Paul Zerdin - Ventriloquist

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now this is old now it is a fact of life that many people in this profession end up talking to themselves do they yeah here is a man who's established an entire career doing that he was the very first winner of the big big talent show please welcome the big big Talent of Mr Paul zerdin [Applause] [Music] thanks very much good evening that's all right I'm uh I'm terribly sorry I seem to have double booked myself this evening it's all right I know I said I babysit for a friend and um well I forgot all about this show [Music] that's the audience hi what look at this [Music] it's sunny well I uh dinner no yeah what what's that what's what what's that what's what what's that what's that well that that's um that's that's a microphone stand what do you well I'm I'm uh I'm I'm a ventriloquist you know ventriloquist ventrically no no that's the microphone stent that's the microphone and I'm a ventriloquist and you you me you you're a big beautiful body bouncing baby boy that one um it's it's a little person [Music] we just heard the wonderful news that Shri Blair is going to be having a baby oh so that's what neighbor is now can I do my rhyme you want my rhyme you got a rhyme what's your rhyme about it's about Teletubbies is it yeah well you've got one here who's this I don't think it's nice no I'll just have a look no I just wanna give me I just wanna get up I'm gonna Teletubbies say when they're on the telly well that's close but it's actually oh look it's it's actually uh why do you keep saying oh you're gonna tell me you're here in front of all these people all these millions of people at home and you've done a poo poo have you you sure [Music] have you you haven't have you no just do your rights what man staring at you [Applause] oh look he's trying all right [Applause] will you just do your rhyme okay off you go foreign [Music] you've been lovely thanks very much sorry about him good night [Music]
Channel: OS - Old Stuff
Views: 15,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ventriloquist, AGT Winner
Id: 02Of4PPVeKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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