Pathfinders: In The Company Of Strangers

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our job is to ensure that thousands of u.s paratroopers land where they're supposed to get ready without a system our pilots will be dropping our troops all over the french countryside the solution you the pathfinders jack kerry quit head of the entire invasion we will be the first ones to set foot on french soil once you and your men have jumped and made it to the ground you only have half an hour to locate and mark the drop zones for the coming invasion that's the 91st german infantry [Music] they're gonna be stirred up like a hornet's nest just give them another minute give those boys a chance you ain't got a minute sound off your equipment check do okay one okay stand in the door get him out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so get ready check your equipment okay [Music] oh [Music] i love you [Music] [Music] big [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my man sit [Music] either you're incredibly smart or you kiss a whole lot of brass let me see if i have this right according to you the success of the entire airborne invasion is your small group of men yes sir well i have serious reservations it's a gamble at best have you thought about your boys being stranded if the invasion is called off it's a bad domino effect if your men fail the airborne invasion fails and if that happens it spells disaster for the men on the beach them and me no more cocktail parties i don't like the odds but the orders come down your plan is to go so make damn sure you pick the right men for the job [Music] this isn't gonna work [Music] these are our guys from the 508 and these are the men transferring in from the 504. then you've got this guy henry yeah the boxer then they've got this rigapolis regopolis regopolis from massachusetts a bit of a joker from what i'm told that's what they call themselves yeah they're a street gang not an infantry unit they're supposed to just come in last minute and blend in with our boys [Music] you gotta like livingston the alabama kid though 178 parachute jumps already under his belt 178. can you believe that his record is not what bothers me it's a mindset who volunteers to test parachutes [Music] what about you you just got married your wife's expecting if she knew what you volunteer for she'd kill you you're right she would this isn't gonna work captain thinks it will yeah well at least you've met him [Music] now they should be on base any minute should be interesting [Music] [Music] oh great another truckload of mouths to feed which one's livingston [Music] which one is he well it's not him now as isolated as we were it wasn't surprising that we started to sound like a sewing circle cut off fenced in out of touch with everything except our pathfinder team [Music] which as of today has just doubled in size with a group of total strangers a group of strangers who held our lives in their hands someone somewhere must have thought this was a good idea morning ladies it was right there and i wasn't so sure ain't you a pretty looking bunch better than looking ugly as homemade soup [Music] at least you got to be 10 smarter than what you're working on oh listen i don't want to waste your time and i don't want to waste mine so i'll cut to the chase we have a bet going for the invasion date two bucks get you in the pool hey let me give it a try and now you guys here it doubles a pot two bucks get you in two bucks two wait who's who said i want it in two months who said no i never said i wanted it it's too late to get out now i'm not in i was never in nice guys hey it's great to see you this is my buddy sister we got way back yeah hey good nice to meet you yeah hell evening livingston's in all right try it now i think it can work providing they don't change the drop zone sir here's the trooper you want to see lieutenant [Music] is uh this one of yours maybe lieutenant see you in the briefing now it's been reported to me on more than one occasion you've got 178 jumps under your belt research for airborne you could call it that sir 178 does a body get hazard pay for 178 jumps [Music] no sir well haven't you any fear you do but you're not gonna tell me right all right private i'll see you in the briefing yes sir i like him so you met the captain well i got his name well neil neil what do you think gene gene i figured we better start going by first names nobody can tell who's in whose regiment we got our boys we got the boys from the 504 now our cos from the 505. like a military gumbo kinda like gumbo yes i'm still here i know corporal but i still haven't received any of the red and yellow to my knowledge sir yes i know the planes are being marked with black and white paint i'm telling you i additionally requested all the red and yellow paint you can find everything that you've got i sent that no don't put the phone on again corporal corporal corporal damn it mark my words some days someone's gonna find a way to make you wait on the phone at the push of a button for pete's sake i hope he fights better than your types corporal i'm not interested