Paul Bernardo — Police interrogation of notorious serial killer

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"Okay tape's on" My name is Detective Brad Hoover, my badge number 6188 and I'm with Toronto Police Service Sex   Crimes Unit. The time now is 2:05 p.m., we're  presently at the Kingston Penitentiary in Kingston   Ontario, in a boardroom, and as thick as the main  building you'd call it. Present in the room here   if I could just have each of you identify  yourself for the purposes of the videotape   that's being made. Seated to my left, off-camera  and now sitting at the table, is your counsel. Just   identify yourself. "Yes certainly. It's Anthony  Bryant." And straight across the table for me if you   identify yourself. "Constable Darlene Coulas, badge number six four eight three from Toronto   Police Service." And seated to my right, if you could just  identify yourself. "Paul Jason Teal — a.k.a. Paul Bernardo" And again my name is Brad Hoover and today is  June the 7th 2007. Mr. Teal, the reason that   we're here today is to speak to you regards to a  couple of incidents, a couple of matters. First   of all before we start I just want you  to make sure that you're aware that what   we say is being videotaped here. "Yeah that  works." I'm just going to start this audio tape I forgot to do that Now I just started this audiotape here we started  the interview at 2:05 p.m. my name is Detective   Brad Hoover all you're not presently being  given a caution or anything and I want you   to understand what you're saying to us today  is voluntary. That means that if you don't want   to talk to us you don't have to. Your counsel  is present and if you need to speak to him you   certainly can but I just want to make sure  you understand what you're saying here is   voluntary and that we're interviewing you as  a potential witness. Do you understand that? "Yeah" Just a little bit of background about the  first time we met back last year in April   of 2006. That was in regards to a letter that you  had sent through the attorney general's office   that filtered down to my office in regards to  some admissions that you made about some sexual   assaults that you committed. I'm here to tell you that  I have concluded that investigation and that there   have been two offenses that I have been able to  identify and with the information that you've   provided to me at that time was able to conclude  those matters as having been committed by yourself   So for that I thank you for that information. "Sorry,  you've identified..." Identified this offense, no no   no no I have identified the offense that you were  talking about and based on that information I was   able include those cases that actually provided  enough information that I was satisfied you were   the person that committed those offenses. "Okay." That make sense? "That makes sense, what about ones that you thought   that I came forward with that maybe you thought that I  didn't do? Were there any of those?" There was none that I thought you didn't do. There were some that I didn't have enough information to either identify the offense because you were unable to provide enough details at that   time, or they may not have ever been reported  to the police. As you said when we spoke, some of them were I won't call them minor type offences but ah — "No, I understand" — offences that may not have been  reported to the police. "Ok, um, well, I turned   on the TV, I waited for Peel Regional to come by;  September rolls they say, they make a public   announcement, it's written on my file here, that  that I lied to police and I did not commit the   crimes that I said I committed, the offences in Peel Region. Okay, big problem." I have spoken to Peel Region and they have told me that   they don't have enough information at this point  to identify anything that you, the letter that   was sent to the police to through to the police  wasn't specific enough to identify any offenses   Now that's something that we can talk about sort  of following this interview and if you want to get   into that we can talk about that. "Look, I've been sitting on this for years in this place. It's written on my file and it makes me seem   like always just this crazy — you guys love  doing that — I'm just this crazy psychopathic liar   Why was that statement issued? Why didn't they come in  and talk to me if they didn't have enough information. We   were waiting, now that tape, you can play that tape  back, I asked you guys is Peel Regional gonna   come in. I sat here month after month after  month — no one came. I turned on the TV in September   Peel Regional, you know, declared that Paul Bernardo was, you know, this crazy liar to police. What what what's the   fundamental problem here?" Well "I know I mean  justice, the Canadian way and and no one comes   in and now you guys are saying that you didn't  have enough information? Well..." I can't answer for   them specifically as to what they did or didn't  do. I can tell you that because they're a separate   police department I don't have any control over  what investigation that they did do I can tell   you that I have spoken with the investigator  in Peel Region and they have told me that at   this point they don't have enough information to  move forward. They haven't been able identify any offense that was   specifically talked about. "That statement you're  giving me as much different the public statement   they said which said I was a liar." I don't, I don't... "The same game, they didn't come in if they don't have enough   information, while don't you come in get the information.  