Paula White | Julio 21, 2019

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mega iglesia in la Flor even Estados Unidos Kri Emilia fearless asou services simon alleys direct hora de los ministerios polar white pelican Oh see the common turista Christina M programmers the radio a traditional form a part of el grupo de Costa heroes el presidente de los Estados Unidos Donald Ron desde los Estados Unidos present oboes a la Pastora follow white we may be there [Music] Wayne of tears when Jose yes glory adios [Applause] they're so wonderful to be in Panama and sang my video so I stood in Panama you better be careful I might just move over here tank we Dowe no problem in time and Moonachie i sure love you Segundo less ammo I love your heart a masseuse corazones your culture sook will do down everything about here todo lo a key and you're so blessed it's uncommon to see those because God has given you to his greatest leaders for que Dios les grandes leave it is a paso Alvarez pastoral and pastor dollars toward an ally or known all throughout the world he is such a strategist a mighty man of God a man of Prayer I see a man of integrity and he is God's chosen man heal your blessed day men who stare some men to see those a man are you pastor Dallas you and one of the greatest women of God to walk this earth yeah Tommy now is that the era elegant beautiful it was inside and outside muy hermoso por dentro y por fuera and powerful Amoy Paula Rosa I love you damn amen the turnaround hug somebody say I love you and there's nothing you can do about it no puedes hacer nada para evitar lo [Applause] just before you're seated and then isn't that the same will you put your hands together for loiter when that alone applause aw boy she is amazing very difficult to translate it me I talk very fast y'all um we'll wrap it on but thank you loiter she's my friend I have a word for you God is about to download some heaven this morning Valencia esta mañana angels are gonna show up Los Angeles Savannah mostrar en este lugar there's an open happen here are you CLO Mir Taqi and ready to go home change profanity para de tu casa cambiado cumbia God is about to do something significant yozma said I'll go significative o heaven is gonna download strategies el cielo mama had a strategy divine revelation revelation s Davina's one moment with God on momento con Dios can shift everything when they can be a lot o lo I declare this week okay Nestor semana God shift your season Dios come here to temporada God shift your season just come here to temporada it's harvest time STM wanna go set your family members will come to know Jesus lost me ever heard to Familia conocer Donaghy soos the glory of God will visit your household la gloria adios visit Otto Gahr poverty will be broken la pauvre Saraqeb Rantala sickness will be broken in four minutes Eric Abram tada and you will arise and shine element eras immediate as its promotion time s el tiempo to promoción I declare it Lana Clyde oh by the authority of God low 39 videos and the mantle that God has given me Almonte okay dios mio head of all Panama it is your time it's to the impo in the name of Jesus in a normal area sued somebody say Amen coming bad I mean I'm gonna talk to you this morning let's wail Latin is coming about a sound so don't so needle a sign ooh nothing young and a suddenly you let me get ready for your suddenly para para que para toda repenting you may be seated data points entire Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 in a la cook dos guitar same says for the earth will be filled with the knowledge lisa porque la tierra Sarah Jenna el conocimiento of the glory of the Lord de la gloria rahova as the waters cover the sea como las aguas cubanelle God is going to fill the earth the oles buzina with the knowledge on el conocimiento of his glory the suit lordy his weight the soup is so his splendor this was planned or his glory the SU gaillardia and he's looking for someone yes I was going to partner with him yes the associate or name it is illegal for God to do anything in the earth the earth love when I said not honest a theorem without partnering with you seen associate a second-team true when the Lord said what can you see when God said one of those let man have dominion can't know I'm gonna thing I don't mean EO he legally transferred over Libya Luna transferred in CLA guy rulership and rain but I can't go be Adam name there was a high treason in the garden whoa not that I see on Moya rounding and huddling the living Satan came and stole the rights of man Sana's vino in Rome or los derechos alone but Jesus came and restored them better hisses vino lord I stalled oh I said Jesus came in resource dismissed out of when he was crucified Pacifica and borrowed in a bear buried in a borrowed tomb he rose again on the third day any Concord econ Keystone death hell and the grave I need took the keys from Satan there's something us the enemy does not even have keys to his own house Athena's looking and Avenida su propia casa we are victorious summers victorious or through Christ Jesus as far as the hyssop restore his mane message principe his mission su misión was to redeem you it's let immediately to purchase you back compare today well for you have not been bought but again no one lobby SEO company with silver and gold Okamoto but by the precious blood of Jesus process and equity stone but his main message but assume in Cyprus if I was like kingdom come giving the sureno thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven