Pawn Stars: Top 7 Most Expensive Watches of All Time!

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you just found out about a guy who's got an Audemars BK Royal Oak Arnold Schwarzenegger end of days watch I've been looking for one of these things forever and hopefully I make a deal and if it is it's hasta la vista baby come upstairs Rick let me show you what we have for you well that's the right box is there a watch in the Box a friend told me that Rick was going to be in New York looking for watches and other things and so I thought that perhaps the watch I had might interest them the watch is an AP that's oddmark PK made in 1999 for a movie that Arnold Schwarzenegger was making for my AP end of days watch I'm hoping to get maybe around forty thousand dollars definitely cool so Auto Meyer NPK they came out with the Royal Oak and they became the flagship watch of AP and to this day if you want one of these there's there's a waiting list and um it's a very rugged watch it's a great sports watch but like when it came out critics hated it I mean like it's got an exposed gasket it's got screws everywhere it was a metal monstrosity is what they called it but that's what people wanted um who cares about what the critics say so where'd you get it I bought it from a friend a few years back intrigued by the the look of it to be honest I haven't worn it a lot it's kind of find it kind of clunky but it was one of 500 that were made for for the end of days movie um Arnold was apparently involved in the design but he did wear one of them in the movies as to whether it was actually this one and we're not sure Arnold was in his pride when this came out I mean everyone loved Arnold and uh it was really smart business move to partner up with him on it all right you might have to take a look no please do I mean everything is right and I just tell by the face I mean everything is perfect on it I mean like the screws were right the face or right the hands are right the value of its brand has gone up tremendously and the collectibility of its watches has gone way way up this one being such a limited production I think it will go up I'd like to buy it off you for a reasonable price um how much you want for it I was looking hoping something in the 40 000 range um I was thinking like 30 000 bucks I figured you might be doing that I'd love to see if we could come to something maybe in the middle there somewhere like 31 no what about 33 32 5 let's put the difference 32-5 you got to do it okay all right sweet um I'll wire the 32 500. and if you get any more pieces like this as Arnold would say I'll be back that sounds good I'm happy with the price I got but I'm a Scotsman so I would always have liked to have had more the money that I'm going to take out of it I'm going to put it into nfts or crypto and watch that instead how you doing pretty good I have something I'd like to show you it's Bernie madoff's Rolex he's Bernie Madoff he's the one that put together the Ponzi scheme and stole billions and billions of dollars yeah that rat hey Rick you know everything it is to know about criminals I'm coming down to the pawn shop to sell a 1936 Rolex watch that was owned by Bernie Madoff I'm hoping to sell this watch for 75 000. you only get so many chances to collect an item like this so where did you get this I bought this at the U.S Marshal Service auction where they were auctioning off all of Bernie madoff's personal items how much did you pay for it I paid 32 000 for it there seemed to be some stir about maybe uh you know a few years from now that's going to have a pedigree like anything associated with Al Capone or John Dillinger he definitely wasn't no component or Dillinger he ripped off little old ladies it wasn't like he was a bootlegger this guy doesn't sound like a gangster to me the kind of scan that Bernie Madoff pulled was named after a guy named Charles Ponzi who in the 1920s made Millions off a fake investment scan the one thing all Ponzi schemes have in common in the end someone gets screwed I have the auction guide and the and it's Lot number 234 18 karat vintage Rolex the serial number and 1936. it's been professionally restored no that's a scary word right there when I hear professionally restored that means that you're going to watchmaker and goes let me replace that dial for you in those hands so this thing looks good and replaces them with a dial that looks brand new but it's worth a lot less money okay we have almost a perfect dial here on a non-waterproof watch which means dust and dirt and everything else should be getting in there generally on a watch this old they don't stay this white and pristine I'm beginning to think maybe some of the parts have been replaced and this is exactly what you don't want to see it ruins the history of the watch so what do you want to do with this I don't sell it and how much did you want for it 75 000. really really it's one of those things where it almost looks too good to be true I need to take a better look at this okay okay um if you don't mind I'm gonna bring it in the back and there's a few things I need to do okay and I'll come back I'll make an offer all right sounds good I've done really well in the past selling stuff connected to famous people but Bernie Madoff he's not anybody's hero made off a side this is an 80 year old Rolex those have a huge collector value if this has all the original parts I'll make an offer in