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[Music] [Music] what's inside this giant blue surprise oh I like your writing tale [Applause] the surprise but that is me J it's chase what's that paw patrol paw patroller let me see whoa wow he makes noise so that's well yeah [Music] I wonder if that's it I'd say don't worry we have a surprise oh yeah you're right ahead thank you show Masha Everest yeah [Music] Oh Marshall hit chase Oh Marshall knock them over hey only look not Jason oh yeah he not chase uh-oh what joint is your favorite puppet show I like Marshall oh really uh your Oh Oh Marshall knocked over chase again they all failure what's inside [Music] [Music] what's that it's rocky recycle truck [Music] [Applause] I wonder what's inside is water leskew bad wa water rescue pack Wow I can't wait to open this dog looks like a frog are you surprised move around the papper cha-cha and eggs that fire why are you paw patrol let's get Marshall change the lidocaine [Applause] [Music] let's go find marshals [Music] [Music] [Music] on wrong Jase [Applause] [Music] is that it's an acting battle but look they're all metallic you write the are on metallic heroes special vision metallic poppet oh nice that's Skye rocky chase address Zuba Marshall rubble and a man again a and gentle Emma let's transform rubble nice shooting water yeah once a shooter once a microphone there Oh keys to of it opens to I sky she's so high in the sky I'm on fire oh my goodness lace up your dress this button popped always wrong Oh oops nice step put out the fire [Applause] [Music] hey there [Music] she's flying up to the lookout place yeah [Music] all right good job chase Chase is on the case [Music] paw Patrol jumbo action pop Lysol so cute it's a which I had changed oh yeah chase would have been cool to see what to make in their egg it's a new man it's Captain America it's Captain America chase what are you doing I'm fine dad what are you doing chase I'm working I'm trying to find that I try to find an egg you see something yeah nice chickaletta made it they both made it [Applause] see you chase I see you got it so windy Brian chase is all dirty now thank you so windy outside right oh hey kids what's going on with that oh really Wow new way see that word over nice show us how it works [Music] we even like that welcome to ryan toysreview [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] I'm going to steal surprised and exist Ryan is not in his room go up there this is Ryan's room what bar them and you have my surprise egg give it to me never this is Ryan and surprise egg I'm holding it for him you can never take the surprise egg Darth Vader I'm just gonna take egg and also you too I guess Fargo man and egg I don't know we better check it out yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] I'm hide them in a bathroom no one can find him [Music] in here somebody help me Oh je [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see anything chase do you need a change the thing is coming from the bathroom [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you so much chase for rescuing me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Spray spider went on you and you never do that spider in this story black kid why do you give them back what is it it looks like a dinosaur something maybe it's open it who's that interests he's a good time oh yeah hi chase what do you have there Wow [Music] get back whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to ryan toysreview [Music] Oh another surprise egg watching me take this egg run away is that a bad guy stealing surprise egg let's go get him stop you cannot get the surprise egg that's not yours stop no it's not give it back give it back since you found me stealing the enemy higher in honor treat tie you up in the tree there no you cannot bother me anymore chase I think marshals in trouble someone tie him to a tree and still the surprise bag [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tell of catch a bad guy from Joe Arnold [Music] no all my egg my egg that's mine chase is too strong I'm gonna run away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm out of here [Music] that guy ever comes back [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thomas and Friends BB launcher nice [Music] [Music] whoa hi chase Wow yeah big surprise paw Patrol egg today and you what whoa who are you you're the real chase old did to chase which one's real I am the real one or this is the real one oh that's just a balloon wow that's a big balloon chase and he wake up so cool welcome sir I enjoy my meal hey Ryan chase what do you have here whoa that's so big with rubble the double okay let's see what's the way you have inside well what is that okay whoa yeah patroller that's so cool when Robo dog that's so cool whoa it's really flying let's open it open it oh that's so cool so that's the air patroller and oh you knocked down the Robo dog a dog and a lava dog oh really the papel turn show me oh wow mmm it's really fine well guys let's see if he can fit on top of the Patrol oh let's see Marshall and Skye oh it's small show with his fire truck and Skye with the helicopter what happened to Skye Wow crash look there's our show opens what do you think yeah it's just being a little rocky to the hospital whoa the drummer whoa that's so cool that's a big we open you later new lucky toes underwater you have to connect this thing hmm you have to connect that tingle inside the wallet yeah and I think that's Wally the warrants Oh comes with the rider to trash oh I see can they put it inside there yeah hey what there's a anchor there to anchor this vehicle so cool and Wally the walrus no Wally the walrus oh I need you drive all right [Music] [Music] here's what's included in the package oh it's so cool it's rocky it up it's pretty heavy nice package oh yeah the drill in the back the whole don't forget your buddy he made a hole already right there [Music] [Applause] sitting rubble you can pick up the old batteries and put inside the box keys Oh [Music] oh he get up by himself all right kids let's see if we can catch Ryan right I'm speeding up he lands safely so bubbly he may crush nice all right now we have every Skye rubble Marshall cage chase well chase this vehicle is a much bigger than L once hi welcome to ryan toysreview [Music] hey Ryan hi what do you have here a Papa Joe Boise hey paw patrol rescue training centre muscle and not of atro jumbo action pup with marshal unboxing time please okay let's go tomorrow night Mr Shaw set the puck pack yeah let's see we can open it okay the bass you with water you press this button on top to blast water which what Oh which button yes one in this one this one is hi there nice hi Marshall everybody's