I mean either I'm lying or not lying and this goes   to the crux of this argument. Either I'm a liar to  you, that I'm lying to you right now about everything like   I did to Peel Regional, according to their story, or  I'm not, and, you know, I I just I just I'm not gonna sit   here and, you know, come voluntarily and have people  come — you guys banned me from the press, you roll   your stories over and you constantly say that I'm  a liar, I'm a liar. I made mistakes 17 years ago, so   okay, fine, I did, but but now we're talking about  today and you're not gonna roll forward that I'm   some psychopathic liar sitting in jail claiming  other people's responsibilities for other crimes   This is a total of cross-examination point  you want started this thing James Lockyer is   gonna grab a hold of it and say, well he lied  about other crimes, you know he's a crazy   liar. Why didn't you guys resolve this?" And again  I can't answer for what Peel Region did or didn't do   Jurisdictionally we're kind of bound... "Well, still, there's the  good guys and the bad guys, you know, what I mean   you're on the same team." Yes we are, but as far as  us investigating matters that take place   outside of the actual Toronto proper, that's why  Peel Regional has their police service and, like   Detective Hoover said, we can't answer as to what  they did with their investigations or the many   issues that they were looking at that transpired  out in their area and we really can't speak to that. Now   whether that's something you wish to have your  counsel deal with someone and that something   else, but unfortunately there isn't a lot Detective Hoover and I can do with regards to those things "Well, you've been watching this thing and they should subpoena these guys from Peel Regional They can bring out all the  facts to show just where I lied that if I'm a   liar. That's what I say to do it because either  I'm a liar or I'm not a liar and I'm not a liar but   you guys are trying to paint me as one. The  public, court of the public, they turn on the   TV in September of last year and I was this crazy  liar. That's what the TV reported and not only did   the reported there, they wrote it on my file.  I've got to right in my cell: Paul Bernardo, Peel   Regional said Paul Bernardo lied to police about  crimes he didn't commit and said he did." Okay "I mean   this is this, that's just awful. I mean come on, enough  manipulation, you know what I mean, either you tell the   truth or don't, otherwise the whole purpose of  any interview is just stupid, because if I'm this   crazy liar, I'll be sitting here lying to you  about everything, right? Right? I mean, why wouldn't I am just   this crazy liar." And then, again, I don't I don't  know exactly what was said by Peel Region   I'm not here to answer to what they said, they're... "You  know, it's one thing, you know — I'm a human being   and to say that I'm a dangerous offender and raper  and killer and all this stuff is fine. I mean free   publicity, you know, get that real tough-on-crime, get that  bad guy, but but when you go to a certain point of   lying, it just, I mean, it affects me totally, you  know. I made mistakes, I made mistakes long time   ago, but don't say that today about this because then  we're liable and we got a big problem because   I'm looking at you and you're the bad guys, because  I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm out telling the   truth and you guys are walking around issuing  statements that I lie here, I lie there. No?"   Well, I mean, those aren't statements that were issued by Detective Hoover or myself or... "I know, but it's the same   it's Attorney General who sent you guys down  here, he's fighting the case, he's taking this   ball pitch back, right, so it's really all,  it's the same organization. It's the Attorney General  I see him on TV talking about it." But this is a  separate matter from what those issues were  "It's still the Attorney General's office." Yeah may very well be but, so, we can't speak to anything that Peel Regional does or  statements that they   release out to the media, because they have... "You  know, it's the same thing if I'm a liar   take the facts that that they have, they come down  and talk to me any cross-examine, any defence lawyer can call them up and show me where I'm lying, because you're  not gonna find it. Maybe there's a minor mistake   here and there — I think I have one thing about some tree, driveway where trees were, you know memory gets a little old   over time, but to say that is just ridiculous.  