[MUSIC PLAYING] What's going on there, my man? Hey, what's up? Back again. Good to see you. And I bring you the
sword from "Zelda." It doesn't look
like Excalibur that was pulled out of the stone. It looks like it was
in a pile of rocks. Actually, it got
pulled out of the rock. It's just been sitting
there waiting-- No, no, no.
This was under a pile of rocks. It wasn't pulled
out of the rock. This was in a pile of rocks. [LAUGHTER] I have a very
old what I believe is a Moorish sword from
the 17th century that was found in a cave in England. I'm looking to hopefully
get 200 bucks out of it. If Rick and I are
able to make a deal, I'm going to take that money
and put it into fixing my car and keeping it on the road. So this thing is just
in amazing condition. Some people would
call this patina. I call this rust. You know, just clean
it up a little bit. You can cut your vegetables,
watermelon, potatoes. Yeah, you know, whatever. OK, so how much do you
want for this beauty? I don't know. I was thinking maybe 200 bucks. Let me call up someone
who actually knows what they're talking about. OK. I got a friend in town, and he
will hopefully know about this. I just don't know a lot
about Middle Eastern swords, and apparently--
- You don't know. I don't know. Let's get the expert in here and
see if we can figure this out. OK.
I'm going to go give him a call. All right. And he's probably going
to tell us it's worthless. OK. All right, sounds good. If it was anybody else, I
would just say, forget it. But over the years,
I've made a lot of money off Spencer, a lot
more than he's cost me. So what the heck? Let's give this thing a shot. [CASH REGISTER RINGS] Hey, how's it
going, [INAUDIBLE]?? Hey, how you doing, brother? Good. I haven't seen
you for a while. So Spencer is a friend of
mine, and he bought this sword. And we don't know
anything about it. I mean, you can tell
it's Middle Eastern, and that's all I know about it. Can I take a look at it, Rick? Sure. It's definitely a
pulwar from Afghanistan. It was a one-handed sword--
could be either hand. And this end piece was created
so that it wouldn't slip out of the hand while wielding it. And the curve is in the
first third of the sword. The reason for that is because
this was a horseback sword. The warrior would
be riding the horse and slicing the enemy
or the other horses or whatever from horseback,
and they didn't want it to slide out of the hand. OK. So when was it made? The 17th century. It's a neat piece. OK, so what's it worth? As is, 500 bucks, maybe. But actually, if I
restore this for you, it'll be worth on
the outside 5 grand. And how much to restore it? 1,500 bucks. OK. Thanks, man.
I'll let you know. Thanks a lot. Good to see you. All right. All right, well let me
go get you 200 bucks, dude. $200? Not going to happen. $450. Well, there's not a lot of
money to be made here, dude. I know I got to leave
you a little room. All right, $250. $350. I'm just-- I'm already
cutting that low. Come on. All right, 300 bucks. All right. You better-- you better hook me
up on the next one, man. $300. All right. Yeah, sure. Yeah, like you hook me
up all the time, right? I'll meet you over there, dude. All right, man, I'll
see you over there. I only paid $15 for this
piece, so I'm going to walk out of here with a good profit. And again, I can't wait
to see what this sword looks like fully restored. What'd you buy now? What? I don't know. This came in the mail for you. I don't know. I get lots of
things in the mail. Oh, it's my sword. You bought a new sword? Were you going hunting with it
with your hat and everything or-- It's a 300-year-old
Afghan pulwar. I bought the thing off
Spencer for 300 bucks, and then I paid Dave
1,500 bucks to restore it. It was nothing but a bucket
of rust when I got it, and he brought it
all back to perfect. Well, it looks cool enough. We're 1,800 bucks into it. What's it worth? It's worth 5,000 bucks. It's an amazing sword. It's got great history. And like I always tell you,
all the value's in the story, and this has just
got a great story. It's literally
over 300 years old, and now it looks
like it's brand new. I'm not complaining. It looks like you
did a good job. I'm just more concerned
about the hat. You going for like an Elmer
Fudd thing or something or-- I don't know. I thought the hat was cool,
I bought it, all right? Stop making those
decisions yourself. But good job on the sword, pops. Will you go put
this in the case? Sure. Put a tag on it. Afghan pulwar. I like that. [MUSIC PLAYING]