Pawn Stars: American One-Cent Coin Is Neither American nor a Coin (Season 10) | History

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I h I have a pea penny I'd likelike to sellsell. DEALER: ER: That is- is-- w- no not a pennpenny. DANIDANIEL: It'sIt's not a p? DEALER: Uh: Uh, no.. The Une United Sta States s nevenever made ade a penn. Most peo people don'don't reali. ThosThose damn Bmn Brits mad m, bu but we've 've never mar mad. We've 've always mys made a . And the the reason won why it'd eda centcent is becabecause it'- two two differenerent thin. S So we mad made cen. [lau[laughing]g] It's an an Americanican coin, in, and it wit was mintminted just ust aftere got got our indeindependee from Eom England, nd, so very- 1791.91. I boI bought it it from n indiindividual aal about 30 3. I'd I'd like to to get at lat . I don'don't think ink I'll e an any less tss than tha. DEALERALER: Early rly Americanie an aan absolute ute nightmartma. You reu really hav have o know what hat you're dre do, or expeexpensive mie mistak. or you can can maken Bu be But if it it is real,eald be talkingking a lot oo. Did Did you hav have an ia whatwhat you wan wanted for? DANIDANIEL: WellWell, I had ha- it's 20 20 years ags ago n- but fromfrom a man wan whI think isk is still all aro. And he ohe offered med me $2,00. Who kho knows?? I meanmean, quite ite franklys sworth rth anywherehere betweeng and God knd knows how how m. So I'm g'm going to to ge my buddy ady a call.l. I' him him come dow down her, I'm going ing to hae and hed he's goingoing to look. And hed he's goingoing to explain ain it to meo me and. Be an Because I e I don't kw anything ang about . I just dst don't. .I thinthink you gou got a few . LookLook around.und. MaybMaybe there'ere's-- see u ocan spn spend somesome of your. DA DANIEL: Th: Thank y. I'm I'm a bit ext excite. I think ink a secondcond opn is gis going to to be gre. It is is a real cal coi. It is is an Amerimerican c. It It is earlearly. An see the the value ine in it I And hopefupefully, he l see in iin it-- or mor maybe. DA DAVID: Oh, Oh, fantastt. OK. Well, th, this is kis kid of iof interestiesting. OK, OK, this is is neithr a coa coin nor Aor Americ, but it'sit's very imy import to tto the earlyarly coine hi history ofy of the Uni Unit. Th 17 This was aas actually llyn 1791, as tas the date ate, in Birmingmingham, Eng Engl. DANIEL: EL: Really?ly? DA - Birminghingham, EnglE. DAVID: Yea Yeah. - DAVID: TD: This was was acty manufanufactured wed with ay specspecific com commercial i. The The United Sed States Mis not founfounded untiuntil ar afteafter this wis was str. In 1In 1791, the the Unitd Statesates Congresgress was workworking withwith all all sorts ofs of ides ab about estaestablishinghing . And And one of tof the possios was ths that they hey were g to con contract out out the sg nof coi coinage to to an enterg EnglEnglishman oan of the nae . He cHe created ted the diesr this, and and then the theye strustruck at a t a mint in in. They sey shipped aed a ke- we kno know of one one ke- to theirheir agents nts n Philadelphelphia, and ay Ph distristributed thd them to als of con congressmensmen, senaton. In otherther words, ds, they weg to wto win a gov government en. A ch And the khe king didt chop theirheir fings of off or any anything fog? DAVIDAVID: No, so, surprisi. DEALDEALER: So iSo is it r? DAVID: WD: Well, I'm I'm gg to checkheck it withwith a e justjust to makemake sur. It is- is-- it's s's struk ratherther than can cast, k and it hit has the ehe engrail. The surfsurfaces are are cor. EverEverything ang about t is ais absolutelutely corr. This iis is genuinnuine. - - OK, sweesweet. An a And now, iw, is it woh a million ion dolla? No. [laughinghing] DEALDEALER: WhatWhat is it actuactually wortwort? DAVID:VID: Based ued upon condition,ion, theyy range nge from $20 $200 or $r $400 up up to $3,003,000 or 0 or $5,005,000 if you you get ot tis jus just in ama amazing con. This cis coin fallfalls que a bia bit short ort of th. Th co This is ths the kind f coin that hat retais somesomewhere are around $75 . And it wit will veryvery acty se sell at tht that leve. OK. OK. Hey Hey, not a t a probl. ThanThank you.u. OK. OK. All rig right. Best of of luck. Thank ank you. . - Thank ank you. - See yoe you soon, on, m. As with ath all colleollece lcoins,ins, conditidition is iny important ant to detereterminin. This iis is a veryvery nicenice coin, an, and its wortworth a resprespectable b. Actuallually, it's t's wortht more tha than I thouthought i. I'd gid give you $ou $500 fo. I've stilstill got a t a $0 offer fer on the the table f. 00 And ifd if I do, Io, I havo checcheck on tha that fir. To negonegotiate ate at ts point int would bed be mo. s Be I would cod come near ear t. Because the there's nosy So sSo see if thf the guy isl willinlling to pay pay you $. ll If not not, come bme bac, and we'll 'll talk.. I I'll givegive it a t. We We may see see each oth o. - - OK. Have a n a nice day,day, m. . - ThanThank you.u. I I think, sk, since I h I har offer befobefore, hopehopef, it'll stl still be obe out t.
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 3,552,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, pawn, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, pawn shop, rick harrison, corey harrison, meteorite, history pawn stars, history channel pawn stars, pawn stars show, pawn shop in las vegas, pawn stars rick harrison, pawn stars chumlee, Pawn Stars Season 10, Pawn Stars S10, Pawn Stars Se10, Pawn Stars Season 10 episodes, England, One Cent Coin
Id: CLCih_-RuCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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