Pauletta Washington on The Wendy Williams Show 1-28-2011

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okay so our next guest is the talented actress and wife of one of Hollywood's finest leading men she's currently starring in an off-broadway show love loss and what I wore please welcome the very lovely pauletta Washington Oh Oh Lara when we met as the essence one chin and you came over to my husband and I and you said you were fan of the show and you said you wanted to come on and I thought you were just selling woof tickets when I said I wanted to come on I was gonna be in the audience I didn't know it's gonna be a feeling you oh well in my mind you're kicking off a new segment ha ha ha wives of the a-list no but you know give them Mary to Denzel Washington for 27 years and I did not rely get 27 years is an eternity that's juicy there yeah but you know I did not realize that you were an actress prior to taking time off to raise the family well I was I'm a musician and at the time during the time that I was working on Broadway you had to do everything you had to add to had to sing you had to dance but basically I'm a trained musician so I would not even claim to be an actress but I do tell stories and I stylize words so maybe that's what I would say I am more so than how do you play do you play the piano and a vocalist yeah back in the day when you met Denzel um you were obviously you know doing your profession yes and then I was reading that you took time off to raise the pair the babies yes because when I became pregnant I thought I had such as the stable childhood with my mom coming home seeing my mom and he was doing a television show called saying elsewhere oh hello I thought how unfair it would be for me to be and that was shooting in Los Angeles and I was here on Broadway and and where would the child be you know in the air so I decided that I want it too so wasn't my choice yes to be home and create a home yeah I'm so happy I did yeah you like being a housewife well I was Annie wait no wait wait housewife with money we didn't have lemony with the money came we had to work for the money there were times it the scripts came the one good thing about gazella he's never taken anything that he didn't feel in his heart and there have there had been like millions of scripts that come in that could have made him a lot of money yes and he didn't take them and I'm I was supporting him but then on the side I'm going okay let me go and get this Campbell Soup see what I can do with the rice bees and everything else just to keep you know so no the money wasn't always there so that that the baby that you had your first is now a pro football player well football al and he's cute Wendy we've seen we've checked him out and also congratulations to you she has a child that just graduated from Yale yes yeah and then you've got the twins at twins twins are 17 they're 1918 yeah they're in their second year of school ones at Tisch and the other one is that you University of Pennsylvania nice I mean you you've got to be happy you know your kids are all grown now you guys are experiencing a whole new romance I guess in your lives I mean I know he's still doing movies and you're now you know off-broadway but it's just the two of you yeah how do you all right who seems voted the sexiest man alive and and I have to imagine that you know having women looking at your husband and possibly being rude sometimes yeah is just really something else yeah it is but you know what um I am so secure as to pauleddy uh-huh is that my mother raised me and in a way to know that Who I am yes so actually he married me for who I am uh-huh and I've always felt confident in that and he's a grace of God is he romantic Gary in a in a very unorthodox way maybe at some times for instance I was whenever I was traveling and I would come home my routine is to go to the bathroom and they like the refrigerator uh-huh so one time I went to the bathroom and I came over to the refrigerator and and I was getting the arch juice out and as I was getting ours yourself there was this black box I open the black box there were diamonds about you know you'll have to come back I love to talk with us more this time went by to fair I know thank you so much for coming by the show this is my letter Washington everybody and you can check her out here in love loss and what I wore at the Westside theater and we'll be right back you
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Keywords: Pauletta, Washington, on, The, Wendy, Williams, Show, 1-28-2011, Denzel
Id: x4AeGB0nRjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2011
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