a second okay so what do we find all right uh it's all legitimate Rolex cases Rolex the movements Rolex except for the face and the hands the face of talking the dial you got to realize the dial on this watch is worth five or ten thousand dollars and the hands are actually worth a few thousand dollars the people who buy these kind of watches they would rather have a messed up base as long as it's the original face because a dial in this shape if it was all original we're talking The Watch 35 000. with a screwed up dial 25 000. with a replace dial 15 000. [Music] I mean with replaced Parts I'd give like 10 grand for it hmm I certainly think it's worth more than that uh you know it's with the pedigree on it that's Bernie madoff's watch did you go like 40 000 on it no we are so far apart this is not going to happen all right sorry thank you very much they offered ten thousand dollars for the watch today I really feel like the watch has more value than that so we'll see where we go from there what can I help you with I have a watch here okay apparently it's an old watch I hope so where did you get it a garage sale really cool watch do you mind me asking what you paid for twenty dollars I came into the pawn shop today to try to sell my antique pocket watch I'd like to sell it because I don't collect pocket watches if I get 500 if I get 800 I'll be happy anything works for me do you know much about it I don't know anything about it I just discovered it and it looked cool so uh well I can tell you a little bit about it um it's a uh William Ellery that's an American watch company that later became Waltham Watch Company Abe Lincoln actually carried a welcome watch wow this is absolutely amazing back here um Earl Butler hero saved my life at Cross Keys Robert M Scott that's um something good that is something good it's I'm assuming that's a Civil War the watch is probably 1870s 1880s pretty easy to date him first off it's a key wine and a key set by the 1890s they were almost all going to stem wines that would make it right around the right time period it has to be the Civil War you just increase the cool Factor by like 10 times okay because this actually belonged to a Civil War veteran okay okay that was given to that person by another civil war veteran okay who saved his life at Cross Keys which I'm assuming was a battle one of the greatest gifts you could give in the 19th century was a pocket watch imagine someone gave this to a friend who saved his life during the Civil War I have never seen anything like it do you know if it runs no it's wanting to work it's working that's positive right yes I mean the great thing about this watch is it's an amazing shape it works great the case is an amazing condition we have a porcelain dial on it that doesn't have one crack these things are notorious for cracking there's a huge market for civil war stuff and a pocket watch in this condition with engraving on the back could be worth a fortune collectors would line up out the door to buy this thing I mean this has got me really fascinated right here though I'd really like to find out who these people are these could be important people from the battle okay um I'd like to find out more about the Battle I have a buddy who knows just about everything there was to know about the Civil War there's something special here you might have a lot more money okay all right great I'll be right back thanks since he's calling in the expert that must mean something good I hope so anyway how you doing Mark how's it going doing all right the guys normally call me down here when they've got an historical artifact I have this watch here and the engraving says that it's from the Battle of Cross Keys Battle of Cross Keys was an interesting one this was early on in the Civil War and this was Stonewall Jackson one of the best known generals on the southern side and Cross Keys was one of the battles with Union forces and the Confederates had about 5 800 men in this battle the union side had over 11 000 men in this battle and the Union lost were you able to find out anything about those names or anything like that well there are a number of Robert M Scott's out there there are a number of Earl Butlers out there they don't show up in the historic record uh individually that I could find I mean the watch is really cool I mean it seems like it's from the right time period and everything like that do you think it's legit okay do you mind if I take a closer look at it please okay oh yeah the time period would be probably the late 1880s so the name on it and the serial number both fit that's all good and if you were going to fake a piece like this you would pick a battle that everybody's heard of you know it'd be thanks for saving my life at Gettysburg or something and that the engraving is all hand done in looking at it I think that this is this appears to be correct to me I think it's a very nice memorial from the Civil War this is somebody in post-war years and said I want to say thank you hopefully that helps thanks man not a problem thank you very much what do you want for it two thousand I mean the two people on there are really not known so 700 bucks known 1800. if it didn't happen that engraving on it is literally worth four or five hundred bucks let me give you a thousand dollars for it come on you're gonna make a profit either way how about 15. I just don't know what I'm going to get out of it I'll go 1300 