in your mix-ups i'm personally putting you in charge of getting me all the red and yellow paint you can get your grubby little hands on is that clear that's classified that's classified just give me the paint corporal make it top priority is that understood right away damn sir i'm gonna need you to sign this [Music] sir would you uh like a cup no thank you how's your team coming together just fine sir the mission's a go but there's been a slight change in plans is there a problem there are no problems neil only challenges once you and your men have jumped and made it to the ground you only got half an hour to locate mark the drop zones for the coming invasion and stay alive long enough to help guide them in let's cut to brass tacks they've shifted your drop zone over a mile and a half from the original location right here that's the 91st german infantry whose idea was that they're gonna be stirred up like a hornet's nest there's no way around this one i'm sorry neil and the reports are correct the 91st german infantry are specialists in anti-parachute maneuvers [Music] that is that is a challenge no that's a problem look neil we both know i can't guarantee the invasion will follow your pathfinders could get left out there with their pants down but if the invasion does follow you must light those beacons and show us the way oh good you're here stay out of trouble i'll see you when i get back hello now not a good time depends have you been thinking of me the strong silent type yes i mean no no i'm not the strong silent type and yes i have been thinking about you [Music] good and you me the table needs to be set actually who are you talking to the temple for dinner well if i can be there in entire for dinner would you set a place for me that's absurd i really don't have time for this place that you're talking to on the table well the summer is almost ready just answer the question there is always a place for you now i have to go why would a fighter fly so low that wasn't a fighter since when did you become a professor of aviation engineering i would love some peace darling thank you yes how many engines does the spitfire have well they already actually know better than to fly solo aren't they the best thing the b-17 is the american fortress my dear i do not think that was a b-17 it has two engines how many engines does a b-17 have four who taught you that apply with all the military equipment and personnel on this island it's a wonder we haven't begun to sink that's right very true would you like some potatoes i'd like some potatoes please all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's holding out on me oh man holding on to them for no reason i only saw him smoke that one cigarette he doesn't need them like i do come on got any smokes [Music] you got a lake yeah well did you pick a date i don't gamble you know that how about you gerard look i don't know these guys from adam and i'm just not ready to hand over my wallet but you are ready to hand over your life you know i don't have a choice what if he did the spartans never would have agreed to it sorry well it's a riddle and we're the ones that are forced to figure it out true but would you all we need to do is stay focused and i guarantee you nature will take care of the rest nature we aren't sitting at walden pond look this isn't a discussion on theology thoreau or emerson but one of sound logic and military strategy maybe it's neither maybe it's simply a question of mathematics and economics maybe we are the bottom of the barrels scraped together at the last minute but at least we're in the barrel a barrel of fish a barrel of beer a barrel of pickles you know you're gonna fit right in with those guys well i'll agree they're not very good conversationalists i would rather jump with a combat tested renegade or whatever you want to call them then a handful of men who haven't even seen combat that's the hand they've been dealt that's true well everything happens for a reason no the answer to your question no i wouldn't but maybe someone knows something we don't all right guys briefing in five hey d-day operation overlord gentlemen we jump tonight i do however have some news due to the increased presence of the 91st german infantry division commander seemed fit to shift our drop zone drop zone n 1.5 miles inland here and as you can see we're surrounded on two sides by flooded rivers and on a third side by the enemy also intelligence reports tell us the 91st german infantry division is currently executing anti-parachute maneuvers all to ensure we get a proper welcome and the finest in german hospitality so we're gonna have to move fast to get this job done lieutenant weaver this is the briefing area for drop zone in if you don't belong in the briefing area for drop zone in you need to find your respective drop zone briefing area all right let's go over it again our job is to ensure that thousands of u.s paratroopers land where they're supposed to without a system our pilots will be pissing in the wind dropping our troops all over the french countryside at that point the airborne invasion will fail the solution you