Pawn Stars: MILLION DOLLAR Soviet Union Cold War Uniforms (Season 8) | History

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RICK: What do we got here? KJ: We've got a Soviet Cold War era general's uniform. RICK: All right. So what are you, a communist? [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] KJ: Uh, no. [LAUGHTER] I just like the-- that's very good. COREY: I barely remember the whole Cold War thing. I mean, I was born right at the end of it. RICK: Yeah, it is such a different world. Young people don't even realize what it was like back then, because I remember having nuclear bomb drills. KJ: Absolutely. [BOMB DRILL NOISE] [LAUGHTER] COREY: What did a nuclear bomb drill consist of? RICK: Getting underneath your desk, because that's going to save you from a nuclear bomb. KJ: Well, y-- they used a buddy system. You hold your buddy, and you drop your drawers, and he kisses your ass goodbye. [LAUGHTER] RICK: That's true. You know, your grandpa was at the blockade of Cuba. COREY: Really? RICK: Yeah. You know, here's his ship, here is a Russian ship, and they've both got their guns pointed at each other. And we had nuclear-tipped torpedoes, and they had nuclear-tipped torpedoes. COREY: I think the Old Man was probably trying to buy one off somebody. [LAUGHTER] RICK: The Cold War was terrifying. We were literally on the brink of World War III for decades. It's amazing to think that the person who wore these uniforms was one of the bad guys. And how much do you want? KJ: I'd like to get $900,000. [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] RICK: Well, I could do $800,000, not $900,000. KJ: No, no, or-- No, no, I meant or $1,000. RICK: OK, well, I'm-- KJ: OK, make it $1,000-- RICK: --just going to forget you said $1,000, and we're going to start at $900. KJ: OK. You're tough, I tell you. RICK: Um, do you mind if I call someone up to look at them? Because I have no idea what they're worth. KJ: Oh, sure. Absolutely. RICK: OK. KJ: Please do. CRAIG GOTTLIEB: How are you doing? RICK: Good, how are you? Corey-- COREY: What's new? RICK: This guy stole your dad's jacket. [LAUGHTER] CRAIG GOTTLIEB: I know this is going to come as a surprise, but my dad was a little shorter than this-- [LAUGHTER] --because these are huge. Holy smokes. RICK: So he's got some Soviet jackets that are obviously for generals, I imagine. Can you tell me when they're made? Is there any cool ribbons there? CRAIG GOTTLIEB: Most of these medals are Post-World War II. RICK: OK. CRAIG GOTTLIEB: You do have an Order of Lenin here, which is important-- right there on the first one. RICK: So we do have Order of Lenin? CRAIG GOTTLIEB: Yes, you do. The Order of Lenin is the highest civil award given both to civilians and to the military for a contribution to the motherland. It's impressive. And you'll notice it's first because it's this guy's highest medal. RICK: OK. CRAIG GOTTLIEB: And as you know, Stalin killed most of his senior-level leadership in the '30s, so most guys got their start as officers during World War II, and after the war. In the Cold War, he rose through the ranks like this guy. There was nothing cold about the Cold War. We almost lost civilization many times. The Soviets' idea of government was very different from our idea of government in the west. So immediately, there was a conflict, and we knew that was coming. What's most interesting about this piece is the history behind it. This guy was not in the military when he wore these uniforms because he was a member of the KGB. RICK: OK. CRAIG GOTTLIEB: This is-- these are KGB uniforms. Um, the reason you can tell is they've got red piping. He was a colonel general, which is a three-star general. So this is not a guy you want to cross and make upset. RICK: OK. COREY: He's definitely a big son of a [BLEEP].. [LAUGHTER] CRAIG GOTTLIEB: KGB is state security service, not an organization you'd want to cross if you were living in Soviet Europe. Talk about Soviet control, you're talking about the KGB. Jackets-- I can probably tell you exactly when they were made. Um, look at the buttons. They are often dated. This says, um, '76. RICK: More or less at the height of Soviet power. CRAIG GOTTLIEB: At the height of Soviet power, these were made. RICK: So what are they worth? CRAIG GOTTLIEB: Um, for the pair-- [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC] --$650 to $750. KJ: [INAUDIBLE] CRAIG GOTTLIEB: Yeah. KJ: That-- it seems to me that it would be a heck of a lot more than that. Now that I know that that is a Order of Lenin, that makes me even want to get more money for it. CRAIG GOTTLIEB: Uniforms like this don't attract the excitement that, for example, World War II era uniforms attract. RICK: OK. It's just they're too damn new. CRAIG GOTTLIEB: Yeah, they're just new. I mean, maybe in 50 years, these things will be very valuable. RICK: Thanks for coming in. CRAIG GOTTLIEB: OK, Rick. Thanks, appreciate it. KJ: Well, I'm not really happy about it. I thought it would be worth, like, $1,000 at least. RICK: I'll tell you what. I'll give you $400 for them. KJ: Look at it, it's got the Order of Lenin. You can't go any better than that? I mean-- RICK: You know-- KJ: --knowing-- RICK: --I-- I wish I could. And I think $400 is a fair price. KJ: You can't go five and a half? [RICK SIGHS] RICK: No. I'll tell you what. I'll give you four and a quarter. KJ: How about $450? [SIGH] RICK: I mean, I just don't know if they're going to sell. Um-- COREY: Everything sells eventually, pop. RICK: Yeah, I just don't want it to be eventually 20 years from now. COREY: And I guess that would be my problem, not yours, right? [LAUGHTER] All right, we'll do $450, man. KJ: Appreciate it. COREY: OK, thank you. RICK: All right, he'll write you up. COREY: Meet me over there. KJ: Thank you. Thank you. $450 will probably get me, uh, a bottle of wine and a couple of-- good night stay when on my trip to Europe.
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Id: vVeiqXFN16c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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