PawPrint Brewery - My Spike Brewing 1bbl Nano

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Brewery today we're going to be doing a water test on an oil kettle on the new spike nano one barrel system here kind of give you guys a shot of the front side here and so you got your hot liquor tank mash tun boil kettle right now I got 30 gallons of water heating up inside the boil kettle there and we got our work chiller down here you got a couple pumps to help the liquid from vessel so I started today with 30 gallons of water we were at a temperature of 56 degrees at 10:20 it's 10 48 right now and we're up to 140 and what I'm doing today is just boil kettle only 30 gallons trying to get it to boil I want to see how much the steam condenser conserves on the liquid which goes into a bucket here so when you turn the pump on basically the water that's in the bucket will go up this tube there's a special like little nozzle in here that sprays a mist of water as the steam comes out these two mix turns it back into water and Spyke actually I reached out to him and they're engineers are supposed to be getting back to me and maybe some of you guys might have some thoughts on this the runoff from this steam condenser comes out of this too which they recommend that you just set the tube on the drip tray table here and the water will run down and into the floor drain my question is is is there a benefit or anything that's going to harm your boil if you just let your liquid go right back into your same bucket I've never where I've never had a steam condenser before so I'm kind of curious I just don't know my thought is I think maybe the water will get dirty because maybe some of the steam will have some you know some stuff from the work the boiling worked in it and it will kind of maybe dirty this water up a little bit but if you start with a fresh clean bucket of water sanitized you know you could put a lid on there if you want I just wonder if if you did this for at least 45 minutes of the boil in that last 15 minutes of the boil maybe that's when you take the hose out and let it run down the table but their engineers are going to get back to him on that on what they recommend or if there's anybody else that has any experience with steam condensers because spikes telling me that during a one-hour a one-hour brew day with this steam condenser you're gonna go through 20 gallons of water that you have to pump through your steam condenser that will run down the table so 20 gallons is a lot of water just to run off every time you boil so just kind of curious may try it both ways just to see you know how the system works with the runoff to be thurr in the water or the runoff to just down down the table there so so yeah I mean you can hear you know you can hear the elements starting to beat up he's getting warm we're at 147 degrees right now and like said today's just about boiling I want to see the losses with the evaporation I'm going to boil for an hour I also want to make sure what my settings are for like my output right now I'm at 100% output on the boil kettle the instructions say I can kick that down to about 40 to 50 percent once we get that boil going so that's my next kind of question is I just want to know what what I can set it out to keep that boil and so yeah so today's just a water test day we're still waiting on a few licensing things to get squared out before we can actually start brewing in the brewery room here with all the SS brew tech to Barrow fermenters like I said we're brewing on this bike one barrel nano system we do have the double electrical panel which once I have one one batch boiling I can go ahead and start to mash in on my second you know my second batch so I can run my own it's at the same time so that's why we've got the upgraded don't panic so so yes stay tuned we will fill you guys in on what the losses are on this this boil kettle with the steam condenser and I think today I'm gonna do it with just the steam condenser since this is just straight water I think I'm just gonna let it run right back into the bucket just to conserve water for today until I hear back from them spike people to give me the thumbs up on if it's okay to run it with it in the bucket or if we have to run it down the table so so yeah stay tuned we'll get this video uploaded soon as you can and the disclaimer is I am NOT expert so I want to piece this together the best I can to kind of give you guys the best bang for your box so just stay tuned and get some more content up for you guys and show you how this systems working we're up to 153 degrees fit to four it's 1054 so about what was that 20 25 minutes so far so stay tuned person at 2:04 I mean she's getting close so that's that's all the steam we get right there just a little bit we're getting close so it looks like from 50 56 degrees is what the water temperature was when I started to boil it looks like it takes about just about an hour to boil 30 gallons at 56 degrees now what I didn't take into consideration is that on a brew day your mash water is gonna be right around about you know 150 160 degrees so it took taking about 15 minutes to go from like 160 to 204 so that'll be kind of another number that I need to look at once I start during that first boil that first group is a mash water is already going to be at that 160 degree hundred 50 60 degrees so I'm gonna have to make sure that I track of time a little bit more to get the oil from your mash temperature not just from straight out the tap which was 56 degrees today 2:05 put this on see how the steam Convention okay we finally got up to a