Pattaya 2017. Girls? How much? The last Thaiday Friday.

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Oh [Music] hello you this is big fat bestie and today we've come down to beach robe to central festival which is a great place to one the fruits the nicest the probably newest or I'm not the newest anymore but it's certainly the nicest mouth in central patio and today I've been putting this one off actually but one of my subscribers has asked me to talk to you about girls in Thailand and how much they cost so I'll turn the camera around will ever wander down Beach Road whilst I try to explain it as best as I can but it is a pretty controversial topic and and whatever I set see whatever I say here I can't win because somebody is going to comment saying you're paying too little you cheap charlie and somebody is going to comment saying what you paying that much for you to equal in all the views in this vlog of mine and generally what I pay depending on that I don't know how drunk I am how much I like the girl and all all that shebang so there's three different types of girl that you can take here in Pattaya I want to try and get across this friggin wrote a bit more salads it's just it's not going to happen here the mall in a nearly across stood it good lots of traffic I'm going to try and get across before this beam up brilliant so yeah as I was saying but three times ago pretty much that you can take all the varying prices the first type is the kind of girl that you'll find right here on Beach Road also known as the coconut bar they are freelancers so the freelancers pros and cons well the pros are that they're pretty cheap and you don't have to pay a bar fine because they don't work in a bar you can find freelancers all the way everywhere really that we wandering along beach roads a lot of them will be lady voice though but if you want a lady freelancer I suggest something like a bar insomnia after all the go-go's clothes a lot the girls head down there for a bit of a dance and to get a customer maybe so yeah that's the first kind freelancer the cons of a freelancer is you don't really have any safety apart from taking their ID in the hotel so a lot of the time as well there's a reason why if we Lanza is a freelancer so one for example could be that positive reason to get to work whatever else you want not tied to any particular bar she's our own boss you can do what she likes but also are the more sinister reasons one they might be by being fired from their bar for stealing to worse they may have a failed health check in the bars generally they have a full checkup every month so that's something to consider when getting a freelancer certain ones off of each road three yeah them as then web be thieves a Mighty Mite Robbie all have done that one already for what else is there could there be a problem with with freelancers there is another marketer yeah of course they might be underage and that is certainly something you do not only messing with here in Thailand so that's the first guy in freelancer I'm not entirely sure how much freelancers cost because I generally don't take them by believe if you want to cheat Charlie they can be had as low as 500 baht certainly a thousand baht you're probably almost certainly get a freelance of a short time a short time a long time let me explain the differences of those as well short time you go back either into a short time room liking so thick so you take them back to your hotel you do the business and once you pop the anti Pringles you stop this it's over they're getting the shower you pay them and they go a long time more likely girlfriend experience so if you if you like that kind of thing let's say you pick them up say ten o'clock at night you might go out for a meal you might go drinking eating dancing all that good stuff with them and they'll stay over there quite often until around midday the next day obviously cost a little bit more but we'll move on to that the second type and this is the type that I generally go for is the bar go so this is a girl who works in a bar any of the beer bars could be anywhere could be walking street could be a Diana where I live could be okay Metro so seven so a drinking street and just anywhere basically any any girl who works in the bar could be a one of the uncovered beer bar complexes or it could be a bar bar and generally again this is not a definitive guide but generally the final fine which is what you pay the bar to take the girl out of the bar because obviously she's no longer serving drinks anymore she don't be making the bar any money so they need a bit of compensation for that generally the bar fines about 300 that might be 400 that 300 photos about doesn't break the bank and generally I will pay a bar girl 1000 maybe 1200 for short time I'll agree on the thousands and then I'll write tippers and taxi money at the end short time and long time 1500 if I really like her and if she's like pushing for more than you okay I might push it to 1600 2000 for a long time but I certainly wouldn't go higher than than 2000 by even for a long time so that's the beer bar girls and then the third kind is the expensive ones which is your go-go girl stroke coyote girl and the prices will vary on this I mean I've heard of girl places trying to charge a up to three thousand dollar fine I don't know why anybody in their right mind would would pay that for anyone but quite often the bar fiying will be 1500 or 1200 or thousands before midnight after midnight it normally drops and it normally drops to a thousand or or maybe maybe even five hundred baht for your bar fine and then again your mileage may vary with the girl I would suggest if it's a LK Metro girl you'll be talking go-go girl mm short time maybe two and a half three long time and if it's a walking street girl maybe a little bit more than that some of them will only short time if they're gogo girls I want to make as much money as possible as many customers as they can in a night so yeah they might they might want to charge you three thousand four thousand our service way way way out of my budget so yeah so that's the the go-go girl there are also Russian girls who will walk down their work down walking Street I've never taken any of those I don't really see the point in doing a Russian girl if you come all this way to Thailand I'll stick with the Thais thank you very very much so verax my rather flimsy guide on how much it costs to get a girl here in Thailand and of course as well if you are if you get on with one and you meet one in your light one then there's no reason why I mean I did this years ago the girl took some time off work she had a bit of a mini holiday with me them just stayed as kind of a girlfriend for a couple of weeks so it can be done if that that's what floats your boat or you can just butterfly around all the girls one thing I will say and I don't know whether it's just me I've had a lot of girls and including on this trip as well being really really clingy I mean again I've generally just short time but I made the mistake of giving one my I friended on Facebook and then that was that that was you know oh I love you when you come see me well maybe I won't it's if you can has stalk me but again FFA over here up to you so you've enjoy this little walk and talk about bar girls and gogo girls I'm sure you'll have your own views on it or whether I'm being a cheap charlie or a lame dupe / payer but it is up to you thank you so much for watching this vlog I'm approaching 200 subscribers so things are going well keep subscribing if you haven't already please click Subscribe if you like the vlog please click like on the vlog if you want to find out when I'm vlogging next click the little bell symbol so thanks for watching take care of see you in the next vlog
Channel: Big Fat Besty
Views: 1,149,515
Rating: 4.1675458 out of 5
Keywords: travel, vlog, girls, Thailand, Pattaya, 2017, company, cost, money, baht, short time, long time, freelancer, bar girl, gogo girl, coyote girl
Id: p5KV48mOOdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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