Just like you guys didn't go, uh, you guys polygraph Karla yet? Ask her about it? Nobody from the General Attorney’s office go down there? Nobody cared? Again — I know — but it's the same problem because you're making me out to be huge liar and and this is a problem." Well, I don't have any doubt as to what you told us before.  The facts that I can verify I believe were true   And from what you told me you haven't told  me any lies yet, so I have no personal reasons   to believe that your lying. "Exactly." So... "Exactly." So...  "But this is was different story than I've got in   my file..." And I don't know what's in your file because I'm not privy to that information or   what's there or what's not there I'm just telling  you from my perspective and from an investigative   perspective into what I've looked into, to what  admissions you've made back in April last   year to me, I'm I'm satisfied I've done what I can  do as far as the investigation. If Peel, if you'd   like to provide me with more information about  the specific occurrences that occurred in Peel   Region then we can talk about that after the  focus of what we're here for today. "But it  is part of the focus." Well it is and it isn't. "Well I think it is."  I mean, obviously directly we're   here today to deal with the Baltovich matter that you're aware of. "But dealing with me comes down to credibility   Comes down to credibility, absolutely it does and that's  that's what we're here to talk about today and so   let's let's deal with that and then we can deal with the other stuff afterwards. Is that ok? "Yeah, go ahead, just making   my point on it because it's gonna be addressed  sometimes." Absolutely it will. "It should have been dealt with a year and a bit ago. So" "Well, not quite a year, actually." A little over a year ago.  Um, I have some questions that were that were given to   me to ask you in relation to the Baltovich matter, the Robert Baltovich matter before   we do that I just want to say you understand  obviously the importance of telling the truth   and the consequences potentially of someone  who lies to the police and not telling the   truth? "I think we discovered that actually I was  referring you guys tell the truth." Right, okay, so   we're aware of that in this matter I believe that you  had some conversation with your council into the   regards to it and there has been some discussion  about polygraph testing in this matter. Is that   true or not true or do you recall that? "Wha?... You're opening cans of worms everywhere." No, I'm just asking you a specific   question. "You know that goes back to you guys  polygraphed everyone about the Camaro, you didn't   polygraph Karla, and in two years since, have you  guys gone down there and asked her? Have you settled   the matter with it because you could say I lied  or whatever about polygraph but have you asked her?   Because it comes down to a lot of that issue." OK.  "You know I mean have you asked her? Has the attorney general gone down..." OK, I don't know   Let me tell you a little bit; my involvement  with this overall investigation of the Baltovich   is very limited. The only knowledge that I  have is, as to what investigation has been done or   hasn't been done, is specifically what's remained  the conversations I've had about this interview   here today, okay? Who or what other witnesses there  are, I don't know. "In answer, in answer to your   question, I don't want to go off in tangents, but  all these all these issues are relevant. I  know you don’t think they are. In answer to your  question is, we had some discussion on it but   when Corcoran and the OPP came down before Karla  was released I told him I'd be willing to take a   polygraph on anything and everything would you  in turn are you going to go down before you release   Karla and just asked her — she's not gonna take it  she's gonna fail on on all these issues — did her   hand cause [inaudible] blah blah blah did this  Tami happen in July, was the girl in January   actually kidnapped and not somebody I  picked up at a bar that she tried to roll   over and all these other issues all relevant all  relevant, and and, so then I addressed it to   you guys when you came back again last year I  said yeah I'll take a polygraph on anything because   I I'm not telling a lie on a thing. Are you, have  you, again, I asked the question have you guys gone down there? I know that Karla's free now. I'm not in the  business of putting her in jail, it's not my thing   but my point was, did you ask you her the question  just so we get the story straight I mean if she   refuses, well, there's there's a reason why she's  refusing and again you guys couldn't provide the   answer and now almost a year later again you don't  provide the answer. So, I mean, you know, I don't know   what you're asking me, you're asking me to take a  polygraph when you were willing to ask her?" Well again "I mean..." This