cheating she stabbed me in the arm with a pencil this is a true story and I will never forget the way that she paid me back so I will never cheat again colocation number four is also connected to real money the collocation is to pay through the nose pay through the nose means to pay too much money for something you're paying an exorbitant amount of money for whatever it is for example maybe I needed to get my car repaired and the mechanic was not a very nice or honest person so I had to pay through the nose for the repairs I had to pay more money than what the repairs were actually worth pay too much money pay through the nose our fifth collocation for today actually has three different meanings so this is a great collocation it is to pay off something or pay off someone the most common way this collocation is probably used is with debt debt means money that you owe someone usually your credit card or the bank or some loan company so if you pay off your debts or pay off your loan it means that you are paying all of the money that you owe there is no more remaining money left that you need to pay you are completely paying your debt you are paying off your debt my favorite meaning of pay off is for good results to come as a result of your hard work so it means you've put in some kind of effort and now you are successful so in English we can say oh all of my hard work paid off I worked hard for five years in university studying studying studying and then I graduated on the deans honor roll all of my hard work paid off I got a good successful result from my efforts the third meaning of pay off we use with someone pay someone off what this means is that you are bribing somebody you are paying somebody some money dishonestly so that they will do something for you so for example there is a criminal in jail and someone comes to visit them and they want to give them something that is banned in the jail the guard is not going to allow that to happen but if someone pays off the guards that they look the other way and don't notice what's happening then the criminal can get what they want so to pay off someone or pay someone off means to bribe them colocation number six maybe you've heard people who are really angry say you're going to pay for this so the collocation is to pay for something and sometimes people also might use the collocation to pay the price so to pay for something or to pay the price doesn't actually mean that you are paying actual money for something it means that you need to take responsibility for what's happened by accepting the negative consequences that resulted in your actions for example as a child if I do something that my parents have told me not to do and I disrespect them and do this bad thing anyways then they are going to punish me so I am paying for my bad behavior many people have to pay for their mistakes so to pay for something means you get the negative consequences as a result of your bad actions you are paying the price for your bad behavior number seven yo pay attention over here look at me pay attention focus to pay attention to something or pay attention to someone means that you are listening carefully watching carefully thinking about what is being communicated to you you are focusing your energy on it and you are concentrating on it you need to pay attention and specifically if you really want someone to make sure that they are paying you very close attention we have that pay close attention make sure your undivided attention is on this item or on the person who is speaking so paying attention pay close attention and if you want to tell someone to pay attention with all of their heart soul might mind pay full attention to these instructions so pay full attention and pay close attention are two ways that we can make this collocation even stronger collocation number eight is a sad collocation it is to pay your respects and we can also alter it by saying pay your last respects or pay your final respects this collocation can have two meanings if it's just pay your respects this can be used to mean that you are sending your condolences and expressing your sympathy to family or close friends of someone who has passed away when my father passed away many of my friends paid their respects to me they expressed their condolences and sympathy on the loss of my father the other way that this collocation is used just pay your respects or specifically pay your last respects pay your final respects means that after the person has been buried or cremated and is in their final resting place in the cemetery you go and you visit them and give them flowers and mourn their loss maybe say some final words to them even though they're not there you are paying your final respects grieving the loss of that person shortly after they have passed away call location number nine is to pay someone a visit to pay someone a visit means to go to where that person is and spend time together so if somebody is sick in the hospital maybe your friend is sick you should go and pay your friend visit at the hospital colocation number 10 is to pay someone a compliment pay a compliment to someone this collocation means that you are praising someone you are saying something nice about that person if somebody does a really good job at something you can tell them hey that was an excellent speech amazing you did a great job you are paying them a compliment number 11 is to pay tribute to someone if you pay tribute to someone it means that you are honoring them in some public way you are celebrating them and doing something to show your respect and admiration for that person for example recently I watched a livestream of Stephen Sondheim's 90th birthday celebration and various Broadway artists were paying tribute to Stephen Sondheim by singing his songs and saying nice messages and paying him compliments so they were paying tribute to him with this live stream of his songs colocation number 12 is probably my absolute favorite collocation on this list it is pay it forward pay it forward what this means is that someone has done something nice for you maybe you know the person maybe you don't know the person but you have received some kindness some benefit from this person so pay it forward means that you are also going to do something nice for someone else not the person who is nice to you but to a different person often times I've seen this in the news where at a coffee shop for example someone will go in they will pay for their coffee and then they will say the next person who orders a coffee here's some extra money I'd like to pay for them as well then the next customer comes in and surprised all my coffees paid for that's so nice well you know what I'm actually going to pay for the next person's coffee whatever they decide to order here some money and then the next person comes along and that can continue happening for a while so you're doing something nice to benefit someone that maybe you know maybe you don't know them and then pay it forward because you've received that kindness you're also going to do something nice to help someone else so today you learned over twelve different connotations all using the verb pay and now it's time for question of the day today's question is what is something that you can do to pay it forward let me know in the comments below thank you so much for watching this video if you found it useful please subscribe to Jenn's juju and give this video a thumbs up good luck with your English Studies everyone and I hope you'll pay me a visit in my next lesson
Channel: JeN's Jyugyou / ジェンの授業
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Keywords: English, English lesson, Pay, Collocations, English Fluency, Pay Collocations, English Expressions, Pay Attention, improve your English, What is a collocation, native English speaker, common English, using the word pay, daily conversation, speaking English, writing English, studying English, English vocabulary, vocabulary, pay vocabulary, English collocations, English studies, Paying, money, communicate easier, learning collocations, the word pay, Pay by, ESL, IELTS, Pay off, JeN
Id: _Z2G1b8jTzA
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Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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