I see comin and Cielo he came to establish me no stylist said a heavenly kingdom Andre none of the herbs here in the earth no celestial act en la tierra you're in this world less dozen is the moon no you're not of this world no and assess the moon but you're set to go to the world I said you're in this world yes assassin assemble but you're not of this world no it is a simple no you're of a different world and it's the old Roman the kingdom of God adios you see the WASC us in heavenly places the scientist in lugar celestial is which means akhira see you see from a heavenly perspective que esto desde la perspectiva and Cielo let every bale be removed bellows and remove IDO let every spirit of deception a speedy through be overturned pneumonia cosas be broken off you right now give it I'm thought do what amazes given you eyes to see but against in your cattle oh-ho spider-man ears to hear oh you know Spanish guitar you're in this world but you are not of this we don't know it is this a mundo and you're set to go back to the world yes the same yellow al mundo and you you've been restored I see the rest I ran back to the original condition I love on DC on audio and the original intention yeah Lane things y'all originally but God purposed them planned for you get yours he's so inseparables through Christ Jesus they say history stone by your relationship of resting in him I thought I miss the to tell us your name which means you can now do all things okay let me see it yeah total up wedding there is nothing impossible 99% for those that believe but I can't just kick it in when you really know who you are I mean this is he made it and who God is seeking is yours you recognize do recognizes the enemy has nothing on you nothing is greater than the blood of Jesus Christ my your Achilles angry the hisui Cree stopping is greater than the blood of Jesus - man your tequila sangria Sookie stop no sickness no amphetamine I know government like Oh Pierre no no world system nice seminal poverty night for birdie not generational curses I'm Elysia - and defeated Donna Lucido Manzella Jesus Christ God has decreased oh and you've been engrafted yes see don't even follow into the family of God yes you know O'Neill half a million and you've been chosen ICUs Coheed oh you are a royal priesthood Edison said no Co a chosen generation will not hinder C&S Coquina set apart say para an ordained to do good work I said when I saw us you've been equipped I see like you follow you've been anointed I see long he long that means God has furnished you get it a city can do state everything you need no second outlook on this alliance then to visa and godliness there is no weapon no I Adam I said no weapon no item of it can ever before give way they will prosper against you contra D there is nothing that will ever happen in your life time to Viva that does not pass through the hands of a sovereign God ain't no pasa por las manos Oh Aaron which means you're out come look at get in a city can you see any you win look at me as I said you win they hit dog on us but it's not only about your personal victory but no solamente sorted to victoria personally it's about what you do for the kingdom of god because the only legal entity Orianna Monica antenna the bid is authorized it's the outdoor asada to bring to transformation but a transfer machine that is the blood-bought Church of Jesus Christ Jesus came hisses we know and he came for bride he know he's coming back el viene otra vez for his bride notice su novia there not many brides muchas know means there is one bride one church on occasion one shirt on a lesson one shirt Alessia and if you are born again Mesa doen assist a lot help believer Seacrest serious you were part of that glorious church awareness part is a glorious Alicia and during your tenure your stay here on earth Atlanta to tiempo que la tierra the - between the two days you were born los Nia's in lost Incan una c-span your death in India and can assist a allele you had a job to do for Jesus en su trabajo que hacer para he Sue's and Esther yes Ted is all about being in position esto sobre montaner su and carrying out purpose s Montaner super CC on et America on propósito it's not gender specific no tiene nada que ver con el helado is about a person es sobre una persona who understands Hindi and their purpose super opposite o and stands in position it's a parent position by the Holy Spirit but el espíritu son come on there's a bunch of Esther's in the houses muchas heading esta mañana key are you ready estas listo God is getting ready the AUSA Justin give you a saying but I got a legal a sound assign semester and suddenly you let it mean they're about to have a tomorrow by this time howdy that means my ass at the net um communists at the info go with me to Luke chapter two vamos a Lukas capital verse 8 through 14 thus Otto I read it and then Loida can read it he says and there were Shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over the flocks at night an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were terrified but the angel said to them do not be afraid I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people today in the town of David a savior has been born to you he is Christ the Lord this will be assigned to you and you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger and suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men whom his favor rests I mean lame-o San Lucas dojo a via pastor si la misma region cave 