the pathfinders ahead of the entire invasion we will be the first ones to set foot on french soil once we touch down we have 30 minutes to complete the following a locate our drop zone b get it lit so that our pilots can see it and c have our eureka transmitter up and operation now once transmitting eureka will transmit to the airborne invasion planes the planes have been equipped with the rebecca receiver directing them to us and the exact location where to drop our troops thus beginning the invasion it's eureka to rebecca eureka to rebecca are you men from the 508 your job is to ensure that the lights are set up and that the eureka is up in operation you men from the 504 your only objective [Music] to keep them alive last you guys know that this mission has been called off in the past and that there's no guarantees that won't happen again so yes this may be a one-way ticket if it is i'll just grow beards like robinson caruso [Music] we assemble at 1600 hours go back to your quarters get your gear i'll see you in the assembly area well is it true it sure is the days long those 505th guys can land within a few feet of each other wow they just jump bunch of the door i would not go changing things around now long as i don't land in a tree i'm happy what are the chances of that happening i would take a tree over an open field any day landing in an open field is like being as naked as a newborn what the hell are you doing keep stuff in your pockets full they're gonna burst the scenes look you heard the lieutenant we are not the hunters fellas we're the hunted a 90 chance the invasion will get called off we're going to be stranded out there with a group of guys who call themselves the jokers if i were you i would pack more food [Music] you honestly think you're gonna get a chance to smoke all those smoke every cigarette in this tent you might need these then thanks my breath is fine your breath could knock a buzzard off a manure pile remember rigs people ladies man speak of the devil so which year the eureka operators are you taking bets again you what about you nope gerard francis hamilton that's not the instruction manual is it it comes with an instruction manual well we're standing down we'll jump tomorrow what why not today fog so much for the weather gods well hell livingston you picked the fifth sixth and seven i told you i told you it was gonna be sooner you didn't tell me anything i did you don't listen true genius is showing hey thanks pal you know you look just like our old ceo oh boy the pranks we used to pull on him talk about devious our old co used to love fresh ground pepper he used to have this fancy pepper grinder wherever he went he's sticking in his back pocket like a huge log of wood limping into the mess hall every day do you know how many dead flies you can find on an army they're everywhere they're on the floor they're in the latrine i got the whole platoon looking everywhere for these dead flies i got more dead flies than i know what to do start lining them up i got my own battalion of bugs it's perfect but for the perfect crime you need three things you need a motive you need a weapon but what we didn't have was the opportunity seems like every time we tried to strike we'd pack up and move he volunteers me to carry these bugs these little bastards finally opportunity knocks so under the cover of darkness we drop our army of dead flies into his pepper grinder and every day a child we sit back and laugh every time we hear [Music] [Music] all right gentlemen lana they want to take our picture gather around boys by the looks of them makes you wonder if they know what's about to happen makes you wonder if calling off the jump the night before was all part of the plan okay gentlemen this one's for the history boy cry hi guess fabulous hey pickles i spoke latin there's a lot you don't know about me maybe that was part of the overall plan too which plane is he in yours don't worry somebody's looking out for you birds of a feather a man needs a little more than that don't you think it's not the size keep telling yourself that gerard you dreamer i'm supposed to grab a rifle once i hit the ground i can't jump with both a eureka and a rifle then let's hope there's not many laying around i just don't like the idea it's the apprehension not the act i know all the guys with an m1 i just hate going to bed at night wondering which one it's gonna be i wouldn't worry about it it's nines and grenades still dawn if you pick up mine i'll be all right with it i just don't like the idea well if i find one i'll pick it up for you and i won't tell you where it came from come on cigarette break's over come on let's go let's get a move on pickles don't forget your purse they're surprised rick's talking again so we're flying into sicily right we got the naval gun blast us with flack we're bouncing all over the place the guys are sicker than dogs me i'm throwing my teeth so hard open like hell and i'll pick my nuts up all over the floor then there was this guy what was his name simmons the guy's name was simmer simmons that's right so he's sitting right across me and he's heaving