up here if you didn't make it this hat it's a trunk here you fell down oh no that anything is in the tree oh no it's gonna rescue her Chase is on the case [Music] there you go kitty climbing particularly do that mm-hmm you have to hold it yeah yeah yeah climb in kitty [Music] [Music] oh no chickaletta's in trouble Everest is here to save the day whoa what is it man doing up there it's automatic movie well let's you pay for the slide do you see me cam do you see me recording you yeah [Music] [Music] that's awesome right yeah an evening to its relative hey Ryder we also have Everest fly Everest unboxing time you got it whoo welcome to ryan toysreview here's what it looks like out of the package anything inside nothing that's pop up truck yeah you can also put rider in there have a seat rider can close the cover now I can see you [Applause] [Music] hi rubble and Marshall how are you guys today good knowledge open Everest okay nice just going on a ride I was writer vehicle hey I'm right you and she oh [Music] that's cool Brian she's hanging oh no Zuma who's gonna help me zoom up see helping him okay everything on top okay you don't know what I'm doing guys what are you doing to me paw Patrol [Music] it's time for a ride ever spell out what they have fun would ride like that I don't know busy every Cisco there yeah [Music] so dangerous rider like that so changes versus what have you hurt yourself rider rider oh the hoses whole vehicle yeah it watch this welcome to ryan toysreview [Music] hi Ryan what are you playing with today I'm playing with polish rely onyx we have a turtle rescue rubble rubble saves the turtle but easy little turtles we also have to look out with Marshall yeah cool we need to build this one and it comes with a fire truck okay I think I'm good Marshall teller okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] two plus two beer a ball [Music] [Music] now I'm gonna make the bridge so first you need these green this looks like fine [Music] [Music] are you lecturing me turtle it's not if you just fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right we made a big mess in here [Music] welcome to ryan toysreview Oh Superman Superman oh that was bad right back back [Music] okay again Oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Rafi on the donkey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah anybody can you say [Music] how are you doing mister okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like a pattern because it was no more spies give mrs. chase this is Marshall this is Bravo this is rocky [Music] [Music] thank for that [Applause] my to Marshall and chain oh yeah both Marshall and chase now and they're both on rollerblade what are you writing on there's a green button there [Applause] [Music] they also bear workshop welcome sir I enjoy them you'll be fine chase Oh with the autumn Elsa I've changed Chase is over there anything what are you making today [Music] see this he's hard enough taking these hard enough he hard like the marsh the other one yeah [Music] okay ready some fun [Music] [Music] okay you are too big for that [Music] I'm not Ryan Chase is naked all right [Music] nice I'll just wallow [Applause] play it it's people sticking up what he needed you ate it its ear one of its ear I am [ __ ] me here what if he can't hear anymore you cannot hear on that side only on that side yeah [Music] oh the big one I'll knock down welcome to ryan toysreview oh your bubble vomit face is bubbling all the big one [Music] [Music] waiting to the drum [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and what do they keep swimming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] oh hey Ryan hi what are you HOT their house okay nice beach rescue welcome to ryan toysreview unboxing time please for pups rubble rocky marshall chase nice oh they know they can all write together [Applause] the lookout yeah so look out the doors turned the winner is the one with the most treat ok Ryan who do you want to be chase chase chase is on the case what about you daddy rubble rubble go which toxin you're gonna get which mystery token do you want chase what did you get I swing which color is that [Music] [Music] don't you put the swing back you get us straight get a purple tree alright so drop it in your headquarter your base hey guys [Music] okay so now Ryan have one treat that was time travel double I'm going to pick this mystery treat girl Kelly um bring Kelly back to the pink house good job rubble for saving the day you get a treat pink treat all right one treat all right chase which one what is that sounds I'm so close to it because you are close thank you for bringing it back you get it yellow tree a little sweat all around yeah all right all right has to treat now which one you want this time rebel swamp but oh that's a triple bone counts us three treats Oh daddy's winning no baby has four treats and you only have two treats Ryan which one you want yeah chase you rescue kitty now I got three like you okay Oh daddy has another triple treat three trees I have seven now seven and Ryan has three treats I didn't know chase the fly can you find him you soon Arius you get any yellow treats for doing a good job or saving the day good job chase how many treats you have now right I think that four before I get just gonna be you time [Music] oh my god blue treats my daddy got the last tree game over because there's no more treats left on the mat so let's count up your treats one two three four five seven ten treats what are you daddy one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 okay Ryan has came tree and then daddy has 14 treats it was the winner [Laughter] nice ride any things you won the paw patrol game here's your eighth surprise nice okay fine my upstage mm kids total mayor is it Phil what don't mean me show me me thank you final or against rape you later bye and the electives and please I fight every a lot more paw patrol but I believe I please click on one of these videos for I enjoy it more fun [Music] you
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 23,313,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paw patrol, paw patrol surprise toys, giant surprise eggs, paw patrol in real life, paw patrol toys, power wheels, ride on car, chase, marshalls, rubble, paw patrol costumes, paw patrol power wheels, Paw Patroller, look out tower, nickelodeon toys, nickelodeon shows, skye, everest, rocky, in real life, kids video, kids toys, giant egg, toys surprise, toys collectors, kids ride on car, toys collections, paw patrol surprise tent
Id: wIbrgf1KupQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 40sec (4840 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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