11-yard on Las Villas de la noche sobre su hermano y ik e cell s % o unum del del signore ela Gloria del señor los rodeo del rey's planned or tuvieran grant amor pero el Angeles dijo no demise porque aquí estoy nuevas de gran goes okay Sara para todo el pueblo chaos aniseed oi in la ciudad de vide un Salvador Ches Cristo Elsinore esto server da decennial IRA Sal Mineo en vuelta empanadas AK estado en un paseo y repent inna meant a con el angel una multitude de las West SL st allah's kalam amin adios EDA Seon Gloria Deo sin las alturas en la tierra pass buena voluntad para con los hombres amen amen God is moving mightily in the world the maintenance and the Lord shall fill the earth en Dios generality and with the knowledge of his glory con el conocimiento de su glory as the waters cover the sea como las aguas Coronel Madame God's Word will not return void la palabra de dios no regressor ah Vasya God is faithful the AUSA's field he will fulfill his word deals complete a su palabra the question la preguntas will you be a part sc2 service partners will you be an agent of change esta gente de cambio are you going to be a societal influencer a cultural creator a kingdom advanced service I know God has a plan for your life and just like when Jesus was coming into the earth yes si como éstos venal at the era there was an awesome announcement to activate the arrival of God's plan God is announcing things I know people who have ears to hear those final year I declare a sound this morning they cannot own sonido an excited for an announcement this mode is sending a sound system and owns those who have ears to hear you're scanning oh you'll find out all you need is one word from God well okay necesitas es una palabra de Dios one word will change everything adios come yeah that thought word will shift everything come here at thought oh god spoke to the shepherds that were abiding in the field we also have no I lost Pistorius Gaston and El Campo and God is releasing heavens blueprint hideousness viola a polygon to his faithful shepherd Isis Pistorius fearless that word means servants esta cosa palabra que decir serveed servants or people who kept watch over their field their place of assignment in en su lugar asignación when you have been a faithful servant wanna see those who said without fear over what God has assigned you to do so look at the Austin Allah said whether it was with an apostolic anointing puede que hace una misión apostolic ax for nations para la nación s or to raise up two children to work in the nursery ministering Fantini to build a kingdom business today I don't negotiate no to fund the kingdom of God kept with us if God is the one that chose your sign they also sell the Oscars cope heal your sickness you that's why you don't get jealous of other people or a sono latina same vein 'i'm as Nadya because we don't compete with each other no company Moscow not rose we complete one another most complete ammos the body fits jointly together I need Loida yo necesito Loyola I need a parcel necesito la posta I need path Dora necesito a bastard look at somebody say I need you to lolly latin necesito because the body work el cuerpo in jesus christ es su Cristo is created s creado to supply nurture nourishment one to another allatra neutrinos and so listen this year a Sikh escucha me stay on yo I had an unexpected surgery to weigh una cirugía can no miss Perry it was in many ways one of the greatest years at one of the most difficult years a new Germany rehearsal I know put a moody feces tambien I had a simple surgery on my foot to be honest it he has seen playing me PA and so they they just were to take off a little bunion here kitty on keep at least AE and when I went in London today they took the bunion out but the whole foot ended up falling apart en terminó a K Brando say and they had to do reconstructive surgery we don't construe it male PA they did a five-hour surgery he said I wanna see the we had a single order three weeks later they did another 5-hour surgery on a salut here the sink orders the enemy absolutely tried to take my life el enemigo seguramente rocket arm la vida so much so that when I went on the operating table Tampa si que cuando ella el salón de operaciones the Lord had showed me the night before and singer Marian senior Linate interior that the enemy's plan was to amputate my life Ambu target Vietnam I went to go under yo my suite and suddenly he that happened I asked a simple question no solamente is in a simple prayer Juanita I said to the doctor how long they won't tell dr. por cuanto tiempo meaning how long will the surgery be but I will turn the lab por cuanto tiempo serie la cirugía and he said we're just waiting on the anesthesiologist el dijo esta muy para el esta su Anastasio novo when he said that cuando él dijo and said they had switched doctors KO en cambio de doctoring the Lord said do not do the surgery yes Senor many who not analyst it he better be sensitive her the Holy Spirit Mahalo Casillas NCT u el espíritu Santo I said to my husband let him so I was fully prepped yeah estaba preparada but idea Danny Anya told me is getting ready to take me and put me under no journalist praying over me youngistan I said get my phone I grabbed my phone to call my son yeah me me huh and suddenly prophet primp a from africa called luego para llamar a mijo I'mI'm on Profeta Africa and said ma a many home imma do not have the surgery nothing acestus Italy you're laying on a surgical bed it's thus I'm gonna come he had