so bad but nothing's coming up he's any minute he's going to launch a load of puke right in the wig's lap so simon just keeps on heaving i'm waiting to spray puke all over everyone but nothing's coming up you should have seen the guy next he's green the gills too it's heads or tails who's going to puke first but my money's on simmons yeah i know he's got his hands cuffed out he's ready to catch whatever comes up i'm thinking man just don't throw up but if simmons keeps this up i'm gonna barf i don't know how much for this no simmons is ready to hurl he's got his hands ready but i just know we're bouncing around so much there's no way he's gonna stop him away just as he barfs a flat blast rocks the sideways and the hand covering the mouth splits the barbecue right next to me okay nexus is not a happy camper i mean he's mad he turns he says simmons looks down and sees all the barf bits on his reservoirs next thing you know we get the red jump light and we're hooked up and we're ready to go oh but simmons isn't touched by me and he's about to even i'm open any minute i'm gonna get a sega loaded dinner right down my back come on turn me down [Laughter] he the light turns green i shuffled the door i'm out the door but not a drop and puke on my jumpsuit not a drop hey so what'd you have for lunch wait wait wait hold on you got lunch you bet i got lunch where did you get lunch get your hands off my bag get your hands off my back every one of us has got to figure this out for themselves for me the moment i stepped my foot out that door i accept the fact that i just died for those three seconds it's all in god's hands but when i look up above me and i see that big beautiful canopy of silk i'm a reborn man death and rebirth every time i jump so don't you worry yourself about it too much i'll see you in france lord i thank you for looking out for me give me strength and i will not let these men down i would do my duties a soldier but if it is your will that i should be killed please make it quick maybe a shot to the head chest wounds are nasty but they don't last long please not a gut wound takes a long time for a man to die with a wound like that but whatever you do please make it quick [Music] lord i don't want to be alone if it does happen so if you can arrange that lord i'd be very grateful your will be done [Music] amen now i don't need to remind you that the success of this mission hinges solely on your ability to evade the enemy not give away your position unless absolutely necessary the eureka transmitter and the lights the only way our planes are gonna see their drop zones we've got a lot of men counting on us [Music] godspeed gentlemen i'll see you on the ground saddle up gear up boys [Music] i was told this was the best time to put a call through i'm sorry mum but no calls are being accepted at this time this happens from time to time not to worry i'm sure all is well [Music] [Music] [Music] if anyone's going to make it back he [Music] will [Music] stand up okay [Music] get him out [ __ ] [Music] daddy in there go go on me [Laughter] i'll get it for you ah [Applause] [Music] come on let's go don't ever do that again i got something for you it's a german bandage i don't want to take this thing smells funny anyway i got it for you i don't know where it's been all right i'll find a use for it let's go [Music] foreign you ah hmm so this so you lucky son of a [ __ ] let's see if that luck doesn't rub off hey passing that light don't lose it don't break it don't sit on it we only got one you understand all right let's move out we got a light to deliver um uh [Music] [Music] flash trying to get caught where's your transmitter you ain't got [Music] one we got a light and we got to get into that drop zone go all right looks like they're reloading over that hedgerow [Applause] [Music] trooper why did i tell you about that bag hey eyes front grenade get out of here no get out of there [Music] um flash thunder i'm surprising you you're cricket too well i would have that wasn't carrying your gift in my other hand would you think it was his wallet the cricket is some brainchild of some college graduate and look what he got this guy brave you're nothing but a two-bit pickpocket do you hear any crickets well if you think i'm gonna go through the whole night without once using the password you're out of your mind it has a purpose hey hey that's his it's mine now and it might have a purpose but i'm not using it flash thunder damn it riggs is this it well at least until morning come morning i got a date if we make till then now aren't you just a bright ray of sunshine no time for chicken pecking ladies we got no time in a mile and a half to go that's cute i'll take the point rick's follows in the rear right where he likes it i'm switching to a rooster the hell are they shooting at bubbles in a tree which tree which idiot [Music] come on let's go [Applause] do you have your eureka no do you have a light no you have your rifle nope it riggs put him back in the tree i got my 45. so [Music] get over covering fire okay come on sister let's go let's go come on let's go let's go let's move