this my part of this investigation  is is limited to what we're saying here today so   the the details of all of what other witnesses  may or may not have been asked or done, I   don't know and as a as a potential witness  I'm not allowed to tell you what we have done   so now I have to sort of be careful about the  way that it's answered or even what you think   my answer might be. "Yeah, I know, I just just wanted for  the record that I gave you good information which   you guys could have independent of me could have  verified my story or not and whether you guys do   or do not is your business. Like I said, I'm not a  prosecutor I'm not here to point a finger at   anyone but I showed you where to go so if you  guys don't do that your business. But you know   to me, it's like if you didn't, why didn't you if  you want to know the truth about things." Right. "So..."   I understand that and I understand what you're saying, so, what we're here to talk about today, obviously you know that this statement may be used in   court or maybe sent to court as a voluntary  statement. "Yeah." Okay a polygraph obviously is   not something that's court admissible but I'm not  sure if you're aware of that or not. "Yeah I am." So its not before the court   So the crux of what we're here to talk about is that it  has been suggested that in the continuing case   of the disappearance of Elizabeth Bain and  the charge of murder against Robert Baltovich   that you are the alternative suspect, or an  alternative suspect. Are you aware of that? "Yeah, yeah." Did you kill Elizabeth Bain on June the 19th 1990?  "Well, it's a loaded question. I mean are we gonna   go back and go through the time sequence of what  happened in my life. I mean I could just give a   yes or no answer but you know there's a lot of  issues about that." Right. "You know, Karla's, my role   who did what, where, when — this is why I said did you  guys you know go down there to get a polygraph to   get to see if she was telling the truth. Like, why  didn't Bevan do it in the first place? I mean his   polygraphing everyone over the Camaro, why would  he make a deal with someone and not give them   a polygraph? It's incomprehensible to me. You  know because now I'm sitting — my file says her   version, and it's a lie. You know, you know what  I mean?" Yeah. "Like you know and I'm not making frivolous   points here. I mean, and now you're asking me  after you after you said Peel Regional said   I'm lying about this, and then you're saying I'm lying  about my profile, you're saying I'm lying if I'm   better or not, now you're saying hey did you kill  this person? I mean well you're saying I'm lying here   here here. I could say no I didn't, but I mean you  already said I'm lying here with Peel, you're   saying..." Ok, I'm not saying anything about who's lying  I'm simply, um... "And I’ve given you directions to go to find the truth and no one's done that." And I  have asked and again I have told you that I've   done investigations on information that you've told me, and as a result of that information I have been   able to verify in my mind where you've told me the truth,  so if Peel Region is lying about you or someone   else is lying about you, I have no control over that or no...  "It goes right to credibility." Well absolutely   it does and that's I guess the the easy way  today is to if we can go through will answer   the questions and yes I hope to be able to go  through some timeline to identify where you   were what you were doing specifically in relation  to this this case. "Anyways I know I'm giving you   guys a hard time about certain things but, I mean, really,  I'm a human being and when you guys do all these   things I've gotta... anyways, I'll try and truncated it  a little bit more but, anyways, the answer to that is no, but the 800-pound   gorilla in the room is that's a life-25 sentence,  you know, it really comes down to credibility and   not only credibility but then again timeline.  I mean. between what Karla's and my roles were   respectively and this and that. The answer's no  to that question." Did you have anything to do   with her disappearance? "No." Did you know Elizabeth Bain? "Not that I know of." Had you ever met her? "I'm gonna answer that with I don't remember Because if I did or I didn't, I don't remember But I know an ex-girlfriend try to say it but, like I say, I don't remember" You are they obviously are  aware of her disappearance?   "Yeah, sort of." Do you recall when you became aware of this? "Best that I can recollect after in September "Didn't follow the news much" The date obviously June the 19th 1990 was... "But  but but, you know, other than that   I don't remember, maybe I heard about it before but I can't recall if I did or not. But I remember in jail I had  newspapers after that fact and I saw something on it" We'll sort of get into that a little bit  when we hope to go through a bit of a timeline   with you as to some things that may jog your  memory as to.. "We're talking now." Back in that time. I mean   If you asked me what I was doing three weeks  ago on Tuesday I probably couldn't tell you   unless you put some reference to it so hopefully  be able to do that and again obviously June the   19th 1990, do you know what you were doing that  day? "I have no recollection." I have a document here in front of me that references some points in time around  this, the June of 1990 period from police   investigation. This is what indicates  you may have been involved with or may   have certain things that you may have  done and I'd like to go through a couple   of them that sort of may sort of assist  you in remembering what we were doing back in 1990 The first part of June 1990 actually June  the first, Karla had a doctor's appointment where she was complaining of pains in her  right side, perhaps she had something to do   with the rabies shot, does that ring any bells?  "None at all." In the first part of June you had a Nissan   240sx is that correct? "Yeah." You're making several  trips into the United States June 2nd June 3rd   June 10th June 16th. I think at that point you  were involved with cigarette smuggling and   things like that from what I recall. Is that no? "That would be. No, that wasn't until after we moved out, so." Ok. So, making several trips to the States within  a couple of days that's something...? "When we   started the relationship we were going over  all the time so just for personal reasons only" On June the 16th you shopped at Ruff Hewn. Is that Niagara  Falls, United States, is that store sound familiar to you? "Yeah it sounds familiar, I have no idea if those are the dates, but you got a receipt for it." I think there must be a receipt and again I don't   have all the details I'm just going by what's on this sheet of paper — it's a black expandable binder, does that... "I can't recall 100 percent but..." That would have been around the same time. That was about a week prior to, if you purchased one of those, Elizabeth Bain going missing "I have no idea when I purchase it, I just recall  I had something like that, like an accordion binder type of thing June June the 16th again, thats woulda been the same day in St. Catharines you   attended a movie Back to the Future  3. Do you recall when that movie came out? "I have no idea" There's a receipt for a cellphone  purchased at a Radio Shack at the   Town & Country mall at 6366 Yonge  Street. Do you remember buying a cellphone   "I know I bought a cell phone around that  time because when I declared bankruptcy I handed my other one in and I bought the Radio Shack one  I don't know the dates." That would have been the  day after Elizabeth Bain went missing   Does that... do you remember anything you were involved with around that time? You say you were going bankrupt so what   type of activity were involved in sort of on a day-to-day basis? "The only thing I remember about the bankruptcy that happened around a couple days before  the the sexual assault that   the composite came out, that was — if i recollect correctly — it was two days before I filed for that "But I couldn't even tell you that date, I just  know it was some time in... what date did you say that was? June the...?" June the 16th of 1990. "When was  that sexual assault, the one with the composite, was it the 24th What date do you guys have for that?" There was one, there was a sexual assault  in May of 1990. "That the composite one? In May?" I think that it is but it doesn't say that  specifically here but shortly after that... "My time line's off."  "Um, I don't know." The end of June of 1990 that was the original, when someone identified you potentially . as the Scarborough rapist... "When  was that, the end of...?" That was June 28 of 1990 Lori Homolka's 19th birthday was  June the 22nd 1990. Do you recall her going to her birthday? "I know, I know it was  around that time but I don’t specifically recall that birthday" The only reason it might have sunk in is she would have then been of legal drinking age and perhaps you [inaudible] "Way before that" June 21st so after just the day after you've  bought the cell phone you made a purchase at   "I'm sorry, you know saying what 19 for this girl's...?" June 19th was the day she went missing  "What day did I buy that?" June 20th was the day you bought the cell phone. June 25 "I must have declared bankruptcy   around then because I got that cell phone — I had to hand my, all my, uh, items in to the trustee and I had a cell phone, so I went in and got a Radio Shack one, so it would have been right around the same time, I don’t think I went a month without it I don't think so, I might have, but anyways I don't know, it was a while ago, so memory's a bit fuzzy." Yeah, May the 29th which was just before that   about a month before that that was the day that  the police released the composite. "Ah, so it was May"  "So I lost a month. That's what happens you lock a guy over fifteen years and then bring this all up  "The memory gets fuzzy. So I guess  I waited a month to get the cell phone." About a   month to get the