no idea nothing he there he said it's a demonic setup or a demonic calendaring demoniac was to take your life but I never said to vida you see God knows Thomas the other side was presented with the holy she said sincerely el espíritu Santo Dios I said to the doctor lady Hale doctor I'm not having the surgery not my way I said it's the sitting here I said I'll do at a different time mellow away I said in order a tiempo he said well we can schedule it later today I said God says I cannot have this surgery on this date he's a wonderful Jewish man instant hombre who do we might have ego so I said you can take the IV out but I'm not having this surgery but I know my boy I said if I sit here my foot was an excruciating pain maybe a tender boy where all the pins and screws had started to come out all the bones has fallen apart so loquacious mmm the joys would not move nice mm movie the tendons were lugar correcto I was in a wheelchair for several months to me they told me I would never get back in high heels my head okay nunca más Evo sarcone women they told me I would never get back I don't know coming up on it back honest the devil is a liar el viernes soon mentiroso the enemy wanted my life el enemigo kereama vida but the devil is a liar parody of allah so mentira song but I had to stand for tenia que para in a lot of prayer and mucho to see an extreme faith and when I say X today and extreme obedience to the Holy Spirit it's extremely speedy to son and so what was a simple surgery i think i'll okay i don't know sit here simply where they were just gonna shape up the end of this bone became very complicated say well y'all know muy public and all the foot fell apart he told me PSA ruble and when the foot fell apart economy be as a little bow it caused my balance to go out and ptosis me violence SI they say kilovolt ampere for almost a year for castle ano and so when my balance went out i ck cuando me no Tony a balance because the bones were not in alignment forty kilos way so I called my hips to go out and to Sami Khedira stamp games and isolinear when my hip went out when the mr. Cicilline cause my back to go out Sam being his father when my back went out una vez pasada Cellini oh they pinched a nerve and doses a circulation problem can make out superluminous in Houla see when the circulation problems occurred really medicine will assume my organs is organ were not getting oxygen no tenían op seein my skin started or peeling off me PL simple at all because stall of working or because I love working one little toe o algo que murió en el dedo LP a the body el cuerpo one person in the body o number so 9l quit affects everything effect that o lo one person una persona affects everything effect that ola you might not think dope ways been side that your assignment get less Ignacio is significant as important because you're not speaking into a president porque no hablas unprecedented but without you better sympathy the person who is assigned to do that la persona que estés it could not do it no lo puedo hacer your assignment to asignación is crucial especially that little toe I said affected my whole body Ptolemy credible when the toe got healed cuando sis and the body got here equator positional now my hips are okay now my back is okay yes but listen now my circulation is okay cool se honest I mean come on you better slap somebody and say you're important vamos that you sing quietly to address importante hallelujah [Music] so God spoke to the Shepherd's the servants Sicario sob no a los pastores a los que Sylvain they were serving in the field their place of assignment Caribbean in El Campo Isaiah 55 and he said yes God when I think for my thoughts are not your thoughts Josie said can be spent Samantha's no song westeros pencil me neither are your ways my ways meet those Caminos miss camino saith the Lord this el Senor when Jesus showed up the new was birthed in the earth cuando ellos nos a super conocimiento and the angel showed up a Los Angeles aparecido - and now Sarah Ann on Sierra don't miss us not the piernas says to the ones who had been faithful para que us can see the fearless serving in their assignment los pastores fearless sylveon I hear they found coming or you gonna sunny though heaven is about to download divine strategy ACL Obama hard este es Davina's God is going to announce Theo's - er - those who have been faithful when I can use can see those being faithful when their business pianist assuming I was faithful and their family CLS is someplace on the house of God faithful and their purpose see Anacin supa dupa say on what God has assigned you to do see Anacin locate the awesome babe but overseeing their fear of influence illness in Swiss Verein influenza they had been doing it in their heart with the heart of a shepherd hey yo Socky choke on my cortisone don't bastard the heart of a servant servant to know if you'd okay Carlo Silvio Rocky's SEPA man may have overlooked you los hombres waken I am beast of sin la but God has not forgotten song 75 in Salma certain diseases promotion dis Aquila promotion comin up from the east know me any less or the west or the south oh but God is the judge he putteth one down I don't know Mia and he set it up another yeah they say God's getting ready to raise us they - they said God has seen your faithfulness he also bestowed to feed le dad who received the big announcement he and receive yo el gran anoon Salinas not the colors of the synagogue no Los Angeles in agava not the self-righteous religious