not a dime more 13 will work okay 1300. all right I'll meet you right up front over there all right thanks bought it for twenty dollars and I'm walking out with thirteen hundred dollars I'm ecstatic I couldn't be happier what you got here it's a uh 1983 Seiko TV watch as seen in the James Bond film octopussy no way dude you have the watch from octopussy yep what's cooler than wearing the same watch as James Bond exactly it's the original smart watch I got the TV watch when I was about nine or ten years old I won it in a raffle from a jewelry store I got to play with it once or twice and then I got put back in the Box probably because I was a nine-year-old I was hoping to get about 800 for it and you know I'd like to see what they want to offer me for it see what it's worth oh this thing's sweet in the 1980s Seiko was just ahead of their time when it came to watches they're Innovative and they were pushing the market just to a whole new level I mean Seiko had a couple other watches at the time they had one that had recording Technologies and even made a computer functioning watch we're talking the 1980s when this watch came out there was nothing like it this was actually the smallest TV set in the world it's funny to think this is a smart watch now because it's got this big giant Receiver right here and I imagine you got to put this in your pocket walk around with it yeah the idea was you hook this wire up to the watch and then run it up your sleeve and keep that thing in your shirt pocket and I think they even recommended that you hook a wire up so you can watch it on your VCR you might be able to do that yeah I'm not sure I never got to do that does it work I think it does I mean the watch itself keeps time I actually haven't turned it on to see if the if the TV comes through and in quite some time so okay well you got the plug right here you mind if I try it out yeah let's check it out back in the day this watch was considered super high tech and everybody wanted it it's in really great condition so I could probably find a buyer for it or I could take it home myself oh switch it to TV it's got some fuzzy cereal um imagine you don't get an adapter for this you can't actually get a picture on it so um how much you looking for I've seen them I saw online for upwards of about a thousand bucks and was hoping to get like 800 bucks out of it I just don't see it bringing that much um I think we sold one for uh right around 300 yeah you know was it in this kind of condition I mean this is all original very clean it's got the full box it's even got the instructions but you gotta understand it's cool as it is you know it's just a collector's item because you can't actually watch TV on it I mean we're looking at like 150 bucks could you do a little bit more like you know like 250 I really could and I'm pretty much stuck at 150. I wouldn't fit not even like 200 huh no I mean I just don't know if I'm gonna get 300 out of it you know all right what about 175 you said you probably get 275 out of how about 175 we'll call it a deal foreign thanks just uh meet me over here at the counter all right sounds good I'll take the 175 bucks that I got today and go have some fun with it my folks can't take that one away from me I'm old enough now hey how's it going good gotta watch here I want to get rid of thousand dollars let's talk some money okay you're pretty sure of yourself absolutely I know it's English made and I've been told it's about 400 years old that is definitely cool so have you ever taken this apart or anything like that I never did because I was afraid I might break some okay I don't know how to do it well give me a second I might break it myself I found the pocket watch at a motel I contacted the police department and the lady said I guess it belongs to you just put it in your pocket so that's what I did I put it in my pocket and kept it so we have if you look right here you'll see a lion okay I see that that tells me it's sterling silver which is 92.5 silver right here you see an anchor uh-huh the anchor says it's made in Birmingham England see this little T right here that would be the date code for Birmingham England so do you know what year it was or well that's a great thing I can look all this stuff up all you have to do is go online and type in English silver Hallmarks a million sites will pop up okay I used to have to keep around tons of reference books to look things like this up but now a lot of it's online and here we go right here 1893. 1893 that's a little bit newer yeah not quite 400 years in it yeah but it is 120 years old and it does run very well for a watch that old but they don't go for a lot of money okay what are we talking about not a lot of money 100 bucks no yes no there's a hundred dollars worth of silver in it no there's probably like 20 worth of silver there remember it's silver it's not gold Silver's Worth 22 bucks an ounce you probably got right around an ounce of silver there can you do 500 nope uh like I said 100 bucks is a generous offer on this watch two nope 100 bucks I I can't do it for a hundred I've got Ollie's grandsons I figured I could split the money a little better than I could the watch yeah um I'd give you like 120 bucks but yeah no I can't I can't I can't let it go for that I just can't do it okay well let me put it back together for you I went in hoping to take him by surprise I just said give me a thousand dollars let's