Pawn Stars: Taking a Chance | History
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Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,323,883
Rating: 4.7870116 out of 5
Keywords: channel, Pawn, Stars, shop, las, vegas, Harrison, family, richard, rick, corey, History, history channel, pawn stars, a&e television networks, award-winning work, documentary, e television networks, reality television, the history channel, austin 'chumlee' russell, corey harrison, richard benjamin harrison, rick harrison, profession, taking a chance, american restoration, counting cars, silver pawn shop, shop pawn stars, son rick harrison, pawnbroker, a chance
Id: lQHKSk54Lfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2010
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