no look smooth really heels of correct but the faithful viene serve their assignment instead of me young and so uh Sigma see that's what Esther is all about Seok is dead she could receive al receive yo everything that was told to her by hey guy don't look it yeah he sorta Mordecai immediately she was faithful with the end and to the faithful yellows fearless God is getting ready to send you a sound the austere my man I don't sunny though the angel showed up angels are getting ready to show showed up and said here's what's next Los Angeles Luke 2:11 and you look as though song unto you this day in the City of David a child has been born and I see the OEM building unless your enemy's own but Nene on all you need from God look a nice to see that tell you one announcement it's only noon see one word ona palabra it's like what I told you yesterday when I was Paulo white ministry was at its height cuando el ministro de paola white assign soupy comas Alto we were spending almost ten million dollars in airtime estamos viendo es mio Nathanael our descent tiempo de télévision and 47 different markets in quoting they see a Latino flu goddess which means I was on every cable and broadcast station you can imagine lo que quiere decir que yo Selena ain't hola calles en toda la estación on a television to disappoint mahi nurse in the Middle East NL many Oriente our program was number two numero dos translating it in Farsi but etc Lucia and Lydia Miguel many orienting Farsi back in the early 2000 yen l dos mil that was unheard of estoy de engraving going into a Arab and Persian countries llegar al lugar s Arabic cigar al lugar es del many Orion preaching the gospel on secular networks telecon 11 hey Leo and missing estación s secularised where Christianity wasn't even allowed cuando el Christian Imani siquiera Primitivo God was opening up doors do cesta abriendo puertas and my executive director Amy directorio Hecate even came in with this contract the no con el contrato and it was for low power station esta muy begin Yin I was paying twenty eight thirty thousand dollars for 30 minutes of airtime Yaakov Amenti Ocho treinta mil dólares for many oriental and he said Paula this reaches down in South Florida email policy on Cade Yeager I'll sue the Florida I said how much Larry hey quanto he said $300 maihotra scientists Oh Larry's I said Danny with that markets oversaturated lady hey man es America esto sobre esta to Dodd oh hey listen I'm tight with the penny tienen que tener que soy una persona que miracle assent ow I won't spin one not necessary no one Centon I look in my new society somebody say Amen coming and so he starts to walk out I see que cuando el Saleh and the Holy Spirit taps me on my shoulders you see now led to santo me talking alone and says sign that contract many say fear my second righto so I sign it a cycle of fear me later I receive a call in luego receive una llamada 18 years ago I said the SU truant from a man by the name of Donald Trump se llaman Donna Drew is watching me on Christian television Christiana I thought for sure he was watching me maybe in New York on Fox or something like my job in New York and Fox well eunuch Adina granting Estados Unidos I said where did you see me donde estas bien doh he said well there's this low-powered station a mini Hawaiian Estes Illinois pequeña the only one I know Anika that comes into my home in Mar Largo because in Florida where I watch Christian television yes Kristiana had i not obeyed the Holy Spirit si no es yo venaseal Espiritu Santo I would have missed wait a parody though destiny SNSD No and so much mucho in this entire world and estimate would be different God will give you the austere our assignments Oh nothingness yeah but don't even always make sense nothingness you can which is endogenous empty but when you have an ear to hear it I wanna Tina so either para we have it more download divine instructions Luciana Divina get ready but if I not because God what can do is going to give you a sound own son either who will be the first T M ascended to hear what heaven has to say the Bible lobby William at times will give you very specific in momento stark detail more specific and it is a specific way attention but it's not and she declares the Shepherd's declara que los pastores keeping watch s Thaman vigilant over the flock so every loss of a fine night they were called to watch the night shift let me talk to everyone who has been faithful CLE in a dark season on a night watch get ready but if I said get ready happen if I got things for visitation but have you see this young get ready but if I don't they because as dark as the world and circuit chorus and mundo God says because of your faithfulness I'm about to put you in strategic position everything a seal as I harvest forget where that I don't know sit God is getting ready they also stopped a pond and just in the next big announcement but I said ain't gonna lose to those who been faithful I can't just can't see the final night wash and it's the end of any time to arise and walk with a new face he come Mina's gonna never fail despite the fact okay no meanest illiterate the path is not always plain they can't I mean on a simple it's fast it's still dark out there Sam okay so scoot away a fighter the world is doing exactly what it's supposed to do deceived yon it is wicked boys Milo but the same fair enough Sun in the kingdom of God or arising cinema there is a remnant I own every bit is arising yes 11 wow it's still dark as they are