cell phone. Did you recall anything  what were what were you doing sorry during that month? Anything? "Probably the same thing says they're  going across the border, back and forth, recreational stuff "I know Tammy happened in July. That was I think third week  in July, for the first time but this was back a few months" Okay, so just prior to Tammy's birthday there  was some shopping at a Canadian Tire store... "Lori"   "Lori's birthday. Sorry, Lori's birthday. Two times in one day you went to   Canadian Tire on Sheppard Avenue 1019 Sheppard Avenue. Do you normally shop   at Canadian Tire stores? "Back then, yeah. That's before all  these super center, Walmart's and stuff" Do you ever recall having any conversations  about the disappearance of Elizabeth Bain? "No." If I if I played you a, it's going to play  us a short audio clip. It's a conversation   that you had — or a conversation between Tony Moore who was an investigator with   the Toronto police and Karla Homolka.  I'm just going to play to see if this   sounds familiar or if it jogs your memory  as to any conversation you may have had Had there been any discussion about Bain's disappearance? "Umm, I think the only thing that he ever said  was about her was that her boyfriend did   it or something like that but there wasn't any   real extensive discussion but he talked  about like all the women that were disappearing" Again that that was a conversation between  an investigator Tony Moore with the Toronto   Police Service and Karla Holmolka. Does that conversation, is  that something you may recall saying that to Karla or talking about that? "Well, you know, she went down 'Paul did it.'  Catchphrases at trial — 'Paul did it,' 'It   was Paul.' She's continuing right here, the fact  of the matter was, since I didn't pay attention   to anything, I didn't watch the news back then, I  was too busy doing other things. I didn't pay attention but there's the   profile is a serial killer pays attention to all the news media, this narcissistic personality, blah blah blah All that crap. I don't know anything about this case now, I don't  know if this guy did it, I don't even care I'm not a   prosecutor, you know, do the right thing for  society blah blah blah I don't know if he   did it, I don't have the facts to know if he did it, and I certainly didn't know back then, so to say that for me to make, she's alleging that I made  a statement 'the boyfriend did it.' well, you know   some cases I have followed because I'm in jail and I've nothing else to do but watch the   TV, but I weigh the facts, you know, I take, you know, like did OJ like do it for example, right   You weigh the facts about whether he  did or not, he got off, so I think that's the law but   I would have had to weigh the facts. I don't know  the facts in these circumstances so there's no way   I can make a statement such as that. How could I say  he did it if I don't know the facts of the case So, no, she’s, she’s incorrect" And it may depend on when that conversation took place between between her and and that investigator "Well, Moore, wasn’t he back when that deal was made? "Moore, if I remember reading the transcripts that was a name from day one, when she signed her little twelve year deal, no polygraph required. Hey I'm   I'm giving you the truth here, you guys  can prove me wrong, go down there ask her   You're gonna get a no. I keep telling you but no one  does it. But on but you know so that's sounds   like a conversation but that's what you  do, you want to blame it all on the other person You know, you paint that scenario.— psychopathic serial killer" Do you do you know Robert Baltovich? "I’ve seen him on, you know, on [inaudible] TV or whatever "Okay, so I purposely avoided this case." Right.  "I don't like this shit on my   mind, do you know what I mean? Anything to do with... You know, unfortunately when Karla came out I watched and tried to discern truth, fact between fiction  a couple of years ago but otherwise, you   know, I don't like to get into these things.  I've had 100 lifetimes of all her stuff and I   don't want my mind poisoned with this  and this and this, so in this case I avoid it as much as possible But I have seen his face on the TV" Anything else you'd like to  tell us about this investigation? "No." Okay, the time now is 2:35 and we'll  conclude this portion of our interview "Okay."
Channel: The Mob Reporter
Views: 2,273,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, journalism, criminology, Wrongful conviction, police interrogation, Prison, Police, court, law, education, paul bernardo and karla homolka, Crime, Prisoner, Victims, Confessions, Law enforcement technique, Toronto, Adrian Humphreys, The Mob Reporter, interview, serial killers interviews, paul bernardo interview, paul bernardo, karla homolka, Karla, Ken and Barbie killers, bernardo, legal, attorney, lawyer, court evidence, academic study, police interview
Id: hLTAjW5Twlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2014
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