Pawleys Island South Carolina

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hello folks today we're going to talk  about prolex island but before we go   there please like and subscribe it helps  our channel out welcome to travels are us so paulie's island is a town in south carolina on  the barrier islands of the same name it is known   for its beaches and sand dunes and there are  actually you don't see any hotels out there all   you see are little homes little houses it also has  a historical district out there from 18th century   and brook green garden is not too far from the  place here goes a map of the place as you can see   now the beach that we're talking about  is located way down at the bottom tip   and another thing about this place is  it's only 20 miles south of myrtle beach   so if you decide to go to myrtle beach i recommend  that you stop off at this location and just relax   it's not going to be the action-packed  place that you see downtown myrtle beach   area however it is a place where you just could  sit back relax for the day enjoy nature and if   you're a fisherman or fish or woman this is the  place to go fishing and again it's not crowded   later on you're going to see the parking  lot of the place i'm going to show you that   and some of the area of the area of the beach  but please enjoy just this drive right now do do do we have now made it to the parking lot now if you  notice there's not that much parking out here i   didn't sit down and count it but i don't think  there's more than 50 parking spaces for vehicles   but it's where it it's what makes it  nice it's the thing is there's not a   lot of parking so that means that  the beach could never get crowded   and um there are some porta potties out there  that you could use but the best part is the   actual beach now if you notice as i'm walking  down towards the front of the parking lot you   can see right there on the right there's a house  and that house is basically right on the beach   and those are the kind of homes you find out here  homes on stilts and earlier i said they're little   homes but in reality they're kind of big they're  not that small and most of them are vacation homes   but the reason i'm working up here is so i  could show you the sign that kind of tells   you the parts of the rules with hours of operation  that kind of thing but today as you can see they   were doing some type of work out here it looks  like some electrical lines they were working on   but again i'm going to show you the actual  rules that are applied to this place we are about to enter the beach portion  of it and um again some more rules up here   so i'll stop off for a second so you  can see what these rules are about do wow look at that beach look at that water now  look at how empty the place is there is nobody   well there are a few people you saw the parking  lot kind of full with the i guess the majority of   maybe 50 cars max but there's somebody out there  flying the kite look at the dunes right here you   won't find things like these in in myrtle beach  maybe if anybody out there could actually show me   big dunes like that will tell me where to find  them in myrtle beach please comment and let me   know but if you notice there's people out there  fishing um like heights there's actually some   people walking out there getting ready to set  up and look how much space you have and this is   one of the main reasons why i like to come to  this beach i come to this beach to go fishing   as well as just to sit there and enjoy nature wait  till you see the other side there's one side is   the atlantic ocean the other side is the inlet  the portion of uh it's like almost a peninsula   when you saw the map earlier you can see that  it's a peninsula type of shape of a little island   so please enjoy this video and  i'll come back on in a few seconds   the day we were out there was very windy so i kind  of had to sit behind the sand dune and there goes   our our chairs that we kind of sat and we actually  faced the inlet part if you look across you'll see   some houses out there on the other side but again  when high tide this water is pretty fast it's   almost like a lazy river you could actually put  something out there and just kind of float up and   down that little peninsula area the inlet and it's  really nice again i come fishing out here and when   it's low tide it's not really good fishing on this  side i go fishing on the other side uh but at high   tide i like to come out here and this inlet goes  way in there where there's a few bridges up there   where you cross to go into the island and there's  a bunch of people that sit out there fishing   so again it's you need to come out  here and really enjoy this place now like i was saying earlier look at  some of these little mansions across that   inlet area beautiful homes i wish  i could afford something like that   that's okay i still go to the beach fishing do now it's time to start walking back to the  parking lot getting ready to go back home   now if you see a little flickering item it was  actually windy so as i was holding my camera   the strap was just flapping all over the place  and it would catch in front of the camera there   but again it's time to go home so  i'm walking back to the parking lot taking another picture back going just panning  around to the back of the inlet area before i   leave so i won't forget how it looked again it's  a very beautiful place you should come visit so do yes we're about to drive off now look  at that house that we saw earlier right   at the edge of the parking now from there  we're driving back look at these beautiful   big homes they're not really little homes  and again their vacation rental type of   property a lot of these you'll see signs  that say they're for rent vacation rentals   as you're driving by if you're interested  i would just turn around and drive through   there and take some numbers down and give them a  call i don't really know what the prices are but   probably a pretty penny now if you look across  the street from the houses there they have piers   and uh i'm assuming that they belong to those  houses in front of them and then you could go   fishing in the inlet portion if you rented out the  place but again a very beautiful place to visit do so now don't forget about paulie's  island you have beaches   and also wetlands and i will again recommend  that you go and enjoy yourself on a day out   here and if you like this video please like  and subscribe please provide some comments   any little help that you do makes helps this  channel grow and this is basically my hobby   i like to play around making little videos and  showing people the area here goes one of those   bridges i was talking about and there goes the  inlet of the water you'll see people fishing   on these bridges every once in a while again  thank you for watching take care and be safe
Channel: Travels R Us
Views: 16,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, camping, tear drop, camper, nucamp, food, national parks, travels, vacation, recreational, cruise, cruising, recreational vehicle, europe, parks, teardrop
Id: VNzF5aKfnKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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