hitting the high calling in Esther chapter 5 and instead of single that's what Esther did so look at he was dead when the King put the scepter out London today extending set it means she touched the high place she had in a silicon at the coin lugar it means she touched the chief part o con la parte más Alta what it means look accuracy is she touched Christ it's get the quarter east or you aren't hearing me know missed us is good time because there are those of us also have arisen get the name us another song and who are living we are seated it's almost an inherently place a medicine is the I'm here touching and Santos took on and I've apprehended it enables the high place we are seated with Christ Ellison thousand twenty walk in the earth Mientus Thomas you aren't here on me no miss Peter here in Panama he's BSS tonic in Panama I'm standing on the stage pianist had the red shirt to pose and I was do you know Sun compatible made open a good I'm seated in heavenly places recent on you got SLS the islands just like Esther hohmeister that's what it s gonna get it when she touch when they ever go after in settle she attached herself ASC come on wrong place hello ladies Altos I dare you you're thinking about a depression I guess I am anybody's a mother self-pity Sunday lastima proud of being a victim Sal a severe amount of sadness lament attend elegance is sovereign levantate della paura back generational curse lemon that NS a militiaman it has a high price he's talking on the line if I said touch the high place items it's a high calling it's impressively graciously gave us a say anybody know [Music] [Music] the goodness of glory glory Solaria Silver's temple genital templo you are the temple of God wearisome templo de Dios so while it's still dark out there I seek a mentor to aviator scooter those of us nosotros were seated in high places Samos Anthony lugar de Santos understand this principle in the nemesis the principal that God's day can be none of us begins and the evening Tommy and sang la noche Genesis 1:5 Hennessey's una see God called the light day the Osama idea and the darkness he called night Talia di la noche no chain and there was evening yeah we are not you and there was morning yeah manana the first day so let's do this loiter God called the light day llamo a la luce via and the darkness he called night yellow scooted a demo noche and the Bible says and there was evening yeah we are not and there was de la dia and God called the light day ASIMO Andalusia and he caught the darkest night osteoblasts noche and there was evening yeah yeah noche and then there was day yeah be idea there are no mistakes in the Bible not a salami is the inerrant infallible in funny Word of God truth it's not perfect it's been a failure that Wallace seeing an early right it's collector and God cold enough sample the darkness I love scooty tonight no check so watch what he's saying I think it's good to look at these Genesis is a seedplot Genesis is an assemble the entire Bible es una semilla baby a complete down the phrase the evening in the morning it does this mark on DLNA in that order NSA or they or repeated five more times allowance if at the environment the Hennessey's una Cinco the principle is very clear Principia smoo Claro the gods de can see under the odds begins in the evening I'm not check it ends in the morning it didn't mean I love my god the darker it is Anthony muscle scooter it's a new day headed SC to community unaware of all warned hearing this go to look at the other cedar it's a new day and it is a dark world yes fullness Kudo but the darker the world and second they must the brighter the church will shine no says must be got a late leash yeah I just came back I found any from the State Department in the White House before I came here thousands religious persecution man see nobody knows Pirelli over 250 million Christians must end of ciento sink when person cameras can see your purse together brutally raped and see though be honest I see them losing their life but a Brady cotton in my head a joy unspeakable it didn't go so one woman I met in container obviously you in said for five years or single I never saw light don't got maybes fun and never stop saying Jesus is Lord hissing yard they took their land so my toes will see they've taken their homes I said killed their spouses my final SSS place burn them came but they will not deny Jesus Christ you are hearing me much less escuchando this is not about you just having a nice house it's a nice one I mean they get to take this is about sharing I get to compare the gospel of Jesus Christ and Leona hisui Keystone the darker it is Anthony muscles Kudo and greater the light I mean II do not lose my yard ride of Christ losing little about church and say let's see otherwise silly Montana you better get this mannequin dark out there we're really glad it's a new day yes somewhere on the island during a new day yes myself with the are moving with greater powers and when they come temple in the glory of God let Lord neither the auto restoration of the church we should have all been coming I came to prophesy only those who have eyes to see John Locke beginning oh and ears to hear Joey the sparrow and passionately love God I'm an anonymous Kairos moment we need a moment [Music] and God sound saying an instruction is through seal Joshua 3:5 says you'd not pass this way before just go with me since you have not passed this way before I feel like a face so sanctify yourself I bless it in the name of