"Paul's Testimony" Gospel Concert Video directed by Darryl D Lassiter

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thank you Jesus Jimmy placing soft music for me let me talk to him one minute you promise so long wherever I go I've been waiting a long time for this night to come I don't say something on tape if you be true to yourself and speak the truth the truth will set you free I'm talking about the particular company will wit but solar company with let us do a video their company on time eight to you people said I would even cut but in you ready yeah with you a lot wait through a lot to be here tonight so many things that never through it our way on this record but we are guilty but you are but I promise I don't know when I got sick those that no one happened to be noticed a lot of people get from the south so everybody should know what was going on in my life and I want to thank God for sitting people like you sitting people that broke me and set cards and letters you don't know how much I appreciate it I couldn't answer but I promise God I testify win for right now in Huntsville that maybe somebody sitting in this honor and yes you can you can't enjoy yourself to get a sugar I live but maybe in the back of your mind you're thinking about what you're going through and thinking that you know hey that's not a possibility in this world and I won't get over what I'm going through but I need to tell you God's still cash listen I was traveling oh hi oh and I'm gonna be brief can I tell my guests when I got to Columbus Ohio we got there late for some reason now I'm trying to get real quiet man cuz I wanted to hear this we got there real Layton so it was time for us if you don't see you soon as we got there so we put on our clothes we're on the stage something just like this auditorium people packed in surely Caesar was there and has a car all the great names in gospel and this time for the Christian ever go on and I got on the stage we prayed before we went onstage but something happened that had never happened to me in my life when I got there on the stage I started singing and I managed to sing almost the whole concert and I lost vision in my right eye and I'm not saying this to make anybody sad I'll be sad for me because I want to see the joy in Jesus listen this is when I see I became very sick and I lost vision in my right eye and the fellows didn't know what was going on but I start scooting away from the stage and I'm beckoned for the drama to come get me because I couldn't see I became completely blind in my right eye and when they pulled me off the stage they got me back there in the darkness of it in your head you have an uncontrollable situation in stomach some of you might know what was going on with me but I didn't know so I went on finish that song service and with the next day time for Bishop in Columbus Ohio song and managed to get through that service get on the Christian era bus and ride 14 hours home all the way home 14 hours I was not able to hold nothing on my stomach but I was constantly in prayer with cheese when you got a connection with Jesus everything the devil try to tell us don't be God says it to me can I get a witness well but when I won I got there to my house and I told my wife I said honey I feel as sick as I've ever been in my life another baby only being two months old she said well we can't get out for Sevilla - ah it was very cold in December so we called for our cousin he came and got me took me to the doctor's office in to make a long story short I got to the doctor's office they just took one look in my eye and said rushing to the emergency room at the hospital when I got to the hospital they said well we can't get any veins to set up to take blood out of his vein we need to check his head and they took me back to the x-ray room and when they got me there they examined me through and when they reach my head they found something serious wrong and when the doctor came and brought me back in the emergency room my wife was standing there she began to call the family because she knew something was wrong and when the doctor looked me dead in the eye he said mr. Porter I was still in my right mind he said you have a blood clot on the brain you've been bleeding on the brain for two long days we don't understand how are you alive okay somebody shot Thank You chief yeah yeah yeah well let me go on I gotta stop this I'm trying to stop right now but I gotta tell it listen well they said we got an operator he said if we come on you I understand your National Council said that you'll never sing again well if we do laser surgery we'll have to go in here and you're out to get that scar tissue out your brain it's another thing we don't understand is that why you're being bleep for two days we examine your x-rays and it seems like the blood has formed a cold glue and stuck on top of the valence top the vein for bleeding no no remember body but Jesus can I get a witness listen they said well we got a little strong time here and God knows when he's doing something with you he knows how to storm a doctor he knows how to solve death you know all problems in your life when you got so for you to do the devil in hell can't tell you three listen I made them sick as I could be blind in one eye he said we're gonna lay in the hospital for a few days to figure out what we're gonna do because we can't understand why the blood is holy your vein so one two three days went by Wednesday night I couldn't communicate with my family I just talked to the Lord mentally I saw the Lord come to me but before the Lord came to me that lowdown David the dirty devil said Paul look at you when all over the country singing gospel where is your gardener how many know that the devil will try you at your lowest twenty all right this you don't want you when you're feeling good inside when you got your guilt and trip when you got money in your pocket you want to be able to just kick you over the curb so he tried me but I had somebody else to stop by and the Lord didn't let me ride single the devil five minutes the Lord came in and said Paul I led you here for a reason he said I lead we need that I've seen a body papa a whale body and look down at my sick buddies that I lead you here for a reason to show you where you could be but he's out I wouldn't see you again the doctor said I wouldn't walk again what happened to men and here is upon the Queen I didn't make it but look at me feel like don't Williams right now that's the moon how many know he's a Gil how many know he's a deal when you can see away we'll kill him you
Channel: darryldlassiter
Views: 358,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Porter, The Christianaires, Darryl D Lassiter, DDL Entertainment, Gospel Concert Video, Gospel Testimony
Id: sibq_q8_TlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 13 2009
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