clock's ticking what's the hold up open field sir which formation let's move drop it stay down down down all right lieutenant how'd you do it how did you get through magic magic every time we try to get out they outflank us and push us back here well then move faster yeah how did we get through they let you through they know you're here well good i don't like surprises where's the light team out of 58 men this is what we know we have still no rifle no hey hey here they come here they come hold your fire [Music] hold your fire stay down stay down hold hold i said hold your fire pickle [Music] look at me breathe stay with me man hang in there come on hang in there hang in there don't give up on me buddy the only way out of this mess is straight through it that means you lucky i should stay oh no you're not don't worry sir i'll be fine get out of here we'll see you in the morning we'll do we're cutting through these woods see you around take a look on me i'll see you in the morning hey got something for you [Music] see you around [Music] all right boys [Music] normandy [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so okay boys other side of that hedgerow and we're home free check it out i'll go give him that light real estate is currently unavailable [Music] looks like we have to take the long way boys [Music] move out on me us flame there's a road just ahead rick's takes point cicero falls in the rear let's move get down i stay down all right go get moving it covers that stay down so where's cicero he's got 20 seconds to show his face we've got one eureka and no light team this is bad all we need is one rest just baggage anyway besides how do you know there's no light team don't matter if it's a trap we got three minutes and one chance to get that light across battlefield one of us is gonna get that light across that field got it if he fumbles the ball the closest manchester one picks it up and brings it straight into that end zone all right wedge formation weaver you're up front [Music] let's move on [Music] double time steady boys [Music] go go go [Music] uh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] can you see me now [Music] [Music] boy we'll just stand there [Music] you hear that that's it that's our drop zone hear that all right it's now or never go get down get down ah [Music] so [Music] secure the area [Music] [Music] they're off course come on navigator what have you got not good absolutely nothing just hold your head i know we're here here we're over [Music] if you don't find it soon we're gonna have to go to division okay just give them another minute give those boys a chance a minute you ain't got a minute [Music] 10 degrees left right now [Music] yes that's how you start a party i've been dragging this thing around all night sure picked a nice spot for me come on take it all night [Music] [Music] are you alone well i'm never alone well we are and we've been told to hold this position at all cops well that's a hopeless proposition unless we can take out that border who's we mourner have a look son of a [ __ ] see it 150 yards oh great great time for my co to leave where'd he go to get reinforcements hopefully more than you he's not going to make it back in time for us yeah so listen if anything happens to me i want you to notify my outfit eddie livingston item company 504. got it where the hell are you going it gets shot you're never gonna make it oh [ __ ] oh 900 meters [Music] [Music] laden [Music] from [Music] bye [Music] foreign [Music] black [Music] map [Music] thunder morning boys you're on your way to hill 30. well that off you're right but as you can see this seat's taken with no after battle report and no written record of our mission we all knew that we would slip through the fingers of history not as a pessimist but as a realist i tried piecing together both why and how this mission was able to work honestly i couldn't then and i still can't put my finger on it i guess maybe it's true that some things are just better left unsaid [Music] maybe it's true that one can't find logic in the human heart maybe logic has nothing to do with it at all [Music] well that doesn't really matter for me i'm just i'm just glad there was a missing piece to the puzzle something i wasn't counting on something i didn't even see you know call it what you will i know what i call it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Janson Media
Views: 317,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pathfinders, pathfinders movie, paratroopers, movie pathfinders, pathfinders in the company of strangers full movie, trailer pathfinders, path finders full movie, trailer path finders, full movie, full movies 2021, pathfinders backstory, pathfinders quest, military, british army, parachute regiment, special forces, path finders official trailer, company of strangers trailer, pathfinder, pathfinders truth, paratroopers training, pathfinders full movie, full movie 2021
Id: KhSzbK0Sm18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 37sec (5917 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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