Jesus I declare you blessed get up here you're blessed come up here Arapahoe SATA photo Lord Arabic hunger for he has a heart of God be upon him why are you looking at me like that God wants the power God is doing something new I said the power of God is here to send a weapon God is rolling and being done in yourself and God says you have not passed this way I'm taking you in Camino Castillon says sanctify your tickets and the freaking a this determines a stone antenna mean where you going I'll never buy what you have in your hand do you have a map get the initial map or do you have a compass organism foot baths because map for kill us map out for people somebody Lepidus on who are following a path that has already been you cannot have a map no point I still need a purpose he doesn't come back for a compass what young come fast is the leading of the Holy Spirit setting he a loved one and some cashew to give by the Spirit of God or Allah speed agility love shorter territory has no content Easter [Music] [Laughter] try out for your family when you have a compass when the Venus encompass you hear the Holy Spirit let's meet the son he leaves you he orders your footsteps you in synchronization to the Holy sensitivity the Holy Spirit listen CBE that is speeded the son loiters said to me this morning she goes how did you get here - you - Amma I said I only go places where I have relationships when I meant anyone who is known that they were bad days ago you know the deals many second thing okay I was in South Korea with dr. Cho yes and I saw your apostle EBS the bastard when the Holy Spirit said you're going to Panama in Espiritu Santo many Havana before he ever invited me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Lord will lead you in seniority Maggie are you have a compass everybody lift your hands Lord let them have a compass in your day you're thinking Uncle sensitivity to the Holy Spirit asunto in the name of Jesus and in number that assumes that there be a sensitivity can unison see with you right now and if they will mean according to the Word of God it's still dark out there I would open their eyes I know evidences to see the goodness of God to see the mysteries of God to see the sacred secrets ago no second in the videos let them carry out any of stemming visions use your dreams sweet your revelation I mean I see honest in the name of Jesus and in a number there's design called to birth display right now with a little shock after second Corinthians 4:18 the Holy Spirit is your Cho says so we fix our eyes not on what is seen and knowing look at my mom's but on what is unseen looking for what is seen is temporary but what is unseen okay no man is eternal I said that Ephesians 1:17 and a changing a face your spoon of the assistance of your understand they get to sauce it but making it light right now yeah lumen in order that you may know what is the hope guess if I can't look at the richest yes in the glory and bustle that was the inheritance and your eyes are being opened [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fertility being broken right now yes Kevin abdominis thought women you will conceive become savvy - bring forth it right us children Nino's there are there ladies here that I can't it is a child keep praying in the Holy Spirit etiquette getting Eva's there women who are barren I'm already seeing ffedith either married but have not been able to bring forth a child with I don't know spotty nothing it run up here on the head [Music] to break Baroness everything 50 lead ahead up here now maybe soon I need Asher's quickly quickly you will conceive a second semi trust me and you're going to bring forth many children keep your hands lifted up live on this with my nose because God but again he us is going to do something prophetically in them i said i'm antonea said he's going to do in this house yeah my setting is that he's going to do in this nation ever said any Stannis young when I was in Hawaii - - in Hawaii about 1995 do you know you don't know if they sink or I was preaching at heart and kunis up over this church he kind of got a pool the Word of Life apostle and I had a prophetic word to call up women who are barren he do a este momento in Antigua Madame O'Hara him fatalist I laid hands on them process of McManus or areas I prophesied over a woman he prophetic says of the Honorable harem I said this time make sure you will have a child in any hit in yesterday I put up Samanya tendrá so Nihon I looked at pastor Cunha middle pastor Cunha she looked very nervous yes a medium we need Vyasa we went to the back green room in well famous la parte de la terre she said pastor Paul of a lady who pastor DiPaola that lady that you prophesied over esta mujer de Lacaille a prophetess a state they have taken out her uterus delicate our own suit arrow she has no fallopian tube no tiene trumpet a fallopian she's had a hysterectomy tiene una is direct on me they've removed all of her female the organ or reproductive I said God is a creator son Dios period or I said God if it really had no sizzle gloss period or I went back a year later the woman was holding a baby la mujer Technion baby so God had given her creative miracle yes I get to put it and gave her a child you aren't hearing what I'm saying there was a woman in my choir I went back home that weekend she was 46 years old Ethan yuck what did they say Sonya and then just got married he's psychotic aside she wanted a child oh yeah Katie young me home but they said she was