boil we hit a boil at a real good rolling boil at 208 right now we're holding at 209 with 40% power so you know obviously that 209 210 which is which is good because right now the boy the kettle I mean she's she's really boiling so so yeah it took an hour to get to boil from 56 degrees water temperature straight out of the hose I believe that time I can cut down to you know that 30 to 40 minute range once the the mash is already at that 156 you know under 50 degree water so we will cut off some time there as far as the steam condenser so here's the steam condenser running it takes the water from down on the pump it goes up into the top of the steam condenser converts the steam into you know back into this liquid the problem is is that when you put this tube down in the water it creates a really I don't know like a pressurized vessel on top and then the steam just comes out to top the rim of the out of the rim of the the boil kettle so right now this is just how I have it set up just for today we're just doing a water test and I didn't want to waste 20 gallons of water for what spike says so so I just have it set up this way for right now and I'll boil they will probably be re looking at this this setup just to see if the work that's in here boiling will turn that water like a brownish color or whatever color your your grains are and see if it causes any issues so the only thing I could think would be be an issue is that this water will it will it technically be sanitized I don't know because this the water coming out of here is a little warm but you know you can obviously touch it so I guess the concern would be is you know are you putting bacteria back in through the steam condenser but my thought is is the steam is coming coming down this way and this this system is kind of on a slope so this water will never per se go back this direction only the steam that's coming out of the boil kettle will go down the steam condenser so I don't see why you couldn't just recirculate your water on your brew day but I I don't know if anybody has any ideas let me know and so we'll try to get a shot of this boil without burning ourselves whew she's hot so yes you can kind of see you can hear it I mean you can hear the boil though the roar just just kind of going there let me turn on the flashlight here to see if we can get you guys some light down there so hopefully this shows up on the video I mean you can kind of see she's she's boiling pretty good and we're holding that 2:10 right now we're still at 2:10 so yeah stay tuned see what other information I can get you guys today on this water test spike one barrel nano 1218 it's been an hour boil we're still at 210 sitting at 210 she's still rolling my water is about to go down here for my steam condenser so we're just gonna shut that off didn't move the the drainage tube for the steam condenser down on the table for the last 15 minutes or so I did notice that the water in the bucket started to to get hot so I'm gonna turn this off we're sitting at 210 I'm just gonna turn the elements off and we're gonna pop this lid open and see how much of a loss we had so so as you can see a little bit of steam coming out there let that cool down a second so yeah so our boil the steam condenser like I said I was running in it with with this hose in the bucket I noticed that the bucket and the water started to get really hot I took a temperature it got up to about 170 degrees so that like said that last 10 or 15 minutes of the boil I just went ahead and ran it down the down the table here hooked up so yeah I'm kind of curious about whether or not that steam condenser is gonna work with the water running back into the bucket so yeah well we'll have to see so yeah so now we're gonna pull off this and I don't know if you can see that with the steam but it is still right at about 30 just a little bit below I'm talking like a just a hair below the 30 now the one thing I did notice is that when I was heating this up to a boil with the lid on that we actually gained like a gallon of water I don't know if that was because it was pulling the stuff from the moisture from the air restrict somebody want to call but now they don't want to call so so I mean we're still sitting at like 30 gallons so we didn't really lose we didn't really lose a lot so but but now I'm excited that was an hour boil that took so it took me to go from 56 degrees with 30 gallons it took about an hour to get to boil but hopefully I'll cut some time off there and then in the brew process because when I mash in temperatures already gonna be here that 150 so from 152 to to 208 is when I started to boil you know that should cut some time off there and then the losses are very minimal from the from the boiling part of this with the steam condenser the only question now is does the steam condenser to go back into the same bucket of water or do I just need to keep filling it during the boil to compensate for that so just a couple things but I'm I'm pleased with you know with with the results I will let this cool down for that shrinkage just to see you know where we're at with our water levels because you know I can see we're dropping just a little bit now well actually see what our end result is here once this once this cools down a little bit so alright stay tuned and keep you updated
Channel: PawPrint Brewery
Views: 41,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spike brewing, nano brew system, pawprint brewery, spike 1bbl nano, nano brewery
Id: YoRNJ9Q0d2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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