don't argue about it but didn't quite work out that way hey how you doing oh pretty good a long time ago do women have really small Pockets back then I came to the pawn shop today to sell my great-grandmother's pocket watch she's been sitting in a box for probably the last 80 years and I might as well let somebody else enjoy it do you know much about it great grandfather bought it for great grandmother for their wedding night she hated it never wore it and she claims that he wanted in a poker game so okay definitely interesting I love the back of it it's absolutely great what is that like a spider web yeah it's a little black widow which uh doesn't seem exactly appropriate for a uh for a wedding gift right right [Laughter] no black widows they mate and then the female spider kills the male spider and eats him yeah it's pretty gnarly [Laughter] neat watch it's um it's a Gruen he's a Gruen there was actually a guy named Bruin and um he let me see came in the states in like the mid-1800s went to watch School in Europe okay now this is not a pocket watch back then when this was made women didn't wear pants so they didn't have pockets I was wondering about that it was a pendant watch okay Gruen watches have been around since the late 1800s and when this watch was made it probably costs two or three hundred dollars which is the equivalent of five or ten thousand dollars today so whoever on this watch had to have been wealthy and not afraid of spiders how much you want for it I thought it would be worth like at least a thousand okay it's a ladies watch women really don't collect old watches okay the one good thing you have going for it though is it's all gold and it's a very interesting case if it didn't have that spider on the back of it I would offer you scrap I'd give you 200 bucks for it [Music] how about 300. give you 200 bucks I think it's fair price okay 200. okay oh you're easy that's why my husband married me I'll go write this up all right okay be careful with it I settled on the 200 because apparently my great-grandmother hated it if she had loved it I would probably feel differently hello how's it going very good how are you doing what do we have here it's a welcome pocket watch and a Salesman sample box okay well it's been a long time since I've seen one of these I'm at the pawn shop today to try to sell my 1899 Waltham pocket watch into salesman sample case of the current condition of this watch is like brand new then it winds and sets and it's in its original display case I'm hoping to get 635 for this pocket watch based on the condition and it still runs great this is pretty cool Waltham started in 1850 it was probably the largest watch company in the United States I know they sold over 35 million watches you know their cheapest watch when this was made was probably like 15 bucks and in 1900 a decent pay was like two or three bucks a day so this was a whole week's pay they've been like everyone back then needed a watch Abraham Lincoln carried a wealth and pocket watch that was one of their early claims to fame you know Abraham Lincoln carries a Waltham you know and then uh the Europeans started making wrist watches suddenly wrist watches became really cool really quick all the American watch companies were going under they just couldn't compete with the Europeans they couldn't retool fast enough welcome went out of business in like the uh 1950s this looks like it was made right around 1900 ish and it was 18.99 you know as you can see it's still impeccable okay so what makes you think this is a Salesman sample pocket watch uh well they have the open back uh with the glass display they would have put that at a jewelry store to show the quality of the movement and then they could have chosen which case they wanted to have it put in um but here's your thing this is not a pocket watch no is that right this is a travel clock huh if you were traveling there wasn't a clock in the hotel room Parks were expensive they knew that people would steal them but everyone had a travel clock they put on the nightstand that's why it has this big long stem it's easier to set and everything like that yeah and this was on the nightstand and you know what time it was and um that's exactly what it is it's a travel clock okay so what are you looking to do with it I was looking to sell it how much you want 635. um I couldn't even come close to that if it was some special weird pocket watch I'd probably jump all over it but um there's not a lot of people who collect travel clocks okay I'd be like I get 200 bucks out of it I don't know I like it a lot better than that I mean it's from 1899. could you no I could get 200 bucks out of it I'll offer you 100 bucks oh no no I couldn't do that I go one and a quarter no I couldn't do that I'm sorry well if you change your mind I'm here all the time thank you I was hoping to make a deal today but it just wasn't the right time
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,613,779
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Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, TOP 7 TOP DOLLAR WATCHES, Pawn Stars, rick harrison, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, corey harrison, pawn stars do america, pawn stars do america clips, pawn stars deals, pawn stars on the road, pawn stars watches
Id: mqlKkl0K1x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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