past the age of life okay yes I said God has no limits I laid hands on her mousse Emmys - over yeah she had a proper child eat - walk me home I laid hands on her after she had that child - Ariana's quested - what she was 48 now oh yeah and she calls for twins see you want me so smart hearing me my accountant me Concord and my ministry telling me ministerio could not have a child for over 20 years nobody had any hope for my her name is Ella Evelyn Benjamin Evelyn Benjamin Terminator I laid hands on her yummies - sorry she had a child I've made hands on over a thousand women in ask Anthony though with the Holy Spirit forget it I'll be your servant when the finals laid hands on him any second your delay is over Hispanic no longer be barren yeah no sin and evil is healing you right now your last son you will conceive a knock on semi you will be fruitful myself Luke TV now have children and get me home you will have joy then then go so and you will be a blessed household see that and let me tell you what I'm gonna see that when the Lord gives a word individually it's because he's giving a place in your life in effectiveness [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on no more tears No Mas no mas Coco's op Akashi but Arabica the Lord breaks and Senor trumping any generational curse militiamen irrational prayers or a Sione's from your mother's side they loudly from your father son they know that the name of Jesus let her go let her go shove it don't in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I command it to come out in the name of Jesus please please let me do what I need to do she's okay come here apostle Arabic Rasha kata da da da ba cachaça epoca sohcahtoa a kappa hahaha I command it to come out in my name is right now [Music] [Music] is real [Music] turnabout's okasada baccarat no more Baroness no my sea Shepherd let it go let it go let go all vividness bitterness it's okay baby you're a new person it is another better song for a new person it is that spirit has no more control God is a deliverer all fairness is broken off the Holy Ghost is about to hit hey hold on up over let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go I command her to leave her life America to leave her life don't they know get Samantha's managed to leave your life in the name of Jesus Papa Hisato Ricky ya ha ha ha Rick I gotta let it go Jesus see that you'll bring forth life who conceived Vasek on say we stopped word they had a pretty cool party you think it's too late yes I can wait that says nothing's too late do they second nice ba ba ba ba ba ba cotton my dear daughter meet Eddie that Eva the Lord says don't doubt me and said you're decent I'll do this if I have done so many miracles for you this is an easy thing for the world [Music] let it go let it go let it go [Music] [Music] [Music] you have a good DNS there's some things of your past I went to pasado I see some people on an island no idea Munna is love they they did rituals you see a hundred wireless to speak again bring the curse upon you penetrate anomalies young jealous something video so didn't want you married not kidding okay do get the Casal I want you to have a chauffeur no Carrie I get to get a seahorse it's broken today Center on by or Jesus loves you ESU's they are Jesus love is awesome [Music] [Applause] Jesus lunch ms-dos damn Jesus love Gazoo Snape the Lord loves you it's all about your hands this was - lift your hands all missiles first is broken all Baroness boy set that up about a terrible cold robot Raja all as well so the Lord wants to give you a double plus the FDLR to nod off live in DC on here I minister to you well I mean II started so okay so the Lord wants to deliver you it's in your Kiraly where are they from not only depression no sólo de nada per se but they said you have a mental disorder you know can you think again amen God's gonna set your mind free for everybody who's fighting over the marceca I'll tell you chant upon it the most about searching through the austere Valley where I said the Lord's were such roof we lost heavily very tired [Music] you're not what they said no I look at eating [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift your hands toward soon no war no mass no more every spirits that had access to your mind all my speech trying to drive you crazy it's trying to make you have a nervous breakdown but it will not prevail it will not prevail today the Lord gives you a new mine I break every spirit I'm worried [Music] anyone who the enemy have a calendar and syncing enemy why has until the lothario demoniac oh the Bible calls it do not be dismayed this is the word means to have a nervous breakdown let me get in the city cannot thank us oh you will not have a nervous breakdown even have the minor crimes I mean that I speak peace over you I'm not fast so many times stability over you I've noticed a Swedish strength over you lately I don't swear sighs victimizer Christ over you [Music] innocence I love you Panama Panama I'll have to come back and finish preaching the rest of message I still have to get them to a sell order to call me and ask a possible [Music] [Applause] mas de nuestros
Channel: Hosanna Visión
Views: 14,166
Rating: 4.8868895 out of 5
Keywords: Cambiar mi Vida, predicas, Hosanna, Panama, Cristiano, Palabra de Dios, Edwin Alvarez
Id: YtITcIeuczg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 33sec (3873 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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