Pawn Stars: 1958 Snoopy Comic Book (Season 9) | History

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I have a Snoopy book from 1958 the new penis book featuring Snoopy by Charles Schulz and a hand-drawn picture by Charles oh that's pretty cool if you're going to learn to swim Lucy why don't you begin with the dog pedal then the next caption you got Snoopy doing the dog paddle on the back just coasting along I guess they're mad Snoopy can just swim like that I'd like to try and sell my stupid comic book I'm my favorite character cuz newbie I used to have a Snoopy dog when I was little my mom would buy me all the outfits to dress him in I'm hoping today to get about 5,000 for it the least I'll take probably a thousand so where did you get this my uncle actually sent it to me when I was about 8 and we've had it packed away and I came across it all right I've never seen this particular book but this looks more like the comic strip right Oh Lucy that's cute did you draw that I didn't draw that no I'm hoping that it was shows that drew it yeah that would make this book pretty special there was huh right I know there's a lot of salt stuff out there and this is iconic so a lot of this stuff has been faked over time I'm sure do you know how much you want five thousand five thousand that's a lot I'll give you five for it right now if you want to sell it I'm not thousand yeah oh five thousand all right well if you don't mind I got a friend Rebecca she's the manager at Bowman rare books and she sees lots of Schulz and lots of peanuts stuff so she could tell us all about this book all right hi Joe hey Rebecca I got a book for you so it's peanuts but when I think of peanuts I think of a little comic strip in the Sunday paper right so let's take a look shall we you've got the four panels for each of them that's the way that Schulz did the comics for 50 years no comic strips are pretty popular in the 50s when this started that being said peanuts changed everything it became the hit Schultz made millions from peanuts you know it's actually in pretty beautiful shape the paper wrappers essentially the what we call it paperback they're really really fragile and this one looks really nice another thing is this red color tends to fade a lot and this red is actually really bright and beautiful so it's it's quite nice thinking we took care of it yeah and then we've got this drawing here we need to figure out if it's by Schultz I assume if that's what you wanted right right since she got this when she was eight from an uncle I'm wondering to their uncle just draw this picture and sign it or did Schulz actually draw this picture that's a good question because probably about half or maybe even a little more than half are fake so you have to be super super careful when it comes to Schulz well that's what I called you for so the thing about Schulz though is you can tell his drawings from others because he was doing this every day for 50 years forgers they're really drying trying to be really careful getting exact with this you can see there's some blotting with the pen and the ink was having a little bit of a hard time coming out there it's really hard for forgers to recreate so for that reason both the drawing and the signature are real awesome those are worth five thousand dollars though that is the question if it were drawn with Snoopy it could maybe get up that high with Lucy though it's actually worth less I would say you're looking at 3,200 to 3,500 awesome Wow all right well thank you my pleasure thank you so much the type of person who would buy this book is the type of person who would read the comic strip which is pretty much anyone who grew up between 1950 and 2000 if Chum did buy this book I don't think you'd have a problem in the world selling it would go like that all right so how much do you want to sell for um what about 3 mm that's that's a lot higher than I want to go I'd be willing to take a chance right around 1,200 what about 25 I'm really looking more down the 1,200 area you know maybe maybe stretched it out to 14 okay what about two I mean she said it herself he's really popular 14 is gonna be where I it's just more uncomfortable at so if you want to take 14 I can do it for you all right I'll take 14 all right it's a deal all right thank you all right I'll meet you right over here all right I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get as much for it as she said it was worth but I'm just happy that it all worked out that it was real wow this thing is nice this was like one of the Holy Grails of American coins I'll do 95 that's it no I don't think so I think I'm gonna take it home
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 483,800
Rating: 4.7340875 out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, pawn, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, pawn shop, rick harrison, corey harrison, chumlee, chum lee, peanuts, snoopy, comic, charles schulz, snoopy comics, old snoopy comics, snoopy comics pawn stars, charles schulz drawing, charlie brown, charlie brown comics, charlie brown snoopy, snoopy charlie brown, 1950s snoopy comics
Id: s-5sTG3zcAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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